Book Physical Size

TalkCastalia Library Collectors

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Book Physical Size

Dec 16, 2021, 5:44 pm

Building bookshelves for my Library books, and thought I heard reference to sourcing bigger paper for an upcoming book. If there are larger books planned, is a size to make the shelf for them available yet?

Dec 10, 2023, 8:24 am

The larger book referenced is THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES. At 240mm high, it's not particularly tall, but at 200mm wide, it does require a deeper shelf than our other books.

We don't expect to do any books thicker than Plutarch, which clocked in around 800 pages. Both WAR AND PEACE and A SEA OF SKULLS are being published in two volumes. It's not a good idea to bind much more than that, because not only does it make for unwieldy reading, but the cumulative weight of the gilded pages starts to put too much pressure on the spine glue over time.

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