Gal Gadot defends celebrity 'Imagine' video: 'I just wanted to send light and love to the world'

It's been almost seven months since the beginning of COVID-19 lockdowns in the United States, and one would be forgiven for feeling it's lasted even longer. A few events do stand out even in this year of sameness, however — such as the "Imagine" video that found a bunch of Hollywood celebrities teaming up to sing John Lennon's iconic song about fantasizing a world at peace without borders (as Lennon himself once said, it's basically the Communist Manifesto in lyrical form) at a time when the world has seemed more divided and alienated than ever. The project was assembled by actress Gal Gadot, and in a new interview with Vanity Fair, Gadot said she stands by the performance.

Gal Gadot

“I had nothing but good intentions and it came from the best place, and I just wanted to send light and love to the world," Gadot told interviewer Nancy Jo Sales. She went on to describe how the video came together — it had a lot to do with costar Kristen Wiig, who is playing the villainous Cheetah in the upcoming Wonder Woman 1984.

“I started with a few friends, and then I spoke to Kristen [Wiig],” Gadot said. “Kristen is like the mayor of Hollywood. Everyone loves her, and she brought a bunch of people to the game. But yeah, I started it, and I can only say that I meant to do something good and pure, and it didn’t transcend.”

Like so many other blockbuster films planned for a 2020 release, Wonder Woman 1984 has been delayed multiple times. It is currently set for a Christmas Day release.

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