Interview With Actress Mamie Laverock

By Ruth on October 7, 2018 in Interview, movie, television

Ever since young Mamie Laverock made her memorable appearance in season one of When Calls the Heart, she has been a Hearties favorite. I have had the opportunity to connect with her on social media over the years, but I also met her last year at the Hearties Family Reunion. Since that time, we have been attempting to set up an interview, but scheduling can be quite tricky due to our busy schedules. When I saw that she would be making a return to Hallmark in the recent Fall Harvest movie, Wedding of Dreams, she and I both finally found the time for this long-awaited interview to happen. And I am honored today to share her with all of my readers.

RH: How old were you when you decided to become an actress? 

ML: I actually started acting when I was about a year old, so at first, it wasn’t really my decision to become an actress at that age. But now I absolutely adore acting, and I am so grateful for all these unbelievable opportunities that have come my way. In fact, my parents actually met at an audition for a play.

What was your first professional role in the business, and what are your memories of that job?

My first professional role in acting was actually when I was six years old. The movie was called This Means War, and it starred Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine, and Tom Hardy. I did some improv for this movie, but unfortunately, it got cut out. But the experience was unbelievable. One of the memories I have from being a part of this movie was when Chris Pine was joking around on set and he asked me to punch Reese Witherspoon as a joke. Even back then, I had a good sense of humor, and I said, “No, I like her!” And I turned around and hugged her!

How did you land a role in When Calls the Heart? What was it like being on set that first season?

All I can say is that being a part of the first season of When Calls the Heart was a dream come true. It was amazing to be on that first season because we were all new to being a part of something spectacular and learning how the show worked as a soon-to-be family. It was truly an amazing experience! When I first started working with Erin {Krakow} and Daniel {Lissing}, the leads of the show, I just thought to myself that they were literally the nicest people ever, and I’m so glad I had the opportunity to work with them.

What was your favorite episode of that show to film, and why was it your favorite?

Definitely episode three, “A Telling Silence.” I really got to work with all of the amazing actors while getting to know them better and making new memories. I remember during that scene in this incredibly-made mine shaft, Erin and I poured out all our emotion onto each other…Really an amazing experience getting to know Erin and see how much of an outstanding actress she really is.

What have your interactions been like with the Hearties? Any special moments you would like to tell us about?

Wow, the Hearties! I love them all so much. They have done oh so much for me, and I thank them truly. Over the years, I have kept in touch with this amazing family that I now have, and that is one of the other reasons why When Calls the Heart has had such a positive effect on my life and always will. I cannot specifically point out one special memory because they are all so dear to my heart. Every memory is a special memory.

Recently, Hallmark fans saw you in Wedding of Dreams, and now Canadian fans will be seeing you soon in this movie. What can you share about this movie and your character? How is it different from when you were in When Calls the Heart?

All I can say is that both characters that I have played both in Wedding of Dreams and When Calls the Heart are incredibly sweet. And they also both have a positive and impactful influence on the rest of the characters in their own unique way. I also want to thank Debbie Gibson for inspiring me so much and giving me this beautiful song to sing. The song is called “Take The Risk,” and Debbie wrote it and then let me sing it in the movie. You can also visit Debbie’s page and download the version that Sean Thomas and I sang together. I am honored that she chose my character to sing it in the movie.

How has Debbie Gibson helped and inspired you artistically?

Debbie Gibson is such an amazing person, singer, and actor. She can make anyone laugh and have a good time. She makes everything fun, and she makes work enjoyable whenever she’s around. She has inspired me to be the most positive and outgoing person I can be which hopefully makes the people around me have a great time and have a better overall performance.

Any other upcoming roles you can mention?

I do have a very small role coming up in two episodes of season three of A Series of Unfortunate Events. That won’t be out till next year, and it will be on Netflix. I play Snow Scout in both episodes. Neil Patrick Harris is the lead on that show, and he has a huge presence on set. I got to see him in character, and the entire experience was just incredible.

Other than that, I am continuing to audition for a variety of roles in TV and film. Keep watching social media for any announcements about upcoming roles as I will be sure to update as I can.

How have you kept up your schooling when you are filming?

My school is quite good about helping me work through any missed school time, although it is difficult sometimes because the homework does build up. I try and keep in daily contact with my teachers if I am away for a long period of time for an acting role. They do normally have “on-set tutors” who help with any homework you may have or to help you with anything you are learning in a certain subject for your grade.

How have you learned to deal with rejection in this industry?

I believe you have to just not think about it. If you audition for a character, don’t get too attached because sometimes whether you book or don’t book a role feels like winning the lottery. Only one person in a million gets the role, and if you’re not that person, it can be tough. There will be many great opportunities along this journey. I believe everything happens for a reason, so if you don’t get something, don’t worry because there’s something greater waiting for you. And every role you happen to get is a blessing and gift for all your hard work. So whatever you do, just don’t give up!

How has your family helped you as you have grown up in the entertainment industry?

It’s all about support, patience, and encouragement. My family has supported and encouraged me throughout my whole life as I’ve done acting, and I thank them tremendously. It’s incredibly hard to drive back and forth from one side of the city to the other not knowing when something is going to happen with acting or when you might book something. But believe me when I say that someday it will happen, and patience is really the key. If my parents didn’t encourage me and support me along these past fourteen years, I wouldn’t be where I am today. So I really thank them with all of my heart.

What is your advice to other young people who may wish to become actors?

I would say that if you’re wanting to go into acting, just do it! Trust me when I say that anything is possible when you believe in yourself. It’s going to be scary going into a room with a bunch of people judging you on whether or not you are going to be good for this amazing character that they’ve created, but you can do it. And I know you can! I still get nervous in front of the camera, and I’ve been acting for fourteen years now. So if you’re wishing to become an actor, just be confident in yourself and in who you are because that will reflect in the room, and you will have an amazing time I guarantee. Also, don’t take anything personally. If you get criticism, take it and use it in the next audition room. They are just trying to help you get better and better! You’ve got this!

Through all the peaks and valleys that Mamie has encountered throughout her tenure in the entertainment business, her attitude has remained steadfast, tenacious, and optimistic. The world of acting is rather unforgiving to adults, so whenever a child chooses to enter the fray, it can be a daunting task, to say the least. But Mamie has never chosen to forsake her beloved art; instead, she continues pursuing her passions and living her life to the fullest. The advice she gave concerning rejection and the acting profession in general is some of the best I’ve ever heard from a young person, and something tells me that she has emerged as a beacon of fortitude and brilliance through all the twists and turns she has encountered in her journey. And after meeting her last year, I can attest to the fact that she is one of the most normal, down-to-earth teenagers you will ever see in spite of the incredible talents she possesses.

If you are in Canada, you can check out Wedding of Dreams on the W Network this evening (October 7th), and if you are in the U.S., be sure to check the Hallmark listings for the next time this delightful movie airs. Having seen the film, I can state with absolute certainty that Mamie is a veritable star amongst the young actors, and in addition to her undeniable acting skills, her musical talent is something extraordinary to behold. If you have not had the opportunity to check out her other works, be sure that you follow her at the links below while investigating a few of her notable roles. Mamie will invariably be one of those once-in-a-lifetime actresses who completely embodies every character she is given, and Hearties can hardly wait to see what is next on the horizon for her!










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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


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