Politics NPR's expanded coverage of U.S. and world politics, the latest news from Congress and the White House and elections.


Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent, speaks during a December 2012 news conference on Capitol Hill. Sanders said recently he'd consider running for president if no other progressive candidate steps up. Jacquelyn Martin/AP hide caption

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Courtesy of Ozy.com

Bickering In Bangladesh; Curling; Glow-In-The-Dark Tattoos

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President Obama meets Friday with immigration activists on the National Mall in Washington. Leslie E. Kossoff/Pool/EPA/Landov hide caption

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Leslie E. Kossoff/Pool/EPA/Landov

Commuters wait on the platform as a Metro-North train arrives in Bridgeport, Conn. Craig Ruttle/AP hide caption

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Craig Ruttle/AP

Tax Break For Mass-Transit Commutes May Soon Be Slashed

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Lara Imler has tried to cancel her enrollment on HealthCare.gov, but to no avail. Annie Feidt/Alaska Public Radio Network hide caption

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Annie Feidt/Alaska Public Radio Network

Breaking Up With HealthCare.gov Is Hard To Do

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President George W. Bush paid a surprise Thanksgiving visit to American troops in Baghdad on Nov. 27, 2003. Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP hide caption

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Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP


President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have had a rocky relationship. Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP hide caption

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Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP

Bad To Worse: Iran Deal Strains Obama-Netanyahu Relationship

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Conservatives have criticized the new Internal Revenue Service rules for political dark money as an Obama administration attempt to gain political advantage. Susan Walsh/AP hide caption

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Susan Walsh/AP

New research suggests that increasing numbers of people want to live among those who share their politics. In this April 2010 photo, an aerial view of a Tucson, Ariz., housing development. Charles Rex Arbogast/AP hide caption

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Charles Rex Arbogast/AP


Voters in SeaTac, Wash., have narrowly approved a measure raising the minimum wage at its international airport, officials say. But the initiative faces several challenges, including a recount. Elaine Thompson/AP hide caption

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Elaine Thompson/AP

Marine One, with President Obama aboard, lands at a Los Angeles park on Monday as part of Obama's three-day West Coast trip that combined fundraising and official business. Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP hide caption

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Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to take another case involving the Affordable Care Act, this time a challenge to the provision that for-profit companies that provide health insurance must include contraceptive coverage in their plans offered to employees. Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images hide caption

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Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

Supreme Court Takes Challenge To Obamacare Contraceptive Rule

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Cigarette packs are displayed at a convenience store in New York City, which has raised the age to buy cigarettes from 18 to 21. Mark Lennihan/AP hide caption

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Mark Lennihan/AP