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Can you name the 10 emotions conveyed above? The first six are basic emotions. The last four are complex emotions that combine two of the basic ones. (Check at the bottom for the answers.) Courtesy of Aleix M. Martinez hide caption

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Courtesy of Aleix M. Martinez

According to a new report, unless more is done to combat climate change, extreme weather like the drought now gripping California will only grow more common. Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP hide caption

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Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP

Is The Latest Climate Report Too Much Of A Downer?

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Packs of whale meat are seen in a specialty store in Tokyo last week. An international court ruled Monday that Japan must stop issuing permits to hunt whales in the Antarctic. Shizuo Kambayashi/AP hide caption

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Shizuo Kambayashi/AP


This Vivace "no-kill" caviar was harvested from a Siberian sturgeon via a massage-based technique. The fish didn't die. But did the taste survive? Alastair Bland for NPR hide caption

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Alastair Bland for NPR


A man picks up fallen goods at a CVS store after an earthquake hit Friday near La Mirada, Calif. The magnitude-5.1 earthquake was widely felt in the Los Angeles area and surrounding counties. Jae C. Hong/AP hide caption

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Jae C. Hong/AP



Mary-Claire King says obscurity gave her the freedom to spend years looking for breast cancer genes. Mary Levin/University of Washington hide caption

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Mary Levin/University of Washington

How Being Ignored Helped A Woman Discover The Breast Cancer Gene

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The research team used yeast chromosome No. 3 as the model for their biochemical stitchery. Pins and white diamonds in the illustration represent "designer changes" not found in the usual No. 3; yellow stretches represent deletions. Lucy Reading-Ikkanda hide caption

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Lucy Reading-Ikkanda

Custom Chromo: First Yeast Chromosome Built From Scratch

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Fox Ranch, outside Yuma County, Colo., is a 14,000-acre nature preserve and working cattle ranch owned by The Nature Conservancy. The ranch is an experiment in planned grazing, which aims to improve soil health and help ranchers' bottom lines. Luke Runyon/Harvest Public Media hide caption

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Luke Runyon/Harvest Public Media


Researchers say intervention in early childhood may help the developing brain compensate by rewiring to work around the trouble spots. iStockphoto hide caption

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Brain Changes Suggest Autism Starts In The Womb

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This diagram for the outer solar system shows the orbits of Sedna (in orange) and 2012 VP113 (in red). The sun and terrestrial planets are at the center, surrounded by the orbits (in purple) of the four giant planets — Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The Kuiper belt, which includes Pluto, is shown by the dotted light blue region. Scott S. Sheppard/Carnegie Institution for Science hide caption

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Scott S. Sheppard/Carnegie Institution for Science

New Dwarf Planet Found At The Solar System's Outer Limits

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