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Get Involved
Apache UIMA

 How do I contribute, give feedback, fix bugs and so on?

The Apache UIMA™ project is actively seeking new contributors to work on all aspects of the project. We need and appreciate all contributions, including documentation help, source code development and feedback.

A typical path to contributing might start with joining the UIMA mailing lists where discussions are occuring among the users and developers, and getting a JIRA id and posting feature improvements, bug reports, etc. to the change tracking system we're using.

Anyone is invited to contribute to the project; for contributions beyond simple typo fixes or short patches, we request you fill out, sign, and send in Apache's Individual Contributer License Agreement (ICLA) - and if appropriate, the matching Corporate Contributor License Agreement (CCLA). Then you can post larger patches to Jira issues you raise.

Contributors who develop a history of successful participation over time are invited to join the project as a committer, which means they will have direct write-access to the SVN repositories for the project.

Quick references:

  • Discussion occurs on the UIMA mailing lists
  • Information on access to the project source code is available here.
  • Bugs and other issues can be posted on the project JIRA
  • Additional documentation and discussion can be found on the project wiki

 How do I become a contributor or a committer?

Everyone can contribute to UIMA as a contributor; contributors who build up a history of successful contributions over time are invited to become committers. The difference is that committers have direct write access to the project SVN repositories, while contributors post their contributions to Jira issues where they're first reviewed, and then committed by a committer to the project's SVN repository. See https://www.apache.org/dev/contributors.html for a good overview of working as a contributor.

We ask contributors of significant amounts of code to fill out and send into Apache, an Individual Contributors License Agreement (ICLA) (and perhaps also a Corporate Contributors License Agreement (CCLA)).

If you're interested in committing to the project, you need to establish a history over time of successful contributions to the project. After that, you can be invited to become a committer; see this page for more details on this process.

All Contributors and Committers should