Marks & Spencer

Join David Gandy in bed and prepare to swoon

Image may contain Diaper David Gandy Human Person Clothing Apparel and Underwear

David Gandy is well known for his pant-wearing skills. Seriously, who can forget him lying down in those D&G adverts? Certainly not us. His new job sees him designing (and modelling) a range of underwear for Marks & Spencer. He's not just a pretty face is he, our Dave!?

M&S has now done the right thing and created a video of David Gandy in bed showing off his Autograph underwear range, and whoa, those tight white pants sure are, um, snug.

Talking about his under crackers, David Gandy said: "It's a really exciting time for me, seeing the collection that we've worked on for almost a year go into stores all over the world. Being able to visit some of those, meet customers and fans and see their reactions to the range we've created is something I'm looking forward to a lot - I hope they like it! I've focussed heavily on the detail of every product from the quality of the fabrics, great comfort and fit, to the signature houndstooth print that features on the packaging and internal linings. Hopefully, together, we have created an underwear range that is unique, offering a premium range available at high street prices."

C'mon Dave, less talking, more pouting! Let's see another picture of you in your pants...

The world's only male supermodel will launch his men's underwear and sleepwear collection on 18 September.