Politics NPR's expanded coverage of U.S. and world politics, the latest news from Congress and the White House and elections.


President Obama and former President Bill Clinton golf together in September 2011. The former president is campaigning for Obama, four years after the two men exchanged harsh words during the Democratic primary battle between Obama and then-Sen. Hillary Clinton. Chris Kleponis-Pool/Getty Images hide caption

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Extremism In Congress: 'Even Worse Than It Looks'?

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Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney greets supporters in Aston, Pa., on April 23. Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images hide caption

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Romney's Big-Dollar 'Bundlers' Stay Anonymous

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A recent obituary in the Chicago Tribune mourned the death of facts. But are they truly dead? iStockphoto.com hide caption

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The Death Of Facts In An Age Of 'Truthiness'

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The FlyRights mobile app, created by The Sikh Coalition, will be available for download on Androids and iPhones starting Monday, April 30. Courtesy of The Sikh Coalition hide caption

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Courtesy of The Sikh Coalition

Profiled By The TSA? There's An App For That

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Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., the son of Cuban immigrants, has urged his fellow conservatives to soften their rhetoric on illegal immigration. Above, he makes a campaign stop with Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Monday in Aston, Pa. Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images hide caption

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House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, accompanied by fellow Republicans John Kline (left) of Minnesota and Jeb Hensarling of Texas, speaks about the student loan bill on Wednesday. Charles Dharapak/AP hide caption

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Presidential Politics Hits The Hill, And Students Win

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Vice President Biden defends the administration's foreign policy --€” and questions Mitt Romney's ideas — on Thursday at New York University. Lucas Jackson/Reuters/Landov hide caption

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Lucas Jackson/Reuters/Landov

Attorney General Eric Holder, shown speaking at the 2012 National Law Enforcement Training on Child Exploitation earlier this month, tells NPR he's achieved his highest goal: leading a Justice Department that shaped him as a lawyer and as a person. David Goldman/AP hide caption

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