Showing posts with label Coronavirus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coronavirus. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 September 2023

Failing the Litmus Tests

I read recently that as much as 80% of spiritual communities went along with the patently false propaganda of 2020 and got masked, pecked and all the rest of it. This is a staggering proportion, given that such people should be aware of what lies behind appearance and, further, should be focussed in the eternal rather than the transitory. Why such a failure of understanding?

 As I see it, there are several reasons the people in these spiritual communities failed these litmus tests as Bruce Charlton has accurately dubbed them. First, and most obviously, they lack discernment, but why is this? I believe much of it comes down to motivation.

It is not sufficiently appreciated that the reason someone takes to the spiritual path is more important than the fact that they do. There are only two valid reasons. One is a fierce passion for truth. You know there is more out there than is generally recognised and you will not rest until you uncover as much of this as you can. People who fall into this category will not have been misled by the lies and deceit of the recent past. They may not have been able to put their finger on exactly what was going on but they will have felt a profound dissatisfaction with what was presented as fact. To put it bluntly, it smelt very bad.

The other reason for taking to the spiritual path is a love of God. In fact, these two reasons are by no means exclusive. There may be a different emphasis to begin with but the more one travels on the path, the more these two come together and become the same thing. For the person who loves God the machinations of man are evident because these machinations come from a rejection of God. The closer one gets to God the easier it is to discern worldly lies that spit in God's face.

Am I saying that people in spiritual communities who went along with the propaganda don't have sufficient zeal for truth or love for God? Yes, I am saying precisely that. They failed the test because they were more concerned with themselves than they were with God or truth and therefore they may have been in spiritual communities but they were not real spiritual people by any of the criteria that matter. I will concede that it may not have obvious to everyone straightaway what was happening in 2020, and what is happening today might also sometimes take a while to see through. But anyone whose heart and mind are in the right place should be able to tell the real from the unreal. If you can't perceive the shadow cast by demons it means you have not yet properly turned towards the light.

Friday 3 February 2023

Hope Is Trusting God

 It didn't seem so at the time and it might not seem so now but I believe we can say that the globalist attempt to take over the world that came into full force in 2020 and went on through the next couple of years was a relative failure. To be sure, the great majority of people submitted to the propaganda and accepted the yoke but a substantial minority did not. They didn't believe the lies, they didn't don the facial costumes and they didn't offer their arms up to be stamped. This minority may have been bigger than it appears because they are not reported on by mainstream media, other than very occasionally and then in terms that deride them as idiots, but they supported each other online and so knew they were not alone.

It is this minority that has protected the whole of humanity. Some were quite public in their pronouncements. These were usually people who had some professional knowledge or else those who had insight into the lies and manipulation of governments and other public bodies, knowing that all of these have been captured by powerful vested interests that work against freedom. We owe a debt to these people. Others acted for spiritual reasons and though these are not publicly prominent in  any way their thoughts go out into the world and have a fertilising effect on minds ready to receive truth. You might think of the mental world as a great cloud of images. The more people that focus on a particular thought, the more that thought becomes defined and accessible to other minds that may be reaching out in a certain direction. It is given stronger form and brought closer to the earthly level. 

The attempted coup in 2020 was only a partial success for the globalists. I call them that for want of a better term but they are the body of men and women operating in the physical world who seek to curtail human freedom for their own ends, sometimes to do with money and power but not exclusively so because what these people are really doing whether they know or not, and most don't, is working for discarnate powers whose goal is damnation. What I mean by that word is the spiritual consequence of the human rejection of God. Souls who fall into this unhappy state then provide energy on which the demons, these evil powers and intelligences, can feed. Demons have cut themselves off from God and the true spiritual. They cannot get life energy directly from God. To continue in existence they must therefore steal energy from elsewhere and this is why these fallen beings seek to draw weaker souls into their power through spiritual corruption. This is their ultimate end game. It is why they do not at the moment seek total collapse and destruction. The risk then is that souls turn to God but if they can keep people clinging to the physical while rejecting God and calling good evil and evil good, as we now do to a greater extent than ever before, their goals are well served.

Nevertheless, it appears that more and more people are beginning to wake up from the bad dream of the last three years and realising that this was an orchestrated attempt to enslave humanity. It nearly worked but it didn't work as was hoped because too many people saw through the lies and spoke up about it. Now, the problems with the peck are becoming harder to hide because of the excess deaths figures. The fact that the illness for which the peck was supposed to offer protection was nowhere near as bad as was painted is also becoming better known, and the home imprisonment tactic, which only worked in the first place because so many people actively enjoyed it not suspecting where it might lead, is also being shown up as harmful on many levels from economic to psychological. Not forgetting that it didn't work as a barrier to disease anyway.

However, though the globalists may not have had quite the success they wished for and though their lies are gradually being revealed, they have more tricks up their sleeves. The two main ones they are running at the moment are to do with the hysteria concerning changing weather patterns and dragging the Western world into a war which really has nothing to do with it. Again, we are being fed lies and again there is practically no mainstream publicity given to views that conflict with the official one. I suppose this could only happen because of the corruption of education over the last few decades as people are taught what to think not how to think. I'm almost embarrassed to write such a cliché but it's a fact. There is also the feminisation of thought that has taken place with feelings regarded as more important than truth and harm avoidance and equality the principal aims of policy. More clichés, to be sure, but also more facts.

If I were asked whether I am optimistic or pessimistic about the future I would say both. Despite the relentless propaganda there remains something in the human soul that is oriented towards the true good which is God. In most people this lies dormant but it is there waiting to be woken. Having said that, I don't see the mass of humanity waking up but this is a time of the testing of souls. Those who make the grade will go on to higher worlds. Those who fall short will find themselves in planes of being that correspond to their own consciousness but I believe even most of these will be given new opportunities. A soul is only truly lost when it makes a definitive and permanent decision to reject God. Until that happens there is always hope.

Wednesday 25 January 2023

Peck, Peck, Peck (Without Regret) *

 I had an argument with a peck enthusiast the other day. It was about the excess deaths figure which is very high at the moment both within the UK and elsewhere. I asked him if it could be the pecks that were responsible for this. He got very angry and said that this was complete conspiracy theory nonsense. He is triple pecked but has had constant cold-like symptoms for the last 3 months. He says he's never had a cold like that before and doesn't understand what could be causing it. When I questioned the virtues of the peck he got impatient and went on about "the science" and how he trusted doctors rather than weirdos on the internet before asking me what possible reason could the media and the medical establishment and the politicians have for lying to us? Then he said that I should have had enough courage to get pecked myself. I must admit this annoyed me. I said it was precisely a lack of courage, i.e. excessive fear of a disease that a little research would show to be harmless to most people who weren't very old or obese, that prompted people to take an improperly tested procedure based on a completely new technology with no long term data about its safety. I told him the reason I rejected the peck was not fear of its physical effects so much as realising that I did not need it and why would I subject myself to an untested and potentially risky intervention that I did not need? But a much deeper reason was the spiritual one. I said it was obvious that we were being manipulated and cajoled, made to take something unknown because of fear being whipped up, and I had no wish to respond to such patently devious behaviour. The psychological pressure being brought to bear made the whole thing smell bad and it was quite clear that something rotten lay below the surface.

Obviously, this remark fell on deaf ears. To a materialist, as this person is, it just sounds nonsensical. This is the problem. We can only see evil when we understand that evil exists. Otherwise we come up with the feeble why would people do such a wicked thing line. Wickedness exists and if you do not have this spiritual insight you are like a lamb to the slaughter.

The title of this post is intended to be mildly comical but I don't consider the peck to be at all funny. I'm sure its unwitting acceptance has led to many personal tragedies and my heart  goes out to people who trusted authority and have suffered a consequence. The foundational medical principle of first do no harm has been cynically betrayed or so it seems to me. I know of students at university who were almost bullied and pressured into taking this thing often under the deeply manipulative pretext of protecting others, and some of these had natural immunity anyway. To abandon responsibility for those in one's care like this because of conformity to the bureaucracy is a terrible sin.

* with apologies to Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen

Monday 21 November 2022

Reaping What You Sow

 It hasn't taken long for the results of the foolish decisions taken in early 2020 to make themselves felt. Anyone who ignored the evidence, perfectly clear early on, that the sickness was by no means as severe as presented and who allowed themselves to be terrorised by propaganda and went along enthusiastically with the home imprisonment, should now accept without complaint the inflation, the higher taxes, the whittling away of the value of their savings that are the inevitable consequences of these decisions. When you shut down an economy and splurge huge sums of money on paying people to do nothing what do you expect?

The lockdowns are not the only cause of the current monetary malaise. The fact that the financial crisis of 2008 was never properly addressed but merely had its cracks papered over is also significant. But the events of 2020 brought everything to a head. That may even have been their purpose or part of their purpose. Acclimatising a population to loss of freedom was also important. The question is what do those of us who are aware of the lies that brought us here and the reasons for us being in the current situation actually do? 

The first thing is to understand that the lies will continue. They have a purpose. They will take different forms but the underlying direction they are pushing us towards is the same. This is the afore-mentioned loss of freedom. That is what lies behind the increased control, the future reduction of people's financial independence and the obligatory medical interventions. You should know that information about everything from war to the weather is manipulated and has an agenda behind it and then you will keep yourself relatively free. Outwardly you may find your freedom restricted but inner freedom is what matters. Preserve that.

Secondly, the only way to protect yourself from what is to come is to focus on the spiritual. What is to come will come. You can't affect that. How you react to it is your task. And the only way to react correctly is to live in the spiritual world. It is true that this world is part of the spiritual world for, ultimately, everything is spiritual. But it is part of the spiritual world that has been invaded by anti-spiritual forces, something that is possible because of the nature of the material realm, the material being the spiritual at a distance from itself. God divides being into spirit and matter or subject and object in order to create, and he creates to reveal himself and become more. But this means there is God and not God or, better put, God as God and God as not God, and, though the latter is still part of God, it has the potential to lose connection to divine reality. When this happens only those who are able to recognise that it has happened can preserve their spiritual integrity.

This is what we must do now. As the outer world falls into darkness we must work hard at maintaining our link to the inner light. It is a standard ploy of the darkness at such times to present itself as light but we must not be deceived. The true light does not have its source in this world and it does not seek to ratify this world or the ways of this world. You will find that there is no institution in the world that is uncorrupted now but that is a necessary thing because it forces you to go within and to grow as a result. I do not say that the current evil is created or wished by God but he is able to use it for divine ends.

Ideally, the outer would reflect the inner. In a fallen world that doesn't happen very often. Today it is not happening at all. But that means that all those who understand what is going on must make even more of an effort to express the inner and to do that we must live as much as possible in the inner. Everyone reaps what they sow. To reap the spiritual we must sow the spiritual.

I find it extraordinary that so many people refuse to see what is taking place in front of their eyes and go along with the dismantling of their world. You could say that once you deny the spiritual then pretty soon everything falls to pieces and that is correct. You have no proper yardstick against which to measure what goes on. But it is not just this. People will not wake up because they are too lazy. It would mean a radical reassessment of their whole lives. It's hard to admit that you are wrong and have based your life on a lie but the longer you put this off the more painful it will be when you eventually have to face reality. As always the key to spiritual awakening is repentance. Far too many people nowadays adopt a surface spirituality that is little more than an adjunct to their worldliness as opposed to  being a replacement for it. These people are easily duped by the anti-spiritual forces currently running the world so make sure you are not one of them. You reap what you sow.

Monday 3 January 2022


We have been through a bad pandemic over the last two years, not a physical but a psychological one in which fear has been weaponised - see my previous post. The purpose of these two years has been to accustom people, the whole world, to the idea of control. The lockdowns, masks and pecks all have this idea behind them. None of them were really necessary but they have all been put forward as the only solution. If not for you then for the community as a whole, and this bit of emotional manipulation is the most cynical of all.

What will the next year or years bring? The pieces have now all been put in place. We are accustomed to behaving in a certain way. The programming is near complete. What will be brought forward to justify its use next is hard to predict but something will. Climate change is always a good bet but any threat can be conjured up or produced by modelling to bring us into line. Alien invasion? Far-fetched but possible. Those who have seen through the agenda this time will be somewhat protected next time around but the majority will react as before, refusing to accept they are being played. Evidence won't convince them. Most people don't want to confront the possibility that the whole system is rotten. Politicians may be corrupt, the media may have an agenda  of some sort but really that's not important. Scientists can be trusted. Most people are honest. The world will carry on more or less rationally and reasonably or so they think. 

Or is it that they cannot face not thinking that? When I have tried speaking to friends and family about what has taken place over the last couple of years they will not listen. Some tolerate me for a short space but then close down the conversation. Some get angry straightaway. It can get very emotional so I withdraw. There is certainly cognitive dissonance going on and pointing that out makes you the enemy. More and more we are told, and the majority either believe because they have no strong intellectual or spiritual roots or because they just go along with what everyone else thinks, that black is white, lies are truth, the unnatural is natural etc. Everything from the past is destroyed so that human beings can be remade into a form that suits the globalist, materialist agenda. 2022 will see a continuation of this process and even though obvious cracks in the structure will appear they will be glossed over and ignored by the mainstream. Most people, it seems, will believe whatever they are told to believe for the sake of an easy life or to fit in with the crowd. We always knew this but we thought we were better than those in the past who had done a similar thing. It seems not.

Today all institutions and organisations are corrupt and all movements that oppose these institutions and organisations are also corrupt. Even the so-called grass roots level of organisation is corrupt. Where does that leave us? It leaves us where we always are which is at the level of the individual. Only at this individual level can any real change take place. But if it does don't make the mistake of thinking you have to promote, organise, codify or spread it to others in some way so that it breaks through into society. Speak it when appropriate. Share it if the opportunity arises but if you seek to push or promote it in any organised way it will inevitably be absorbed by the world and so will you in some way or other. Now we need to be absolutely free and the only way to do this is to be fully individual but not in an individualistic way. We need to be fully individual in God.

This is the apparent paradox. We must be true to ourselves and true to God at one and the same time. In fact, we find that only if we are true to God can we really be true to ourselves and vice versa. In this sense, God and the individual self are two sides of the same coin and you cannot have one without the other. I suggest that fully exploring this idea could be a task for 2022. God himself is pushing us in this direction because he is clearly showing us that everything in the world is now false. We have to find him within ourselves. That is not to say that we are God, an insidious and common modern error. God is God and we are created beings. But there is God in us and it is our religious duty to find him there and bring him out.

Saturday 1 January 2022

My New Year's Resolution

My New Year's resolution is to encourage everyone to get inoculated and if you are already inoculated then get the top-up and when the time comes for a 4th and 5th dose get those too. We live in dangerous times in which our health is at risk. We need all the protection we can have to help our natural immune system so please don't be foolish. Get inoculated.

Carl Jung is not normally the first person I would go to for spiritual counsel but, if you take him selectively and with your spiritual armour on, there is wisdom to be found in his writings. I read a quote of his recently which is very apposite for our time. He says,"The greatest danger threatening man is not famine or earthquakes or microbes or cancer but man's well-being. The cause of this is quite straightforward: there still does not exist any effective protection against psychic epidemics - and these epidemics are infinitely more devastating than the worst catastrophes of Nature. The supreme danger which menaces both the individual and the populace as a whole is psychic danger."

Most of this is very true. We are living in the midst of a psychic epidemic now, one which appears to have infected the great bulk of the population. It has certainly affected all branches of the established system from politics to the media to science, and from there it has been transmitted to the general populace. We need protection against infection by this epidemic.

The part of Jung's statement that isn't true is that there does not exist any effective protection against epidemics of this nature. In fact, there does. It has been around for a long time but is usually ignored these days and when not ignored often distorted. It is faith in God. Get inoculated with the Word of God and you will be protected against all epidemics of this nature. Keep your faith topped up through prayer and contemplation and you will remain healthy.

Monday 6 December 2021

Be Free

 It's time to subject the old liberal belief that there can be good people on both sides of an argument to a serious reassessment. Perhaps it was true at one time when truth and lies were not as widely separated as they have become. It's not true now. Increasingly there is truth and there are lies and if you follow the latter it is because something has gone wrong within you. Your roots have become twisted. You don't follow lies if you are a righteous person. I don't say a good person because "there is none good but one, that is, God" (Mark 10:18), but a righteous person leans towards truth and goodness and wishes to accommodate his soul to those things. A righteous person chooses righteously.

Reasonable people want to argue and discuss reasonably, respecting the position of their opponent. I don't respect the opinion of anyone who denies the truth of God. I don't respect anyone who is on board with the corruption of morals as in the sexual revolution and elsewhere. I don't respect anyone who is happy with the degradation of art since the First World War (before then art, generally speaking, elevated, after then, generally speaking, it debased). I don't respect anyone who idolises materialistic science and seeks to deform the human being through technology. I don't respect religious people who compartmentalise their religion and don't let it rule every aspect of their lives. I could go on but the point is made. I don't respect those who, willingly or through intellectual laziness or spiritual shallowness, allow evil to manifest in the world. Yes, evil is subtle and deceptive but it's not that clever. It can only deceive those who allow themselves to be deceived because they have fallen away from goodness and truth.

This is a time of separation of good and evil. Either you are happy with a world in which a small elite controls everything and everyone or else you fight back against the fear and refuse to follow the diktats that would control you. Make the effort to see that the pecks don't really work and that they are here to stay if we let that happen. In themselves they are likely to be but a precursor to something much more serious, perhaps implants of some sort so that you can be numbered and counted and everything about you known and controlled at all times. Understand that covering your face with a cloth is of no earthly use against something as small as that which it is supposed to exclude. The practise is intended to dehumanise and control. You are not being an egotistical fanatic to recognise this. You are standing up for the truth of your being as a free son or daughter of God. It is not just your right. It is your duty.

We are being herded into pens and once there we will find it hard to get out. Much better not to get in in the first place. Are you going to meekly obey either because of fear or because you have allowed yourself to be tricked into thinking that it is the socially acceptable thing to do? It may be socially acceptable in a world of lies but it is spiritually irresponsible. Or are you going to do your duty to God and your fellow man and stand up for freedom?

Tuesday 30 November 2021


Here we go with the inevitable restrictions in the lead up to Christmas, all for a variant which, as the South African doctor who identified it says, appears to have symptoms little worse than a cold. Starting from today everyone in England is instructed to wear a mask in shops or on public transport despite the fact that there is zero evidence this does any good. See here and here for a couple of articles which I've plucked from the internet almost at random. A suspicious mind might think this has all come about to encourage more pecking since the take-up for a third one seems to be less enthusiastic than for the first batch.

A few months ago I wrote a post about the bad idea of getting pecked. I allowed myself a little pun along the lines of the one above. For those who don't know Latin, peccavi means 'I have sinned' and was traditionally the lament of the penitent sinner. It even has a 'v' in it. How much more proof do you need?

I have rarely had a stronger gut feeling about something than I have had about this peck. Even if the deception of the whole charade had not been apparent from practically the beginning I would still have avoided the peck based purely on this intuitive certainty that something was wrong. This proves nothing, of course, but when a voice inside you says "Don't do it", you should listen. Subsequent evidence of problems associated with the peck, ranging from the fact that it doesn't actually work very well to its efficacy doesn't last long to the unprecedented amount of deaths and adverse side effects to the unknown though strongly suspected long-term problems, has borne that initial instinct of revulsion out even if this evidence is suppressed and has not yet penetrated through the thick carapace of government, scientific and media propaganda. I know people who have had 3 pecks since January and, when I ask them if they think that's an end of it, neither know nor even seem to care about what they've allowed themselves to get into. But I'm not chiefly talking about the health aspect of the thing. For me, and I'm sure for others, there is a spiritual aspect that is more important. By submitting to this we are allowing something to have authority over our body and also, to a degree, over our soul. That is a right that belongs to God and him alone. Materialists won't understand this and will refer back to previous pecks which we have all had but there is something very different this time which we surely know even if we cannot fully define what it is.

 Anyone who thinks themselves a spiritual person who has not seen that the events of the last 21 months have been part of an ongoing operation to enslave humanity has failed a critical test. Those are extreme words but this is an extreme situation. You are not going to see the truth unless there is truth in you, and if you have failed this test it does mean that the truth either is not in you or has yet to awaken properly. Admittedly, unless you have an awareness of God and the fact that this world is a spiritual battleground it is hard to come to terms with what is going on. From a normal point of view it just doesn't seem possible, either that the whole world could go collectively mad or that anyone would want to bring the whole world into a state of controlled servitude. But if you see events from above rather than from ground level you can clearly perceive the lies and machinations and know there is a spiritual endgame involved. This is all about the soul. Understand that there is a soul and that there is a fight for that soul, your soul, then the matter should become easier to grasp.

Those religious or spiritual people who have gone along with the mainstream view of recent events have shown their religion or spirituality to be skin deep. Ask it a real question and it reverts to standard issue worldliness. You are being challenged. How do you respond? Do you fall back into fear and the safe and secure arms of social approval or do you look beneath the surface and examine the situation from the point of spiritual purpose?  When religious leaders dutifully echo the world as most of them, with certain honourable exceptions, do that means you need to look elsewhere for spiritual guidance and authority. Chiefly, you need to look to God himself who will support you if you turn to him for succour.

If you have been pecked but now regret it, don't worry. There may be consequences down the line but it's not the physical aspect of this that is important. It's the spiritual. Anyone can turn to God at any time. All that is required is a penitent heart. And, pecked or not, we all need to say. "Peccavi. Forgive me Father for I have sinned." 

Tuesday 23 November 2021

It's Time to Wake Up

 Anyone who hasn't seen through the evils of the current time as summed up by the litmus tests is in danger of being complicit in them. You may think this is unfair and that people cannot be blamed for succumbing to relentless one-sided propaganda but we are supposed to be intelligent, conscious adults. We are called to look beyond appearance and to develop aspects of our mind that see reality beneath the surface. These aspects, which can be brought together under the category of spiritual discernment, exist but we will not develop them if we limit our conception of the human being to a materialistic level. To do that in this day and age I will go so far as to call a sin because it is a failure of spiritual responsibility and shows disrespect towards the Creator. We are not innocent. We are not victims. We have a duty to God and part of that duty is to recognise him and to understand his purpose for us. Both of these are important. It's no good acknowledging God but behaving according to the understanding of this world. There are people who think they recognise God and believe in the spiritual but if these people fail to apply that recognition to what goes on at the material level then they lack insight and their spirituality is sterile. They might believe in the spiritual but they don't understand it.

Equally, it's no good acknowledging God but thinking all you have to do is focus on the spiritual and what happens in the material is of no concern to you. The material is the spiritual. It is part of it and must be seen in the light of the spiritual. God favours marriage not divorce and we are meant to bring the material into line with the spiritual not separate the two. It's always from above downwards but God saw his creation and said it was good. He instructed man to work in it and take care of it. Taking care of the material means bringing it closer into line with the spiritual so that it may serve as a vessel for the spiritual in which to manifest. It is through the material that the good, the beautiful and the true can be known and expressed.

God allows evil so that good may come of it. The good may be the awakening to truth in the human heart as it recognises and rejects evil. The evil is not good in itself but it can help to bring out latent good. We should not make the mistake of thinking that evil is part of God's plan but, given the possibility of it arising in a world of freedom, it can be used by God. Nevertheless, to slightly paraphrase Luke 17:1, even though there must be evil in the world, woe to him through whom it comes. There is never any justification for evil.

Most people are lost because they recognise no reality beyond this world and even many who do believe in the spiritual subordinate that belief to worldly considerations when these assert themselves. Which means they don't really believe. If you really believe in the spiritual you must see everything in that light. There is no situation in which the spiritual is not primary. The body must be fed and life must be lived in the world while you are here but even these things are secondary. The spiritual must always be the root reality of your existence, and if you make it so you will be supported. That doesn't mean life will easy but you will be supported. When times like the current times arise and the worldly powers seek to force you in a certain direction all you have to do is the right thing by God. You need not worry about consequences which is not to say that there won't be consequences. There may well be but these are external to your true self. I don't say this lightly but the most important thing is always to remain faithful to God.

The present time can be understood as one in which the attempt is being made to undo creation and return it to chaos. This is why the spiritual and the natural are both under attack. The aim is to unravel reality and reduce it back down to raw matter untouched by the creative breath of spirit. The relentless focus on equality is one aspect of this. True equality can only exist in the uncreated state of complete equilibrium. The greater the activity of spirit, the greater the inequality precisely because spirit is creative and creation differentiates. It disturbs basic oneness which is the state of unexpressed potential in chaos before creation. Oneness in this respect is the same as nothingness. Equality is death. Why? Because the only way it can be reached is by reduction to nothing. We have fallen for the ideology of equality because we think it means fairness. Everyone is the same. No one is better than anyone else. But that is not the spiritual way which always tends towards greater freedom, more individuality. This is certainly within the context of God and the overall oneness behind creation but to use oneness to crush difference is a diabolical ploy aimed at destroying the hierarchy of being and bringing the higher down to the level of the lower. It is intended to desacralise. We lost spirit and we are currently losing the natural as well. Computer technology is one arm of that and the rejection of the fundamental reality of male and female is another.

The bulk of humanity is asleep. Seduced by comfort and entertainment, we allow ourselves to be manipulated by powers that seek complete separation from God. We are losing our freedom because of fear and many seem willing to accept anything merely for a quantitive extension of life. But life is eternal anyway! To paraphrase again, this time Matthew 10:28, we should not fear what can kill the body but what can kill the soul. It is our spiritual immune system that needs boosting now.

Saturday 7 August 2021

The Symbolic Meaning of the Peck

 Francis Berger has a good post about the poor choices people have made because they fail to recognise the fundamentally evil nature of the global System, the tentacles of which spread into every area of life whether that be political, scientific, cultural, even religious. He mentions people who have willingly submitted to the peck, a thing supposedly originally intended for the most vulnerable and the elderly for whom the risks would be outweighed by the benefits, but which is now being pushed on everyone, including, incredibly, children who are effectively being asked to put themselves at risk for the sake of their elders. When a civilisation does that we can safely assume it has sunk to a new low. Of course, there  are all sorts of excuses and justifications offered but the bottom line is that children are being experimented on and not for their own benefit.

The post drew from me the following comment which I also want to put here because I haven't seen this idea expressed in quite these terms elsewhere but I believe it lies behind many people's reluctance to go down this pecked path.

"The more I think about it the more I realise that the problem with the peck is not that it has all the adverse side effects it does nor that it is unnecessary for most people nor even that it might kill you. The main problem is that accepting it is an act of spiritual submission to the System. In the end all the other problems don't matter. They are certainly there and can back up spiritual resistance which is intuitively based, but the evil of the peck is that it is designed to facilitate and strengthen the mindset of God rejection. You are handing your soul over to the secular, materialistic, atheistic System. This is not final, repentance is always possible, but the further down this road you go, the harder repentance becomes.

A statement of this sort would be regarded as completely mad by most people. "It's just a vaccine." But that's the point. It isn't just  a vaccine (in fact, of course, it isn't even a vaccine). It's a moral or spiritual choice and the thing itself is secondary to what it represents."

This act of spiritual submission is why some people have such a profound sense of rejection of the peck. We don't quite understand why to submit to it involves bowing down to the prince of this world and accepting him as our master but we perceive that it does. I don't pretend to know why this should be but the feeling is there on an intuitive level and it is through the intuition that God speaks to us. He is telling us about this intervention in no uncertain terms.  I don't see the peck as the mark of the beast but it could bear a similar relationship to it as someone like Nero is said to have done to the antichrist. A precursor or lesser copy cut from similar cloth. The fact that the earthly powers are pushing it so hard and so desperately only lends credence to this idea.

Monday 19 July 2021

Non Volo Peccare

An Imaginary Conversation.

Official: Have you had the medical intervention yet?

Normal Person: No. I've done some unwise things in my time but I still have some sense.

O: What do you mean?

NP: To do something unnecessary and potentially risky out of fear or because you've succumbed to state propaganda or media pressure is surely foolish?

O: It's not unnecessary and if you don't do it for yourself, you should certainly do it to protect others.

NP: Most people's immune system is more than capable of dealing with the illness so it is unnecessary for most people. However, I agree with the last part of what you say but would put it in a different context. Spiritual contagion is worse than physical contagion and to provide an example of someone relatively immune from that is surely the best service you can render your fellow man at the present time.

O: But what if you get ill and infect someone who then dies because of your negligence?

NP: Negligence is a loaded term. When did it become an acceptable word to describe someone's right to determine what goes into their own body? Besides, if the peck works who will die and if it doesn't why are we even having this conversation?

Etc, etc. 

This debate could go on indefinitely and still get nowhere as both participants are starting from totally different premises. For O the body is central. For NP it's the soul.

Note: I translate the title I Do Not Want to be Pecked but it's been a long time since I studied Latin so that may not be entirely accurate.

Monday 21 June 2021

Pestilence, Propaganda, Panic and Pecks

Francis Berger has written many excellent posts about the spiritual collapse of the last 15 months. (A collapse, it must be said, from an already very low level.) In his latest he makes the point that "serious Christians should have been able to or should be able to discern the evil intuitively - from the heart - without the need for copious hard facts and research." This is exactly my feeling too. From the beginning, I smelt a rat and, though I wasn't equipped to confirm this immediately, a few hard facts and a little research have supported that initial feeling. If it smells bad, it usually is bad. 

Of course, we should not jump to conclusions based merely on a feeling but, at the same time, we should take our intuitions seriously. The more we do, the stronger they will become. This is not an excuse for indulging in wild fantasising or succumbing to wishful thinking. We should stand our intuitions up against reality. But still they are sent to us to guide us. My teachers told me to trust my intuition but make sure it was genuine intuition and not wishful thinking. I have learnt there is a clear difference between the two and that the former comes from a much deeper, more insistent place.

So, from the start my intuition has told me that this was not what it seemed or how it was presented and the true underlying agenda was the destruction of liberty and spiritual enslavement. The illness was real enough but not as serious as depicted and the precautions taken to contain it were wildly disproportionate. The scientists and the politicians and the media all had an agenda. The shameless one-sideness of the reporting proved that beyond doubt. They may not know what the agenda really is because ultimately they work at the behest of their demonic overlords, much as most of them would scoff at that accusation. But because their hearts are so spiritually arid they are easily manipulated as, unfortunately, are most of the populace for the same reason. We have been so softened up over the last few decades that we are easy prey to fear. We have nothing beyond ourselves to fall back on or sustain us because we have abandoned God and our culture has supported us in that. But we cannot blame the culture because we have been all too complicit.

When the instructions to cover one's face came in it was once again clear that this was part of the process of control. The human face is the very expression of our humanity. To cover it is to become anonymous and spiritually inhibited, almost an automaton. I am speaking symbolically obviously, but symbols are very powerful things and the external representation of a state can actually help bring about that state internally. The masking of our faces, if we went along with it, showed  that we were submitting ourselves to bureaucratic control. Besides, there was never any evidence that masks did any good. In fact, what evidence there was showed they were fairly useless. Look it up.

And then we come to what one of my blogging associates wittily dubbed the peck. These things, completely new and not properly tested, were originally meant, so we were told, for the most vulnerable. Then they were for everyone over the age of 60 or whatever it was. Then a younger group and a still younger and now they are talking about pecking children, people who are at absolutely no risk from the illness but potentially at grave risk from what is supposed to prevent the illness. This is such an obvious evil that one is amazed that people are not protesting but they are not. Even now they are not.

Throughout this farce (except there is nothing funny about it) one thing has led to another and as each new threshold has been crossed another one has been erected a little further down the road and then another and so on. This is exactly what has happened with the sexual revolution and so many other incursions of the demonic agenda over the last century or so. The end goal is always Z but the journey from G to H and then H to I never seems like a big deal at the time except to those who recognise the pattern and the purpose behind it all.

When offered the peck I declined it not so much out of of concern over its side effects (though such a concern is quite legitimate with thousands killed across the world even by official figures) as because accepting it would be accepting the veracity of the official narrative about the pestilence and participating in the panic. It would be accepting that the government and the medical authorities have the right to dictate what goes into your body. That is authoritarianism which I have no desire to enable. I realise that those who believe the hype would call this crazy but I don't believe it and I don't because I don't see any real evidence for it. I do see a lot of bad people (bad to the spiritual eye) pushing a false agenda. On a personal level, I had the bug last year and in my case it was no worse than regular flu. That was my experience. I know it can be a lot worse for some people but usually only if they have already existing fairly serious health problems. That is no reason to close the whole of society down which, it is increasingly recognised, has fatal effects for many people too. But my main point is that this whole affair has been manipulated to advance an underlying programme of control. This is a battle in the ongoing spiritual war. 

Wednesday 24 March 2021

What's Behind It All?

There seem to be an increasing number of people realising that the coronavirus scare with its masks, lockdowns and vaccines might actually be part of a massive project designed to rob humanity of its liberty and put the majority of us back to the status of something like serfs. Some think this is an ambitious scheme devised from the beginning by powerful behind the scenes cabals for their own ends of control and dominance, political, social and financial. Others would say that governments world-wide just stumbled into the current measures because of their ineptitude, better safe than sorry policies and fear of alienating voters (always the problem with democracies), and that this has been taken advantage of by said cabals. I believe there are elements of truth in both these ideas but that actually all worldly bodies are just pawns in the game and the true driving force behind the agenda is demonic. 

This matters. If it is simply a question of worldly powers seeking more power then all we have to lose is our worldly freedom. This is no small thing and I don't discount it for a moment. But it is not the same as the loss of spiritual freedom, and that is the real goal behind what is taking place today. Not just with the coronavirus but in almost every area of thought. We are being herded into the pen marked materialism like lambs to the (spiritual) slaughter. We are being told that what we naturally think and believe is wrong and must be changed to reflect a constructed ideology based on the denial of God and creation. If we allow ourselves to go along with this the end result will be spiritual death.

It is not enough to see through the political agenda of the present time. It is an excellent and necessary start but it is not enough. We must go beyond a worldly viewpoint to a spiritual one. That is the only guarantee that we can be saved from the loss of soul which is the aim of the demonic powers who are far more concerned with capturing our minds than just locking us up in our houses. It is this mind capture which lies behind the attempted imposition of all the anti-spiritual beliefs of our time. In spirituality is freedom. The form our spiritual belief takes is important but there is some room for manoeuvre there if the motivation is true. What is absolutely critical, though, is to have the understanding that sees reality as transcending this world and to make this the focal point of our thought with worldly concerns revolving around that unlike so many supposedly religious people whose religious thought actually orbits around a worldly centre.

We need, in short, a heliocentric spirituality.

I would like to say this to all those who are waking up to the coronavirus scam*. You are only half-awake. You must go further. You must see that the global response to a disease which only kills a small percentage of elderly people has a deeper significance than just the political. It is part of a much wider strategy which seeks to remove freedom from all areas of life and force human beings into a state of spiritual subservience in which they believe what the controlling powers want them to believe. This will lead to the tragic condition known as loss of soul which is the ultimate end sought by the demonic powers. 

Does this seem too outlandish? I assure you that once you look at current goings on in this light it will make much more sense of them than anything else. The difficulty is that it may require a complete transformation of outlook for most people but this is really only a return to things humanity always instinctively knew until it was seduced by its own powers of reason and thought. I am obviously not decrying these powers. Their development was good and necessary but they cannot reveal first principles which operate on a plane beyond their ability to access. They can clarify first principles but they cannot establish them for that is down to intuition. Trust your intuition. That's what my teachers told me and that is what I am passing on to anyone who reads these words. It may trip up on details but as a guide to deeper truths and what is happening today it is fundamentally sound.

*I'm not saying it is not real but that the measures taken to contain it are a vast over-reaction.

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Most people simply don't want to wake up

Bruce Charlton had a post recently about how the great majority of people are sleeping through the tremendous changes that are currently taking place, changes that have been prepared for over several decades but which are now actually happening. He makes the point that people seem happy to live in a world of lies or the Big Lie because they fear the responsibility and commitment that acknowledging this would demand. 

The radical change of thought required to see through the spiritual corruption of the present day does indeed ask a lot of anyone. It means a fundamental reevaluation of everything. It means rejecting ground that had seemed solid and advancing into new territory which is often shrouded in mists. The mists may clear from time to time and we may be granted a vision of a new and glorious land but then they close in again. It is natural to feel fear and doubt and to want to retreat to the security of the familiar, but to do this is increasingly going to mean turning a blind eye to reality. 

Most people don't want to wake up because that would mean accepting we live in a world in which everything is out of kilter with reality, and not just randomly but deliberately made so. It really means coming to terms with the fact of evil. But we don't believe in evil because we don't believe in good, and we don't believe in good, not real good, because we don't believe in God. There is no good without God but when there is this God-given good that means there is also evil. This is a fact of life. This does not mean a dualistic world in which good and evil have equal power. Evil is just the denial or rejection of good and has no substantial creative reality other than that. But it does have that limited reality.

When you stir a pond with a stick all the muck comes to the surface. This is what is happening now. Evil is being allowed its way for a while, and for two reasons, I think. One, to clean it out of the system it must be expressed. Maybe it's like lancing a boil. And two, its predominance constitutes a real test of human souls. Will they perceive it for what it is and stand against it, even if that is only internally? Or while they go along with it for personal advantage or simply because not to do so requires too great an effort? Through laziness or cowardice. Will they wake up to it or will they just let it have its way because not to do so demands more of them, whether in terms of sacrifice or intellectual effort or spiritual commitment, than they are prepared to give? 

Today evil is being done through people who may not be recognisably evil in themselves but who are not properly focused on the real good. This is the great test of our time because if you aren't actively oriented towards the real good, you will be swept up by evil. If you don't consciously reject evil, it will ensnare you.

Unfortunately, it seems that so far most people don't want to wake up and so I'm afraid that things will undoubtedly get worse before they get better. It's up to those of us who do see through the lies to provide good examples so that others can follow further down the line. We must not just condemn the evil (note to self!) but live and proclaim the good. After all, the evil is irrelevant. It is the good that matters. The Good News remains what it has been for 2,000 years. It is the glory of the resurrection in Christ that we should be focussing on not just the deviant wickedness of these days.

Friday 27 November 2020


 No lesson seems to be so deeply inculcated by the experience of life as that you never should trust experts. If you believe the doctors, nothing is wholesome: if you believe the theologians, nothing is innocent: if you believe the soldiers, nothing is safe. They all require to have their strong wine diluted by a very large admixture of insipid common sense.

Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury (1830-1903)

Nothing would be more fatal than for the Government of States to get into the hands of experts. Expert knowledge is limited knowledge and the unlimited ignorance of the plain man, who knows where it hurts, is a safer guide than any rigorous direction of a specialist.

Sir Winston Churchill

I took these two quotes from an excellent website called Lockdown Sceptics  which consistently makes the case that the coronavirus is not the great evil we are led to believe and that lockdowns do much more harm than good. They seem very appropriate at the present time when we have quite obviously been led up the garden path by people who may be specialists in their fields but are quite ignorant out of them. And that's giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming they are honest which they may well not be.

It's very easy to mock people who are suspicious of experts. After all the word just means someone who knows what he's talking about, doesn't it? And why would we not listen to such a person? But the trouble is these people are often blinded by their own knowledge and unable to see other wisdom that stands outside that. They can't see the wood for a tree. They are the technocrats of the modern world, the scientists and engineers who want to take over governance from politicians and do things properly. But there are two serious problems here. Politicians, for all their manifold faults, can at least be voted out of office in a democracy. Theoretically, anyway. The technocrats would be there to stay. There would be no means in a society run by such people (as in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, for instance) of getting rid of them. There would be nobody to tell them they are wrong. And they often are wrong because they see the world in terms of data and spreadsheets. In terms of control which invariably will want to do away with individuality and freedom. The technocrat has no real understanding of human beings, of what it is to be human. He certainly has no spiritual understanding. By definition, he rejects that as not subject to his measurements or within his control. He prefers the committee to the individual but no committee ever made a true work of art or genuine scientific discovery.

The Marquess of Salisbury pinpoints what people distrust about experts. Apart from their inability to see the whole picture outside of their speciality, apart from their desire to contain and control, apart from their arrogance and materialism, overt or not, they do not properly acknowledge common sense. Common sense is the ability to see in terms of the whole rather than in parts. Experts only see in terms of parts because their expertise is necessarily a partial thing, limited to a small area which is all they can really see. They are very useful with regard to that small area but not when the matter concerns a greater whole. Even many experts together, unless they have the wisdom and humility to go beyond the expert mind, have the limitations of their class, a blinkered view and an inability to see human beings as multi-dimensional spiritual beings with purpose that goes beyond the mundane.

Obviously if I have a toothache I will go to a dentist and I'm very glad the person who looks at my teeth is not the same one that cuts my hair as once was the case. But we don't want experts to run the world because they will see it in terms of their own field. What politicians should do and what they have not been doing is listen to many sorts of experts from many fields and then take decisions based on all the input, ideally subjected to common sense, pragmatism, balance and the long term. But that requires an honest man who wants to do the right thing in respect of God and his fellow men and that's a rare beast now.

Friday 20 November 2020

Don't Be Unreasonable

I guarantee this is something we are going to hear more and more. We already hear it about those who refuse to wear masks or accept Covid-19 as the Black Death of our day. Trump supporters are being told it after the recent election, despite widespread evidence that fraud was indeed a factor in the Democrats' victory. No doubt when Brexit turns out to be not Brexit after all we will be told it again. When the coronavirus vaccine becomes widely available those who are reluctant to take it, for very good reasons - why accept an improperly tested vaccine for a largely non-fatal illness?- will be told they are being unreasonable.

If you haven't learnt by now that evil's modus operandi is to start small and then incrementally ramp things up until you are doing and believing things you never would have dreamed of doing or believing 10, 20, 30 years ago, then you really have not being paying attention. If you haven't realised that the coronavirus is being used as an excuse to dismantle long-cherished but now taken for granted freedoms from a largely supine population then you are asleep. This is all fundamentally a spiritual assault but even those who have no spiritual concerns should be able to see what is going on, and be deeply concerned about it. Human beings are being herded into pens, ideological pens and even, what with the lockdowns, physical pens. The most likely to be able to resist this, white males, are the ones who are being most denigrated so that their powers of resistance are diminished. This notwithstanding the fact that it is also white males in large part who stand behind the creeping totalitarianism.

There will be plenty of excuses for those who do not want to see the truth or who are too lazy to stand up against it. The lockdowns, the masks, the vaccinations are all there to protect us. This is a lie. They are there to control us. Of course, the need for them is dressed up so as to appear beneficial to human beings, and it can be hard to prove that there is no need for them. But it is not hard to see this if you bother to look with clarity. This is one of those cases where arguments can be made on both sides but those who are in any way aware of spiritual realities know what is going on. Arguments are really a waste of time in this case, even if it is good to have them at one's disposal. It is not arguments that will convince most people. It is intuitive realisation. What is required above all today is the power of discernment. This is a spiritual survival tool that everyone must develop and the way to develop it is to learn to look up, beyond this world and to the real source of the good. Not ideological good as the modern world prizes but actual good.

Therefore I say to everyone who reads this that it is time to be unreasonable. Because now to be unreasonable in the eyes of the world is to be reasonable in the eyes of God. The two positions do not always conflict with each other but they often do and they certainly do now. Don't be swayed by the smooth words you hear to justify the loss of freedoms. However plausibly dressed up the excuses for this are, they are lies. Don't be afraid of seeming unreasonable. Don't be deliberately contrary or picture yourself as some kind of freedom fighter for truth. That is also a trap, designed to push you into egotism if you do not fall into compliance. But hold fast against worldly arguments while being centred in the truth of God, dedicating yourself to his service in love and humility. Then all will be well.

Monday 19 October 2020

We are in a Spiritual War

It is obvious that we live in very dangerous times. Clearly, I am not referring to Covid-19 which I assume all readers of this blog realise is just a more or less conventional virus that is being used as a means to an end, that end being control and dominance. The virus is really the least of our worries. It will kill off some elderly people just as flu and pneumonia regularly do but it will not do much harm to the great majority. By all means, we should protect the vulnerable but it should be apparent to anyone by now who bothers to look beyond the official propaganda that our reaction has been totally disproportionate to the threat. Whether that is because of fear and panic or politicians, administrators and other figures of the establishment wanting to hold onto power or even something deliberate and planned is another matter. Whatever the cause of it all, the reality is that we have been deceived into giving up freedom.

The real danger is spiritual and this, I fear, is only the beginning. The groundwork has been carefully laid over the last few decades, centuries even. We have been gradually led away from the knowledge that our life is centred in God to a worldview which is totally materialistic and atheistic. This to the extent that even many people who think they are spiritual or religious still adapt most of their thinking to the materialistic ethos. I am not always exempt from this myself. It's the water in which we swim and it can be difficult to throw it off completely. But look at Christ and the prophets of old. They did not compromise with the worldly powers and worldly wisdom one iota. They grounded themselves totally in spiritual knowledge without any concession to the world. We too must do this. There can be no compromise with lies, even lies plausibly dressed up to look like partial truths. Why bother with partial truths when you have the truth? They are usually just means to smuggle in the lie anyway.

I say the danger is spiritual. What I mean by this is that we will be asked to give up more and more of our personal integrity. Our right to believe what we wish to believe, do what want to do, independent of any external authority. We will be made, through fear, desire for favour or money, to adopt a certain way of being. Many people are rightly concerned about the possibility of being obliged to accept a vaccination if they wish to lead a normal life. If this ever really does come about we will know that a line has been crossed and that freedom really has been lost. At the moment, that does seem to be the way things are heading but the more people who are alert to the dangers of spiritual slavery, the more difficult it will be for the powers that be to enforce their evil agenda. I use that word because that is what it is. Evil is that which seeks to control and dominate for its own benefit. It seeks to deny free will. It seeks to enslave. Evil is a spiritual reality that the modern world does not recognise but that just means that ordinary individuals, never mind the corrupt egotists and degenerate psychopaths who rule us, are more susceptible to it.

Jesus said when speaking about the End Times that, "except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved". This sounds grim. It implies that evil will grow so powerful in its scope that resistance becomes well-nigh impossible. But then he went on to say that, "for the elect's sake, those days shall be shortened".  So we must be prepared for things to get very bad but, at the same time, know that the eventual outcome is not in doubt. For those who remain steadfast and centred in God, victory is assured. This is spiritual victory, not necessarily to be known in this world, as it wasn't for Jesus himself, but it will be real and lasting victory.

The two qualities most important right now are courage and honesty. I am assuming a spiritual orientation. If you don't have, or don't soon acquire, that you will be completely at the mercy of the worldly powers. But even with a spiritual orientation you must have the courage to confront the evil that is being more clearly revealed with every week that passes. And you must be honest because in a world of lies all that can save us is the truth. These two qualities, it will be remarked, are those of the martyr and it seems very probable that in the days to come we will all be examined to see what stuff we are made of.  This should not be a frightening thought. It is actually a privilege to be alive at such a time. We are called to be soldiers in God's army. This army has to fight but it is a spiritual fight and the weapons must be the spiritual weapons of love and truth. However, don't be deceived by how the enemy has tried to disarm that first weapon by reducing it from something brave, bold and fiery to a bland universal acceptance of everything, good or bad, on its own terms. The highest love is the love of the good, the beautiful and the true, and this love will not stand by when these things are attacked. 

Friday 16 October 2020

Bruce Charlton's Litmus Test

Bruce Charlton has come up with a Litmus Test to determine what side a person is on in the current spiritual war. The test has three parts which comprise how you respond to the coronavirus scare, the anti-racism propaganda and the man-made climate change agenda. To accept these at face value as they are presented by official channels and the mainstream media indicates you are following the powers of this world rather than God. And it doesn't matter if you think you are religious or spiritual. Those are just words if they are not backed up with proper insight into the nature of reality.

This test is interesting because it is doing something more than simply seeing whether you go along with the idea that these three things are true in the way they are presented. It goes more deeply than whether the coronavirus is as serious as claimed or whether some ethnic groups have been treated better or worse than others, for whatever reasons, or whether the climate is hotting up as a result of human activity. There will be factors that seem to support the current official lines in all of these cases but there will also be factors that contradict these approved lines. For the layman it can be difficult to establish certainty one way or the other, and it is also difficult to argue effectively for the contrary position in the face of so much ideological pressure and unrelenting one-sided propaganda.

However, there is a greater point beyond whether any of these things actually have any truth in them or not or whether there is some truth but we are presented with a very one-sided picture. The real point is that the remedies proposed for these supposed material evils are Trojan horses which are used to bring about profound spiritual evils. This is what really matters and what a person of spiritual discernment should able to see. The evils of the virus, of racism and of climate change (real or unreal) are as nothing besides the evils of the proposed solutions to them. Shall I define these evils? Outwardly, it's a simple matter of totalitarianism and humanity reduced to controlled servitude. Inwardly, it is the closing tight shut of the door to spiritual freedom and truth. It is the absolute enforcement of materialism. 

If you care about freedom and truth and beauty and real goodness you are now on a collision course with the worldly powers. You can no longer be a passively good, decent, nice sort of person because if you are you will sooner or later be sucked into what is a kind of de facto Satanism. I realise that might seem a shocking thing to say but the reality is, or is becoming, that if you don't actively stand for God then you are against him, and there is, or soon will be, no neutral ground.

Friday 24 April 2020

A Spiritual Virus

Yes, there is such a thing and most people these days are infected by it. It attacks the mind and the heart and renders those afflicted by it impervious to spiritual truth. It is a sickness that doesn't kill the body but harms the soul which, according to Jesus, is a much more serious thing. If untreated, it might damage the soul irreparably. And the reason it has made such inroads is because the human immune system has been ruthlessly compromised by the materialism of the last 2-3 centuries.

Western civilisation which was built on spiritual principles has been subverted by those who hate and fear Christianity. These people have used legitimate advances in understanding to destroy the foundations on which that civilisation stood. They have taken scientific knowledge and turned it against real understanding by cutting it off from its roots as the attempt to know something of God by studying his creation. They have taken the idea of freedom, a great gift through the correct exercise of which we may consciously know and love God, and perverted that to stand for freedom of the fallen self to do as it likes including, or even chiefly, to deny God. God becomes an oppressive limitation on human freedom. They have corrupted the imagination, which was intended to guide us into creative vision, and made of it a means to stimulate desire in its lower aspects. We were intended to expand our horizons but we have only expanded them outwardly not upwardly, and as we have expanded horizontally, we have contracted vertically.

Christianity and other religions, though Christianity most of all, are protections against spiritual disease. There are in the unseen universe the spiritual equivalents of viruses and bacteria. These will attack us and gain entrance to our minds unless there is some sort of defence that can repel them. This defence is religion without which we fall into sin which is spiritual disease. From sin comes alienation and from alienation comes despair.

Look at what has happened to the world over the last couple of months. We are so far removed from any understanding of the higher aspects of life, or let's just say life, that we have scurried into dark corners to hide away from a threat we are told is deadly but which even readily available statistics show to be mild in (currently) 97% of cases. And even the great majority of fatalities are elderly people who are well past their 3 score years and 10. It is not that anyone wishes a person to die before their time, and every precaution should be taken to safeguard the vulnerable at a time like this, but we are sacrificing the long term prospects of the majority for the short term prospects of a few. And we are doing this because  governments have allowed themselves to be panicked by the media and the public which, in turn, has happened because we have no faith. The physical virus has affected us mentally as well as physically and it has done so because we have already succumbed to the spiritual virus.

What's the cure? Extending the metaphor, perhaps a bit more than it can take, you could say it's vaccination. Ultimately, it is vaccination by the Holy Spirit but more immediately it is vaccination by faith in Christ, real faith not belief which is a lesser thing often confused with faith. (If you want to know the difference, think of heart and mind.) This will immunise us against fear because it helps us see that the body may fail, one way or another it will fail, but the soul, the spiritual self, when turned towards the flame of eternal life which is Christ will rise up to glory. 

Life in this world without belief in something beyond this world always ends in emptiness. This is why so many old people cling to life in any form rather than accept their time to depart. We should not wilfully seek to go before our time. That is rebelling against the will of God which is why suicide is forbidden by the Church. It is also right and proper to try to prolong life through medical help. This is a world out of kilter with spiritual truth and that means there will be sickness for which cures should be sought.  But we should know that physical life has its own natural cycle and to try to extend that cycle beyond a certain point is refusing to grow. Worse, it is turning life into death. And that is what the spiritual virus does.

Wednesday 22 April 2020

The Present and the Future

From a personal point of view, and setting aside its wider implications, I am actually enjoying this lockdown. Where I am in the south of England the weather has been glorious over the last month. Sunny days, not too hot, blue skies and clean air, possibly due to the fact that traffic is back to the level of the 1950s. There are few people when you go out, much less noise and overall a feeling of peace and calm. I hesitate to say this, but the fear people are feeling actually appears to be making them behave a little better.

I have two comments to make on this. First, it is easier to be aware of the spiritual undercurrent to life when the material world has slowed down to a minimum. It's nothing like a monastery, of course, but there is an element of that. When I go out for my daily walk there is a relative silence and stillness that is conducive to directing one's mind towards God. It makes you realise how in the normal world everything conspires against that. Now, when people are not bustling about and car radios are not blasting their infernal racket into the public space, you notice that you are not constantly having to surround yourself with a sort of psychic armour which is quite exhausting, energy-wise. You can engage with your environment without having to fight it off. I find this a blessed relief and it makes me realise how degraded the atmosphere of the world has become, even in my lifetime.

The second thing is this. Are people becoming, ever so slightly, more prepared to open up to spiritual things? Fear of death is a wonderful prompt for doing this and Covid19 obliges in that respect. The opening up is clearly on a rudimentary level but let us suppose for the sake of argument that the virus and the response to it have been steered and directed by the demons with the eventual aim of control then collapse then despair or something along those lines. What if these things lead to a spiritual reaction as the only alternative to suicide? If there is nowhere else left to go then people might go there. That's not as good as them going there of their own accord because they have outgrown the attractions of worldly materialism but if worldly materialism turns very bad then it might cause them to search elsewhere, and that is a start.

The world has changed over the last few weeks and I don't believe it can ever go back to what it was. Where it will go is anyone's guess. Further down into increased spiritual emptiness and the next phase in the tightening of demonic control? Or might it start some kind of turning around? My best guess is that both things may happen. For a majority, the former looks most likely but a substantial minority may start to have the scales drop from their eyes. If you go by the media, this virus is an excuse to effectively deny the reality of God even more. It is quite remarkable how the media is so drugged by its own importance that it actually seems to want the virus to be really bad, seemingly for the sake of a story. The left, too, appears to want the situation to be bad and will attack anyone who says it's not as bad as all that. I would surmise that's partly because they see it as an opportunity to extend state control but also because the left is consumed with a desire for destruction, that's what it's all about after all, so something like a pandemic is grist to its mill. On the other hand, many on the right, particularly in America, go to the other extreme and dismiss it, and that's misguided too. Believing what you want to believe to suit a political agenda is wrong whatever stance you take.

One thing is certain. We have moved on to the next step. This will be a short phase between the past and a new world with different preoccupations. If the economies of the world shrink severely, as seems inevitable, the situation a year or two from now will be very different to that a year or two ago. The virus will be the least of our problems. People will become more dependent on the state which will not be a healthy position. But none of that will ultimately matter for those individuals who place their faith in God and their hope in a spiritual world far removed from the darkness of this world when it is separated from its spiritual source.