Adding Bitcoin to Donation Methods for the Apache Software Foundation

On August 26th, the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) received a request to accept donations via Bitcoin. Shortly after publishing a wallet on the 28th, the ASF has received more than 3BTC in donations, or about $1,500 at the current exchange rate.  Rich Bowen pushed the Bitcoin address to the ASF donations page, without any fanfare […]

Read More.. Adding Bitcoin to Donation Methods for the Apache Software Foundation

Behind Apache’s New Status Service

Earlier this week, the Apache Software Foundation’s Infrastructure Team launched a new status service that displays a ton of information about the health of the Apache infrastructure and activity within its projects. Daniel Gruno, infrastructure architect at the ASF, explains how the service came to be and where it’s headed. Joe Brockmeier: Can you tell […]

Read More.. Behind Apache’s New Status Service