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May 2024

Cover Artist: Lynne Yun at Space Type

my hands let fly another letter

Bei Dao, tr. by Jeffrey Yang
  • Lisa Jarnot
  • Michael Frazier
  • Leila Chatti
  • Kush Thompson
  • Lachlan Chu
From this Issue
    • poem
      By Catherine Barnett
      It should be easy, I tell my son,
      to dispose of the possessions kept
      in these rooms.

      I’ve left some things on a shelf for him, see?
      These coupons might still be valid,
      the vinegar will keep forever.

      I’ve always liked the idea of order.
      I’ve always...

    • poem
      By Abdulkareem Abdulkareem
      All things begin from the spindle,
      we say—life spun from graces.
      I grew like rain from rumbles of my parents’
      cloud, a dark dawn, admitting growth.
      In the beginning, I squeeze into existence with a head,
      white, silhouette-like—formed from
      the stomach of the hard earth on...

    • poem
      By Andrea Cohen
      Today the part
      of love will be played

      by regret. Memory
      will be played

      by what if, tragedy
      by the saxophonist.

      Silence will be played
      by silence. There will

      be no intermission.

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