COVID-19 And the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit in Argentina

Argentina has been quarantined more than 160 days since early March 2020 to fight the so called COVID-19 pandemic, an undeclared etat d’siege which none of the military dictatorships in its history dared enforce. In violation of constitutional law, the present quarantine has done away with basic constitutional rights and liberties by means of an illegal executive order from President Alberto Fernandez, the corrupt Peronist chameleonic alter ego of Cristina Wilhelm Fernández de Kirchner, alias “the thief” (la ladrona), former president of the country in 2007-2015, who now presides the Senate and still has to face the tribunals, criminally accused of laundering and stealing billions of dollars from the Argentine State in her previous administration.

This prolonged COVID-19 quarantine in Argentina, an unwanted, absurd criminal totalitarian confinement of the healthy, orchestrated by the Judeo-masonic oligarchy of the New World Order and its local lackeys, with the complicity of Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis in the Holy See at the Vatican,1 has had worse sanitary, economic, and social consequences than anywhere else in the world: poverty has increase beyond imagination (more than 47 percent of the population has gone under the line of poverty), hundreds of thousands of stores have been closed (in the city of Buenos Aires alone more than 24,000 have closed), more than 2,000 factories have gone bankrupt, more than 15,000 industries are in severe crisis, and inflation runs rampant (more than 53.8 percent in 2019, and more than 50 percent is expected in 2020). Hundreds of thousands of Argentinians have been left without medical care for real ordinary diseases.

The symbol of this totalitarian scam is the compulsory mask (the “barbijo”) everyone is forced to wear. The sanitary policies imposed by President Alberto Fernández, Axel Kicilliof, the Jewish Marxist economist Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires (sponsored by Jewish tycoon Hugo Sigman, the main character in this story), Rodriguez Larreta, "the Joker" (el guasón), Mayor/Chief of the City of Buenos Aires, and Dr. Pedro Cahn, the Jewish sanitary advisor to Fernandez (President of Fundación Huésped, an affiliate of the International Planned Parenthood Foundation dedicated to the promotion of abortion, fetal tissue trafficking and the “culture of death” in Argentina) are as simple as they are draconian: while Fernández- Kicilliof-Rodriguez Larreta appeal to individual responsibility and social conscience against the corona virus, they simultaneously threaten the population with fines and jail unless they “stay at home, wear the mask, keep social distance, and do not meet with friends or relatives,” creating a veritable police state.

Having overextended its capacity to print money, the Central Bank of Argentina is making arrangements to have notes printed in Brazil, whilst long lines of the unemployed grow before the doors of banks to receive subsidies from the Government. Meanwhile, the most dynamic sectors of the economy have remained locked, frustrated and intimidated by a propaganda juggernaut of phases that go back and forth from 1 to 3 and 3 to 1, as well as curves that go up and down capriciously to the tune of the fake COVID statistics based on the government’s needs. Additionally, a barrage of bureaucratic executive orders decrees who is and who is not “essential” in the economic, social, and cultural life of the Argentines.

Security forces and check points all over the country stop citizens to examine circulation permits authorized for “essential” workers. Nonessential workers have to stay at home. Many have been fined and even detained. In certain neighborhoods, during the cold nights of winter, electricity gets cut off for hours to insure, as some physicians have claimed, that people catch a cold that will get registered as a COVID positive test result. Mass events (sports, theaters) have been forbidden, and churches have been locked down, preventing religious services. Without precedent in the history of the Catholic Church, the faithful have been deprived of the sacraments, with the obvious episcopal complicity of the hierarchy, evidence of moral disorder which, some think, is caused by a deficit of testosterone. Meanwhile, the health crisis does not stop unwanted pregnancies, and consequently, abortion is an "essential" health benefit according to a document published on March 21 by the Royal Collegge of Obstetrics and Gynecology (RCOG). The document, which focused on abortion and contraception in times of the COVID pandemic, was translated by the Argentinian Network for Safe Abortion (Red de Acceso al Aborto Seguro, REDAAS). In Argentina, approximately 1,300 abortions are performed per day.2

Several serious independent groups of Argentine immunologists, epidemiologists, and physicians (Médicos por la Verdad) have desperately warned the Fernández Administration that corona virus is decidedly and definitively neither as lethal nor severely pathogenic as the World Health Organization wants us to believe, and that the methods and strategies against COVID-19 followed in conjunction with the recommendations of the World Health Organization are utterly disproportionate, counterproductive, and simply wrong, from a medical, immunological, epidemiological, sanitary, social, and economic standpoint. But to no avail. 

Dr. Roxana Bruno, an eminent immunologist who obtained her Ph.D in Barcelona, Spain, and did research work in neuroimmunology at the Max Plank Institute in Germany, has complained that neither the Fernandez Administration nor Congress has answered the letters sent to them explaining that it is a known epidemiological fact that 80 percent of humans develop their self-defense – immune system against corona virus or any other respiratory disease in contact with other human beings and the environment, that 98 percent of those who get infected with a respiratory disease can be cured with known medicines, and that only 2% die, largely from pre-existing conditions and not from the corona virus. Furthermore, 80 percent of the 2 percent who die are older than 75. To make matters even worse, there is no specific testing procedure for this virus. 

Thanks to Italian medical doctors who disobeyed the WHO prohibition of necropsies for Covid-19 deceased cases, they discovered how to treat and cure Covid patients correctly and efficiently.

In Argentina, during this endless quarantine, many more patients have died from common diseases due to lack of proper and timely medical care because sanitary institutions have been reserved exclusively for patients with COVID symptoms. Five thousand patients have ostensibly died from COVID-19 in the last five months, but last year 32,000 people died from influenza and pneumonia. (The data given by the government is not reliable since, as many medical doctors have explained, there is plenty of evidence that any death is registered as caused by corona virus, whatever the real cause).

All of the scientific medical data concerning the COVID-19 pandemic proves that it is a huge global geopolitical hoax, with at least two main immediate goals: control and the reduction of the world population and the huge vaccine business.3 

In TED conferences and interviews, we have all heard Bill Gates, the greedy eugenicist psychopathic global vaccinator, partner of the faustian American Dr. Anthony Fauci, and financer of the WHO, “prescribe” global vaccination to reduce global population growth by 15 percent.

Covid-19, the Jews, and the vaccine in Argentina.

Alerted by the lessons of the masterpiece The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History by Dr. E. Michael Jones, I wondered recently where and how the revolutionary spirit of the Jews lies behind this corona fraud, both globally and in Argentina in particular.4 The first obvious answer was the big media owned and controlled by Jews. No quarantine would have been possible without the media terrorism that disciplined, controlled, and paralyzed the Argentine population by keeping it ignorant of how the world, or rather, the New World Order, works. Most Jewish media commentators and institutions in Argentina echoed endlessly the fearmongering of the official discourse or remained silent about the real facts of the COVID-19 scam. Nevertheless, the real story came to light on August 12, 2020 when President Fernández, poised like a prophet, announced that by January 2021 or, at the most sometime during the first few months of 2021, Argentina would have a vaccine against corona virus which would save all of Latin America, except Brazil.5 

The active substance of the COVID-19 vaccine was to be manufactured in Argentina by mAbxience, a biotechnological laboratory organized in 2008 by Hugo Sigman, the Jewish owner of Insud (Pharma) Group, in conjunction with Oxford University (which developed the vaccine AZ1222), Astra Zeneca, the Swedish-British multinational pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical company, the Mexican Slim Foundation and Mexican Liomont Laboratory (which will prepare the vaccine for sale and distribution).

The story of the COVID scam in Argentina revolves around Hugo Arnoldo Sigman (76), a Jewish psychiatrist born in Argentina, who is the owner of a pharmaceutical empire with laboratories in 14 countries in Europe, Latin America, and Asia. He is married to Silvia Gold, the daughter of Roberto Gold, the former treasurer and finance manager of the Communist Party of Argentina (PCA) who appropriated the companies owned by the Communist Party in Argentina after the fall of the Soviet Union. During the 1970s, Sigman, who is also a member of the Communist party,6 was involved with the activities of the terrorist group called Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP, People’s Revolutionary Army); as such he was and still remains, according to various sources, related to the Cuban intelligence services, connections which became clear recently when he tried to help Amado Boudu, the corrupt former vice president of Cristina W.F de Kirchner, go into exile to Cuba. Sigman himself went into exile in 1976 after the military coup in Spain, where he started a pharmaceutical business, Chemo Group, with his wife, Silvia, a biochemist, with money lent to him by his father in law. 

Astra Zeneca is headed by Marcus Wallenberg of the Wallenberg Jewish bankers’ family, and a member of the leading committee of the Judeo-masonic Bilderberg Club. The second largest shareholder of Astra Zeneca is the investment firm Black Rock, the main creditor of Argentina’s foreign debt, which has recently “negotiated” with the Fernandez Administration, a usurious extension of the terms of payment. The Mexican Liomont Laboratory, which was founded in 1938 by Martin Lewinberg in Mexico is run today by Alfredo Ramón Lewinberg, who presides over the Mexican chamber of pharmaceutical industries. The Slim Foundation, which has close links to Bill Gates, is financially behind the Liemont Laboratory which will produce the vaccine for sales and distribution. Slim, owner of Telmex and other important conglomerates in the mining, oil, and construction business is also a share holder of the New York Times. Slim is one of the wealthiest men in the world: he calls himself a Maronite Catholic, but funds so called prolife NGO which ultimately manipulate Catholics into an acceptance of pro-abortion laws. 

Hugo Sigman is also a share holder of Elea, the fourth most important laboratory in Argentina, which is owned by the millionaire Jewish Sielicki family. Anabel Sielicki was the wife of former chancellor of Argentina Hector Timmerman during the Cristina Kirchner Administration. Sigman and his brother in law, Luis Alberto Gold, are share-holders of Biogénesis-Bagó. Sigman owns 20 percent of Gas Ban, a branch of the Spanish Fenosa company which distributes gas in Argentina. As a partner of Biogénesis, a veterinary laboratory, Sigman was accused of spreading the foot and mouth disease in the north of Argentina (Province of Chaco) and Paraguay in order to sell his own vaccines. He is also involved in the agro business, Garruchos, and forestry business, Pomera, and is a huge landowner. 

From 2008 to 2011, 40 tons of ephedrine were sent to Argentina by Sigman’s Chemo Group from his plant in India. Sigman's lobbyists  say that he did it for “political reasons” to ingratiate himself with the Kirchner Administration. But a business of another nature was behind it. In 2011, a cargo with 20 tons of ephedrine was discovered at Ezeiza Airport, invoiced at U$D 16,250, which was to be sold to Mexican drug dealers for several million dollars. Three were murdered. But the ideologues of the crime and the deal were never discovered.

Sigman is also involved in the business of subverting the Christian culture through his movie producing company, Kramer & Sigman: Wild Tales, The Clan, etc, and magazines like Barcelona, TXT, Tres Puntos, and the Spanish edition of Le Monde Diplomatique through his publishing company Capital Intellectual. 

Sigma's various pharmeceautical companies are one of the main suppliers of "misoprostol" (an abortifacient) to public health services in Argentina. 

According to a report by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Hugo Sigman and his wife created the Mundo Sano Foundation in Argentina, Spain, and Ethiopia to “transform the reality of populations affected by neglected tropical diseases.” Sigman knows how to cover his tracks. The more we dig, the more we discover Jewish names and an endless chain of Jewish political, social, economic, commercial, and cultural connections. Is Sigman the latest manifestation of the Jewish spirit haunting this part of the world in its wild messianic unfettered endeavor to bring about heaven on earth or Tikkun olam? Yes, without a doubt. Sigman is the typical Jewish revolutionary, using his philanthropic and cultural activities to distract us from the fact that he earned his money as a usurer. Recently, a Public Relations video promoting Sigman's high visionary profile was launched by CILFA (Chamber of Pharmaceutical Industries in Argentia).7

But what concerns us here and now most dramatically is the current threat of a compulsory Covid-19 vaccine which might cause irreparable damage. Like the eminent member of Argentinian Metadisciplinary Epidemiologists, Dr. Roxana Bruno, the Argentine heroine who has confronted the COVID-19 political mafia in Argentina and broke the media blockade, many scientists in other parts of the world have denounced the unscientific, unethical procedures being followed in the present geopolitical pharmaceutical race for a vaccine against SARS‑CoV‑2. Dr. Bruno has shown that recombinant constructs (chimpanzee adenovirus-vectored vaccine expressing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein) or synthetic messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) is being used in the vaccine, which, once injected, may alter the DNA of humans and their descendants with collateral irreparable damage, like potential infertility or autoimmunity, identifiable not in the short but only in the long term. No scientist familiar with this megalomaniac race for a vaccine to cure a disease which in 98 percent of the cases is no more serious than a cold or a flu, would accept receiving the Covid-19 vaccine thus made, be it by the Chinese, the Russians, the Americans, the Europeans or by a Jewish messiah from South America. The risk is too high. 

August 17, 2020: The March for Freedom

On August 17, 2020, the day Argentines remember the death of General José de San Martin, their national hero of Independence, hundreds of thousands marched waving the light blue and white colors of the Argentine flag, and gathered at the civic centers of more than 200 cities in Argentina to demonstrate against the corona fraud and totalitarian confinement, against politicians’ corruption and their impunity, and against abortion. 

Many burnt their masks (barbijos) and stepped on them while proclaiming, “Viva la Patria!”, “Viva Cristo Rey!” (Long live the motherland, long live the homeland; Long live Christ, the King.)

It was a true explosion of political life by a people who did not want to surrender to the discipline of the oligarchs, the New World Order, and their agents of the culture of death. At the Obelisk on 9th of July Avenue in Buenos Aires, a compact column of physicians was saluted and applauded by the crowd. Dr. Norma Gómez made a vibrant speech denouncing the corona virus scam, urging the public to do away with the absurd totalitarian quarantine and its symbol, the compulsory barbijo; to get out of their homes, to go to work without fear, to reject the “new normality,” and to enjoy family life and friends in the parks under the blue sunny sky. 

[…] This is just a short excerpt of the full article in the October Issue of Culture Wars Magazine.

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  1. Pope Francis and his close advisor Msgr. Sánchez Sorondo, having upheld the syncretistic UN globalist pantheistic agenda, have diligently complied with the prescriptions of the UN/WHO in violation of the long established canonical duties and mission of the Catholic Church as a sovereign institution founded by Jesus Christ, the Son of God.   On August 19,2020, Bergoglio/Francis declared: “Covid-19 vaccine for everybody, especially for the poor”, Vatican City (AICA) (Agencia Informativa Católica). (One of the high risks and side effects of the COVID vaccine is sterility. More about this in the main body of the text).

  2. In 1992 I attended   an alternative mini Echo ‘92 conference in Río de Janeiro, Brazil, against the official UN Echo ’92 on “Sustainable development” which had the highest political representation ever for a UN gathering of that nature. The insignia book of the conference was The Population Bomb by Paul Erlich. A demographic calculating clock of had been set on a wall to remind attendees of the Malthusian dogma: the geometric growth of world population had to be stopped to save the planet.

  3. I have described the history of Jewish involvement and Jewish subversion of Catholic culture and Hispanic traditions in Argentina in two articles published in Culture Wars, Why is Argentina so important for the World Jewish Congress (May 2016) and in A Victory in the Culture Wars in Argentina (October, 2018.)

  4. The day of the announcement, British Ambassador to Argentina Mark Kent, with imperialistic instinct, enthusiastically praised “an agreement that boosts international cooperation”.  The date was very significant from a historical point of view: two hundred and fourteen years earlier, in 1806, the 31st British Regiment, which under Admiral William Beresford had invaded the Spanish Viceroyship of the River Plate and occupied the Fort of the City of Buenos Aires, suffered a legendary defeat by the local population organized and led by the heroes of the “Reconquista” (Reconquest), Martin de Álzaga and Santiago de Liniers. The flags taken to the British invaders on August 12, 1806, are kept at the Basilica of Santo Domingo in Buenos Aires and can be seen there.

  5. Gilbert, Isidoro. FEDE. Alistándose para la Revolución.1921-2005.  Editorial Sudamericana. Buenos Aires. 2009. (FEDE. Enlisting for the Revolution. The Federation of Communist Youth. 1921-2005) pag. 476