$20 Replatforming

TalkCastalia Library Collectors

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$20 Replatforming

Edited: Oct 25, 2020, 4:12 am

Is anyone on here on the Castalia/Arkhaven $20 replatforming? If so, did you already receive the "physical" book "An Equation of Almost Infinite Complexity" and if so, "when" and did you receive that before you received "Jordanetics"?

I'm not sure which is the September book and which is the October book. I received the "Jordanetics" book on 10-14-2020, but still haven't received the "An Equation..." book. Thanks!

Oct 25, 2020, 2:17 pm

I also got Jordanetics first. If it's anything like how it worked with the Lawdog series, in a couple of weeks the next book should come.

Oct 26, 2020, 8:11 am

>2 MessiahMan: Thanks MessiahMan!
I wish Vox would set up a link on VoxPopoli to provide updated schedules (even if tentative) for all the various book offerings (Libraria/Library, Junior Classics, $20 replatforming, etc.) so we know when to expect these books (and don't have to "hope" to hear updates on the Darkstreams).

Oct 26, 2020, 4:22 pm

We don't do schedules or dates. All they do is upset people when things get delayed. We will deliver and we will deliver at a high level of quality. But our philosophical approach is the same as the historical id Software approach. Things are done when they are done.

Jan 24, 2021, 11:20 am

Bringing this thread back to the top, wondering if anyone has received the Equation book yet, mine hasn't arrived.

Jan 25, 2021, 11:01 pm

>5 MessiahMan: I received "An Equation of Almost Infinite Complexity" on December 22, 2020. That is the last replatforming book I received so far. Does anyone know what the November & December 2020 and January 2021 "replatforming" books are?

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