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A new species of ground beetle found in Antarctica (left) is named Antarctotrechus balli. The three other beetles are close modern relatives of the ancient species. The line drawings show similarities between the beetles. Courtesy of Allan Ashworth/North Dakota State University hide caption

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Courtesy of Allan Ashworth/North Dakota State University

Despite assumptions that peanut, egg and other allergies are becoming more common in the U.S., experts say they just don't know. One challenge: Symptoms can be misinterpreted and diagnosis isn't easy. Roy Scott/Getty Images hide caption

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Roy Scott/Getty Images

Are Food Allergies On The Rise? Experts Say They Don't Know

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In a cluster of glowing human stem cells, one cell divides. The cell membrane is shown in purple, while DNA in the dividing nucleus is blue. The white fibers linking the nucleus are spindles, which aid in cell division. Allen Institute for Cell Science hide caption

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Allen Institute for Cell Science


Rep. Diana DeGette, D-Colo., and Rep. Fred Upton (right), R-Mich., who have spearheaded the 21st Century Cures Act, speak after a 2015 House of Representatives vote in its favor. Congressional Quarterly/CQ-Roll Call, Inc./Getty Images hide caption

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Congressional Quarterly/CQ-Roll Call, Inc./Getty Images

Congress Poised To Pass Sweeping Law Covering FDA And NIH

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Encore: Scientists Discover Centuries-Long Lifespan Of Greenland Shark

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Katherine Streeter for NPR

Big Data Coming In Faster Than Biomedical Researchers Can Process It

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To develop a new variety of kale tailored to American palates, plant researchers are surveying consumer attitudes on the leafy green. Study participants took home the six varieties of kale pictured. The takeaway so far? "Be less like kale." Courtesy of H. Swegarden/Cornell NYSAES hide caption

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Courtesy of H. Swegarden/Cornell NYSAES

The huge sun shield of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope must be carefully folded to fit into a space about the size of a school bus before takeoff. Chris Gunn/NASA hide caption

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Chris Gunn/NASA

Some Assembly Required: New Space Telescope Will Take Shape After Launch

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LA Johnson/NPR

Millions Have Dyslexia, Few Understand It

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Product safety field staff send damaged products, such as this burnt battery pack from a defective electric scooter, to the government testing lab in Rockville, Md. Raquel Zaldivar/NPR hide caption

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Raquel Zaldivar/NPR

As Batteries Keep Catching Fire, U.S. Safety Agency Prepares For Change

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Army Corps Of Engineers Issue Dec. 5 Leave Deadline To Pipeline Protesters

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Dimitri Otis/Getty Images

Researchers Explore The Struggle Of Recognizing Faces

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