FFWN: Palestine Rising! (with E. Michael Jones – plus “The Dangers of Beauty”)

FFWN: Palestine Rising! (with E. Michael Jones – plus “The Dangers of Beauty”)

Articles: https://kevinbarrett.heresycentral.is/2024/05/ffwn-palestine-rising-with-e-michael-jones/

Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them.

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E. Michael Jones: War on Representative Government

E. Michael Jones: War on Representative Government

E. Michael Jones talks with Peter Helland on the local public access station show, Citizens for Community Media, in South Bend, IN. Mike sees representative government as the biggest issue at stake with all that is happening now in the world. He talks about the Catholic bishop's synod on synodality that is happening in Germany. They are contemplating accepting same sex marriage as valid along with other such heretical ideas. Mike mentions the priest in Poland currently on trial in Germany for saying there is a homosexual mafia running the church in Germany. Mike closes with remarks on the truckers in Canada and Justin Trudeau.

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"The Divine Plan" Movie Review and CIA Catholicism

Dr. E. Michael Jones returns to review the film "The Divine Plan" (2019), which celebrates the alliance between President Reagan and Pope John Paul II during the Cold War, and to give his thoughts on "You might be a CIA Catholic if..."

0:00 Dr. Jones's thoughts on the film

3:29 Who violated the treaty that Reagan and Gorbachev sign at the end of the film?

13:00 Dr. Jones on the point of the film

14:35 What was left out about the fall of the Soviet Union

20:15 The OTHER alliance and "missed opportunities"

27:25 The year of 1979

30:50 George Weigel and capitalism

38:50 The price the Pope had to pay

41:00 You might be a CIA Catholic if...

56:32 Random questions for EMJ

This podcast is mirrored from Catholics Against Militarism


PewDiePie Meets The Mafia

On September 10th, the largest individual YouTuber, PewDiePie, released a video where he stated that he would be donating $50,000 to the Anti-Defamation League. Following 24 hours of backlash on the internet from his fans and cultural commentators like Dr. E. Michael Jones, PewDiePie retracted his offer to donate to this criminal organization.

In this video, Dr. Jones breaks down how this happened, what this organization REALLY does, provides historical context. Whether PewDiePie intended this or not, he has brought the crimes of this organization to the attention of his 100+ million YouTube Subscribers and Red-Pilled them on the truth about this anti-American hate organization.

Psychological Warfare: E. Michael Jones on YouTube Censorship

The essence of Psychological Warfare is the attempt to prevent un-authorized communication between subject peoples, according to Christopher Simpson.

It is evident, that Google, YouTube, Facebook and the ADL are all engaging in Psychological Warfare, under the auspices of "fighting Hate-Speech". This campaign is not preventing "hate," but in reality fostering hate. Hatred of Europeans, their descendants, and the Faith that made Western Civilization what it is today: Catholicism.

For 40 years, we have been fighting to spread awareness of the social engineering programs implemented by the enemies of the Catholic Church that have decimated our cultures, our civilization and our Church. Despite the oligarchs failed attempt to keep the lid on this operation, a consciousness of this state of affairs has risen up due to communication facilitated by the internet. But, as we have seen with the recent spate of banned accounts on YouTube, the oligarchs are trying to prevent us from communicating with each other.

The good news?

This attempt will fail, and here is why: Culture Wars Magazine was not built on the Internet. It was built before computers and technology overran our society, and no matter who tries to ban us or de-platform us, we will always be able to produce and deliver physical copies of our magazine directly to you. It is more important now than it ever was to subscribe to Culture Wars, to keep us networked together, to keep us in communication, and to preserve a sense of unity among those of us who are aware of the attempt by those in control to pervert our morals and our Faith.

Before social media existed, our "Letters to the Editor" section served as a form of social media that is not subject to deletion, bogus "hate-speech" regulations, or digital censorship. As the walls of the Internet continue to close in, this physical form of communication will become one of the most valuable assets we have.

The Cause of the West's Collapse - Hearth and Fire Podcast

Dr. E. Michael Jones joins Hearth and Fire to explain the root of Western societies collapse, and how the oligarchs gained and maintain control. Also included is the use of usury and pornography, it's role in free speech and censorship. Also described is a practical strategy of restoring tradition.

Ireland: The New Gay Disco

The Irish Patriot and Dr. Jones discuss the debt and moral crisis in Ireland and how to fix it, as well as various other topics including the potato famine, the banking system, sexual liberation, abortion, gay marriage, the false apparitions in Medjugorge, and a whole lot more.

Power And Privilege - Strike and Mike Deconstruct Jewish Privilege With E. Michael Jones

Strike and Mike welcomed Dr. E. Michael Jones to the show for a discussion of his latest book on power and privilege. Jones' book "Jewish Privilege" is now a Best-Seller on Amazon Kindle and Paperback editions. Pick up your copy before it gets banned:

In the interview, they discuss:

  • What is "Hate Speech"

  • How the censorship system operates

  • Privilege is the privilege to control the terms of discourse

  • Privilege in media, finance, politics and social life

  • The real gay agenda

  • Fighting back with collective power

What the Bleep Happened to Architecture

Socrates said that the order of the city was the order of the soul writ large. That observation is all the more true today—and not a compliment to the modern soul or the modern city. Most people simply don’t advert to the quiet influence the surrounding architecture has on their psyche: the shape and scale of buildings, the order and proportion (or lack thereof). The father of modern Bauhaus architecture is the German Walter Gropius, a promiscuous cad who married a promiscuous shrew named Anna Mahler, wife of composer Gustav Mahler. Dr. E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars magazine says that Gropius painted into his architectural vision a radically new kind of building and with it, a revolution in urban planning.

In this episode you will learn:

  • The subtle (?) ways in which the architecture that surrounds us tells us who we are and what our life’s priorities ought to be

  • How Gropius’s rationalization of his own degeneracy got transmuted into buildings built purely for function, and ugly as sin besides

  • Why rebellion against Logos leads to disorder and chaos in the external design of things

  • What public housing Projects in Chicago, suburban Moscow, and industrial Poland have in common

  • Why classical architecture as nurtured by Catholic principles and sound philosophy can lead the way to beautify both home and church design.