Showing posts sorted by relevance for query fire nation sanctions. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query fire nation sanctions. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday 3 June 2022

Deniability is important to the strategy of evil

You may have noticed (if you have noticed anything since 2020!) that evil nearly-always wants to take a round-about and deniable route to its desired outcomes

This can get pretty complex - especially when (as I assume) different kinds of demons are engaged in misleading each-other. 

Thus - the Climate Change scam/lie is mostly about the bureaucratic totalitarian ("Ahrimanic") demons using CO2 (trade mark Gas-of-Life) as a rationale for the worldwide surveillance, monitoring and control of humankind - partly by means of creating a much smaller world economy that is susceptible of such micro-management.

But the demons of destruction ("Sorathic") approve this scheme because (in destroying 'non-sustainable' practices) it will grossly shrink and cripple the world economy; and inevitably will cause the Giga-death of billions of the masses by starvation (amplified by disease and violence).  

The totalitarian demons thus used the Fire Nation invasion as a (more-or-less) plausible excuse to accelerate their 'Green Energy' programme by inflicting severe oil-starving and trade-sabotaging 'sanctions' on their own nations (under the pretense that this would harm the Fire Nation!... ROFL). 

(Some of the stupider bureaucrats seem also to have believed that these 'sanctions', plus exclusion of leaders from the international elite club of demon-possessed snakes and zombies; would rapidly bring the militarily and raw-material mighty Fire Nation to its knees and under control of the Global Establishment; preparatory to doing the same - sometime down the line - to the productive and populous Earth Nation.)

You can see the cleavage opening between the waning totalitarian-demons and the waxing destroyers; in that (after only three months!) the totalitarians have suddenly realized that the economic-trade collapse wrought by the climate-emergency-inspired oil-sanctions will very quickly and completely disable, then destroy, the complex surveillance-monitoring-control capability of the bureaucratic states... 

(With the end of Agenda 2030/ Great Reset and all those other grandiose globalist strategies.) 

But why the roundabout route, why bother with deniability?

Partly, because people may react-against and fight overt evil. Albeit, the Godless masses are now so incapable of thought and addicted to distraction - and the intellectual classes so inverted in their values - that they might well go-along - enthusiastically! - with explicit plans for their own annihilation; as with population replacement and enslavement to 'the other' under the diversity ideal. 

But mainly because the demons want us to desire our own enslavement and/or destruction

All the evil that is done to us - up to and including starvation, disease, violence, and death - needs to be regarded by the victims as deserved, "for our own good", for the greater good; or for some other kind of abstractly 'virtuous' reason such as the QWERTY-trans/ Green/ healthist/ feminist or other leftist ideology (now widely advocated as having transcended God, and the need for God).

But, because God is merciful and desires that we are saved; only by Men desiring their own damnation - or, at the extreme of resentment, suffering and fear, by despairing and regarding God the creator as an evil tormentor... Only thus can our death be made an effective route to damnation and Hell.

By contrast; if most people were to notice, acknowledge and understand what is going-on behind the lies, deceptions and deniability - then this insight into evil will lead to an increased likelihood of salvation after death; and also a higher likelihood of people learning and developing spiritually during this mortal life. 

This is what the Beings of purposive evil seek to avoid by pursuing deliberately bad outcomes by roundabout, deniable and plausibly-'virtuous' roundabout routes

Therefore, those who remain unconscious, passive, and who refuse to see evil - actually bring down suffering upon themselves

The demons know that the mass of self-blinded folk will never blame the guilty, and will instead seek well-meaning excuses for the result of Satanic motivations. 

The more such people suffer and despair - the more assured is their damnation. 

And, contrariwise; our best possible spiritual defense against the domination by evil Beings; is to be alert, aware and honest - and strive always, wholeheartedly, to understand the truth behind the deceptions. 

Saturday 21 January 2023

All in The West must take the side of evil (Nobody is allowed to be neutral - not even a bit)

True neutrality with respect to any question concerning values is not a possibility, and never has been; yet degrees of 'official' neutrality used to be conceded, and commonplace - as pragmatic realities in public life. 

While every person and nation will almost-inevitably take sides over any particular question - at least overall, and to some degree - it used to be allowed that people and nations could stand-apart from conflicts, and remain un-declared. 

Even during the massive conflict of World War II, there were several neutral counties in the heart of the conflict (Switzerland) or on its border (Spain, Sweden). 

And, as recently as a couple of decades ago; it used to be quite normal for people or nations to opt-out of taking sides on questions of value in public life. 

This is no longer allowed in The West; because the powers on the side of evil are now dominant, their evil is more advanced; and They have forbidden neutrality. 

Each and every person (with no allowed exceptions) must now - publicly and with a display of enthusiasm - actively participate in celebration and promotion of Litmus Test issues relating to sex, sexuality, antiracism and so forth. 

All must take the side of evil (called good, in the official system of Western inverted-values) - or be attacked as an enemy. 

Anyone - any single individual - who opts-out and tries to be neutral in any of the Litmus Test issues; may be punished by the full force of global media and public opinion mobilized against them; exclusion from work, removal of financial services, demonization of status - and many other possible punishments (officially imposed, and unoffically allowed and encouraged), without limit to severity or duration.  

We are seeing the same phenomenon in relation to the Fire Nation* war. No Western nation has been allowed to remain neutral on this issue - even Switzerland and Sweden have been compelled to abandon long term principles of neutrality. 

Furthermore, active participation in the war is also being compelled - until recently by participation in war-sanctions. And currently by mandatory military participation through sending weapons to the battlefront. 

And this military participation must be done publicly, proudly; and backed with explicit aggressive statements. 

Presumably the next step will be sending military personnel from all nations - with no opt-out allowed. 

This is not about military effectiveness - because from such a perspective it makes no sense. It is about ideological - hence spiritual - allegiance. 

Western nations are being compelled into active support for an open-ended campaign aimed at existential annihilation of the Fire Nation; either its destruction, fragmentation, or vassalage. 

Nations are being forced (by their puppet-'leaders') into making themselves existential enemies - not only of the FN, but of an alliance that (increasing month by month) includes the two most populous nations in the world, and indeed most of the world's population and land mass. 

Those who do not paint a target on their own backs by choice (like the UK did thanks to its cravenly-servile US-obedient leadership); will have it done for them, at the point of a sword.

In other words; the ideology of annihilation of the Fire Nation serves as yet-another factor in the suicidal self-destruction of The West - and all its (compelled-) allies, such as the North East Asian vassal-states of the USA, who are now actively and rapidly being prepared to operate as agents of their own destruction. 

In sum, underneath the cover of fake Geopolitical reasoning and led by the dominant Western power; the whole world is being set-up for an all-inclusive world war - the first ever - which will be sustained for as long as possible, and with as much all-round destruction as possible. 

Such a war will (if it happens) serve the dual purpose of lethally damaging Western civilization, and doing something similar to all those who - in any way - dissent from the Western-leftist-atheist-materialist ideology of the globalists. 


For a Christian; the vital matter is to recognize and remember that this is primarily 'just' the latest and biggest material manifestation of the long-established spiritual war; and that we need to discern and understand what is really going-on in terms of ultimate spiritual values. 

Not, therefore, to become distracted by merely proximate, materialist explanations of the war in terms of Geopolitics, economics, or even of ideology. 

These are merely means to an end; because evil is about damnation, that is about spiritual and eternal death - therefore not only, nor mostly, about physical death.

Note: Anyone confused by any of the terminology I use, here or elsewhere, should do a word-search on this blog (i.e. using the Search box on the upper left extreme corner).  

Sunday 2 June 2024

Things are Much worse than military analysts assume; because the Western strategists want to Lose, not win (and maximize destruction while doing so)

While the cultivated ignorance and delusional nature of mainstream Western officials and media are predictable appalling; the supposedly alternative analyses of the West versus Fire Nation war is more deeply concerning to me. 

The military experts and analysts persist in regarding this as a modern version of the kind of wars throughout history; whereas this is a situation the world has never before experienced.

Because the leadership of the Western (i.e. globalist) world (and I mean the real leadership, those who set the Western strategy) are qualitatively different in their motivations from any group of leaders in world history

The military expert analysts assume that the West ultimately wants the West to win this war - which is Not True. 

Those who are strategically responsible for the FN war, its continuation and escalation towards totality; primarily want the West to lose

That is their core motivation. "They" mainly want the West to be destroyed * - and the FN war is one of several, simultaneously pursued, means to that end.

Destruction of the Fire Nation, Earth Nation and other places are also real motivators - but secondary, optional. 

(Other means to the end of Western destruction include other wars; but also the many long-term self-destructive strategies I call Litmus Tests: e.g. the birdemic-peck, the climate agenda, the sexual revolution, the "antiracism" agenda - and the whole raft of leftist political auto-lethalities.)


On the other side; the core and strategic motivation of the Fire Nation is easily understandable (for normal people!), conventional, and historically multi-precedented - the FN mainly wants Not to lose. Wants to preserve and strengthen its culture and people. 

So the FN War is grossly asymmetrical in terms of motivations; in a way never before seen - at least never on a sustained and global scale. 

Indeed, the FN conflict may not even qualify as a "war" in the conventional sense; because The goal of the Western leadership is an orgy of insane multi-national mutual- and self- destruction - which is not really "a war"...

But that is precisely what the Western leadership strategists are working towards...

And for as long as so many people are so utterly unaware of the fact; for so long as they continue to think of this as "just-another war", like so many wars before: for so long They will continue to progress incrementally towards their major goal of destructive chaos primarily affecting the West. 

Note added: An overall interpretative perspective on the nature of the FN war (and the world generally) does not derive from evidence, and cannot therefore be overturned by observations - it is a matter of assumptions not empirical data. (Because assumptions both select and interpret the data.) Nonetheless, the immediate action of the Western side in coercively-imposing self-destructive sanctions, and the way that the West has continued to increase these in the face of massive evidence of their self-destructive nature; plus the self-destructive act of the West destroying a major conduit for Western energy supply - could certainly be taken as consistent-with the assumption that the war is primarily aimed against the West.   

Friday 6 October 2023

What's new in the Satanic agenda since 2020? War, mainly.

The greatest novelty from the Global Establishment since the totalitarian coup of 2020 is surely war, specifically engineering and escalating world war III; presented as "a good thing" or even as an absolutely essential thing. 

This is a tough sell for the totalitarians! - because the kind of war which is being pushed-for will destroy all the (albeit incoherent) aims of the existing major-core leftists issues, by which the world has been changed. All-out, everywhere, world war - will put an end to Great Reset type 'concerns' about a climate 'emergency', the transagenda, antiracism... and all the rest of that kind of thing. 

All these leftist-evil-agendas depend upon the 'rulers' and their minions accepting, and living-by, the delusion that their pet projects will incrementally be implemented in a future society dedicated to this-kind-of-stuff. 

Of course, these pet projects are all in actuality socially-destructive in effect, and therefore can never really be implemented; because the more rapidly the agendas 'succeed', the more rapidly society will crumble - so the authorities will be unable to impose them. 

That awareness of the incompatibility of world war (2023 style) with new-left-totalitarianism is, however, blocked by continual propaganda and the continual construction of a virtual-reality; a 'virtuality' existing in a closed-circle of mutually-reinforcing mass-media with bureaucratic statements and rules. 

But war? It is indeed a very tough sell to convince bureaucrats and media moguls that a long-term, unrestricted, international war will be compatible with their cherished ideologies! Because it simply isn't!

Yet, remarkably, for the past year-and-a-half; they do seem to have been convinced! 

Convinced by a combination of multiple Total Lies with increased censorship, and levels of frenzied national-demonization not seen for a century... Indeed, recent demonization and persecutions of the Fire Nation and its citizens have been in some ways (especially financial and economic) never before seen anywhere or at any time in the modern era. 

The leadership/ minion class has not even noticed that the sanctions and measures imposed ostensibly to destroy the Fire Nation have, in fact and surely quite clearly, harmed the imposing nations - and that was their intention from the very start, which is why they continue to be escalated. By such means; the war has been used to accelerate the purposive-suicide of The West (the West being Satan's prime target in recent generations - even above the Fire Nation). 

So, the stupidity and obedience of the rulers and their minions turns out to be very great indeed; and they really seem not to have noted the gross and widening discrepancy between the bureaucratic-media version of reality, and what they can observe and experience for themselves!

But the longer the situation continues, and the wider the gap in realities, the more difficult it seems to be to sell a proposed war of unprecedented destruction as being (somehow!) helpful to the attainment of the totalitarian-leftist 'utopia' of Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset!

I think that this is what is going-on behind-the-scenes of the Western Establishment at present. 

All the participants are affiliated with evil, servants of Satan; but the mostly-evil Ahrimanic totalitarians are (at last!) starting to wake-up to the incompatibility of their ultra-controlled world-view with the chaos of wreckage and killing, favoured by of the more-wholly-evil Sorathic spiteful-destroyers. 

I personally do not want either of these groups to prevail! 

Indeed, the mostly-but-partly evil totalitarians vision of a world of omni-surveillance and total mind-control is spiritually even worse than a world of total war, horrific bodily suffering, and mega-death. 

Mankind has painted itself into this Satanic corner, by many generations of wrong and evil choices and decisions - and by continuing in these falsehoods. There are no good options for The World. 

Maybe we will be faced with a choice between supporting wholesale spiritual destruction (totalitarianism) or else supporting gross physical destruction (war)... certainly that seems like the way that Satan desires us to see things. 

I hope that - when the crunch comes - I will choose neither.  

Tuesday 12 December 2023

The strategic murder of The West - currently in a "death by a thousand cuts" phase

Compared with the birdemic-peck era, or the height of anti-Fire Nation Mania; at the time of writing there is no major policy thrust afoot driven by the demonic totalitarian Establishment. 

Of course this could change very rapidly, and I would not be surprised if it does! Yet at present the murder of Western Culture* proceeds by a thousand cuts rather than by the swinging blows of  suicidal lockdowns or self-destroying "sanctions". 

*(Which culture, let's face it, richly deserves to be murdered - and ASAP - for its multiple engrained, accelerating, and un-repented value-inversions -- albeit that the death-justifying inversions were suggested and implemented by "those same people" who are now killing what they originally created.)

Instead of a single Big Message; official pronouncements and the media have been chock-full of micro-issues and multiple, incoherent, lies/ cover-ups/ misrepresentations and fake disputes and scandals. It is currently more a matter of dividing and pitting-against; rather than with crushing monolithic surveillance-control. 

Except at the level of individual persons (and, I suspect, very few of them) it is clear that nothing true and important is being learned as the West implodes; to the point that the crust of delusional optimism is still surprisingly intact. 

People still talk about "sensible reforms" to social systems, as if there was any motivation for them, or any possibility whatsoever of them happening. 

People still talk about choices between politicians as if they were on different sides;and still hope to be rescued (from an imaginary crisis) by some leader or party. 

People still focus exclusively on feeling good about themselves, and trying to impress others by their compassion and concern; and still act as if there was a realistic expectation of having a successful 20th century style professional career and a rewarding personal life in a nation that is being incrementally picked apart; and stirred into chaos, violence, poverty, oppression and disease. 

People - including religious professionals - still regard the spiritual as irrelevant, airy-fairy, idiotic nonsense; and the only "real life" as the bureaucratic/ managerial/ financial/ social imperatives of short-term institutional subsistence.   

The spectacle of such colossal triviality and endemic dishonesty and blinkered utilitarianism; is astonishing and horrifying. 

Whether we end with a bang or a whimper... With a massive and fatal hemorrhage, or slumping into unconsciousness from the seepage of hundreds of small wounds, seems not to matter...

Since there seems not be even the slightest grasp of why we are ending; and the extent to which we in the West have done, and continue to do, all this to ourselves

The answer is, of course, to step-back from all this (as far as possible); and live in a world of eternal significance; as befits eternal Beings participating in an eternal Quest. 

It's as simple, and as extremely difficult, as that. 

Thursday 12 May 2022

Mainstream globalist leftism, and Sorathic conquest by deliberate corruption and chaos

It seems to have been little noticed that for several decades, the West's idea of 'conquest' has been morally to corrupt nations - for the obvious reason that those paid to notice and inform the masses, are themselves among the most corrupt. 

If you follow-up the consequences of any Western intervention - whether an invasion/ occupation; engineered and paid-for 'regime change'; or 'subversion as usual' by means of subsidizing NGOs, 'charities' and funding destablizing leftist groups...

You can see a pattern of Western intervention invariably increasing moral corruption (bribery, theft, sexual immorality, social breakdown with violence); including the destruction of any genuine religion by convergence and suppression (especially Christianity, but also any traditionalist religion with a distinct world-view and morality). 

Thus, the actual and achieved pattern of Western intervention abroad is Sorathic (i.e. doing evil by inducing chaos) rather than Ahrimanic (i.e. evil imposed by systems of totalitarian bureaucratic surveillance and control) - and has been for a good while. 

A clear example is the current conflict involving the Fire Nation - where it seems that (as usual) the main Western 'plan' has been first grossly to corrupt the top-level leadership-class of a nation (by standard techniques of bribery and blackmail); then deliberately - but 'deniably', by proxy - to provoke a war; and now to encourage the maximum of destruction to population and infrastructure. 

By such means has the Western Establishment has pursued the most advanced forms of Sorathic evil abroad - but what about 'at home'? 

Meanwhile, for the past couple of decades and peaking in 2020 with the global coup; the dominant strategy 'at home' in the West has been Ahrimanic. That is, to use a single, linked, increasingly international bureaucracy-mass media, to create a society of omni-surveillance and total control. Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset are some statements of this plan. 

However, there have also been strongly Sorathic aspects in home policy; especially the implementation of mass immigration to the West - including the encouragement of illegal, violent and criminal migrants. 

This inevitably creates social and economic breakdown and chaos; and the chaos has been deliberately concealed by suspending the surveillaince-control Ahrimanic state when it comes to 'multicultural' sub-groups - such as 'no-go zones' of cities, and police policies of 'non-intervention'. 

The actual governance of Western nations (e.g. in relation to the personal behaviour of politicians, and the conduct of elections) has also become extremely, now all-but openly, corrupt - hence chaotic.

Chaos has more recently been fuelled by birdemic-testing-quarantine and the peck, the imposed cult of antiracism and race-sex preferences, and the truly colossal global economic destruction caused by financial and economic 'sanctions'. 

At some point, the forces of chaos become, of their nature, irreversible. Evil feeds upon itself - inevitably, by its nature (when unrepented); and the Sorathic is a more advanced form of evil than the Ahrimanic.   

The triumph of leftism (and it is, indeed, triumphant - worldwide, at the highest levels) therefore turns-out to be the triumph of corruption and chaos

That is what leftism is at root, and what it always tended to become over time - because the nature of leftism is oppositional and negative; hence incoherent; and incoherence is another word for chaos

In other words; leftism is the ideology of evil, but evil has different forms; and there is always conflict among evil-serving persons and entities.

Yet, over time, evil innately 'progresses' from Ahrimanic to Sorathic; from (partly) constructive and planned, towards very-fully-destructive and chaotic. 

For a while, the most destructive evils of mainstream Western Establishment leftism were mainly exported abroad; where societies were destroyed serially. 

But now, the same chaotic evil is getting a grip 'at home' - overwhelming the bureaucrats, transhumanists, and mind-programmers - and the current triumphs of the left are more about spreading destruction than about increasing control. 

The bad news is that it is much easier to corrupt Men than to encourage morality, to destroy than to create. 

The 'good' news is that the left is - at an increasing rate - destroying its own capacity to inflict chaos.

Yet evil does not destroy itself as it advances, and Good can only arise from Good-aiming Persons - and Good means of-God. 

However, this analysis suggests that there may be coming more spiritual scope for Good, for Christian awakening and conversion, as The System destroys itself... Even though the physical/ material prospects seem extremely bleak. 

Wednesday 17 August 2022

Irrelevance, lies, fearmongering; and multi-pronged self-destruction: the Daily 'News'

Some people were woken-up and started to learn by means of the events of 2020 - but mostly not. 

For most people, life continues as before, dominated by the issues of today as dictated by the mass media and the state-corporate bureaucracy. 

Whatever actually happened in 2020 and after - which now seems only vaguely recalled - disappeared like a stone plopping into a moving stream; its ripples soon dispersed and swept-away by the daily input of 'news'. 

I surveyed today's news; and all the main stories were at best irrelevant - deliberate distractions and misleading framing; but mostly lies and fear-propagation strategically designed to facilitate mass manipulation by The System...

There is no consistency between the stories, no attempt at consistency - because evil is united only by what it opposes; and so long as things are situated in opposition to God, divine creation or Jesus Christ; against the beautiful, true or virtuous - then all is readily accepted. 

The dominant global mainstream Leftism is merely the alliance of those who oppose one or another of the aspects of Good; and most people are readily persuaded that their own favourite sin is actually an essential and positive aspects of this secular ideology. 

Leftism in 2022 is the expedient pursuit of one's personal sin/s, under the banner of Sinners United. 

Yet a lot of the news, and the most significant aspects; constitutes evidence that System self-destruction is becoming ever more blatant; and the covering veneer of justification for this destruction, ever thinner and patchier. 

Of course, since the events and responses of 2020; it hardly matters how nonsensical and incoherent are the justifications; because the mass of people are locked-into a self-sustaining state of addictive-gullibility such that anything is taken to justify anything - so long as it emanates from the mainstream.

But since 2020, the balance has tipped decisively from System control towards System self-destruction

The recent 'sanctions' campaign against the Fire Nation is the clearest possible example. Never in human history has there been such blatantly-inverted nonsense as the idea of 'fighting' a (fake) enemy by means of a vast and sustained program of self-crippling. 

This self-crippling is multi-pronged and must become lethal; because it encompasses the simultaneous destruction of trade, finance, military effectiveness, energy, transportation; and the mandatory choosing of incompetent and anti-functional human beings - at all levels from the national leadership and that of large corporations; down through middle management to the 'coal face' personnel who are supposed to do the actual work of the world.       


In the end, it is the systemic self-destruction by inverse personnel selection, employment and promotion (the diversity/ inclusivity/ equality programme - the deliberate choosing of the most-evilly-motivated leaders) that will cause the deepest damage

Yet, Christians should be grateful that a System with such extremely evil priorities and aligned against all that is Good; is indeed committing suicide. 

Presumably Christians will mostly go down with The System; but then, as Christians, we must look beyond this mortal life; and recognize that there are much more important things than 'survival'... 

It is very sad to see so much that it good (beautiful, true and virtuous) go down with the evil that is dominant in our world; and very sad to see so many people holding-fast to their choice against God and Heavenly life eternal. So Many actively desiring their own misery, enslavement to demons, or annihilation - often merely in order to hold-onto their favourite sin for a little while longer... 

Yet, in the final analysis, we are witnessing evil destroying itself with an ideology of (slightly-) disguised self-hatred and suicide; led and followed by those who have chosen self-damnation and whose reward will be Hellish: ever sooner in its timing, and ever worse in its consequences...

While those who have chosen salvation, and are willing and eager to learn spiritual lessons from their mortal experiences, are - except temporarily - unaffected.