NATO’s War Against Russia

NATO’s War Against Russia

The Putin government, with characteristic Russian legal punctiliousness, took note of Malyuk’s statement, sent notes to Zelenski’s government through the government of Belarus and has already given Zelenski an ultimatum to extradite those responsible for the terrorist attacks committed by Ukraine against Russia. This document did not provide any names, except that of General Malyuk. It was sent by Sergei Lavrov, the brilliant Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Biden Administration thus adds a new complication to the catastrophic collapse of its plans in Ukraine since, by law of the U.S. Congress, it is forbidden to give support to any state involved in terrorist activities (despite their hypocritical stance, as far as they are concerned). Russia will analyze and make use of all its options to clarify the attacks.

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Javier Milei

Javier Milei

Because of his pathologically histrionic, narcissistic tendencies, Milei resembles the false Jewish messiah Shavetai Zevi, the 17th Century Thessalonian who indulged in sexual orgies before converting to Islam in order to save his life. Milei has openly stated that he practices tantric sex, or sexual yoga, and has also experienced sex in “ménage à trois.” His candidate for governor of the city of Buenos Aires, the usurer Ramiro Marra (from “marrano”) openly declared that he was in favor of the promotion of child pornography by all means…

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Abortion Law in Argentina

Abortion Law in Argentina

On October 2018 I wrote an article for CW with the title “A victory in the Culture Wars in Argentina” on the failure of the pro-abortion Jewish death squad to legalize abortion then (I gave a list of more than fifty Jewish pro-abortion leading activists and institutions). In December 2020, the same article could have been published with just a minor change of title, “Defeat in the Culture Wars in Argentina,” and hardly any changes in its content, for the pro-abortion actors, mostly Jewish, and the lobbying operations and the funding and the fallacies on the pro-abortion side as well as the cynicism and ominous clerical silence of most bishops, presumably on the pro-life side, were the same. In 2018 everybody in the prolife camp knew that victory was an absolutely provisional one, for the forces of the culture of death would come back at once with a vengeance, bloodthirsty and heavily financed by the same sponsors as usual. That is exactly what happened. However, despite of it all, things could have been different but for one simple factor: if Pope Francis had spoken urbi et orbi clearly and firmly against the abortion law in his own country of birth, to which he owes his own career, and which, by the way, he has never visited as a Pope. The question still remains: Why did Pope Francis not say a word against the abortion law in Argentina? Why did he not allow any of the bishops in Argentina to say a word against abortion, let alone organize any serious opposition campaign, which, again, with Francis’ intervention would have been utterly unnecessary?

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COVID-19 And the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit in Argentina

COVID-19 And the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit in Argentina

Argentina has been quarantined more than 160 days since early March 2020 to fight the so called COVID-19 pandemic, an undeclared etat d’siege which none of the military dictatorships in its history dared enforce. In violation of constitutional law, the present quarantine has done away with basic constitutional rights and liberties by means of an illegal executive order from President Alberto Fernandez, the corrupt Peronist chameleonic alter ego of Cristina Wilhelm Fernández de Kirchner, alias “the thief” (la ladrona), former president of the country in 2007-2015, who now presides the Senate and still has to face the tribunals, criminally accused of laundering and stealing billions of dollars from the Argentine State in her previous administration.

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