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Anonymous BenL said...

I wonder goes through the mind of someone like that. Is it pure ambition (having 'antennae' for what they want to hear upstairs)?

29 December 2020 at 12:19

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Ben He was ahead of the curve, and understood the process top down; but now this is mainstream habitual practice among 'managers' (which class is the most prevalent job among white collar workers).

After all, most people assume that the title (or history) of an organisation (e.g. charity, college, school, business, church...) defines its 2020 function; when the reality is that as of 2020 all organisations )whatever their tiel or historical function) have the same primary function; which is to be a compliant sub-part of the Single Bureaucracy.

29 December 2020 at 14:10

Blogger Thomas Henderson said...

Christ taught as one with authority according to Mark. "All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me", we are told by Matthew in the Great Commission. In Luke, Jesus honoured the centurion's authority in the story of the healing of the servant.

Authority is whole and holy when vested in a person who acts responsibly and is accountable for his decisions. One reason why hierarchy (from Greek hierarkhia, from hierarkhēs ‘sacred ruler’) is so important in the Christendom model of order.

Post modernity is implicitly anti-Christian in its call for the deconstruction of hierarchy.

The Sanhedrin was a bureaucracy.

Global institutions and its media allies are set up using the Sanhedrin model. They will shape shift reality in opposition to Truth.

29 December 2020 at 14:10

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@TH. Unfortunately as of 2020, the Christian churches have shown themselves to be part of the global bureaucracy. There is no obvious source of legitimate authority - authority is something that each Christian must discern for himself.

29 December 2020 at 17:37

Anonymous Faculty X said...

Would you say that: "We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."?

In Romans 12:2 a solution is offered:

"And stop being molded by this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, so that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

The Jehovah's Witness way of describing our world as the current 'system of things' fits well with modern times.

The trouble I have with the New Testament approach is it is essentially passive - retreat before the oppressive power of State control.

Jesus talked about how his kingdom was not of this world, so why would it be otherwise?

The true Biblical solutions were to have a society ruled by a Prophet with direct contact with the Old Testament God; or to have a Monarchy.

29 December 2020 at 18:56

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In general, I've noticed that wealthy and highly educated people have fallen for climate change and the birdemic more than "ordinary" folks. This surprises me, because aren't highly educated people supposed to recognize propaganda and value critical thinking? Maybe they're especially susceptible to believe in lies like the birdemic because they live in a sort of virtual reality that is far removed from the genuine struggles of everyday life?

Similarly, none of my acquaintances who are black support BLM, but I know of several upper middle class white people who do....

29 December 2020 at 20:20

Blogger Thomas Henderson said...

Bruce Charlton @TH. Unfortunately as of 2020, the Christian churches have shown themselves to be part of the global bureaucracy. There is no obvious source of legitimate authority - authority is something that each Christian must discern for himself.

Sadly true Mr. Charlton. Your assessment is bang on the money. Church and state are vast bureaucracies, as are corporations, universities, schools, and hospitals. Authority has been subsumed and diffused by process.

29 December 2020 at 22:02

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@TtL - " aren't highly educated people supposed to recognize propaganda and value critical thinking?"

I think partly it's because it is this class who produce the propaganda and live by/from its dissemination - more deeply because our civilization became atheist-materialist from the top-down; so these people are rootless and their morality merely expedience.

29 December 2020 at 22:47

Blogger Jonathan said...

@TruthtoLife: Good question. I have two hypotheses.

My older hypothesis is that the ability to think abstractly comes with a vulnerability, that one is more able to believe ideology over one's own experience. The ability to think abstractly is very much conferred by IQ, so many people with higher IQs have less common sense and wackier beliefs. Low-IQ people, whatever their faults, tend to be more grounded in the concrete reality of their daily lives.

My newer hypothesis, following Bruce's post above, is that "highly educated" people are the majority of the managerial class, and joining the managerial class is a self-corrupting process, as every day one is required to sacrifice a little more integrity, working toward the corrupt goals of one's own managers. Over time, they are turned fully to evil, usually without even knowing it.

30 December 2020 at 00:00

Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Very interesting view from the inside! I find it a bit surprising that They would discuss their strategy so openly and cynically, even behind closed doors.

"Equality" is so very obviously irrelevant to medicine that it's hard to imagine how a sufficient proportion of doctors were ever convinced otherwise. Women live longer than men, for example, so breast cancer research must be condemned as an attempt to exacerbate inequality! (Just kidding. Of course I understand that it would only count as inequality if men lived longer.)

This kind of stuff is everywhere now. My brother teaches computer science at a major research university, and their whole focus is on, you guessed it, "diversity in computing." Just how mickey mouse can you get before people stop taking you seriously? And how can computer nerds, of all people, buy into it? But they do.

30 December 2020 at 02:29

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Jonathan - you may be interested by something I wrote on these lines:

@Wm - The atmosphere was one of hard-nosed 'idealism' rather than 'cynicism' - everybody in the room (except me) too it for granted that greater equality (in everything, whichever way you cut it) was a good thing - with equality being defined (implicitly) in terms of favouring favoured groups.

At the time, it was not made explicit that the over-riding desirability of equality would never be discussed - because the atmosphere in Public Health had already reached that point. It would have been shocking to challenge the assumption.

Which, as you say, is bizarre in medicine - where one would have supposed that good heath would be the priority - not equal health outcomes! But then the same has happened in science, education, law, the military, and everywhere.

In Britain, people have an Achilles heel about class (i.e. socialism) which goes back to Victorian times and is analogous to the US Achilles heel about race. And Socialism became focused on equalizing outcomes - rather than opportunities - from the middle sixties; when it began to be clear that opportunities were equal enough that the remaining average group differences were due to innate factors (e.g. different group averages of heritable intelligence, personality etc) which therefore had to be denied).

30 December 2020 at 06:18

Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

"everybody in the room (except me) too it for granted"

So the question is why were you -- why are we -- different? The answer can't be Christianity, since you were an atheist at the time, right?

30 December 2020 at 07:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - The answer was what I recently expressed as 'common sense audit' - from an early age (middle teens) I started checking my beliefs against experience. I bega as a Fabian socialist (influenced by GB Shaw) and joined teh Labour Party on my 16th birthday. But auditing my assumptions against reality I soon abandoned that , and every subsequent conclusion.

But then the question is why did I do this, when other people don't ever? Even despite being an atheist?

The answer is probably that it is a quirk of my personality - I am a spontaneous and compulsive 'philosopher'.

This would, pretty reliably, demolish incoherent falsehoods. But, until I became a Christian, I could not justify this, nor could I find anything positive as an alternative. I was essentially a double-negative kind of guy - e.g. a 'positive' goal would be something like amelioration of suffering.

Or else I would say - "If X is your goal; then you should realise that Y is sabotaging it". But I could not have grounds for saying that X was a valid goal.

As I say, it was all about coherence, and the assumptions were regarded as no more than personal and accidental preferences (perhaps from evolutionary causes) - but I regarded my own preferences and assumptions as more valid than other people's...

Some kind of hedonism is all that *can* be a goal in a mortal life, after all; since it is bound to end in death, and almost certain to suffer adverse accident and disease.

30 December 2020 at 08:10