The Apache Weekly News Round-up: week ending 24 December 2021

Happy Friday, everyone. The Apache community has had another great week. Let’s review what we’ve been up to: ASF Board – management and oversight of the business affairs of the corporation in accordance with the Foundation’s bylaws. – Next Board Meeting: 19 January 2022. Board calendar and minutes ASF Infrastructure – our distributed team on three continents keeps […]

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The Apache Weekly News Round-up: week ending 17 December 2021

We’re wrapping up another great week with the following activities from the Apache community: ASF Board – management and oversight of the business affairs of the corporation in accordance with the Foundation’s bylaws. – Next Board Meeting: 19 January 2022. Board calendar and minutes ASF Infrastructure – our distributed team on three continents keeps the ASF’s infrastructure running […]

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Apache Log4j CVEs

The Apache Software Foundation project Apache Logging Services has responded to a security vulnerability that is described in two CVEs, CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046. In this post we’ll list the CVEs affecting Log4j and keep a list of frequently asked questions.  The most recent CVE has been addressed in Apache Log4j 2.16.0, released on 13 December. […]

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The Apache Weekly News Round-up: week ending 10 December 2021

Hello, everyone –let’s review the Apache community’s activities from over the past week: ASF Board – management and oversight of the business affairs of the corporation in accordance with the Foundation’s bylaws. – Next Board Meeting: 15 December 2021. Board calendar and minutes ASF Infrastructure – our distributed team on three continents keeps the ASF’s infrastructure running around […]

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The Apache Weekly News Round-up: week ending 3 December 2021

Welcome, December –we’re opening the month with another great week. Here’s what the Apache community has been up to: Apache Month in Review – a round-up of our Round-ups and other newsworthy bits over the past month. – November Month in Review ASF Board – management and oversight of the business affairs of the corporation in accordance with […]

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