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Frequently Asked Questions
Apache UIMA



Where is the mailing list, and how can I subscribe?

Please see mail-lists for details.

Does this project use a wiki?

It does; see: UIMA wiki . It will complement the work taking place on the mailing list and provide additional information on the project.

 Code and other Contributions

Contributing a new file: what do I need to consider?

Any new file should contain the Apache license header . This is true of source code, but also XML files and many other source type files. License headers are not necessary for automatically generated files (such as javadoc) and binary files. Binary files may have licenses of their own, please be sure you know what you are doing when checking them in. When in doubt, please ask on uima-dev.

For source code, please also follow the coding conventions of the UIMA team.

 Known Issues

Sun Java 1.4.2_12 doesn't serialize CR characters to XML

(Note: Apache UIMA now requires Java 1.5 support - so this issue is moot.) The XML serialization support in Sun Java 1.4.2_12 doesn't serialize CR characters to XML. As a result, if the document text contains CR characters, XCAS or XMI serialization will cause them to be lost, resulting in incorrect annotation offsets. This is exposed in the DocumentAnalyzer, with the highlighting being incorrect if the input document contains CR characters.

JCasGen merge facility supports Java levels 1.4 or earlier

JCasGen has a facility to merge in user (hand-coded) changes with the code generated by JCasGen. This merging supports Java 1.4 constructs only. JCasGen generates Java 1.4 code, so as long as any code you change here also onlu uses Java 1.4 constructs, the merge will work. If you use Java 5 or later specific syntax or constructs, the merge operation will likely fail to merge properly.

Descriptor editor in Eclipse tooling does not work with libgcj 4.1.2

The descriptor editor in the Eclipse tooling does not work with libgcj 4.1.2, and possibly other versions of libgcj. This is apparently due to a bug in the implementation of their XML library, which results in a class cast error. libgcj is used as the default JVM for Eclipse in Ubuntu (and other Linux distributions?). The workaround is to use a different JVM to start Eclipse.