Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

46 thoughts on “Welcome!

  • Hey Jon….looks like your not the only one to use that picture for cover art…
    I wonder how many other self published authors this will happen to? Either way I gottat say that picture is awesome! So regardless if others use it or not, I think it works well with your book.

    But another thing: You are going the route of the self published author thanks to the digital book revolution or whatever they are calling it. Did you ever think about paying an artist to come up with original art for one of your books? Not sure if that would be cost efficient though. Still, an attractive cover will get people’s attention faster, and fortunely for you, many of your covers so far have been attractive! 🙂 And think of it this way, because you are self published, you yourself could actually have control over what the picture would be, unlike if you were going through a publishing company, in which you would have no say.

    And one final thought: I know digital books have been good to you, but do you, as Jonathan Moeller the man, not the author, prefer digital books to the codex? I prefer physical books myself, I like the feel of them. Everything is digital nowadays, and while I’m fine with alot of it, I’d prefer my books to be paperbound. It just seems right.

  • I tried posting this once already but it did not go through, so here it goes again:
    Hey Jon….looks like your not the only one to use that picture for cover art…
    I wonder how many other self published authors this will happen to? Either way I gottat say that picture is awesome! So regardless if others use it or not, I think it works well with your book.

    But another thing: You are going the route of the self published author thanks to the digital book revolution or whatever they are calling it. Did you ever think about paying an artist to come up with original art for one of your books? Not sure if that would be cost efficient though. Still, an attractive cover will get people’s attention faster, and fortunely for you, many of your covers so far have been attractive! 🙂 And think of it this way, because you are self published, you yourself could actually have control over what the picture would be, unlike if you were going through a publishing company, in which you would have no say.

    And one final thought: I know digital books have been good to you, but do you, as Jonathan Moeller the man, not the author, prefer digital books to the codex? I prefer physical books myself, I like the feel of them. Everything is digital nowadays, and while I’m fine with alot of it, I’d prefer my books to be paperbound. It just seems right.

  • OOPS! Sorry, it posted twice! And you already answered these questions in our email correspondence.

  • Silence Hammer

    Wow, im so glad i tried this book! Im just abut finished with this Demonsouled, and I just purchased the next two books they are waiting for me on my Nook! I would have gladly pain more for these books, kudos to you sir.

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks for the kind words about the DEMONSOULED books!

      The next book in the series, SOUL OF DRAGONS, should be coming out in February.

  • I picked this book up from Amazon, and had read book 2 by the end of the day. Book 3 was excellent as well. I can’t wait for the next book.

    Keep up the good work!

    • jmoellerwriter


      If all goes well, the next book should come out in February – hopefully within two weeks.

  • Manwe

    I see you started to give your other series new covers as well…very cool looking picture!
    Unlike the Ghost series (the new covers just didn’t do it for me), I have to say this cover is both
    2)visually striking
    A very good combination!
    Will the rest of the DS series (minus Sorcery) get new covers now?

    • jmoellerwriter


      Maybe. I kind of like the covers for SOUL OF TYRANTS, SOUL OF SERPENTS, and SOUL OF DRAGONS, so I might not change them.

      • Manwe

        I like the original covers too, don’t get me wrong! I’m not suggesting you change them, I just figured you would now that you changed the first.
        Did you not like the original cover for DS? I thought it fit really well, and I liked the painting.

        • jmoellerwriter

          I like the original DS cover, but I think the new one is a bit more eye-catching (which is, after all, the point).

  • Seraph316

    This is probably the wrong place to put this butI don’t know how else to contact you.
    I just started the book and so far so good, but I would like to know more about the series before going any deeper. From your site I was able to gatherr much information about the demonsouled world, all except it’s cosmology. I love mythology, and I always like to know the setup behind a fantasy world before I get into it. What is the cosmological setup behind the demonsouled world? It’s Gods, it’s creation myth, and the like.

    Like I said I want to read your other stuff too, mind telling me about those worlds too?

    • jmoellerwriter

      Hi Seraph316,

      Basically, the cosmology of the DEMONSOULED books is fairly loose. The humans have their own gods, as do the Elderborn. However, there’s some crossover – groups of humans worship the Elderborn gods (specifically, the humans of the Old Kingdoms south of Mastaria in SOUL OF TYRANTS). Additionally, not all the worshipers of a group of gods agree on how to worship those gods or even if they exist at all. The western and eastern groups of the San-keth (the serpent people) have very sharp disagreements on the nature of their god. (This will be a major plot point in the sixth book, SOUL OF SKULLS.)

      I left it loose on purpose for two reasons. First, it reflects the diversity of real-world religion. Like, 90% of Christians will agree that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, but will disagree on what that means and what to do about it. Second, it provides an excellent driver of the plot. A group of people who worship the same set of gods but disagree on the nature of those gods provides a fertile field for conflict, which is ripe to be used in a story.

      Anyway, I hope that answers your question.


  • J.Fletcher

    Hi Jonathon,
    Fellow author here (horror) and new fan. Picked up this book a few days ago and read it last night. Had to read the whole thing right then. I enjoy buying self published material as I feel many great stories are passed over by the big boys. Quite often the self published eBooks are riddled with mistakes or bad grammar.

    Yours was not. I don’t think I have ever been so satisfied with a free eBook from a self published author. The story is well rounded, the dialog believable, and the characters well developed. I love your style and can’t wait to throw my book buying money at you.

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks for the kind words about the book! I’m glad you liked it.

      I’ve had enjoyable experiences with self-published material myself. 🙂

  • Carolyn Martin

    Hi Jonathon,
    I just finished reading Child of the Ghosts which was a great read and an exciting adventure. However, you need someone to proofread the copy since I noticed and marked at least three errors. Looking forward to the next book in the series.

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks! I’m glad you liked it.

      Alas, I’ve been over CHILD OF THE GHOSTS multiple times, I’ve had volunteers go over CHILD OF THE GHOSTS multiple times, and I’ve paid someone to go over it, and there are still typos. I fear it is a testament to the imperfectibility of humanity. 🙂

  • leon mcleod

    Hay Jonathan I am a massive fan have just finished the demonsouled series and both frostborn, and now just starting the child of ghosts. Just to say I am a fantasy freak and like to write for fun myself and having read your books I find them encouragement for imagination. So keep up the artistry and I will keep a lookout for any new releases. You never know one day you might read one of mine. Lol, take care.

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks for the kind words about the books! I’m glad you liked them.

      Good luck with the writing! It is, I admit, a lot of work, but it is very rewarding.

  • Do you plan on any new Third Soul Series books?

    • jmoellerwriter

      I would very much like to. FROSTBORN and THE GHOSTS are filling up my schedule at the moment, but if I’m lucky I can get one in before the end of the year.

  • Grace Webb

    Super love your work I have just about read all of your books minus the computer stuff!! Too old for that mess!

    I’m so glad you have the list order of the books my kindle does not put them in order for me. Now that I have read them all I am reading those background/companion type books and am lost in the order of those. Can you help an old lady out and put the order ;
    list of those on here?

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks for the kind words about the books! I’m glad you liked them.

      Here is a list of the order of the companion short stories.

      For THE GHOSTS:

      #1 GHOST ARIA
      #3 GHOST CLAWS
      #4 GHOST OMENS
      #7 GHOST SWORD
      #8 GHOST PRICE
      THE FALL OF KYRACE (takes place hundreds of years before the main plot, so can be read at any point.)


      #1 The Dragon’s Shadow
      #2 The Wandering Knight
      #3 The Tournament Knight

      For FROSTBORN:

      #2 THE ORC’S TALE
      #3 THE MAGE’S TALE

  • Grace Webb

    OMG Thank you for the promptness!!! I feel like a kid all excited about this! yeah I was a nerd.

  • Kindle. A library of digital mediums to peruse through at any given time. The printed book, not so much. Something about water and books does not mix well at times. However, books are missed. The scent of glue and paper dust, the sound of the pages turning. Still it’s nice as many books as one can fit on a single thin item that can be taken anywhere. Boobbub, another fun find, picked up The Ghost Omnibus and offered it on an ethereal digital plate for reading this week. So I downloaded and read. Devoured more like. As I now pull the window up for Amazon to pick up the 6th in the series, noticing that you have other series as well a smile was born and a urge to share the enjoyment.
    Thank you, for interesting characters and stories you’ve created. Good luck and I’ll be reading.

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks for the kind words about the books! I’m glad you liked them.

      Ebooks really do come in handy for casual reading – it’s nice to have an entire library on your phone that you can read while standing in line or waiting for the bus.

  • Hello Jon…. I love ur books n ur writing…. Its so addictive…. I have read 4 books in Ghosts Series…. M gonna start wid Ghost in Stone…. I love Caina…. By the way….ever thought of making a movie?? Just a thought…

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks for the kind words about the books! I’m glad you like them.

      I would definitely like a GHOSTS movie, but I’d have to find someone to finance it. 🙂

  • Hi, I wanted to try your Frostborn series. I’m looking for something new to read and from the comments on your work, I think I’ll enjoy your books.
    I’ve been reading George R. R. Martin’s “A Game of Thrones”. I am so upset the series is 5 years continuing and he doesn’t know when it will be completed.
    Wanted to know which of your series are complete. I don’t like being “left hanging”.
    Thank you

    • jmoellerwriter

      DEMONSOULED is complete, and there are 7 books. There is a sequel trilogy called MASK OF THE DEMONSOULED, and I’ll write the final book in that over the summer.

      FROSTBORN is 10 books, and when it is finished, it will be 15 books. If all goes well (barring health problems, etc.), I hope to write the final book in the series in late 2017.

      • Thank you so much!! I know what to buy now.

  • Max Lear

    I very much enjoy your Ghosts and Ghost in Exile series, but there are a number of spelling and grammatical mistakes that a fast typist might miss. I would like to offer copy editing services, free of charge, as I am ready to re-read them anyway. I would change no words, no word placements, nothing like that – I am not an editor, but I do notice all the little mistakes that might slip by.
    Thank you for your works, they are great.
    Max Lear

  • David Lazarus

    Have you read Histories of Drakmoor by Robert M Kerns? I think the two of you would make a great team. In fact, I’d love to see Kirloth cross planar travel to Nighmar. He’d definitely shake things up a bit! Just a thought.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Haven’t read that one, sorry.

  • Oh my gosh I’m such a BIG fan! As an aspiring author who’s been working on a novel since 2 years and isn’t done even yet, how has the writing journey been like for you? I’d love to hear from one of my favourite authors about this lol 😭

  • gingeroni

    I noticed that Dragonskull is not on the ‘Master Reading Order’ page. Also, ‘The First Spear’ is missing from the Dragonskull short stories list. Otherwise, those reading lists are really handy.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Thanks! I will look into that.

  • I just have a quick question…. I’m starting to collect. Got my lists made and checking them off as I buy. I almost have my Frostborn series complete. Next is Sevenfold Sword. So excited. Problem is I can’t find it in hardcover only paperback and I really prefer hardcover. Am I not looking in the right spot or if I wait longer will I be able to find them in hardcover. Looks like Dragontiarna, Malison, and the Demonsouled books all come in hardcover.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      I believe FROSTBORN is in hardback, but at the time it wasn’t financially feasible to do SEVENFOLD SWORD or DRAGONTIARNA in hardback.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Thanks! Hope the new Substack blog does well!

      • Perry Chalmers

        Thank you sir!


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