Seriously though, why does The Mandalorian have a mustache?

Some thoughts on Din Djarin's super-secret stache.

Warning: This post contains spoilers for The Mandalorian Chapter 15: "The Believer."

In the latest episode of The Mandalorian, fans once again got to see Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) without his helmet.

The reason Mando took off his beloved Beskar face-covering was a little messy (he needed to access an Imperial terminal that has a security face scan – but the scan doesn't actually stop unauthorized rogue bounty hunters from using it?). Yet it led to arguably the best scene of the season, as outlaw Mayfield (Bill Burr) and an authoritarian Imperial officer (Richard Brake) discussed the Empire's war crimes. Djarin’s wariness and rising concern at Mayfield's outrage would have been much less clear and interesting with the helmet on, and it was great fun getting some rare facetime with Pascal-as-Djarin.

The Mandalorian
Lucasfilm Ltd.

But there was just ... one ... thing ... we couldn't help but notice: It makes no damn sense that Din Djarin has a mustache.

To be clear: It makes perfect sense for Pedro Pascal to have a mustache. It looked great in HBO's Game of Thrones...

Game of Thrones
Helen Sloan/HBO

And in Netflix's Narcos...


And on EW's new Entertainers of the Year cover...

January 2021 Cover- Entertainers of the Year 2020
Radka Leitmeritz for EW

Interestingly, Pascal does not have his mustache in the upcoming Wonder Woman 1984 where he plays the villainous Maxwell Lord, and the result is rather unsettling (presumably intentionally).

Wonder Woman 1984 Deep Dive
Warner Bros.

So this is not a request for stash-free Pedro Pascal in general.

But there is no logical reason why a character who adamantly refuses to take off his helmet and show his face to any other living being under any circumstances would have a stylish, well-groomed mustache.

Now it would be one thing if Mando had a beard. Beards can just happen. Mando is busy protecting The Child and saving the galaxy it would be understandable if he went without shaving for a week, or two, or even for a month, and got all scruffy under there.

But when a grown man has a mustache on an otherwise clean-shaven face it's a deliberate stylistic choice that requires regular maintenance, and Mando is a pragmatic warrior-type. So what’s the point of Mando having a mustache – and all its accompanying itchy sweatiness while fighting stormtroopers – if he never lets anybody see his face?

Just imagine Din Djarin getting up in the morning, shaving his stubble (I'm sure there's a Razor Crest joke to be made here somewhere), then carefully trimming his mustache, checking to make sure it looks all even and correct, and then he puts on his helmet to hide his face from the world. What on Yavin for?

Was it was part of Mando’s odd cult-like upbringing? Is every male member of The Children of the Watch not only forbidden from removing their helmets yet also required to rock handsome mustaches just like Din Djarin?

Or perhaps it's something else. My editor had another explanation, and it's a rather sweet idea: "Maybe it's his own little secret; something just for him."

That's actually pretty good. Perhaps the mustache gives Mando a bit more swagger, a little more confidence as he makes his way through a harsh and unforgiving galaxy. Maybe he just likes privately knowing it's there. His secret 'stache.

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