Ryan Reynolds pokes fun at Disney-Fox merger with Deadpool photo

It’s only been a few hours since Disney announced that it will buy 21st Century Fox’s film and TV divisions, and Deadpool is already causing trouble for his new boss.

After Disney officially announced the merger, Ryan Reynolds shared a photo on Twitter of Deadpool getting escorted out of Disneyland by security. “Apparently you can’t actually blow the Matterhorn,” he wrote.

This isn’t the first time Reynolds has cracked jokes about what the Disney-Fox merger might mean for his raunchy, R-rated superhero. Last week, when news reports suggested that the family-friendly Disney had its eye on Fox, Reynolds joked about what a Disney-fied Deadpool might look like.

Disney purchased multiple assets from 21st Century Fox for $52.4 billion in stock, acquiring all of its film and TV productions, as well as its back catalog of films and shows. The deal also means that the rights to Marvel characters like the X-Men and Deadpool will revert back to Disney’s Marvel Studios, after being owned by Fox for years.

A sequel to 2016’s Deadpool is already in the works, with David Leitch (Atomic Blonde) directing the Merc with a Mouth’s latest outing. Josh Brolin is on board to play Cable, with Zazie Beetz also joining as Domino.

Deadpool 2 will hit theaters June 1, 2018.

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