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IKS "Semantic Search - Fact and Fiction" Workshop in Rome/Italy
Apache UIMA

 IKS Semantic Search - Fact and Fiction Workshop in Rome/Italy

IKS European project [ 1 ] had its second IKS Workshop. They have been meeting in Rome on November 12th and 13th, 2009. The purpose for this workshop was to define "semantic search", and to get a handle on what people want from it.

During the IKS workshop there has been a speech/demo about UIMA and Semantic Search.
We got good feedback about UIMA in general from the people at the workshop; Bertrand Delacretaz, who is part of IKS as Day Software employee and also member of ASF, had a good feeling about UIMA for semantic search to include inside IKS stack [ 2 ].
Moreover the Nuxeo open source ECM [ 3 ] is developing its semantic search module on the top of UIMA (see Oliver Grisel's wrap up on their website [ 4 ]).
Slides about the UIMA and Semantic Search talk are available at [ 5 ].
Demos were about a real estate market analysis tool which uses UIMA for metadata extraction and a sample of integration between UIMA and AlchemyAPI.
See some photos here [ 6 ] and the complete list of talks here [7]

[1] : https://www.iks-project.eu
[2] : https://dev.day.com/microsling/content/blogs/main/iks-pragmatic-view-update.html
[3] : https://www.nuxeo.com/en
[4] : https://blogs.nuxeo.com/dev/2009/11/iks-semantic-search-workshop-wrapup.html
[5] : https://www.slideshare.net/teofili/apache-uima-and-semantic-search
[6] : https://homepages.uni-paderborn.de/fabianc/iks-gam-rome09/
[7] : https://www.iks-project.eu/semantic-search-challenge-workshop-report