Showing posts sorted by relevance for query David Icke. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query David Icke. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday 29 November 2017

The persecution of David Icke

The trajectory of the public perception of David Icke over the past 25 years or so has been a barometer of social changes.

From beginning as a sports anchor, through spokesman for the Green Party; to occupying the position of a universal butt of comedians and national 'joke figure' (cyclically ignored and ridiculed) when he re-emerged as a spiritual leader and leading 'conspiracy theorist'; Icke is nowadays regarded as a serious threat to mainstream political strategy - and he is currently being subject to continual harassment, repeated sabotage, and multiple persecutions by a variety of Leftist pressure groups and stooges (see video above for some details).

I have considerable admiration for Icke - who is an inspirational figure for his courage, perseverance and basic decency. Most readers of this blog would find a great deal of insight and wisdom in his 1996 book Phantom Self.

On the other hand; I don't suppose anybody in the world will believe everything David Icke says; and many will (like me) tend to regard most of it to be erroneous, absurd, or exaggerated...

But this does not trouble me; because it is the necessary price we pay for a certain type of exploratory and creative individual.

Icke is intuitive, absolutely independent-minded, and highly speculative; indeed, he has changed many of his ideas and emphases a great deal over the years - so that he does not agree today with what he used to write and say 20 years ago. But then, neither do I agree with my own older ideas (I actively oppose them!) - nor is anybody self-consistent who starts from the near-universal state of delusion and only gradually, by trial and error, approaches reality. We are all of us in much the same position. What matters is our direction of travel...

Anyway, my point here is that Icke has gone from being seen as a 'harmless eccentric' - somebody who made media headlines only for his 'crazy' statements (some of which, however, turned to out be chillingly true; for example the endemic abuse of children by high-level Establishment leaders) - to being regarded as a sinister political demagogue, a man whose ideas are regarded as so dangerously plausible as to require active and aggressive suppression by a swarm of Social Justice Warriors, Antifa, billionaire-funded NGOs, a mayor and a Labour Member of Parliament - backed-up by lies and misrepresentation in the major newspapers and TV News.

The message is clear - for The West, Now.

Dissent from the New Left/ Sexual revolutionary agenda has already been excluded from the mass media; and Icke has therefore put across his message by a combination of self-published books, large hall lecture presentations, a multitude of interviews with 'alternative media' and by his personal web pages. But, over the past year - especially since the US election, and rationalised under the projected-problem of 'false news' - there has been escalating pressure to deny even these minority media outlets to anybody who in any way publicly opposes the Establishment agenda.

Despite being broadly Old Left in orientation, Icke persists in opposing the Left-consensus on many key litmus test issues (such as the recent 'trans' sexual agenda); and consequently he has experienced multiple last-moment cancellations of lectures, has been a victim of multiple covert and dishonest social media censorships, and subjected to continual demonization in mainstream media - plus all the rest of the now familiar methods.

What does this mean? To Icke personally and to his tens of thousands (probably hundreds of thousands) of readers and listeners it is a vindication of Icke's analysis - and points to a 'moment of truth'. The time is coming (indeed is past for many people) in which scales fall from eyes, and the essential falsity and wicked-intent of the official world picture is revealed. Then there will be a clear choice presented to each individual - then some may chose to reject The Matrix...

And The Establishment know that their agenda depends on mass delusion and consent - so this could mean the end of decades of progress towards their totalitarian goal of omni-surveillance and micro-management of human behaviour (and thought).

David Icke is surely correct about the existence of a large and evil global conspiracy, and he is also correct that this is guided (across many generations) by demonic forces (which he currently calls the Archons). This spiritual insight is what raises Icke above the mass of conspiracy theorists - that he recognises the reality of a spiritual warfare - and that the conspiracy is not primarily aimed at causing suffering and death but at causing damnation. Icke's reflections on the necessity of love, and his insight that fear (not hate) is the opposite of love, are among the clearest and deepest I have read.

Icke and I part company at this point - since he has become largely anti-Christian (although he admires some aspects of the Gnostics) - and does not talk about God, Heaven or Man's eternal destiny to become divine sons and daughters of God. His metaphysics are wrong, and indeed despair-inducing; and his scheme has no coherent place for genuine free agency...

On the other hand, I would not be surprised if a personally-intuited and reformulated but real Christianity was where Icke eventually ended-up (in this life or beyond); since a spiritual Christianity would be the completion and clarification of his many, various and conflicting ideas.

Still, taken all-round, I regard David Icke as definitely 'a good thing'; well-motivated and a valuable resource, energiser and stimulator - and I solidly support him against his detractors.

And I suspect that if his health holds, and he maintains his past motivation, Icke will outlast and disprove those who currently seek to destroy him.

Thursday 21 July 2016

The world of David Icke - a review of his book Phantom Self (2016) and a comparison with Rudolf Steiner

Since being impressed by David Icke's grasp of the significance of the Brexit vote four weeks ago  -

I have been investigating the thought world of this man, who the media dub the world's major conspiracy theorist.

I have watched or listened to many speeches and interviews, and read his most recent book The Phantom Self - which covers a similar theme and contains many rather similar arguments to those I have come-across in Colin Wilson and William Arkle and blogged about here; concerning the true and free versus automatic and false Self; and the important problem of each person finding then living-from the true Self.

Icke adds to this the valuable perspective that in this modern era (and in addition to our natural tendency to develop a false Self) the false Self (what Icke terms the Phantom self) is substantially a product of a programmed manipulation by the Establishment (i.e. the Conspiracy). In other words, our Phantom Self is actively working-against the interests of our Real/ True Self.

My impression is that Icke is primarily a spiritual thinker and teacher, who personally is most concerned by the spiritual corruption of the world and what to do about it. There are two long chapters at the end of The Phantom Self concerned with how to wake-up to the fact that we are in reality 'Infinite Consciousness' and our mortal life ought to be seen in terms of educational experiences. We are not the product of those experiences, our true selves lie behind and beyond any possible experiences. With some changes in nomenclature, I think this is correct and vital.

Icke is strongly against any form of organised religion, and his spiritual advice is mainly to live life by the intuition of the heart, which will lead to the synchronicities that we personally most need as experiences. This, again, seems correct so far as it goes, and very much like 'the discernment of the heart' which some Christians regard as our best guidance in this world - especially since Icke does a good analysis which clarifies what he means by the heart - contrasted with the mind and gut-feelings which are the focus of manipulation by The Conspiracy.

Reading Icke, I was quite often reminded of Rudolf Steiner in a broad-brush fashion - for instance, both disseminate their views primarily via speaking: in Steiner's case by a multitude of smallish lectures, in Icke's case by videos, podcasts and interviews; and very large public lectures (currently on-going in Australia). Of course, Steiner was a world class accredited intellectual and a genius; whereas Icke is, although above average intelligent and articulate and much better than Steiner at structuring evidence and arguments, operating on a much more common sense and middlebrow level.

But the same basic problem affects anyone who tries to come to terms with Steiner as one who tries to give Icke a hearing - which is that they have a strong, clear view on every subject under the sun, and most of these views are bizarre, many are wrong, and all are over-precise. This, presumably, is because both are working from an intuitive method which always yields conclusions on every topic - even those on which the intuiter is scantily or erroneously informed - and which provides for the reader real and important (and, otherwise, hard to come-by) truths, closely mixed with falsehoods and illusions - but Steiner and Icke themselves are unable to discern which is which.

This does not much bother me - so long as I take them in large enough doses that I can allow the bizarre elements to 'blow through me' (maybe enjoying their ingenious arguments, meanwhile) while focusing on the basic perspectives and primary teachings. This is a matter of having made the basic decision that Icke is a decent and well-motivated person who is doing his best in the available situation, as was Steiner.

Both Steiner and Icke are much more spiritually-focused than the mass of their followers (to whom they need to cater) and this has a distorting effect on the balance of their output. In Icke's case this leads to one of the main problem with his conspiracy theory - which concerns the ultimate aim of The Conspiracy.

For Icke, this world is conceptualised as a kind of idealism; our reality is 'a hologram' (akin to the situation in the movie The Matrix, 1999) - because perceived reality is essentially a facade, and its reality comes from our interpretation. For Icke, there is no God or gods - and ultimate creative goodness is conceptualised abstractly and deistically in terms of higher consciousness, higher frequencies and vibrations.

The source of The Conspiracy for Icke is a group of immortal evil 'demons' (as I would interpret them), aliens, Archons, shape-shifting reptiloids - whose aim is drag humans down to a low-frequency level, and then to control humans in every respect, in order vampirically to live-upon human psychic energies (especially the emotion of fear, but also other negative emotions such as hatred). Ultimately, therefore, Icke correctly diagnoses the Big Problem as Spiritual Warfare.

However, perhaps due to the interests of his followers, in quantitative terms the bulk of Icke's output is focused on political, social and worldly concerns - and the idea that the Conspiracy callously delights in making miserable, tormenting, making sick and killing humans. This is a basic flaw in the sense that modern Western people are - overall and compared with any previous or alternative society - prosperous, comfortable, convenient, healthy and long-lived. Since The Conspiracy's plans are (currently) well advanced, this basic fact is broadly incompatible with The Conspiracy wanting to torture our mortal bodies.

Icke is not a Christian nor anything else, and seems strongly 'anti' all actual Christian churches, especially any focused worship, ritual and symbolic elements - since he regards focused worship situations as set up to provide a kind of energy-vampirism, and ritual and symbolism as almost-always characteristic of The Conspiracy beings. The 'Archons' are fundamentally-uncreative beings, therefore they rely on such crude, repetitive procedures to force or compel a kind of pseudo-creativity. Also, Icke apparently experienced a - possibly - hypomanic-type episode around 1990 during which he appeared on prime-time TV and asserted he was the Son of God, in a way that suggested he was a reincarnate Jesus, or something similar. I think he has since rather over-reacted-against the content of this transient and delusional state.

Having said all this, and taking it as the mixed whole it is; what is my overview of David Icke's work? The answer is that I am overall impressed - and I think he provides many valuable perspectives and examples that I have found helpful and clarifying. I think he is a genuine intuitive, who has access to a deeper level of understanding than is normal - and that this has been show by a number of insights which seemed very far-fetched until they were shown to be correct.

(Interestingly, and again on the same lines as Arkle, in seeking intuition Icke does not practise meditation by any formal or specific technique - rather he says that he sits in quietness and solitude and lets his mind follow its own logic by 'daydreaming'. This, combined with the way that synchronicity shapes his life and brings particular people, books and things to his attention, is how he gets his insights.)  

For example, Icke seems to have been among the first to describe (naming names, several of which have since been confirmed) the covert and covered-up network of paedophilia which permeates the British ultra-Establishment.

Icke saw the extent to which modern Establishment elites deliberately (e.g. by false flag operations and agents provocateurs) cause the atrocities and problems which they then 'react-to' by implementing pre-decided programs tending towards population pacification and control - and the way that the mass media, technology, the law and its enforcement, officialdom, education, and also modern medicine are all combining to make a docile, distracted, drugged, dysfunctional and despairing humanity.

And also that this depends upon divide-and-rule procedures which create conflicts, and provide the incentives by which the dupes do the work of the demons; in building their own prisons, herding people inside, and then policing each other to prevent anyone escaping. 

Icke also correctly predicted (when nobody else did) that 2016 would be the crux year, and potentially the beginning of the crunch-time potentially a turning-point - a window of about three years - when we either turn away from our current suicide course, or it becomes irreversible.

Icke's lack of the coherent metaphysical structure and the overall story of (Mormon) Christianity is a significant problem, although his criticisms of actually-existing Christian churches are mostly accurate and reasonable. But, depending upon your tolerance for excessively detailed wrongness and your capacity not to let it interfere, there is much in Icke's work that is valuable and which you will probably not find anywhere else.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

The David Icke Phenomenon - and Brexit

The leading 'conspiracy theorist' of the Anglosphere over the past couple of decades seems to be David Icke - a man generally regarded as a national joke in the UK, and certainly someone who holds a lot of very strange views on many topics. Nonetheless, he has a large and loyal following, and is able to pack huge stadia when he does lecture tours.

Following my discovery that someone I used to know well has been engaged in similar work, I have been exploring Icke's work over the past year or so, and on the whole I have been impressed. My main disagreement is that Icke is not a Christian, and therefore sees the root of purposive evil in this world as being due to extra-terrestrial alien influences. He is also (and probably for the same reason) allied with the oddball ultra-radical anarchist Left - which is clearly a mistake.

But if one simply substitutes supernatural demonic for alien, and purges the Leftish sympathies - then the Icke overview of global political reality is not all that far from how I suppose things to be structured and to function. In sum, there is something to be learned from him, with patience - and his motivations are good.

Anyway, Icke did himself proud last Friday with his astute and indeed wise analysis of the Brexit vote, its implications and future possibilities - so I thought I would provide a link. Take a look - why not? 'People' will think certainly you are a fool for watching this kind of thing - but then, they already do!

Monday 24 October 2016

Be not afraid (and *don't* protect yourself!) - The Way of The Fool and David Icke

In this short video David Icke begins with responding to a question about whether he has bodyguards; whether he takes steps to protect himself.

The answer is no - and Icke explains why, and how this relates to his philosophy of life. I found this short discussion overall inspiring, and have watched it several times.

My feeling is that this relates to Icke spiritually living 'The Way of the Fool' -

The fear-less Fool is one who leads a 'charmed life' - and is able to speak the truth as he sees it.

Of course, The Fool also speaks a lot of 'nonsense' - but there are times (and this is one) when a peck of truth outweights a bushel of nonsense; because (as Icke says below): "They can't unhear what you have said".

Friday 4 November 2016

Brexit threatened... Yeoman of England - step forward!

With the excellent news that the Government's devious policy of Brexit-in-name-only has been sabotaged by rogue members of the cosmopolitan UK-ruling elite (who have decided among themselves that Brexit is 'illegal' without a vote in Parliament, which will surely defeat it)

- the English people (who favour Brexit by approx 2:1) are having their noses rubbed in the fact that the sadistic demonic upper/ professional/ intellectual class have zero intention of stepping-off the down-escalator to national destruction and spiritual suicide

- and if the English people want a different destiny they will need to get it by new means and from new directions.

Time for the Yeomen class of England to step forward, as a body - to take-over national leadership!

By Yeoman I mean the class of skilled workers, small businesses, foremen, family farmers, Non-Commissioned Officers (the Sergeants and Corporals) - the people who actually do most of the constructive work which gets done.

I wrote about this in my 2011 anti-SJW book Thought Prison

Under the name of the NCO class - and their moment is now.

Members of this class familiar (uncharacteristic in their fame as writers - but of this class in terms of origin and outlook) to readers of this blog would include the likes of Charles Williams, Colin Wilson, David Icke, Joseph Pearce - as Charles Williams wrote, this 'middle class' (by one definition) has always been a major source of the most significant Englishmen.

The Yeomen wre the Anglo Saxon rulers, under the Norman Yoke; William Langland as contrasted with Chaucer; Shakespeare and Ben Jonson as contrasted with Christopher Marlowe and Philip Sidney; William Blake as contrasted with John Dryden; Charles Dickens as contrasted with Anthony Trollope... and so on.

The class is not perfect, by any means - nor do all good things come from them. The Yeomanry was the origin of Nonconformism (with its many strengths and defects) the Old Trades Union-based Labour Party (likewise with virtues as well as fatal flaws) - and was latterly corrupted, weakened and subverted by secularism, materialism and Leftism.
For the past couple of generations, the English Yeomanry has become demonised in the mainstream media and among the elites by the rise of the upper class New Left of feminism, antracism, diversity... the whole package of nihilistic hedonism.

But this moment - here and now and starting today - is when the Yeoman class could be reborn as a multitude of national leaders (not one leader, but an un-stoppable, multi-headed hydra of local leaders); if they can re-find their spiritual strength and self-confidence.


This topic is explored and the theme is elaborated - sometimes very amusingly - in today's podcast by that stalwart 'yeoman' mentioned above - David Icke:

Saturday 18 April 2020

Metaphysical materialism trumps the perception deception

Media analysts have described how people are primarily influenced by their perceptions, how perceptions come to us via the mass media (now amplified by social media); and that this de facto monopoly on our input of information substantially 'controls' the population of modern societies.

We could call is the theory of Perception Deception. The implicit antidote is to make perceptions more truthful... At the mass level, this entails aiming for a truthful mass media; and paying close attention to the biases and censorships of the mass media and propaganda more generally. 

However, the birdemic has demonstrated that this explanation is grossly inadequate - to the point of being mostly-wrong. Inputs are near-irrelevant; and far more important are the basic assumptions about Life by which perceptions are interpreted.

The basic assumptions about Life is what I mean by metaphysics; and for most - nearly all, it turns-out - modern people, these assumptions are materialist.

Therefore, a person's response to the birdemic is a much better guide to someone's metaphysical assumptions than is whether that person professes left- or right-wing views, or whether they profess atheism, New Age or religious beliefs.

To put it bluntly, the only people who see-through the deception of the birdemic are those who have (not just profess) a metaphysical assumption of the primacy of the spiritual in Life.

So far as I can tell, spiritual people recognise the birdemic fake - whereas those who are actually materialist cannot recognise what is really going-on; and they fail utterly to recognise what is going-on even when exposed to vast and powerful evidence of it (such as they get from their own daily personal experience).

What is really going-on is as obvious as anything can be - from the fact of (pretty much) the whole world being under house arrest (including you and me) without end-point - suspension of elections - working only as directed labour in approved activities - control of what you can buy - indefinite forbidding of all real-life church activities - prohibition of all real-life social and extended family life - prohibition of all performing arts - prohibition of travel - multiplication of coercive rules and laws - pervasive police impositions etc., etc., etc...

Do I really need to describe what is visible to everyone and happened over a timescale of days?... Well, yes it seems I do - but description does no good at all when all and any such perceptual inputs are automatically and unconsciously explained-away as being 'therapy'.

Because it turns-out that a global totalitarian, anti-religious, anti-human, anti-individual regime can be imposed - but nobody will notice when it is explained as being necessary for health.

Billions of people have been rendered blind to the obvious. That is a stunning thing - more remarkable a fact than anything I have ever encounted. 

The communist, fascist, national socialist totalitarian societies of the twentieth century have simply been redescribed in terms of medical and therapeutic necessity in relation to a single disease. And nearly-everybody is not merely accepting of this, but clamouring for more of the same - in order to keep people 'safe'.

(The fact that lockdownsocialdistancing cannot keep people safe from a airborne virus, but will instead perpetuate the epidemic and expose more vulnerable people and cause far more deaths by delaying herd immunity is completely irrelevant to the argument - because all facts are irrelevant when one's metaphysics are materialist.) 

Interestingly, most of the 'Alternative media' - or what the Establishment call 'conspiracy theorists' also fail to see through the birdemic fake - fail to see that the birdemic is itself merely an excuse - but have instead been distracted into focusing on health-related red herrings about bioweaps and fie vegee - which (whether true or not, and they may be significantly true) miss the central and obvious point - or even lead to bizarre inversions relating to plans for mass killing (with the virus).

(This is wrong for the plain reason that totalitarian takeover has been based-on the rationale of health, medicine, life-saving and death-counting - which makes little sense if mass killing were intended. But even if it were right; it misses the stunning magnitude and speed of what has actually happened.) 

What we see is that perceptual inputs, information, 'facts' and 'data' - are secondary factors when what is happening is based in the spiritual. Even when people expose themselves to a different set of inputs (eg those who participate mostly in the Alternative media), they fail to see the obvious reality - because they are materialists.

It is significant that David Icke, although perhaps the grandfather of the Alternative media and conspiracy theorists is - unlike most of his followers - one of the rare people who immediately recognised what was really going-on. This because Icke is primarily a spiritual person (not a Christian, more of a deist, but genuinely spiritual),

We can observe that those who are in practice (whatever they may suppose about themselves, whatever their personal self-identification as a 'spiritual' or 'religious' person) are materialists; fail to see the obvious.

This is often evident in having de facto socio-political alignments as a prime priority in their lives, into-which spirituality and religion must be fitted) - but we also see that those who live what look-like spiritual or religious lives are also mostly living on the basis of materialist fundamental assumptions - so that their spirituality or religion is, it turns-out, merely a matter of lifestyle.

To recognise today's obvious entails a spiritual perspective, but only to those with a spiritual persepctive is it obvious. To everyone else, the obvious cannot be true; because excluded by (unconscious) assumptions. 

So - the birdemic reveals the difference between, on the one hand, the superficiality of life-style - such that even very dominant life-styles amounting to a full-time occupation (e.g. religious professionals, obsessive New Agers) make no difference to their blindness. They are just as blind to the obvious reality as any professed skeptic, atheist activist, card-carrying humanist, or philosophical materialist.

On the other hand, the reality of a person's experienced 'inner' life is revealed by their capacity to 'notice' the biggest-fastest qualitative change in world history.

It is the inner life (ie. a person's metaphysical assumptions, by which he understands life) that turns-out to matter most; to the point that it is almost as if it is the only thing that matters, in a spiritual sense.

Differences of religion, denomination, theology, ritual, scripture etc are all washed-away as superficial and ineffectual...

Spiritual sensibility is more important at present than ever before; since those who lack it are being stampeded into embracing a world based on the principle of materialistic self-damnation, at a shocking rate.

In conclusion, metaphysics is primary; and especially in a world where the reality and importance of metaphysical awareness is denied.

A world where 'everyone' believes that 'evidence' is the only thing that matters, and believes that perceptions control behaviour is - it turns-out - a world where evidence is irrelevant and behaviour is dictated by prior assumptions of which (almost) everybody is insensible.

The single most important thing that people can do (here, now) is to become aware of their primary assumptions about life.

And that is something every individual person must do for himself, or it will not be done.

Monday 17 June 2019

This Romantic era and the end of all groups...

Rudolf Steiner prophecied that there would be a second coming of Christ 'in the etheric' from about 1933 - and somehow Anthroposophists still believe that this has actually happened; despite that the 'evidence' for this event includes the coming to power of National Socialism in Germany!

And since the hippies of the middle 1960s, there has been a constant undercurrent with waves of belief in a happening and incipient New Age of the spirit, of enhanced consciousness. The term New Age itself became popular in the 1980s with much activity related to neo-shamanism, neo-paganism etc.; and in the late 90s the coming millenium led to another crest of expectation. Then there was another surge of excitement related to the Mayan Calendar ending on the winter solstice of December 2012.

There is currently, I think, another post 2016 resurgence of belief that there is an awakening of Western Man, a mass seeing-through of the lies and propaganda of the Illuminati - this supposedly signalled by a increased populism and higher profile (including banning) of people like David Icke, Julian Assange and Alex Jones specifically, alternative/ 'conspiracy' theories of politics and society more generally. Many apparently expect major positive spiritual and consciousness change - and soon.

What fascinates me is not so much the expectation, but how - time after time - people can become convinced that the New Age is actually happening.

People who claim that there are more people haveing more spiritual experiences (more visions, more miracles, more paranormal events...); that there is a massive change enhancement of spiritual interests - a shift away from materialism, consumerism, the mainstream. That people are becoming more idealistic, more elevated in consciousness and so on. Not just the hope of change, but a conviction that chnage is already ongoing and afoot.

I have heard such things claimed by hundreds of people, spread over many decades; and flying in the face of very obvious, massive and relentless (albeit stepwise and incremental) increases in materialism, consumerism, politicisation, bureaucracy, progressive narrowing of minds and public discourse; increases in surveillance, propaganda advertising, micro-social control. 

How does this happen? How can people believe the opposite of what is obvious in the face of what one would suppose to be contrary evidence?  If the burning of the Reichstag really counts as evidence for the second coming of Christ (as I have heard several eminent Anthroposophists claim), then surely anything can prove anything!

My feeling is that it is to do with the way that groups work on the individual - and the way that  individuals have usually known truth. The New Age types of spirituality are strongly associated with 'group work' of various kinds, and I think it is the 'psychodynamics' of groups that explain the sense of objective spiritual progress that comes to grip so many minds so strongly.

A small intense group can, it seems, come to believe and validate almost anything. The groups have experiences together - whether that be visions, mediumship, channeling. or experiences in relation to UFOs, megaliths or crop circles; and the process by which knowledge and emotions reflect back-and-forth within the group, combined with relations of authority and discipleship and emotional dependence and support, can create an experience of amplification and increase - that is felt as a generalised awakening in The World.

On top of this the expansion of mass media and bureaucracy has affected all forms of organisation - so that there are more books, materials and media generally on almost every topic - including all kinds of spirituality. Organisations that survive have (almost always) either become very intensely inter-personal (as described above) - or else have grown, combined, become professionalised, subsidised... become gripped by the perspective of management, public relations and propaganda (as can be seen from web pages and brochures).

So that it becomes normal within nearly-all groups to perceive that things are moving in the desired direction. After all, that is what people in groups tell each other, and to be a group-member that must be believed.  

This is another reason why I think that this Romantic era implies the end of all groups except for the family, marriage and close friendships (usually dyadic). In sum; I have come to believe that all other forms of human groups have become agents for creating and sustaining delusions.

The New Age delusion, in its various forms, is just one of many such. And the way-out is for each individual to take full responsibility for his own assumptions, love, faith, beliefs and hopes; and adhere strongly only to those personally affirmed by direct intuition.

In this sense, we are On Our Own - but of course, we are never truly on our own, and that is the other side of this Romantic era; we are in society with the divine, the dead and all those whom we love. And it is the reality of that relational experience which makes possible the radical autonomy that is being compelled upon us.

Saturday 14 March 2020

Things actually Have-Come to a point: The revelation of birdemic

This is what a totalitarian takeover looks like. You are living through it: a time of revelations.

Every day new restrictions, new bans, new government powers - one leads on to the next, reacting to the reactions; change piled-upon change: no end in sight.

The mass public keen for more and more of their own oppression - because of fear, fear, fear - excepting those who resist shut-down for reasons of hedonism due to cancellation of things they enjoy.

But hedonism is not powerful enough; since mere desire for pleasure is selfish and thus easily dissipated by personal threats from Them - so it will not do the job.

Even if this was a genuine corvid birdemic that killed a lot of people (a thousandfold more); this qualitative increase in Establishment power would be a very bad thing - since the Establishment are evil-dominated; and will certainly use their vast new powers for net-evil purposes.

There is, however, a demonic irony in the fact that the actual known dangers are so astonishingly small.

But in terms of things coming to a point - this is real revelation!

People are showing their 'true colours' in the clearest imaginable fashion. Some have passed the test with flying colours (good old David Icke!).

And the revelation cuts across self-identified categories (calling oneself A Christian turns out to mean next-to-nothing, as prophecies indeed predicted).

Most people are showing, in the clearest possible fashion, that their dominant and over-mastering motivations are pretty ignoble and small-minded - short-termist, selfish, materialist; utterly reckless of God, the Good, and God's creation.

As Sam Gamgee might say: This is an eye-opener, and no mistake.

Wednesday 28 July 2021

What do demons want? What motivates them?

There are some fascinating and important reflections on this vital (literally vital) subject from William Wildblood, and following-up from WmJas Tychonievich

Wildblood states the basic idea:

It would be my contention that just as there is a divine plan for mankind so there is also a demonic plan... Their aim is to absorb the energy from human souls for their own benefit and use. They have cut themselves off from the source of life and need life energy to maintain their existence. So they seek to corrupt souls.

Tychonievich amplifies:

Pure spite just doesn't seem like enough of a reason for the devil to keep working tirelessly, millennium after millennium, for something that brings no benefit to him personally. It seems plausible that the devils must in some way need human damnation, that they must be soul-predators, vampires.

I comment:

This would be an extremely valuable addition to understanding positive demonic motivation. Perhaps we could look at our own evil acts and those of others - in this mortal life - to see whether an assumption of some kind of life-energy vampirism fits what we have observed. I think it does. 

Of course we can't actually perceive or physically measure what is going on - in terms of energy transfer - but it certainly seems as if this can happen. 

Furthermore, from what I have read of the dark side of the ritual magical societies of the late 19th, early 20th centuries (including what found its way into Charles Williams novels - who knew this world from experience) energy-vampirism seems to be almost exactly what dark ritual magicians were trying to do - and almost certainly sometimes did. 

This certainly supports the idea that it is what demons do; as does what I have read in (for example) David Icke and elsewhere about the kind of rituals that the Global Establishment engages in. A great advantage of knowing this is that it means we can get away from discussing 'demonic psychology' - what they like, what they want etc - which all sounds (as you say) too mushy and superficial to lead to the long-term planning and work They engage in. 

If demonic activity is seen as something more like a technological process or making a 'drug' maybe this models gets a bit closer. However I think we also need to guard against making it a one-sided 'materialist' thing as if human souls could really be treated as drugs or a fuel... 

Clearly, there must be some kind of 'consent' induced for this to happen - for the energy/ vitality transfer to occur. The victim must be induced to consent. 

 That, of course, is the Big spiritual problem of these times - the apparent large majority who consent to the evil vampiric operations being performed upon them.

Wednesday 9 August 2017

We need to cure our impatient addiction to understanding, predicting and shaping the world (it just leads to fakery, anyway)

Modern people have an impatient addictive compulsion towards understanding, predicting and intervening in the world to change it in more gratifying directions - and being both modern and secular; they combine this impatient addiction with short-termist selfishness.

The combination of demanding Capability-Now results in error and dishonesty on a scale never before seen - with the global We Can Control The Future Climate Of The Earth (if only you will give us enough power) Scam utterly-dwarfing any self-deceptive idiocy of earlier times.

Attempts to introduce some degree of critical thinking or prudence into public policy have been completely without effect; so I think we can only begin to break-out of the destructive cycle of dishonest motivations, fake knowledge and fake technology by first stepping back from the pernicious urge to shape everything in-line with whatever today's urgent imperative happens to be being-peddled by the mass media.

But this, of course, will not work nor even be attempted unless embedded in a large scale religious perspective that informs the human condition and our personal destiny; but if we do have such a perspective then we can and should take several large steps back from the interventional mania - which is wholly manipulated by what David Icke has neatly termed the Problem-Reaction-Solution news cycle.

That is, the Western rulers create a problem, which evokes a reaction - and then they offer a (pre-planned) 'solution' that is calculated to maintain and amplify the original problem (this being conducted via the mainstream mass media).

Think of mainstream discourse on immigration, terrorism, education, poverty, foreign policy... No 'solution' ever 'solves' the problem; instead all 'solutions' feed the problem.

So long as we respond to every manipulated 'outrage' with a reflex and urgent demand for solutions, this will just continue happening and happening; and the underlying structural reality will just keep getting worse and worse.

We need to start relating to the world in a baseline fashion more like that of young children or hunter gatherers - that is, we need to acknowledge the realities of the world rather than trying to manipulate the world.

Insofar as modern Western Man really has learnt to manipulate the world in some ways; this has been a product of the sustained and honest effort of a relatively small number of well-motivated individuals - if the effort is badly-motivated, too short or poisoned by hype, spin, and lies - then the results are guaranteed to be bad, one way or the other.

Absent Truth, Beauty and Virtue we will not, in fact, be manipulating the world, but instead facilitating the manipulation-of ourselves.

Wednesday 4 October 2023

The nature of "the Normans": Binge-watching/ listening to John Le Carre adaptations

My spontaneous aversion to England's Norman ruling class goes back a long way; and used to be so strong (in some respects) that until last week I had never been able to get myself to read (or watch an adaptation of) John Le Carre's famously excellent Cold War spy stories; often concerning the classic fictional character of George Smiley - and taking place in the world of the Normans.   

Having found the 1965 movie of The spy who came in from the cold to be thought-provoking and resonant; I then watched another movie, and the BBC TV series of Tinker, Tailor Soldier, Spy and Smiley's People - starring Alec Guinness; and also listened to some more radio play adaptations. A real binge...

I enjoyed a lot about these works, and have found myself stimulated in several directions. 

Yet at bottom I find the whole atmosphere of the social world depicted as alien. I dislike all of the characters - even Smiley -  who all seem to have blunted humanity and zero metaphysical depth. I've had enough for now!

Even the undeniable courage of these Normans, seems to be tainted with a suspicion that it comes from insensibility combined with sensation-seeking (e.g. through sex, drink, violence, sadism, self-humiliation, infighting, betrayal, snobbery etc - anything that rings your bell, to pass the time). 

Underpinning which is a weird sense of Norman tribalism - rooted in their assumed superiority to laws and rules intended for the little people - that destroys any possibility of genuine justice: and indeed any possibility of being personally affiliated to the cause of Good.  

(This combination is seen very early in Norman-English history, for example The Anarchy.)  

In other words; Le Carre's world (at least in these versions) is nihilistic and futile, and is inhabited by men and women who strike me as nihilistic at their very core. 

I assume this reflects Le Carre's own (considerable) strengths, and limitations, as a Man. In an interview I watched he was extremely intelligent, insightful and interesting - yet underneath I sensed... nothing. 

What I am talking about is something missing - something human that is missing*. 

It's as if, for Normans life is a game - but nothing more than a game. The game is arbitrary (war, seduction, snobbery, diplomacy, sport, literature, careerism - it doesn't matter) - but the game has neither meaning nor purpose; because for Normans there is none to be had. 

Each Norman plays a part, tries to play it well (or, at least, to sabotage the others) because that is the best way to fill-in time - but it is nothing more than a part which is played; and ultimately the game doesn't really matter, because nothing ultimately matters... 

*I assume that this deficiency, and the consequent blankness, is what David Icke et al are getting at when they call these people (and some other social groups as well - Normans are not the only ones) reptilians, lizard-people, or actual extra-terrestrials. I would assume, rather, that it is some mixture of an innate deficiency in the capacity for love; with varying degrees of demonic influence and control. 

Monday 19 July 2021

One can't (now) be agnostic about Christianity - what what about other stuff? Classic conspiracy theories?

Things have been coming to a point for some decades - and have now arrived-at the point; so there are only two choices in the ongoing spiritual war: the side of God, or of Satan. Nobody can be 'an Agnostic' in this sense - can claim 'not to know' about God - because that is to take the side of Satan.

But I think one can be agnostic about other issues, which are not of crucial importance, and/or which cut across the Christian-Evil divide. 

I find myself agnostic about much of the 'conspiracy theory*' field - such topics as are nowadays covered by people such as David Icke, or my penfriend Andy Thomas (or, in the recent past, by John Michell): Illuminati, crop circles, UFOs, 9/11, Atlantis... 

Many of these subjects I feel genuinely agnostic about; in that I could imagine them being either true or untrue - or of containing significant elements of truth, mixed with error and fraud. 

Further; in such matters, being agnostic is very different from rejecting them altogether and outright - which is the mainstream position. Indeed, to be agnostic is closer to being 'a believer' than it is to being a 'skeptic'. 

What is interesting is how and why I should (apparently) be content to stay in my agnostic state, without trying to settle matters one way or the other. Why, for example, don't I actually visit a crop circle, or make efforts to observe a UFO? 

I suppose the answer is that I don't think the answer is of decisive importance either way. I really don't - and that is because for me the answer (whatever it is) is subsumed within the much larger matter of destiny, or providence; that is, God's plans for me and for the world and its people. 

As I understand divine destiny, it is such that these matters are not crucial. 

Whether, for instance, aliens are contacting, or trying to communicate with, Mankind (or whether aliens are deceptive demons) is - for me - a matter of only mild interest; because the answer would be only one factor among innumerable others. It would not affect the way I lead my life, or what I strive for. 

This perspective is, I suspect, incomprehensible to the mass of contemporary conspiracy theorists - who are atheists; and, because things have come to a point, therefore more or less, anti-Christian. But so it is. 

Therefore I read, and have read, a fair bit about these topics; watched videos, listened to audios etc. I have found much of this material interesting, and indeed very useful, in a wide variety of ways. Yet this value does not seem to depend upon reaching a conclusion one way or the other; and so I remain agnostic. 

Note: The term conspiracy theory is itself propaganda on the side of evil; so the conspiracy theory field is an example of The Enemy's enemy. However, most members of that community still seem to be wedded to one or another aspect of the Leftism agenda - so (for all their valuable insights) they fail the Litmus Tests and are on the other side.  

Thursday 1 December 2016

The climate change scam explicated in 25 minutes...

The bigger the lie, the more they will believe it - as was said by a notorious German Socialist whose name was Adolf Hitler. And - backed by an estimated tax/ bribe of 1500,000,000,000 dollars a year (certainly an underestimate), and the entirety of the government, 'scientific', political, business, legal, military, educational, health care and media Establishment - there has never in human history been a bigger lie than Anthropogenic Global Warming caused-by Carbon Dioxide - and preventable and controllable by carbon monitoring and regulation.

The situation is described with common sense and humour in this latest podcast by the redoubtable David Icke; who makes clear that at the root of the Climate Change lie is the United Nations; and the cover motivation is to provide yet another set of excuses (these ones crafted to appeal to a particular class of Green/ Environmentalist progressives) that create a 'need' and 'moral' justification for totalitarian, all-seeing, all-controlling World Government.

Wednesday 27 January 2021

The Answer (whatever it is) is neither simple nor straightforward; but to be effective, would need to be massively disruptive

Everyone is pointing-at this broken world - Everyone is doing it including the Global Establishment who actually broke it and who make sure it keeps breaking! 

This is a neat trick practiced by those on the side of evil and against God: David Icke calls it Problem-Reaction-Solution - 'They' create a problem, use Their control of bureaucracies and media to evoke a massive social reaction, then impose Their fake-solution - their 'answer' (for which the problem and reaction were in truth just an excuse). 

That, pretty much, summarizes the entirety of local/ national/ international 'government' here and now. 

But if the answers of the Global Establishment are evil-seeking, then what is is the Real Answer to the problems we see everywhere? 

It is only a partial Answer is that we should stop creating fake-problems and exaggerating them. Even if this was done, there remain many serious problems in the world. 

Even if this was a world of Peace, Prosperity and Comfort, then the real problems would remain unaddressed - because that is merely 'materialism' and leaves-out the spiritual and the divine. 

A 'PPC'-world would still be (and this is the main problem) a world of misery, degeneration, disease and death; and without the spiritual and divine it must be a world of alienation; a purposeless world of of meaninglessness, and transient illusion. 

There can be no material answer to spiritual and religious problems - and this fact used to be widely understood, as recently as the middle 1970s it was mainstream. 

But in context of rapid Christian apostasy, and the materialism and bureaucracy of existent Christianity; this led to a futile hope of salvation in environmentalism, the arts, and utopian social arrangements. 

When (by the late 1970s, early 1980s) it became obvious that these hopes had failed, the West refocused on materialism with a new zeal. 

The difficulty is that (as of 2021) people are apparently no longer capable of discerning what are the real problems, and indeed incapable of basic common sense reasoning. 

The mass of Men are now, by strict definitions, insane - living (by choice) in a manipulated world of delusional abstractions, and aggressively unwilling to awaken or to think. 

From such Men as we have become; we can expect No effective and Good social or political Answers. 

This means that (here and now) we cannot even imagine what the right Answers would be

But we can recognize that our problems run so deep - into Men's very thought-processes, their basic assumptions about reality, their deep habits and reflexes - that any effective answer must be extremely 'radical': must cut very deep, at the roots. 

And therefore than the real, true and Good answer to the broken world must be massively disruptive

Massive disruption really seems unavoidable. The Global Establishment is telling-us, explicitly, that our lives already have been and will continue to be transformed in ways that are indeed staggeringly radical and disruptive. 

The genuine choice is then between a massive disruption led by the powers of evil and aiming at evil; and one that is a consequence of the spiritual and religious Christian transformation of Men - who will then (only after such a positive transformation) develop a strong and courageous commitment to the side of God. 

What would happen then (after spiritual and religious transformation) cannot be predicted; certainly it cannot be planned - because the Answer is not political. 

Politics will only lead us down, further towards that hell-on-earth envisaged, planned, implemented and already well-advanced by the Global Establishment. 

Our actual situation and what we need to do are therefore very clear and very simple. 

What is neither clear nor simple is to predict what will happen as a consequence... that is not only unknown but unknowable. 

We are therefore required (if we wish to avoid hell-on-earth - which evaluation seems rare) to step into the future with courage, hope and love - sustained only by faith.     

Since (from where we now are) this worldly consequences are certain to be adverse; such a faith must be other-wordly (post-mortal) - based upon knowledge of the resurrected life to come from following Jesus. 

And this we will not get from any of the main 'Christian' churches as they Now are, but must develop - substantially each for himself; from our own resources and direct divine guidance. 

This is absolutely possible and attainable for every individual - but only if he wants it

And there is the problem. Someone who wants salvation can be helped to attain it by many and effective means - but for the masses who do not want the gift of resurrected eternal life in Heaven... nothing can be done. 

Wednesday 28 December 2016

2016 - the year of ridiculous optimism

It seems that 2016 was the real 2012 - the winter solstice of which was supposed (by many of the New Age spiritual persuasion) to mark the inflexion point predicted by an ancient Mayan Calendar.

In contrast the redoubtable David Icke predicted several years ago that 2016 would be the crucial year, the beginning of a period of about three years when the odds would be stacked in favour of those wishing to overthrow the Global Establishment.

(The 'GE' being the demonic conspiracy to monitor and control everyone into a state that DI terms fascist slavery; but which I interpret as self-hatred, willed-personal-and-national-suicide, and ultimately self-damnation.)

Well, 2016 has indeed been a crucial year - the first such since 1967 (which was 49 years ago - or 7X7 years for you Pythagorean/ Platonist numerologists) in my personal experience.

By my understanding, such calendrical predictions are very approximate, and do not unroll according to any predetermined plan; rather they reflect the developmental phases in a destined (i.e. divinely intended) evolution of human consciousness, as mediated and modified by the vast complexity of human agency and demonic destructiveness. 

So 2016 is the beginning of a period of possibility; when we are being given the clarity of vision to see what has happened to us and what is intended for us - and the chance effectively to say No: to  take another path. The nature of that alternative path has yet to be chosen - and even the outlines are unclear; but it must be (because nothing else is wanted or could work) a path initially of spiritual awakening, leading on (at some point) to Christian religious awakening.

At any rate, I have been getting intermittent intuitions of, apparently, ridiculous optimism throughout the second half of 2016; intuitions which seem to validate what many other have written about and variously interpreted; that the mass of people (a majority, albeit perhaps not an overwhelming majority) have reached the point of recognising the malign intention of the ruling elites towards them and their nations.

So far things have not gone much further than this recognition and the new understanding that this is felt by very large numbers of people (and not just an insignificant and powerless minority). There has been a strong, and still growing-daily, backlash against this incipient awareness, from the Establishment and its organs of government, education, law and the mass media; but this anti-popular onslaught has brought the repression out into the open and undeniable - so it is probably feeding the movement it is intended to crush.

2017 is therefore a moral test for The West. We will be given the chance to escape certain doom, and take another path; but that other path will involve most people in significant personal sacrifice in terms of material goods, comfort, convenience, and so forth. The moral test is whether people are prepared to pay the necessary costs for a better future, or whether by clinging to their addictions and distractions they will embrace the down-slide into despair, self-hatred and chosen damnation.

This is not yet decided, and at present all possibilities lie open before us; and the choices are becoming clearer by the day. What is coming is a test of honesty, courage and love.

If we fail it, as a culture, then we will (as a population) have no serious cause for complaint about what happens after. But if we pass the test, then The West will be reborn with a positive spiritual and religious future; a life of meaning and purpose directed at becoming more-divine - and of course this is available only at the usual price of 'blood, toil, tears and sweat', payable in-advance, up-front, here-and-now. 

Saturday 16 May 2020

The West failed the 2016 test: made its choice, and is getting what it asked-for

At the end of that year, I wrote a post called: 2016 - the year of ridiculous optimism. This built on the fact that around 2011, David Icke predicted that 2016 would be the crucial year, the beginning of a period of about three years when it would (at considerable cost and sacrifice) be possible for the world to turn back from the path of materialism, control and coercion being planned by the (demonically-motivated) Global Establishment.

2016 was indeed a crucial year on a world scale; and the first such since 1967. 1967 was when the New Left agenda began to dominate, and when the sixties cultural revolution began to shed its positive and optimistic possibilities; to turn towards corruption, top-down manipulation and bureaucracy.

But for some years following, the issue stood in balance; and there were some hopeful counter-developments - such as the 'distributist' self-sufficiency movement - with its yearning for a smaller scale, folkish and crafts-based, more human society.

2016 was the beginning of another, but lesser, period of possibility. In that year there emerged an increased clarity of vision, so that some people began to see what has happened to the Western societies, and what was intended for them. There was a chance to say No; and to take another path.

The nature of that alternative path was unclear even in outline. My understanding was (and is) that it was a path initially of spiritual awakening, specifically Christian awakening - and more specifically of Romantic Christianity.

Through the second part of 2016 I had (uncharacteristically!) intermittent intuitions of 'ridiculous optimism'; because it seemed that quite a mass of people, perhaps a majority, had reached the point of recognising the malign intention of the ruling elites towards them and their nations.

But following on; there was a strong, swiftly growing, backlash and counter-attack from the Establishment and its organs of government, education, law and the mass media; but at first this 'anti-populist' onslaught brought the repression out into the open and made it less easily deniable. There was a chance, it seemed, that the backlash might feed the movement it is intended to crush.

2017 and on was therefore a period of moral testing for The West. Pressure was increasing, so the period was limited.

There was (I believe) a chance to escape certain doom and take another path. But the different path would entail accepting - upfront - a considerable personal sacrifice in terms of material goods, comfort, convenience, etc.

The moral test was whether people were prepared to pay the necessary costs now, for the chance of a better future. The failure of this test would be when - by clinging to their addictions and distractions, by privileging the short-term - the masses would tacitly embrace the down-slide into despair, self-hatred and chosen damnation.

I concluded: "If we fail the test, as a culture, then we will (as a population) have no serious cause for complaint about what happens after."

Well, The West failed 'the test of 2017' and onwards, and seems - indeed - to have made little complaint about what has happened since... I mean the international totalitarian takeover, the near-universal curfew, state prohibition of most human activities, regulation of the permitted behaviours, and abolition of nearly all human contact, etc. Indeed, many of the masses insistently demand more of the same treatment.

So, it looks like people did reach a point of decision after 2016; and decided then that the Global Establishment was, after all, the preferred option; decided that The System was a benign force, working for human good; and that They should be trusted to do what was necessary and best for the mass of people.

And that is how the events of the past few months have been interpreted. People have rejected spirituality and Christianity; and are now getting what they then chose.

You want it? You got it!

Saturday 1 October 2016

World War three imminent? The coming Western conflict of religion versus nation

I get the feeling that the Global Conspiracy's plan for World War three is being accelerated - almost to the point of absurdity - after the successful destablisation of Iraq, Egypt, Libya and now Syria.

The escalating of rhetoric and demonisation of Russia over Syria is increasingly bizzare, very obviously dishonest, and lacks any common sense motivation.

Luckily for the Conspiracy, we have (as a society) become almost unable to join the dots and see a picture; due to lacking any stable religious centre in ourselves and to the endemic distractions and distortions of the mass media - our minds are passive, constantly filled (to overflowing) with no time or energy to think.

Nonetheless, it could not be said that mass Western public opinion is even remotely persuaded of the wisdom, need for, or benefits from an international nuclear conflict - which the West is currently trying to rationalise. In terms of common sense of national interest, this seems sheer insanity - but that would be an error: there is a plan, there are reasons...

This is purposive evil with the gloves off! It does make sense in terms of a strategic plan to create a general, destructive war - and then (as with the 1914-18 and 1939-45 wars) use this as an excuse for imposing totalitarian Global government via Western, secular, Leftist multi-national agencies (League of Nations/ United Nations (WHO), NATO, European Union, the trade agreements and elite clubs &c. ) - and it does not make any other kind of sense.

All this will create a harsh conflict for Western Christians, who will be faced with a choice between national patriotism for an anti-Christian, secular Left regime; and an enemy who is explicitly Christian.

Indeed, the scenario being engineered over the long-term, looks like a contrived war between anti-Religious Inversion of The Good on one side; and the two major monotheisms - who are also (in one country after another, the The West, South Asia, Africa, the Middle east) being situated to fight each other.

(That - plus the hope of demoralization and corruption by Western doles, media, lifestyle and sexual revolution - seems likely to be the reason for systematically and ever-more-obviously (as with the planned, coordinated and funded 'refugee crisis') importing Middle Eastern conflicts into the Western nations.)

It turns out that (yet again!) over the past couple of decades the 'paranoid' conspiracy theorists (honourable mention to David Icke!) have been much more correct than the rational, sensible, educated intellectuals of The West - although the CTs have missed that the most obvious consequence of Middle Eastern conflict in the past couple of decades has been the unremarked, unmourned near-obliteration of what was previously many millions of (minority) Christians in the region. I don't know what exactly has happened to them - but apparently (and I had this from a direct source) they have gone.


Note: My above analysis is naturally very conjectural - given my lack of direct knowledge. It is based on the chronic feeling engendered by the public mass media announcements (and recurrent military aggressions) of the dominant elites; in particular the astonishing sight of leading Western politicians and officials (who are the hosts, servants and puppets of the personages of purposive evil) making repeated, relentless, wild and lying accusations against Russia ('Putin') and China; subverting and threatening them in ever cruder fashion (both being countries that are undergoing massive and sustained Christian revivals). As I said; Western Christians are potentially going to find themselves fighting to destroy nascent Christianity on behalf of moral inversion and (increasingly explicitly) in a crusade further to advance the sexual revolution to include the whole world.

On The Positive Side (being hopeful, not succumbing to despair) - Western capability across the board is declining so very fast (due to many factors discussed passim on this blog and my books) that it will be increasigly difficult for the Global Conspiracy to achieve its goals, the more time elapses. This may be one reason for the frantic, reckless urgency of their current behaviour. Delay is our friend, at least in this limited sense; and worth working-for.  

Monday 26 July 2021

How deep do the birdemic lies reach?

I have always tried to emphasize that the Big Lie of the birdemic may go all the way down; in the sense that there may be literally no single-causal infective agent. 

Reading the relevant chapters of David Icke's most recent (and very worthwhile) book "Perceptions of a Renegade Mind" - which focuses on the birdemic - reminds me that it is quite possible (scientifically speaking) that there may not be any new and specific agent which causes the medical conditions which are supposed to justify the totalitarian response. 

The whole thing may be nothing-but an exercise in relabeling - that is an absolutely credible scenario.

In this world of dominant, endemic lies and core incompetence - I do not believe that we can know exactly what is and is not the truth behind the scam; a wide range of possibilities are plausible. 

There may be no single agent, there may be some influence from a new (and, if so, engineered) agent, which may have emerged from a range of accidents or been deliberate spread; and (if so) has been deliberately-amplified by the addition of a large, but various, proportion of fake attributions (especially influenza)...

Many things are possible and plausible because the definition of the birdemic agent is so vague and loose; and because 'the test' is so grossly inappropriate and inaccurate that its false positives may range from high to total.

That is; there may be 'a lot' of FPs - where 'a lot' covers a wide range of percentage FPs - or all test-positives may be false. These situations will surely vary in different circumstances and places, and across time.  

And 'the peck' is not a 'the' since that term officially encompasses several very different types of agent, and unofficially (in different times and places and persons) may contain... well nobody knows. 

Nobody knows. In a global discourse of liars who neither seek nor speak the truth - nobody knows. 

Luckily, it does not matter what is the exact reality wrt. the birdemic - so long as we do not fall into the trap of believing that the 'material' reality is determinative. 

This is a spiritual war; and we need to keep reminding ourselves that it is the spiritual reality which we need to discern

Even if (which is certainly Not the case; because we know it is permeated with multiple deliberate lies*) the official story of the material birdemic were 100% true; this fact would not affect the spiritual reality that the birdemic is a tool of the powers of evil; strategically aimed against God, creation and The Good. 

That's what we must know; and all the rest are shades of opinion. 

*Note: 'Multiple deliberate lies' means that those responsible have chosen to take the side of 'the father of lies' - i.e. the devil. John 8:44 "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." This means that all who lie have already chosen damnation - unless they repent and follow Jesus. 

Thursday 29 July 2021

An ongoing world system of mandatory multiple pecking/ implanting: The real choice about pecking

"The peck" is a misnomer - not only because "peck" includes many and different agents; but because what is at stake is not one, nor two, nor any specific number of pecks of any particular kind - but a world where mandatory pecking (and, we should presume, any other insertion of technological devices or substances) is simply part of 'life' - something that continues as often as the authorities wish and without end or limit. 

So "the" peck is doubly misleading. What is already at stake is that several interventions - with different methods, effects, and adverse effects -  are being talked of as if they were one; and as if it didn't matter which was given. This is clearly the case: despite differences, the authorities do not mind which peck is given so long as every person submits to pecking - as and when 'required'. 

Furthermore, the evidence is already obvious (and was knowable in advance) that the pecks are unnecessary, ineffective and harmful. This makes the escalating insistence upon them at best nonsensical, more accurately gross (unprecedented) malpractice, from a medical perspective. 

Yet if these pecks are understood merely paving the way for a system of continuous mandated pecking with... whatever the authorities decide should be inserted into humans... then the whole thing makes sense. 

"They" don't distinguish between different pecks because the focus is not upon the birdemic, but upon a establishing a new and invasive system of social control. The idea is that in future (i.e. the next few eeks) everybody should always accept whatever pecks They require - however many pecks, and pecks for whatever purpose

(Knowing what we (ought to) know about the people running the world; these purposes could plausibly include making specific people or populations sick in specific ways; and killing either individuals or masses in a deniable fashion - by multiple agents, or agents with multiple/ delayed lethal effects. And if you think this scenario is absurd, then I'm afraid you must either be ignorant or self-blinded by false assumptions.)

This is not my discovery, nor is this agenda anything new. David Icke, for example, has been telling us that exactly this is coming for a couple of decades. Such correct predictions are possible because the aimed-at destination is known. Pecking is interwoven with the global totalitarian New World Order agenda that goes back more than a century, with Agenda 2030, with The Great Reset, with the transhumanist agenda - and seems to be based upon the intention to make people into some kind of hybrid between Men and technology. 

The 'promise' would be that this envisaged 'world-of-pecks' would be good for human happiness, health and functionality. But the genuine yet covert intent would be surveillance and control of human behaviour (and ultimately, They believe, human thinking) - and the actual effect of multi-pecking on human happiness, health and functionality is of little or no interest. 

The birdemic peck provides us with an example of what is coming - if They are able to follow Their plans. We can already perceive from the fact that the peck is in-practice unnecessary/ ineffective/ harmful - yet They still want to force it upon everybody in the world; that They are indifferent or hostile to human happiness, health and functionality. 

This fact ought to tell us a great deal about Them and Their motivations. And warn us of what They would be intending to do with unlimited ability to inject/ insert/ implant whatever They wanted into human bodies

The intent is that They will unilaterally decide how (and how much) to modify Our bodies; and We will accept whatever They insist-upon, gratefully.

Now - I do not believe that the transhumanist project is possible - in particular I do not believe that human thinking can be monitored or controlled by technology. That idea is just an erroneous consequence of materialist modelling, that ignores such primary realities that real thinking is spiritual in nature, and a 'product' of our real self which is divine. 

Thinking just isn't the kind of thing that can be monitored or controlled. 

But crude kinds of surveillance tracking bugs, or drug/ hormone manipulations could be accomplished by 'injectable' agents and technology. Pain could be inflicted, disease encouraged. 

As we are seeing with the birdemic peck; increased mass suffering and deaths could easily be imposed, sometimes deliberately, at others due to stupidity and incompetence. 

My point here is that the decision we are confronted-with Now is not between getting 'the peck' or not. The choices will not stop here. This is just the first of many choices. 

The eventual choice is about whether we agree to a long-term system of mandatory, imposed, continuous pecks for multiple reasons and regardless of their effect. 

That is where we are being led - step by step. They want Us to want that kind of world - want Us to agree that would be a necessary and Good way of living for everybody in the world to submit to... whatever They say is Good for Us. 

"The" birdemic peck is only the first of many steps. But we need to remember that this is a spiritual war, a war over souls; and Their objective is to make people reject salvation and choose damnation. 

In principle, as totalitarians ruling a compliant materialist/ atheist/ leftist mass population, They could forcibly impose any evil on anybody. But their goal is to make people want evil. 

That is why the birdemic peck is the first step. If the people can be induced into wanting that which is unnecessary/ ineffective and harmful just on the say-so of an Establishment-media that is known to be evil. And to want this imposed everywhere, on everybody and forever - and whatever.

If that stuff can become desired by Men - then those Men are damned. 

But those who perceive the truth of 'what is going-on' and withhold their consent from being recruited-into this plan and onto the side of evil; have already defeated this strategy of evil in themselves. 

Note: Just because the world-of-universal-endless-pecks is planned, does not mean that it will happen. It may never happen, it may not happen everywhere, it may not happen soon. For that reason even merely delayed compliance is important - especially when delay is extended and extended. Plus - every act of delayed compliance to evil itself requires the evil system to expend more resources, and creates thereby more difficulty and inner tension - it weakens evil a little. So if in doubt - delay, delay, delay. 

Wednesday 31 January 2024

Beyond Problem-Reaction-Solution: When the establishment induce chaos, this causes a net-increase in chaos

Some years ago; David Icke insightfully described a behaviour and policy patterning that was repeatedly deployed by the leadership class, which he called Problem-Reaction-Solution- "PRS". 

The PRS idea was that the rulers would (repeatedly) create a problem, and this elicited a reaction from many "people" (i.e. in practice the mass media) and demands for something-to-be-done - and resulting action always turned-out to be a pre-decided pseudo-solution - a "solution" that was not really designed to prevent or cure the problem, but was something the leadership had wanted to do anyway

The "solution" was, indeed, always a further incremental step on the road to tyranny, intended to increase societal totalitarian surveillance and control. 

In other terminology: Problem Reaction Solution was, in a specific sense, a policy of Ahrimanic evil - which aims at the reduction of all thinking to materialism, and then control of this reduced thinking with the aim of pursuing the demonic agenda of evil. 


But I had not previously noticed that while PRS was usually tactically effective in enhancing top-down control of some specific domain of social living (e.g. increased control of the police, doctors, lawyers, or some type of corporation)... While PRS led reliably to the goal of  extending and deepening bureaucratic systems... At the same time, and inevitably; this local increase of "order" is attained at the cost of increasing overall and long-term dis-order/ chaos

Short-term and local increase in order is "bought" at the price of increased long-term and overall dis-order. 

This happens because the "problem" entails some kind of increase in chaos, some kind of break-down in functioning. 

And each time a problem is deliberately induced, every cycle of PRS - by deliberate design; the "solution" does Not solve the problem. (i.e. Because the "solution" was not intended to solve the problem, but instead to increase surveillance and control.) 

Therefore, every time PRS is deployed there is an unsolved problem, which means an increase in the problem; which means there is a long-term and a cumulative increase in social dysfunction and disorder

In sum; it can be seen that Problem Reaction Solution sequence can be deployed by the agents of Sorathic Evil to promote chaos and destruction under the guise of enhancing control. 

That is: repeated use of the PBS tactic actually promotes a net-destructive strategy

If we assume that the highest level of global leadership is Sorathic in motivation - that is, motivated to destroy, rather than to control - then it can be seen that PRS is a way of manipulating mid-system-level leaders, managers and bureaucrats

(Thus manipulating the middle-managers of totalitarianism as well as simultaneously manipulating the gullible masses.)  

The middle-management level of The System is therefore encouraged repeatedly to induce Problems: Problem after Problem! - to harm economies and trade (e.g. by sanctions); to provoke and promote wars; to organize and enforce mass migration into The West; to attack marriage and the family; to encourages hatred and resentment between races, sexes, classes... etc.

The Middle Managers believe that a PRS policy will enhance their control of society and the world - and they see the actual incremental expansion of surveillance and control bureaucracies (and their own wealth and high status) as evidence of the success of this strategy...

But meanwhile, the underlying reality is of civilizations, nations - and the world itself - collapsing into chaos.   

In other words: Problem Reaction Solution is a real strategy, at the mid-level of power structures; and superficially it seems to be "working"; in the sense that bureaucracy expands and expands to cover all aspects of life, and there are more and better paid jobs for the managerial class in administering The System - and indeed bureaucratic "power" continued to grow. 

But such bureaucratic power is only power within The System, and what The System recognizes. 

And the System recognizes only The System - all outwith The System is invisible to it, and treated as not real. 

The System does not, because it cannot, recognize chaos.

Therefore; when rulers deliberately engage in destruction, and the world consequently descends into chaos - the agents of Ahrimanic evil perceive only their own increase in System-control with an expanding System. 

Paradoxically; the overall-effect is that agents of total control are manipulated into implementing the agenda of total destruction

As the world collapses around them in consequence of their own purposive decisions and actions; the managerial-intellectual class (eg. of the UN, EU, WEF, Western national leadership, media Moghuls; financial and corporate executives and owners, academics, "scientists" and "artists") perceive only new chances for immediate personal enrichment, greater personal status, and opportunities to extend their bureaucratic empires. 

Note: This was triggered by a post from Francis Berger, and the response it elicited