The Great Divide: East and West w/ Peter Helland

The Great Divide: East and West w/ Peter Helland

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Peter Helland recently traveled to Croatia to participate in a conference held by Mike Jones on the subject of Beauty and especially about his book, "The Dangers of Beauty." About 40 people attended from many different countries. Peter and Mike talk about the trip and some of the discussions that took place there. Mike spent and extra week speaking in Serbia. Around 1992 Catholic Croatia fought Orthodox Serbia. This is where the East meets the West.

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How The St. Joe County Public Library Enables Genocide In Gaza

How The St. Joe County Public Library Enables Genocide In Gaza

Dr. E. Michael Jones visits the local public access channel studio in downtown South Bend to discuss with Peter Helland his understanding of the very controversial decision to continue to retain the retired Jewish lawyer of Barnes and Thornburg, Alan Feldbaum, to his high position within the St. Joseph County Public Library.

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The End of Roe V. Wade and the Empire

The End of Roe V. Wade and the Empire

Peter Helland talks with Dr. E. Michael Jones on Citizens for Community Media South Bend Indiana. Peter and Dr. Jones sit down to reflect the American hegemony since its creation after World War II, all the way up to now, and what roll Roe vs. Wade played in that 80-year history. Dr. Jones explains why he believes with the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, the American empire is ending.

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E. Michael Jones: War on Representative Government

E. Michael Jones: War on Representative Government

E. Michael Jones talks with Peter Helland on the local public access station show, Citizens for Community Media, in South Bend, IN. Mike sees representative government as the biggest issue at stake with all that is happening now in the world. He talks about the Catholic bishop's synod on synodality that is happening in Germany. They are contemplating accepting same sex marriage as valid along with other such heretical ideas. Mike mentions the priest in Poland currently on trial in Germany for saying there is a homosexual mafia running the church in Germany. Mike closes with remarks on the truckers in Canada and Justin Trudeau.

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E. Michael Jones on Traditionis Custodes

In this episode of Citizens for Community Media, Peter Helland sits down with Dr. Jones to hear his explanation to the controversial issue of Pope Frances recent motu proprio. The Latin Mass has become very popular In the past 10 years in America, and for various reasons Pope Francis, in conjunction with advice of his bishops, has felt constrained to severely limit the practice of the old liturgy. Dr. Jones gives us a history starting at the council of Trent, throw-out the 500 year history of the Trinitite mass, its replacement by the Novus Ordo mass which came out of Vatican two. Dr. Jones describes the complexity of the issue, and clearly states the problem as well as offering a solution.

Peter Helland:

Traditionis Custodes:

UNZ Article:

Times of Israel Article:



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