Showing posts with label Race. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Race. Show all posts

Sunday 18 February 2024

Ethnocentrism and Globalism

Every ethnic group is ethnocentric except for, as a sub-group, white liberals who are both the product and the cause of civilisational decay and whose spiritual nihilism has given them a racial death wish which they disguise to themselves as concern for the other but which is actually founded on a kind of self-hatred whether that be real or something they have been propagandised into believing because of their tendency to prefer abstract theory over reality. Certainly, we are called to self-transcendence as in uplifting our centre of focus from self to God, but this is totally different to the virtue-signalling self-rejection of the white liberal. And note that these people only ever reject their self as their kind not their actual personal self.

History tells us that ethnocentrism can be taken too far but still without an initial love of self there can be no love for anything else because self is where you come from. This is why we are told to love our neighbour as ourself. It is why, as the saying has it, charity (the original meaning of which is love) begins at home.

Ethnocentrism, as least that of white people, is tarnished as racism but what is racism really? Is it racial prejudice or is it the recognition that the different races do indeed differ and in quite significant ways, not just in trivial things like skin colour? It seems that two different attitudes have been confused and lumped together. What is now called racism was never a sin until it was made such by communists in order to weaken the natural instincts of self-preservation of Western nations, making them submit to their replacement by other groups. This was so countries could no longer resist the forces of globalism which would override national identities and concerns and make all groups subordinate to central control. This is why the sense of history is being deliberately lost, the past rewritten to reflect the prejudices of the present and groups which might counter the new narrative with a more spiritually literate understanding attacked or just ignored.

We live in a world of mass immigration, feminism, destruction of family, egalitarianism, climate change propaganda, transgender ideology and the fomenting of war. All brought about to separate Man from God and replace the natural order with Dis-order. The one thing that might stand against this is a Christianity rooted in the supernatural which is why that is attacked or remade into a branch of secular humanism. Know that we are in a spiritual war of good versus evil, and any form of spirituality which doesn't acknowledge this is deluded and just a diversion for dilettantes. Many people go along with the evil to gain money and worldly success as that is what you must do if you want those things. But others who may not actively go along with it can't be bothered to stand against it because they are not sufficiently incentivised to do so as they don't really care. But if you don't care about evil you are a part of it and that means that when it falls, which it will, you will fall with it. To avoid falling you must actively identify it and stand against it both in your mind and in terms of your relationship with the world. It can be hard to resist the relentless propaganda but that is what you must do without falling into the error of allowing evil to drag you down to its level by your opposition to it. Focus at all times on a love of God and the true good and know that evil can never win the war though it may gain many victories in the short term.

Ethnocentrism is attacked because it stands against globalism but also because it is natural. In today's world to be natural is a sin because demonic powers are trying to remake us in a form that has separated itself from its Maker and no longer obeys his laws but has replaced them with others, false laws, spiritually perverse laws. The reason the white race is the primary focus of this attack is because once that falls everything else will follow. Those foolish people who rejoice in the discomfiture of the white nations because of resentment of their past leadership will find that once natural order is removed there will be no barriers to chaos and oppression. 

Saturday 9 December 2023

The Biter Bit

 There is a group of people that has been at the forefront of many intellectual advancements over the last 200 years, with both beneficial and harmful results. This group, or some of them, has also been responsible for much of the undermining of Western, and specifically Christian, civilisation and culture during that time. This is an undeniable fact but it's also the truth that dare not speak its name partly because of the historical suffering of this group and partly because of ideological restrictions, many of which have been promoted by the group themselves. Those who really care for truth and justice are placed in an awkward situation because of this. The fact has to be recognised but to do so publicly is impossible because of past association. The question I would like to ask is why is this? Why does this group behave as it does?

To begin with it does because it can. What I mean by that is that it has the freedom to do so, a freedom that historically has been lacking. And it also has the intellectual equipment to do so. Members of this group are among the more talented of humanity and they use their talent for good and ill. But why do some of them focus it so much on what amounts to moral corruption? Communism, atheism, feminism, anti-white attitudes masked as anti-racism, leftism in general in politics, the degradation of literature and art, the sexual revolution, all these and more feature a significantly high number of members of this group among their leading lights. Why are these people drawn to what amounts to spiritual desecration? I would suggest it is partly on account of what they have suffered at the hands of Western civilisation (is there an element of revenge involved?), and partly because the rejection of Christ still lies behind their world view.

Now this group is finding that intellectual and ideological trends it has set up and promoted are being turned against them. Emotions of antipathy and resentment it has fanned into flame are being directed back at them. Here is a classic example of being hoisted by your own petard. One can only hope that experiencing the results of their own propaganda may cause some of them to reflect more deeply. Sometimes God sends us back what we have sent out in order that we may learn the truth. But given that the only way anyone in this position learns the needed lesson is if he looks at his own motivations honestly that may not be easy.

Note: This post is not written in a spirit of antagonism. The group of which I am a member, British men, has probably done more than most to create the world of materialism in which we live. But God desires to save all souls and a prerequisite of that is an acknowledgment of both truth and our own fallen nature.

Monday 19 December 2022

Always Be Suspicious of Anything that Ends in '-ism'

 William James Tychonievich has a good "Look, the Emperor has no clothes" post on his From The Narrow Desert blog pointing out that racism is a fake sin. He makes the obvious but we cannot say it point that "noticing racial differences and the actions of racial interest groups is smart. Acting in accordance with that information -- "discrimination" -- is rational and good. Stereotypes and generalizations are useful, necessary, and unavoidable. Preferring the company of one's own people is natural. Love and loyalty for one's own people is praiseworthy. Agree? Congratulations, you're a racist!". Evils may come from that, hatred, injustice, cruelty, exploitation of the weak by the strong, but then jealousy can come from love. Does that make love a sin? If I prefer to be with my wife rather than another woman does that make me a bad person? According to the current ideology which puts racism at the top of the pile of evil (or the bottom, both make sense) that would seem a logical corollary.

No spiritual tradition condemns racism as a sin. As far as I know, it's hardly ever discussed. You might say that the races didn't mix much in the days when these traditions evolved but they certainly did in 1st century Palestine. The neither Jew nor Greek, neither bond nor free, neither male nor female quote of St Paul's does not mean that Jews and Greeks and men and women do not exist but that all differences are transcended in Christ for he comes to all. I mean, that's obvious, isn't it, especially as elsewhere this same St Paul tells servants to obey their masters?

If racism means hating others it is wicked because hatred is a sin. But if it means recognising there are different types of human groups and they are different in many ways, it is entirely rational. In fact, it is crazy not to see this. It is normal and natural to prefer one's own sort and to want a homeland where one's own sort can live and grow and express themselves and their culture in a way which accords with their preferences and traditions and without outside intervention. This certainly does not mean you reject others or do not find interest and instruction in other cultures but you want to maintain your own. If that is racism then so is protecting your family.

Always be suspicious of anything that ends in '-ism'. It's an ideology not a truth.

Friday 2 December 2022

Your Nationality and What You Are

 When I lived in India I knew an Englishman, Vic Tate by name, who had been born in India in around 1915. I say he was an Englishman because all his ancestors had come from England but he had only visited the country once, in the 1950s. Otherwise he had lived his entire life in India, having stayed on as a coffee planter after Independence in 1947. He was an Indian citizen but thought of himself, as he was, as an Englishman. 

I also knew an Italian born around the same time as Vic. He was called Tito Simonelli which you will agree is a typical Italian name. And he was a typical Italian though, like Vic, he had only visited Italy once. His father had been chauffeur to the Maharajah of Mysore and Tito was an engineer who had an Alfa Romeo, also typically Italian. He was also a lover of the fair sex, even in his late sixties when I knew him. Also, well, you know!

The point is both these men were Indian citizens who had lived in India their whole lives and had been born there. But they thought of themselves, and were regarded by everyone else, as English and Italian respectively. They knew what people nowadays seem to forget that your ancestry matters more than your passport.

An old lady has got in trouble and been hung out to dry by her spineless employers, anxious to cover their backs, because she asked someone with an African name, and who, from a quick search on Google, seems to favour wearing African style clothes, what part of Africa she came from. Maybe she was a little insensitive, given the state of things today, but the reaction to her minor faux pas is out of all proportion to the thing itself. Of course, the media has no moral standards and just loves to whip up hysteria, anything to sell copy, but the people who fan the flames of this non-incident and pander to the anti-racism grievance industry are, to put it bluntly, wicked. If ever you wanted to see how a country destroys itself, look no further.

The impressive Cardinal Robert Sarah, himself an African, had this to say recently. "Europe has lost the sense of it origins. It has lost its roots and a tree without roots will die. I'm afraid that the West will die. There are plenty of signs. You are invaded, still, by other cultures and peoples, who will progressively dominate you by their numbers and change your culture, your convictions, your morality." This latest absurdity illustrates the wisdom and truth of his words.

Saturday 19 June 2021

White Males Are To Blame

So many of the ills of the present day are laid at the door of white males who are said to have usurped power and suppressed everybody else, women, non-white people, even nature itself. In fact, white males are accused of being responsible for most of the evil in the world.

I agree. The horrors of today were created by white males.

But perhaps we are talking about different things. What I blame white males for is not usurping power. Generally speaking, the power they have, they themselves created. No, my finger is pointing at them for a different reason.

It was white males who produced materialism and atheism which came to a head in communism. It was white males who exalted reason over everything else and in the process detached us from the fundamental truths of our humanity. It was white males who were the first to reject God and raise materialistic science to be a new god in place of the divine so cutting off all people from their spiritual roots. It was white males who promoted consumerism and pillaged the natural world for mercenary purposes.

But that is largely because no one else was good enough to do these things as is proved by the fact that practically everybody else has happily jumped on board. White males were the pioneers of a new way of being. The modern world is not a mistake as in the Traditionalist view so much as a necessary development in consciousness that has been hijacked and taken down the wrong path. Human beings were meant to grow into a new phase of being in which they became masters of themselves and of the world. This required the growth of science and of reason and greater emphasis on the individual self. Unfortunately, this growth became one-sided and failed to incorporate spiritual elements as it should have done.

If we go back to the 17th century which marks the ascendancy of white males over everyone else we find that most other parts of the world from India to China and elsewhere had settled into a kind of spiritual apathy and material decay if not decadence. The only fresh impetus to growth, exploration and development was in the West, whether that be Europe or North America. The white males created a new world which carried humanity forwards into the modern age. This was an intended part of the evolution of consciousness, bringing human beings greater self-determination, understanding and awareness of the world and of themselves. But it was a two-edged sword. This new awareness and agency could lead to great new heights or it could result in massive spiritual loss if it was directed towards its own self-fulfilment without acknowledging transcendent reality. It could lead to conscious union with God (eventually) or alienation and despair if pursued without intelligence. 

So please do blame white males but realise that somebody had to do this and they were the best available. Without them we would still be stuck in the past. Their sins are many but their virtues, whether of imagination, intellectual curiosity, pioneering spirit, inventiveness, energy, courage and, yes, even intelligence are also many. They have created unimagined (by others) new things and new understandings but they have also had the defects of their qualities and allowed themselves to be misled by their own  hubris and pride far too often.

And they continue to be at the forefront of so much that is wrong in the world. On the other hand, I don't see anyone else who is willing or capable of rectifying their errors other than white males themselves. As far as I can see, they represent the best and worst of humanity at the moment. If anyone is going to save the world from its disastrous decisions my money is principally on white males.

Monday 12 April 2021

A Time Against Race

I was recently called a racist because I don't believe there are no differences between ethnic groups or ancestral populations as is the official dogma these days. (Forgive the double negative but it serves a purpose here). But when I asked the person so dubbing me to define what she meant by racism I got no clear answer. Just the response that I was a racist because I would never have thought such a thing if I wasn't a racist.

Martin Luther King famously looked forward to the day when a man would be judged by the content of his character rather than the colour of his skin. Who could disagree with that? Not me. However, what if some of the content of a man's character (some, not all) was, to a degree, determined by the colour of his skin meaning his ethnic background? If a modern anti-racist was asked to wager his family's life on the results of an IQ test sat by 50 people from China and another 50 of West African origin being equal or random or the results of a 100 yard race between the same two groups being similarly equal or random, would he accept the challenge? Obviously environmental factors would have some influence on the outcomes but it is now largely accepted that there are also important genetic factors involved. Yes, both groups could be improved through training but the differences would not vanish.

The modern desire to erase race (except where white people are concerned, let's face it, they are always bad) might be based on a desire for fairness and a wish to correct past injustices, but to frame belief around and to build policy on what is untrue will never work. When foundations are not sound the building collapses as one suspects it is beginning to now. This will end up benefitting no one. It is far better to accept the truth and then build a future with compassion and fairness based on that truth. To deny truth always leads to disaster. The edifice so constructed will break under the pressure of reality.

If there are racial differences (and there must be as evolution didn't stop when anatomically modern human beings came about), some of them would be unimportant (such as skin colour) while others might be significant, giving an advantage to one group over others in certain areas of life. But let's look at this from a spiritual perspective, specifically a Christian one. Firstly, we do not deny truth on any level. This is important. Then the differences may exist but there is no Jew nor Greek in Jesus Christ. We are all one in God. This is the first fact on which all the others must rest. However, it is not the only fact. Just because there is no Jew nor Greek in Jesus Christ does not mean Jews and Greeks no longer exist. They do, and God has made them so or, at least, he has made a world in which Jews and Greeks can arise. This is the situation and we must have the maturity and wisdom and humility to deal with it as it is and not as we might want it to be. Falling into the arms of the equality dogma is childish evasion. There is no equality in nature or life in general (see here) but all things contain God even if they contain him in different ways and to different degrees. This gives extra richness to life though, again, it does not mean that all things are on the same spiritual level.

It is my impression that many of the current woke brigade, like many leftists of the last few decades, live according to ideology rather than common sense, natural instinct, reason or perception of reality. They believe what they want to believe, and what they want to believe is often the outcome of their own personal defects such as resentment, fear, insecurity and a sense of inferiority. If they worked to overcome those one would feel compassion for them and seek to help them, mainly through awakening them to the reality of God who can cure all such ills. But I condemn them because instead of seeking to overcome their failings they impose these failings on society. Their beliefs are not free and true but prompted by their own inadequacies which they project onto others who must then be made to bear their burdens through the resultant dogmas and policies. We are called to help the suffering but not to justify sinners in their sins. It is not uncompassionate to point to sin and weakness with the aim of establishing the truth of God in the world. It is cowardly to enable these things for fear of seeming nasty according to worldly standards.

The modern world has grown far away from God and so it must create its own religion to satisfy the deep spiritual need all human beings have whether they admit to it or not. When this need is blocked from going in the true direction it will create a false one. That is what the worshippers of equality have done, mistaking the doctrine of the oneness of life in Christ for a doctrine of all men being equal here and now and whatever they think or believe or are. This is a worldly or material parody of the spiritual truth and because corruptio optimi pessima est it acts as a barrier to the real truth by counterfeiting it. The fraud must be exposed. God loves humanity but because of that love he wants us to come up to him where we will find our true fulfilment. To pretend that Earth is Heaven is to deny Heaven.

We think that our denial of racial differences is a mark of our enlightenment. It is actually a mark of materialism because it seeks to reinterpret what is real in the world of spirit according to the world of matter which is a different world with different factors in play. You cannot bring spirit down to you. You must go up to it. Because we don't know real love we invent a pretended love which denies truth, something that real love can never do. A better world will never come by denying truth.

Monday 15 June 2020

Pulling Down History

If a nation starts to rewrite its history it ceases to be itself and becomes something else. Recognising past mistakes is right and proper and part of a maturing process but outright rejection of the national story to fit in with a single issue extremist political ideology is an attack on a nation's soul, in no way to be reconciled with the existence of a free people.

I was recently present at a conversation about the current drive to take down statues of people associated with what are now regarded as unsavoury episodes in our country's history even though, in most cases, the statues are not there to celebrate those episodes but to commemorate other aspects of the lives of the individuals concerned. The argument raged back and forth but I did not contribute partly because in normal life no one takes much notice of statues anyway! But I do understand the symbolic significance. Then one of the participants suggested that, rather than take statues down, we should put up new statues of non-British people who, he thought, represented humanity at its best. Somewhat inevitably he put forward Gandhi and Nelson Mandela for their peaceful non-violent protests. I couldn't resist pointing out that Mandela had a past record of violent terrorism which, if you are going to ignore, why not also ignore the problems with those who are currently under attack? I added that in any Empire other than the British it is probable that Gandhi would have 'disappeared'. It is only because of the innately civilised qualities of the people he was peacefully protesting against that he could get away with peacefully protesting, though this is not to deny the justice of his cause. Besides, even Gandhi is criticised for racism now though, ironically, his words, as reported in this article, have recently been attributed to Churchill and given as a reason for defacing his statue.

But this was not my main objection to the idea. If you erect statues of people who were not central to your country's identification of itself as a nation and give them the same footing as those who contributed to the idea of the country as a special place with its own identity and role in the world, you risk losing integrity as a nation, losing the authentic sense of self. This is even more the case if these people were actual opponents of your country. It is fine to respect such people for their virtues but to celebrate them means you diminish yourself. Is that the point of statues? What is more, the two individuals proposed did not transcend representing their own group so what is their purpose here? They did not fight for humanity. They were Indian and South African respectively, and they were fundamentally political figures, thereby increasing potential divisiveness. The only possible justification for a statue of a non-national (other than a person who contributed to the national story) would be for someone who really did exalt humanity as a whole and I'm not sure I can think of anyone like that except Jesus Christ. I suppose you could add people like Plato and Mozart but really what would be the point except perhaps in an academic or artistic institution? And now I think of it, didn't Plato live in a society in which slavery existed? And Mozart is often today deemed a racist (see Monostatos in The Magic Flute) so he's out. I only thought of the potential problems with these two after I had chosen them at random which shows how complicated the selective reframing of history is.

There is something very symbolic about pulling down beyond the obvious act of destruction. Pulling down is levelling to the ground, returning something created back to the state of non-creation, raw matter. It is significant that this is the only state in which complete equality can exist. The drive to establish equality is supposed to be the rationale behind all political action on the left now. But complete equality must mean the levelling of everything down to nothing. Things are only equal when they are all nothing, all completely flattened, any individual quality crushed. As Nicolai Berdyaev says in his 1923 book, The Philosophy of Inequality, "Inequality is the basis of cosmic order. Absolute equality would have left being in an unrevealed condition. The demand for a forced levelling, which comes out of the lower levels of chaotic darkness, is an attempt to destroy the hierarchic cosmic order which was formed by the creative birth of light in darkness, an attempt to destroy human personality itself."

The destruction of the past is what all tyrants seek so there is no other framework of understanding than the one they wish to impose. Once our history is rewritten we will no longer be the same people. Maybe this is the future and part of the dissolution to be expected at the end of an age, but if we wish to remain spiritually free and not become the conditioned slaves of an ideology we must at least understand the process for what it is and not succumb to it inwardly.

None of this alters the fact that there has been past injustice and unfair discrimination and the consequences of these still exist today. This cannot be denied. On the other hand, I don't think there have been many occasions when a completely different group of people has been introduced into a society in large numbers and the result has not been bloodshed. There have been wounds and there needs to be healing but the only possible way forward requires forgiveness and respect on both sides and part of that respect is that the historical integrity of the nation must be honoured, warts and all.

Note: This essay might appear to be written from the point of view  that a particular situation can be improved and we can move forward into a better future. I don't actually believe that as anyone who has read my earlier writings will know. We are living at a time of spiritual rejection in which forces inimical to goodness and truth are manipulating reality for their own ends. This current unrest is part of that. The most important thing, it seems to me, is not to allow oneself to be sucked into a pattern of hatred and recrimination. At the same time, never compromise with truth.

Friday 12 June 2020

White Civilisation Matters

At least, it used to matter.  Now, white civilisation appears content to allow itself to be dismantled bit by bit but once upon a time it produced the greatest art, science, literature, music, philosophy and religion that the human race has known. Other civilisations from Egypt to India to Persia to China to Japan to South and Central America have produced great and wonderful things but none has matched the achievements of the European civilisation which includes the American up to around 1969. Now, however, white civilisation has succumbed to defeatism and seems too enfeebled to stand up to those who would destroy it. Which probably means it is coming to an end.

Why do so many white people, especially young women, join the anti-racist cult because cult is what it is, requiring the abandonment of all other loyalities, including family loyalties, and unquestioning fealty to its dogmas? Apart from the virtue signalling and social status acquired, apart from the peer pressure and misplaced sense of justice, apart from self-hatred, apparently far more common in liberals than conservatives, there is the indoctrinated belief that this is where truth and goodness lie. It's all about empathy, you are told, a feeling to which all other considerations must be subordinated. All generations in their youth seek to distance themselves from the ones that came before and see themselves as more advanced. This is the way the present generation think they can do that though they are not the first by any means. But now that there is no real religion the religious impulse has to seek an outlet elsewhere and morality must be expressed in a different manner. To condemn someone purely on the grounds of skin colour is obviously wrong. Slavery was obviously wrong. But it is very simplistic to think that because of these things all human groups are the same. However, the anti-racists are very simplistic. At least, those swept up in the cult are. The leaders are no doubt skilled in the art of propaganda and manipulation.

There is no excuse for what black people have suffered at the hands of those who have exploited them but there comes a time when you have to take responsibility for yourself and not refer back to past injustice as an explanation for present ills. Black people have been victims but it would be healthier if the community faced up to the reality of itself, starting out with the high levels of criminality among its young men. I would suggest that what the black community really needs now is what all human beings need and that is a strong religion, preferably Christianity. In the absence of that it may find it more difficult to deal with modern life than some other groups, partly because the evolutionary path that has formed it has not best qualified it to live in the kind of world that those whose path has been different have created.

So many articles in the media that even dare criticise the recent riots still qualify their criticism with remarks such as "There is inequality in the UK. There is prejudice, and there are things to be done." This may be so but the problem is that it gives way to the anti-racist narrative from the start, just as the right has done to the left for years which is why it has constantly lost the argument and we have shifted so far leftwards. Despite what you may have been told, white people have made significant efforts to accommodate a very different group of people in their midst. The recent protests and riots sparked off by the death of George Floyd appear cynical attempts to exploit a tragic situation. The agenda of the protest organisers is far more radical than simply drawing attention to black problems with the police, problems which when you actually examine the statistics are hard to put down to simple prejudice*. In fact, today there are strong grounds for saying it is the intolerant anti-racists who spread racial hatred more than anyone else because their stance is fundamentally anti-white. As for inequality, this has existed always and everywhere for many reasons and is less now than it ever has been. It's largely a by-product of freedom. And prejudice may exist privately but it doesn't officially except in certain areas where it is chiefly against whites rather than blacks. If you don't believe that, look at the media. The much criticised white privilege is largely the result of white intelligence, creativity and hard work, an earned privilege if you want to call it privilege, the fruits of which in the form of science, medicine, technology etc all other races take full advantage of. Was it white privilege that created the cathedrals and the Renaissance or that was responsible for Dante, Shakespeare, Mozart, Goethe and literally thousands of others?  If you're unsuccessful, is it always somebody else's fault?

White civilisation established higher values and standards than any other which was the result of its Christian roots and its own genius. These have been built up over centuries but they can be lost very rapidly if we don't make strenuous efforts to preserve them. Order, which is the basis of the universe, can soon descend into disorder, the disorder we see in the riots and which would soon spread throughout society if the protests, which are merely the passive side of the riots, had their way.  People might say that someone like me has never suffered from the prejudice that is directed against black people. True and I don't condone bad behaviour in any form but, as I said in the previous post, officially sanctioned prejudice ended in 1965. Besides, it might be countered that many indigenous English men and women have seen their country turned into a place in which they no longer feel they belong. And not a better place.

However, my interest is not political or nationalistic but spiritual and I write from that perspective. So let me conclude this piece by saying it is not actually white civilisation that matters but the higher standards and values that this civilisation established and developed over several centuries. I don't see the protestors against white civilisation capable of taking up the challenge of preserving, upholding and deepening these values and standards. What I do see is many who would lose them in the name of an anti-racism which, in its zeal for levelling and pulling down, destroys the hierarchy of truth on which cosmic order is based.

* There are all sorts of statistics to do with violent crime and murder, all pointing in the same direction. Here's one. In 2008 in America young black males representing about 1% of the population counted for 27% of all homicide offenders. The corresponding figures for young white men were 6% and 16%, a vast difference which really cannot all be explained away by respective environments even though that clearly has something to do with it. 

Wednesday 10 June 2020

A Question on Race

My question is this. At the present time does more spiritual evil come from racial discrimination or from the forces of anti-racism? We are talking of such things as pride, anger, hatred, resentment, aggression and self-righteousness. Before you answer that question look at the faces of recent protestors to see what is inspiring them. Observe how they respond to those who disagree with them. The answer might not be what you have been led to expect.

But fundamentally the question is not about racism or anti-racism whatever these words even mean nowadays. It is about truth and goodness. What is the truth of human races? Do they exist and if they do how should one best deal with their reality? If races do exist (and obviously they do, to argue otherwise shows a blatant disregard for reality), they will be different. Are these differences merely superficial or are they significant? Remember it is truth we want not ideology or wishful thinking.

Once truth has been arrived at, and only then for truth is the bedrock of everything, goodness can come into play. If the races really are pretty much the same in every respect save superficial ones there is no problem. But if there are differences that are more than skin deep, differences caused by separate evolutionary paths over thousands of years, we must know how to manage them. We cannot ignore them if they are real. They will come back to haunt us if we do. Alternatively, we cannot allow them to override the common humanity of all the races. There is a balance that must be struck and we can only arrive at the correct solution to the problem, and clearly there is a problem, if we apply both truth and goodness to it.

Now unfortunately we are doing neither. We seem to prefer ignorance and self-righteousness. We talk of empathy and how one must feel for the victims of the past but empathy without intelligence is just sentimentality and will lead to disaster because it ignores facts, replacing them with feelings. What are the facts of race? What are the facts of current suffering? The child always looks for someone else to blame. The mature adult takes responsibility for himself.

Racial discrimination in the past has caused great suffering and is condemned by practically everyone. But it was made illegal in the UK in 1965. That's 55 years ago. I am not so naive as to think that solved the problem but it did make discrimination on the grounds of race against the law. Discrimination may still take subtle forms but from a legal point of view the battle was won long ago. Campaigners are reduced to talking about microaggressions and it really does seem that the more such people are given, they more they want. Legitimate requests to be treated with fairness become greedy demands for preferential treatment and there is the sense that anti-racists will never be satisfied until they have reduced their supposed oppressors to the state of servitude. That is why, to return to the question asked at the beginning of this essay, I say it is they who are currently the ones fostering hatred.

God is the God of all human beings and we are all one in God. But that does not mean we are all the same or even all equal. It just means we are all one in God. It also means that the only way to realise this oneness is to turn to God for it is only in him that real oneness and real love can be found. It is also only to him or his representative on Earth that one should kneel. The present act of submissive subservience known as 'taking the knee' is therefore a diabolical inversion of a spiritual act and should be resisted by anyone who has any respect for God or even, quite frankly, anyone who has any self-respect. 

Evil now advances by appealing to people's sense of justice and fairness but this is just a front for its real but unrevealed agenda which is the destruction of higher truths and spiritual order. The current anti-racist protests follow a familiar pattern. Do not be deceived by the apparent plausibility of their demands. The devil was always a liar and a deceiver and the real goal behind these, whether the participants on the streets know it or not, is destruction.