Glazer’s Choice

Glazer’s Choice

Thus the Jews set out to subvert the narrative known as Christianity throughout the history of the Holy Roman Empire and successor states like the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Sigmund Freud is a good example of the typical Jew, who subverts every narrative but his own. No one takes Freud seriously anymore because he was exposed as a typical Jew when the story of his incestuous relationship with his sister-in-law provided the interpretive key which unlocked his hitherto mysterious Oedipus Complex, which maintained that “all men” wanted to sleep with their mothers or sisters

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The God of the Cubicles: Why Sola Scriptura is not Scriptural

The God of the Cubicles: Why Sola Scriptura is not Scriptural

Every Christian soul would benefit from subduing independent declarations of biblical interpretations. If you so believe in “biblical perspicuity”: the clarity of Sacred Scripture regarding essential matters of salvation (faith and morals), then, to be consistent, you should accept the heretical “right of private judgement”: the individual’s right to privately interpret Sacred Scripture…

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NATO’s War Against Russia

NATO’s War Against Russia

The Putin government, with characteristic Russian legal punctiliousness, took note of Malyuk’s statement, sent notes to Zelenski’s government through the government of Belarus and has already given Zelenski an ultimatum to extradite those responsible for the terrorist attacks committed by Ukraine against Russia. This document did not provide any names, except that of General Malyuk. It was sent by Sergei Lavrov, the brilliant Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Biden Administration thus adds a new complication to the catastrophic collapse of its plans in Ukraine since, by law of the U.S. Congress, it is forbidden to give support to any state involved in terrorist activities (despite their hypocritical stance, as far as they are concerned). Russia will analyze and make use of all its options to clarify the attacks.

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Gamer Life

Gamer Life

Computer role-playing games started out in the 1980s as board-based role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons and were later transferred on computers, the human game master being replaced with AI. The problem with them is that their game systems are largely based on sword-and-sorcery fantasy genre, which includes a lot of use of magic and worship of pagan deities, who in real life would be evil spirits.

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Not that Innocent: Who are the Real Villains in the Life of Britney Spears?

Not that Innocent: Who are the Real Villains in the Life of Britney Spears?

I’ve never intentionally followed celebrity gossip. I’m more of a Culture Wars reader than a People Magazine reader. However, there has always seemed to be some sort of public discussion around Britney Spears popping up every so often since the late 1990s. Did you hear Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake broke up? Did you hear Britney Spears got married and divorced in Vegas? She got married and divorced again! Did you see the pictures of Britney Spears with her shaved head? Have you seen the “Leave Britney alone” video? Her high-profile conservatorship and the “#FreeBritney” movement came and went. Perhaps with the exception of fortunate homeschooled kids who were protected from mainstream pop culture, most of my fellow Millennials remember these moments…

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Saul Alinsky’s Chicago

Saul Alinsky’s Chicago

This all needed a large labor force and waves of immigrants responded. Initially, the workers were mostly German and Irish. But the new arrivals found the stockyard’s working conditions horrid. Attempts were made to organize the laborers. On May 1, 1886, workers at the stockyards joined a nationwide strike for an eight-hour workday…

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Murder in West Cork

Anyone familiar enough with the Irish psyche, but detached enough to analyze it, will have noticed that much of the antagonism towards Bailey relates to his combination of sex appeal and Englishness. While the murder victim, Sophie Toscan du Plantier, looked like she could have been “one of our own” with her light-ginger hair and pale, freckly skin (it’s easy to picture Saoirse Ronan playing her in a movie adaptation), Bailey ticked all the wrong boxes in an Ireland that still suffers from post-Colonial hang-ups….

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Fiducia Supplicans and Hobson’s Choice

Fiducia Supplicans and  Hobson’s Choice

The rest of the guild prophets fell in line behind John Henry Weston by refusing to give an accurate account of Fiducia Supplicans or the Vatican’s subsequent clarification. Taylor Marshall referred to Fiducia Supplicans as “an example of Francis and Fernandez engaging in Gaslighting.” For those of you who learned English before 2010, gaslighting is “a colloquialism, loosely defined as making someone question their own perception of reality.” The expression, which derives from the title of the 1944 film Gaslight, became popular in the mid-2010s. Merriam-Webster cites “to psychologically manipulate” so that the person questions his own memory, reality, and mental stability. Michael Matt, referring to Fiducia Supplicans as “Fernandez’s new doozy,” ridiculed the claim that FS did not change the Church’s teaching on marriage in the following way “We didn’t change the doctrine on MARRIAGE, remember? Get off our backs.” Followed by “A blessing is not an endorsement. DUH!” The tendentious nature of Matt’s commentary indicates a desire not to persuade or enlighten but to preach to a choir full of people with itching ears, as he has been doing for decades now.

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Javier Milei

Javier Milei

Because of his pathologically histrionic, narcissistic tendencies, Milei resembles the false Jewish messiah Shavetai Zevi, the 17th Century Thessalonian who indulged in sexual orgies before converting to Islam in order to save his life. Milei has openly stated that he practices tantric sex, or sexual yoga, and has also experienced sex in “ménage à trois.” His candidate for governor of the city of Buenos Aires, the usurer Ramiro Marra (from “marrano”) openly declared that he was in favor of the promotion of child pornography by all means…

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Sun Tzu and the Library Wars

Sun Tzu and the Library Wars

In the same newsletter, Drake also advertised the already mentioned lecture on “Israel and the Jewish people.” The county commissioners’ meeting was scheduled for 10:00 AM at the county city building, which was roughly a 30-minute drive from the Juday Creek Country Club, where the talk on Israel was scheduled at noon. Amy Drake’s attendance at both meetings shows that it was possible for someone determined to attend both, but it was certainly not convenient since for most of the people in attendance it meant driving from the Republican stronghold of Granger into downtown South Bend and back again…

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Of Camels and Unitarians

Of Camels and Unitarians

I have nothing against camels, but as “America’s leading Catholic intellectual,” as Kevin put it, I have a congenital allergic reaction to Unitarianism and more importantly to the Puritanism which spawned the Unitarian reaction by promulgating the distorted notion of Original Sin that goes by the term innate or total depravity. Ever since Ralph Waldo Emerson gave his Harvard Divinity school address, American culture has been plagued by two equally false understandings of Original Sin.

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The Demise of the Last Jewish Kingdom

The Demise of the Last Jewish Kingdom

As we have come to expect, whenever Jews need to justify war crimes, ethnic cleansing, or any other act of barbarism, they invoke the Holocaust. After the outbreak of the current war between Israel and Gaza, Ben Shapiro began his call for the extermination of “some of the most demonic evil pieces of human excrement to ever walk the planet,” by saying “This was the worst day for Jews since the Holocaust.” “They are shooting babies,” he continued. “This is what they do.”

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The Case Against Electric Cars

The Case Against Electric Cars

hen Buttigieg mentioned that the Ford F-150 Lightning and the Chevy Silverado EV both start at under $40k. He was right about the Ford at the time he made that remark, but the 2023 Ford F-150 Lightning starts at just under $50k (it flirts with $100k when fully loaded), and the Chevy Silverado EV still isn’t on the market. Mayor Pete quoted the price of a truck that didn’t exist yet and still isn’t available to buy a year later. If you go to Chevy’s website, you won’t even find an estimated price for the Silverado EV, raising doubt about a starting price anywhere near $40k.

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Warning: Reading the Gospel May Cause Anti-Semitism

Warning: Reading the Gospel May Cause Anti-Semitism

So, the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ at the hands of the Jews comes down to a difference of opinion on how to “renew the Jewish people in their relationship with God.” The Pharisees felt that it was better for one man to die than for the people to perish, and who are we to say that killing Christ wasn’t seen as a good thing in their eyes? And if the testimony of John’s Gospel on the Pharisees is inaccurate, why should we believe John’s claim that Christ rose from the dead after John and St. Peter contemplated the empty tomb? Didn’t the Pharisees come up with a much more plausible explanation when they claimed that Jesus’s followers stole His body?

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Antony Blinken is a Holocaust Liar

Antony Blinken is a Holocaust Liar

In May of 2023, the Biden Administration released the first U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, a document which President Biden claimed “represents the most ambitious and comprehensive U.S. government-led effort to fight antisemitism in American history.” The historical significance of this document diminished considerably in light of the legal disclaimer which preceded its content.

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The Cancellation of Sinead O’Connor: Ireland’s Tragic Princess

The Cancellation of Sinead O’Connor: Ireland’s Tragic Princess

I interviewed her in 2011 and immediately realized that she was vulnerable. I was writing a humorous piece about her fake search for Mr. Right at a corny Irish matchmaking festival so it wasn’t an in-depth interview, but I noticed that she was unable to set boundaries when men approached her. I was careful in the resulting article not to make her look like a fool, and the photographer working with me was equally aware of the need to treat her gently.

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The Hidden Grammar of the Dodger–Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Controversy

The Hidden Grammar of the Dodger–Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Controversy

As I said at the time, allowing a performance of The Vagina Monologues was like “saying that it’s okay to toss the psychic and moral equivalent of a hand grenade into a crowded classroom as long as there is a panel discussion afterward.”

Following Father Malloy’s prescription, a discussion was announced after the performance ended and the students headed toward the exits. The lady who did her best to lead that discussion was Lindsey Horvath.

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“Our Humor Expresses Our Concerns” Norman Lear and the Politics of Jewish Revolutionary Laughter

“Our Humor Expresses Our Concerns” Norman Lear and the Politics of Jewish Revolutionary Laughter

Jewish social scientists throughout the post-war period succeeded in pathologizing America’s Christian subconscious as a wellspring of “bigotry.” Lear and his team of writers likewise brought this distorted rendering of the American psyche to life in the Archie Bunker persona, a man whom the celebrated producer describes as “a fearful human being” who “was afraid of tomorrow. He was lamenting the passing of time,” Lear says of the Bunker pater, “because it’s always easier to stay with what is familiar and not move forward.”

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"Putting on the Whole World" Jerry Lewis and America’s Descent into Jewish Comic Madness

"Putting on the Whole World" Jerry Lewis and America’s Descent into Jewish Comic Madness

Yet there is more here than meets the habitually adoring eye. Decades before the notion of “transgenderism” or same sex marriage emerged, Lewis’ unpredictable, crass, and effeminate character, dubbed “the Kid” or “the Idiot,” pushed the boundaries of acceptance by promoting a marked irreverence for established authority and mores; his unconventional schtick involved parodying curbed intellectual development, dressing in drag, and femininely catering on stage (or camera) to longtime comedy teammate Dean Martin…

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Biden's Minyan and the Holocaust Narrative

Biden's Minyan and the Holocaust Narrative

Wait, didn’t the Russians liberate Auschwitz? The only thing which explains why the Attorney General is in a country half-way around the world, where he is acting as a surrogate secretary of state, is Jewish solidarity and Jewish dedication to spreading their revolutionary spirit at the expense of the natives, who, in the case of the Ukraine, had their own bitter experiences with Jews like Lazar Kaganovich, who starved millions of Ukrainians to death during the 1930s…

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