• Essay
    By Matthew Spencer

    Wolfgang Hilbig wrote poems of gothic lyricism while laboring in Germany's bleak industrial landscapes.

Latest Book Reviews

    • Cover of A Blind Salmon by Julia Wong Kcomt
      Book Review
      By Julia Wong Kcomt
      Translated By Jennifer Shyue
      Reviewed By Janani Ambikapathy
    • Cover of Landsickness by Leigh Lucas
      Book Review
      By Leigh Lucas
      Reviewed By Leonora Simonovis
    • Cover of Good Want by Domenica Martinello
      Book Review
      By Domenica Martinello
      Reviewed By Virginia Konchan

From the current issue of Poetry

From This Issue June 2024
  • poem
    By Gboyega Odubanjo

    head permed heavy because rain don’t dare touch us. on certain mornings you can hear it deep in conversation with itself. i can’t the rain says. for it is written that so...

  • poem
    By Erika L. Sánchez

    Every day is yesterday & like the loneliness of water, I have always existed. My body brackets a quiver in a world that doesn’t love us. Despite the tyrants,

  • poem
    By Patricia Guzman

    First spring rain and I can’t begin a line like this again without remembering  you were here this time last year. When I think of  being a mother, my mind goes blank like...

The poets have emerged! The poets have emerged!

— Joe Carrick-Varty

Featured Podcasts & Videos


From Poetry Off the Shelf May 2024

Joyelle McSweeney on sound, style icons, and the Ovidian landscape of her ear canal.

  • From Poetry Off the Shelf May 2024

    Sara Henning on radical truth, obsessive forms, and letting go of grief. 

  • From Poetry Off the Shelf April 2024

    Philip Metres on middle age, writer's block, and praying for the people of Palestine.

  • From Poetry Off the Shelf April 2024

    April Gibson on chronic illness, religion, and being a teenage mother.

  • From Poetry Off the Shelf March 2024

    Declan Ryan on his father's construction job, tenderness between boxers, and the inevitable tragic end.

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