
Now get this straight, you lot! You might have had it in your head that this is a dumping wasteland for you, but make no greater mistake than that, oh no sir!
Why, just today I received one of your confessions, as ridiculous as some of them are, but I still do a good job of respecting your wishes, it’ll be wise to remmeber that.
Anyways, where was I? Oh yes, those horrid confessions! So here I was opening one of them and I sweared by Godric’s dimwitted two single braincells, I couldn’t make heads or tails out of it!
Oh forget the butchered grammar (you kiss yer mum with that mouth eh?), I couldn’t even begin to guess what it meant! Then I realized, “oh the poor youngin must’ve forgotten to put in their chosen word!”, but for the life of me I still could not even come close to guessing it! McGonagall might have excused you, but I will not! Oh dear no!
Either review whatever you send in to the confess box, or I’ll have a chat with the blog owner for your ignorance (you cheeks probably find it funny to trash your work, I’ll give you funny when Professor Taiga hears about this, and mark my words: yes she will!)
Now have I made myself clear?
Good, engrave it on your head if you have to, or there’ll be repercussions.
Children these days, I’ll have a heart attack before Voldemort takes over.
Yes, I said his name, but only because you little shrewds sometimes just prove to be ten times worse!

Good day.



I always found it weird that people made Luna out to be a ‘cryptic wise girl who could see everyone’s secrets’

I will admit her advice is good, but most people forget that she’s a conspiracy theorist!

Who thought Sirius was some bad guy!

Like, give me some Lunas with crazy theories that don’t make sense at all!


I don’t think Bellatrix would be a feminist icon.

She’s a pureblood, and they’re mostly about marrying other purebloods, and giving an heir.

And there’s another thing where people go,
‘Bellatrix climbed the stairs to show everyone she was better than the males among the Death Eaters.’

When it was just to show she was only loyal to Voldemort and being better than another gender, those would mean very little to her as long as she got the goods.


There’s too much hate toward the marauders in the fandom, especially James. Yes they were bullies, but they grew up and changed. James died to protect his family.
He was not just a bully.
Sirius was not just a bully.
Remus was not just a bystander.
Please, remember what they did for Harry, not only what they did to Snape.


The reason the fandom is so bland is because we don’t know Harry Potter’s favorite food, just that he has a bit of a sweet tooth. There is also the fact that we know barely anything of his parents.


Arthur and Molly Weasley snuggling, while watching the sunset on top of the Burrow.


Here’s a shot from my Christmas tree. Merry Everything, friends.

yeah i know the background art isn’t Jeverus, but it goes


I wish Jeverus (James x Severus) was a more popular ship.


HP is not perfect, but it’s my home.


Snape is very frustrating to me.
While I love his character design and Alan Rickman was iconic in that role, I also feel disappointed in how his backstory was written, and how his character arc was resolved.
In my opinion I don’t think it was narratively satisfying.

lmao i don’t even know if i used the correct picture or not


I think the picture of young Albus Dumbledore in Deathly Hallows is so cute. I think he is the cutest person in the entire franchise.