Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Big Lie. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Big Lie. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Defence against evil: negating the spiritual power of the Big Lie

The Big Lie (e.g. the birdemic, antiracism, CO2 global warming)  is usually analysed in terms of its practical benefits - i.e. that lying is instrumental, that dishonesty assists the attainment of certain goals. But the Big Lie is primarily and ultimately spiritual - regardless of whether or not it is strategically helpful*. 

It has become vital consciously to know the Big Lies as lies... And because the lies are conscious; so muct the knowledge of their falsehood be conscious.

(Instinctive resistance to lies, based on unconscious urges, is spiritually insufficient.) 


A lie is a sin and a Big Lie is a fundamental sin by which a person (a civilization) may be overthrown and self-damned. Satan was called the father of Lies for this reason. The Big Lie is a temptation.  

If we focus only on the practical (e.g. sociopolitical or psychological) effects of the Big Lies, we will neglect or forget the spiritual dimension - which is primary. 

And if we are (in practice) unable to resist the material roll-out of the Lies, then we will be tempted to give-up on resistance altogether - to go-along-with the lie spiritually as well as practically - and that may well lead onto spiritual acquiescence to the lie. 


But the reality is that Thoughts Have Power: spiritual power first, and thence practical power. 

Thoughts indeed have ultimate power: Conscious knowledge of a Big Lie is a power against Satan, demons and supernatural purposive evil; and consequently power against what they plan to do.  

(Totalitarianism aims to be total for exactly this reason. There must be No Dissent - because each dissenter wields a spiritual weapon.)


There is a limitation of evil, to do with its needing the consent of those whom evil intends to corrupt. 

(This limitation has to do with the primacy of God and creation; and that evil is negative, hence secondary: Evil is opposition to already-existent Good.)   

This limitation is symbolised in mythical terms by such phenomena as the assertion that a vampire must be invited to cross the threshold of a house; or that the super-villain must 'monologue' his plans to the superhero, before he can execute them... People need to be told what evil intends, before evil can do it. 

The reality behind such myths is, of course, spiritual not verbal. The reality is that when evil is known as such and rejected, then it is ineffectual - it has no power to fulfil its wishes. 

Victims must therefore (spiritually) agree to the evil done to them: victims of evil must become complicit with their spiritual corruption.

(Although, of course, victims may physically be corrupted despite spiritual resistance - since mortal life is about learning directed towards Heavenly eternal life - and experiences of this life happen for this reason. Yet even the physical and this-worldly practical evil is - to some extent, for reasons perhaps not known - repelled or thwarted by spiritual refusal; since the physical is secondary.) 

In resisting the Big Lie we are often up-against established habit, and habit may lead us unthinkingly (un-consciously) to go-along-with the practical implementation of evil. Nonetheless, direct divine intervention will (sooner or later) alert us to the reality; and then each person will be brought to the point at which he must agree consciously to evil - or reject it. 

(Consciously to 'delay' making that decision is In Fact to agree to evil, here and now, and to advance its corruption in oneself. Repentance has infinite power, but is binary. There is no neutrality about evil.)

And it is never too late to repent, therefore never too late to resist evil. 

Better late than never is a true saying - when better has an ultimate and spiritual sense; and 'better' is true however the practicalities of this-world evil implementation work-out. 

Any individual person that consciously knows evil - who knows the reality behind a Big Lie - is thereby weilding a real spiritual effect upon the power of evil: a power to resist evil - including a power against the practical implementation of evil strategy.

Which is why many, many bad things that might have happened - that were planned to happen - in fact have not happened!

*Note added: This is why the mass media always lie, even when They don't need to; in the major, headline news stories.

Friday 4 August 2023

The Total Lie versus the Big Lie

The Total Lie may be contrasted with both "Normal lies" - i.e. a deliberate dishonesty that has been twisted to serve expediency; yet seeded with truths, to make it plausible... 

And also contrasted with the Big Lie - which has always been possible. 

I would (now) say that the Big Lie is characterized by stunning us with its audacity. 

With a Big Lie, ordinary people cannot believe that anyone could or would lie about such a thing

As when someone falsely - for expedient reasons or self-gratification - claims to have cancer, or to have been raped; or that a national leaders would strategically destroy its own people and society, for their own profit and gratification... Such notions are just Too Much for the masses to believe - especially for typical secular-modern-leftist people; whose grasp of the nature and reality of evil is tenuous or non-existent 

There is certainly a significant element of the Big Lie about the vast modern deceptions such as the birdemic, climate change or Fire Nation war - the 'ordinary' (unthinking) person thinks that 'all those people' 'couldn't possibly!' be lying about 'something like that'. 

But there is more to these modern fake reality lies than audiacity; and this is that each Total Lie relies on its being vastly mutually supported by many other lies

Each Total Lie comes surrounded by an interlocking shell of multiple kinds of untruthfulness: other lies, distortions, selections, misunderstandings - and supported by a variety of evil motivations (pride, greed, control, destruction etc) and a variety of types of blind incompetence and insightless insanity. 

It is this protective shell of mutually-reinforcing evil, dishonesty and incompetence which makes it, in practice, impossible adequately to address the Total Lie. There are just too many lies-piled-upon-lies for people to believe it possible. 

(Impossible especially given the indifference and impatience of the masses - and their basically wrong assumptions and motivations.) 

In other words, the Total Lie is only possible in a modern totalitarian society; and in a society in which totalitarianism is (in some combination) both accepted and denied: that is; a society where the only truth is external and public truth, and the private individual has implicitly subordinated his inner self to worldly power.

Monday 4 May 2020

Big Lies are usually built on one simple false assumption - which is why no honest-thinking person would be fooled

We live in a Big World ruled by Big Lies.

People feel that they are excused from detecting these lies, because they are supported by a mass of 'official' opinion - yet I think all the Big Lies I have encountered have been erected upon a single false assertion: the falsity of which should have been obvious to anyone who was honest.

Of course, the primary false assumption is hidden by a mass of secondary information - and is seldom obvious. Indeed the sheer volume of secondary information is used to argue in favour of the primary falsehood - yet one Big Lie undercuts any amount of data derived from the assumption the error is true.

For example, the lie (upon which modern leftism is based) is that intelligence is the same in all classes and races, contradicts our personal experience that intelligence differs significantly between people and is significantly inherited from parents.

A related lie that girls and boys/ men and women are innately identical in personality and motivations; therefore inter-changeable in jobs and social roles, is contradicted by experience all the time and everywhere.

Evidence Based Medicine was based on the lie that averages derived from randomised trials of large heterogeneous patient and treatment groups provides precise information on how to treat individual patients. In other words, if you take the average of a measurement done on a crowd of 10,000 people, it can be exactly applied to every individual in that crowd. This is an error of inference.

The Global Warming lie is built on the false assertion that humans can control the earth's climate. This is not an inferential error, but more a matter of total lack of supporting evidence. There is, of course, zero evidence that anybody can control the earth's climate - indeed, the lie is shown by the fact that nobody even tries to check or test this assertion.

(It is also an unsubstantiated lie that the earth's temperature can be predicted, but this is covered by various fabrications claiming that it has been predicted - so maybe it is not-necessarily-dishonest if people believe this one - although it usually is.) 

The birdemic lie is based upon another arbitrary assertion: That the only effective therefore necessary response to a (falsely-asserted) lethal plague is the completely untested hypothesis of national and global lock-down-social-distancing (rather than tried and tested effective methods of the past).

(See Note added, below.)

My point is that these Big Lies are obvious to any honest person who thinks.

The fact that they are so prevalent is because most people are dishonest and don't think.

And the increased prevalance of Big Lies through the twentieth century and still increasing, is that dishonesty and not-thinking are more common and severe in recent generations, in the developed world.

And that is because of mainstream modern metaphysical assumptions. In a world that is officially purposeless, meaningless, and where all lives are necessarily futile - there is neither reason to be honest nor to think.

And so people don't.

Note added: The birdemic response is actually based on two (linked) Big Lies. First is that it is a terrible deadly plague, despite killing such a small % of people. ('They' simply lie, solemnly, that small numbers are actually Big). Second that a global totalitarian coup is the proper and necessary response to a TDP.

Further note: Another topical birdemic Big Lie... Launched today in the UK 'contact tracing' by smartphone for a droplet transmitted viral respiratory disease. Ridiculous! Impossible! Don't make me laugh! It's just the usual thing: a lying excuse for the Establishment's insatiable monomani: permanent, invasive, detailed and extensive population surveillance.   

Friday 5 July 2019

The Climate Emergency Big Lie - what it tells us about Them

All this was inspired by the principle - which is quite true in itself - that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.

From 'My Struggle' by Herr A. Hitler, painter and politician (1889-1945)

The evolving hoax of 'Climate Change', is incomparably the biggest Big Lie that has ever been perpetrated on the world. Indeed, starting with the falsehood that climate can be predicted; the Big Climate Lie is many-many lies-piled-upon-lies to reach the insane conviction that a world government can control the world climate to within a degree - if only it is given complete surveillance and micro-control over everything.

In other words - the totalitarian agenda.

Okay - that's been the last 25-plus years. A quarter century, trillions of dollars, trillions of man-hours, galactic volumes of verbal hot-air; an incomprehensibly massive drain of effort, time and resources; infliction of heavy economic damage; and immense environmental destruction - all because The Big Lie.

But now we have a state of Climate Emergency. In other words, the global Establishment is pushing very hard, everywhere, by all means at its disposal, to be given totalitarian powers as a matter of emergency

This is a Power Grab, the power grab: a coup d'etat intended to be complete and final - this is the urgent and rapid attempt at totalitarian takeover - and it is happening here and now. 

First of it, it is helpful to contemplate the sheer insanity of this situation. Truly it is hard to comprehend that so many could collaborate in fabricating such colossal untruth; and to believe the sheer impudence of such infamous distortion of reality. It beggars belief that this, of all imaginable issues, should have become the core rationale for the implementation of a totalitarian world dictatorship.

Yet here we are.

Why this? Why now?

Why this? Because this lie works - it has been tested and developed over a quarter century. Okay...

But why now? That's the interesting question. Why now, and why not sometime before or later?

My answer is that the answer is not that this time is optimal. It is not optimal. The Climate Emergency movement did not emerge from a rising groundswell of public opinion. To the contrary, the Climate Emergency came out of the blue, and after several years during which - in the mass public mind - climate change had faded in significance and was the subject of increasing doubts (as reality stubbornly failed to conform to delusion).

Yet, They (i.e. the global establishment) regard it as necessary to do this Now. Why?

My assumption is either that They regard it as either possible for the first time, or necessary because of some risk to the project.

On the one hand, the expansion of population demoralisation, surveillance and control; mass population migration and the ability to trigger deadly civil disorder etc... - these may all be in place now; such that - for the first time - centralised  dictatorship is a genuine possibility, easily graspable.

So let's get on with it... 

(They may be right or wrong about this. I am suggesting how it may look to Them in order that the Climate Emergency button was pushed.)

Or else, conversely; They are worried about something going wrong with their plans; such that They suddenly feel the need to press-ahead, despite the fact that the ground has Not been optimally prepared, and Not enough people are sufficiently ready for what is being proposed.

(They may be right or wrong about the rising risk to their plans. Again, I am simply suggesting how things may seem to Them.)

Two opposite possibilities.

The totalitarian power grab that is Climate Emergency is happening Now; either because of Their strength, or because of Their weakness.

Whatever the answer you decide does not change what you ought-to be doing; but it should be encouraging to speculate that the international attempted coup that is Climate Emergency may be product of panic, rather than the long anticipated final step of step of a decades long master plan.

Thursday 16 April 2020

Skeptical about little lies, credulous about the Big Lie

It has been a recurrent experience in my life that big lies and errors - are much more resilient than little ones.

Everyone is pleased, indeed eager, to spot little errors, and little lies. Doing so gets one credit as a shrewd 'sceptic', maybe a wit - but such micro-concern amounts to little more than cynical, self-interested one-upmanship when the little lies are debated in an environment of Living a Big Lie.

I came across this first in science; where there were whole disciplines, whole areas of scientific research, which were wrong, useless, harmful - because they were based upon major errors.

And it was not long before I recognised that major errors pretty soon become major lies - because unrecognised and unrepented errors necessarily lead to the systematic abandonment of honesty - since people are so invested in the dishonesty that they cannot allow themselves to believe in the reality (and resilience of) major errors.

An example in which I was actively-engaged was Evidence-Based Medicine; which was built-upon the fundamental error of assuming that averages of large data sets necessarily provided guidance (and indeed the best guidance) on how to treat individual patients.

Perhaps the best known current example of a Big Error/Lie in 'science' is the hypothesis of human-caused (and human controllable) global warming by carbon dioxide. I don't suppose any error-lie in the history of the world has ever been as big as this one...

Or, at least, not until the birdemic lie of the past few months. 

All of these Big Lies turn out to have a common source - which is the assumption that those who are most powerful in our nations and the world are well-motivated: that They want the best for Us.

Once that lie has been swallowed and assimilated, all other Big Lies follow - from EBM, through climate emergency, to the birdemic. 

It turns-out (perhaps surprisingly) that despite decades of being lied-to by politicians, lied-to by the mass media, lied-to by all the major bureaucracies - the mass of people remain convinced of the basic good intent and honesty of politicians, the media and bureaucracies - so that lies are explained-away as errors, and evil intent is explained-away as incompetence.

And, apparently, nothing can change this assumption of Establishment Goodness - not even a global totalitarian takeover and the police-state lockdown of billions of people.

As I say, a Big Lie is much easier to believe, but more importantly harder to disbelieve, than a little lie.

Saturday 4 April 2020

Notice of The Penultimate Truth, by Philip K Dick (1964)

I've just read The Penultimate Truth by Philip K Dick (from 1964), which I had not previously bothered-with - due to having read some rather adverse/ lukewarm reviews. But it turns-out the reviews were mistaken: I thought this was an excellent novel - one of PKD's best.

It is not giving away any great plot points to reveal that the set-up is a post-world-war society where most of the human population are kept below-surface in 'ant tanks' where they live in miserable and crowded conditions, manufacturing robots which they believe are necessary for the ongoing war on the radiation-devastated planet surface (which they believe to be uninhabitable by humans).

In reality; there is an aristocracy of 'Yance-men' living on the planet surface, who use these robots as labourers and domestic servants; and whose main activity is producing the 'fake news' to convince the underground dwellers to continue their closed-in, crowded, toiling lives.

In essence this is a world (exactly like ours) that is based on a Big Lie; and there is a recurrent discussion and analysis of this idea from Goebbells. In this world, the Nazi propagandist's expertise is regarded as exemplary, and taken to a high level of 'artistry' and effectiveness.

With a Big Lie, the lie has become so big that people cannot believe it could possibly be a lie; and they will ignore all kinds of detailed discrepancies in 'the narrative' fed to them, because the idea that they are living a total lie is simply beyond belief.  This bigness is indeed vital to success - because lying always involves discrepancies and errors; so that - in the end - a Big Lie is the only kind of lie that can be permanent and compelling.

The novel is all about this matter of deliberate, calculated lies and deceptions; and the motivations/ rationalisation behind them - the strange mixtures of self-seeking (power and luxury) and self-sacrifice (loneliness and isolation) that the Yance-men life entails; the ways they are both villains and martyrs. Indeed, all the point-of-view characters are broadly sympathetic, we can identify with them - to some extent.

The title of 'penultimate' truth seems to be a reference to the fact that even when the Big Lie is penetrated, we never seem to reach an ultimate truth; the knowable truth always seems to be incomplete, and the final answers (at least) one step further away...

Anyway, I would recommend this very highly; as being absolutely relevant to our present global situation; one of the most intelligent and deep 'dystopian' novels that I've encountered - with that instant memorability and iconic quality of 1984 and Brave New World - but much better-structured, more gripping and enjoyable to read.

Sunday 26 December 2021

Core Big Lies that we depend-upon; versus Gratuitous Big Lies (such as the birdemic and climate change) that are universal and merely-destructive

We live in a world governed on the basis of Big Lies - a world of global totalitarian establishment Leftism of all factions and parties. 

Since the international coup of early 2020; Big Lies now dominate all nations, and major human institutions/ corporations/ organizations. 

This means that The System which keep more than seven billion people alive is net-corrupted - is directed against God, divine creation and The Good. 

In other words, we depend-upon Core Systems that have yet embraced Big Lies; such that all functionality has been diluted then subverted by these lies.

To oppose the Core Big Lies therefore means to oppose the hand that (albeit to an always-declining extent) feeds us, clothes and shelters us, heals and protects us.

This situation of corruption of core functionalities must end in collapse and disaster; and is bad enough...

But on top of such negative erosion of capability, efficiency and purpose; there are Gratuitous Big Lies; of which the birdemic-peck agenda is the most currently dominant; with Global Warming/ Climate Change not far behind. 

These are Not lies that have arisen from the incremental corruption of once-functional systems; but these are instead made-up novel systems that are in essence Wholly Dishonest and therefore Actively destructive.

The birdemic is a manufactured fake from bottom to top - at every step and stage, lies have been woven; it is not only unnecessary but actively-destructive. 

If the birdemic did not exist, there would be no need to invent it - hence it is a Gratuitous Big Lie. 

It is a network of untruthfulness added-to the Global System and designedly destructive of it: with all the major interventions (closures, restrictions, masking, distancing, pecking) being grossly net harmful. 

Likewise the Climate Change Big Lie: another entirely gratuitous deception that has been deliberately structured and manufactured to have the widest scope and to inflict the deepest harm. 

At its centre is the inversional demonization of Carbon Dioxide - the gas of life - associated with all living things - a molecule not only necessary, but vastly net-beneficial to planetary life.

Likewise warmth. In a world where climate is always changing and (obviously!) cannot be controlled; but the major danger to life has been cold (ice ages) we are asked to fear (and pretend to be able to prevent) greater warmth (which people whose motive I trust, such as Freeman Dyson, say would almost certainly be a net-benefit). 

Like the birdemic-peck; the Warming/ Change agenda is not only unnecessary, and ineffective, but also grossly harmful across the board. 

Such is the nature of a Gratuitous Big Lie. 

The depth and evil of our global corruption therefore begins the expanding-insinuation of Big Lies into all the life-sustaining and functional social systems; but the gratuitous invention and imposition of entire novel social systems that are actively evil - actively destructive of Good, and with potential for malignant invasion of every single aspect of human living and relations. 

So these gratuitous Big Lies have taken the agenda of evil from its previous locus in social institutions/ organizations/ corporations; and insinuated the agenda into the most intimate of human relationships - marriage, families, true friendships. 

For instance, since 2020 and leading up to this Christmas; we can see that the birdemic-peck agenda has already done astonishingly deep damage to marriages and families - and this damages increases and expands in scope with each passing month. 

People have treated their loved ones in ways that would have been regarded as frankly psychopathic just two years ago - and the situation is continuing to worsen.   

Not only love, but basic human decency, has been dissolved in face of the malignant spread of the birdemic Big Lie. 

We are now faced with a situation where all moderation, common sense, compromise; have been swept aside by the birdemic-peck agenda. 

There is now a stark choice between wholesale rejection of the entire birdemic-peck narrative - that is; no nuance, no discussion or debate, no argument or evidence but instead total deletion of the official narrative...

Or else capitulation to a Big Lie that is now, already, breaking-apart every prior human value, and all that was regarded as sacred such as the relations of husband and wife, and of parent and child. 

It ought not to be a difficult choice to reject the birdemic narrative when it is both gratuitous and observably dissolving all that we once (just two years ago) most cherished. Common sense applied to personal experience would (where it existed) discern that we have almost-everything to gain and almost-nothing to lose from deleting the birdemic... 

But in practice, for most of the population; rejection is regarded as impossible, utterly unreasonable, and recklessly dangerous. 

For many people, already, their world has already ended - and by their own enthusiastic consent - but this reality has not yet sunk-in... 

It Soon Will.      

Monday 14 June 2021

The Birdemic, spiritual discernment and the Christian Churches

Francis Berger has followed-up last-week's powerful post about the Roman Catholic Church (which I discussed here), with another concerning the vital importance of spiritual discernment in a time when things have come to a point

Here are some excepts:

My overarching point was that the bishop and the [Roman Catholic] Church remain officially aligned with the birdemic narrative. As such, they continue to believe their decision to close churches and deny Mass to hundreds of millions was totally justified. 

Put another way, the Catholic Church - and practically all other Christian denominations - remain firmly convinced that they did the right thing for the right reasons. They feel no need to reflect upon or perhaps reassess their decision, and they certainly do not think they have anything to repent. 

I happen to think the opposite. I hold the opposite view because I am convinced that the birdemic is an Evil Lie. Moreover, I believe in the primacy of the spiritual - in putting God and spiritual considerations first. 

By denying Mass and other sacraments such as last rites at the behest of the secular global diktat of none are safe until all are safe, the Catholic Church (and other Christian denominations) essentially demonstrated that they believe in the primacy of the material - in putting the world and material considerations first. 

 ...At its core, the birdemic is not about science or medicine or church doctrine. At its core, the birdemic marks the epicenter of things coming to a point. More specifically, the birdemic is about being able to spiritually discern good and evil and making the right choices in light of this discernment. 

 ...As far as I'm concerned, churches the world over failed miserably when they closed their doors due to the birdemic. I will go even as far as to say most churches actively and willingly made the wrong choice. And churchgoers who passively and obediently follow their churches in this regard are also making the wrong choice. 

People can reject this as my "opinion", but I do not regard my standpoint on this issue to be mere opinion. For me, it's discernment - discernment based on my understanding of God and Creation - that is, on my understanding of the fundamental nature of reality and of our current spiritual war. 

 ...The line separating good from evil has rarely, if ever, been clearer. That doesn't mean that discernment is always easy or that our judgments are always correct, but it does mean that spiritual discernment can no longer be considered a passive, optional activity. 

Like it or not, we have all been put in the position where we must choose - and those choices are based on our ability to effectively discern. In this regard, we are all our own spiritual authorities. 

The possibility of outsourcing discernment to an external church authority is closing before us. When it comes to matters of religion and spirit, we no longer have the luxury to simply believe what we are told to believe and do what we are told to do. 

We must make our own judgments about these matters, and these judgments must emanate from our innermost selves and our active and willing alignment with God and Creation. In this sense, spiritual discernment is the most important special competence we can possess in this time and place.

Read the whole thing

Comments: Frank goes far towards clarifying matters, for those too caught-up in the daily virtual-reality to stand back and do it for themselves. 

There are at least three separable issues. 

1. Birdemic Big Lie

The birdemic is evidently a Big Lie - top to bottom, many-fold, from its beginning to now. 

Almost everything substantive we have been told about the birdemic has later been shown (by the same official/ media sources from which the first Lies came) to be not just mistaken, but calculated untruth. 

To know this, one only needs to be capable of common sense and memory. However, an aspect of the very general and extreme spiritual corruption of these times is that people are capable of neither. Even when (as in the UK) the Prime Minister (speaking on behalf of 'science' and 'the evidence') contradicts himself completely in the space of four days about whether Christmas 2020 'needs to be cancelled'; the obvious implications are missed, and the event is soon forgotten. 

Big Lies are intrinsically evil - because lying is a sin. 


2. Birdemic Evil Lie

The birdemic is an Evil Lie because of its provenance (evil refers to its motivation; the source tells us the motivation). 

The birdemic lie comes-from the Global Establishment - whose major strategies are evil; and who is explicitly anti-Christian, anti (any) God, anti-spiritual, denying of divine creation; and favouring the Big Lies of open-borders, climate emergency, antiracism and the sexual revolution including the trans agenda. They have explicitly stated their plans for transitioning the birdemic into the Great Reset - which is a atheist totalitarian dystopia. 

The purposive evil of the Big Lie is evident. 

3. Even if the birdemic was not a Big Evil Lie...

Let us assume, as a thought experiment, that the birdemic was not a Big Evil Lie - let us assume that the world Establishment was (overall) honest and Christian, therefore working for God, The Good, and divine creation (instead of against)...

Let us also assume that the birdemic really was a very lethal pandemic (the current, recent, definition of 'pandemic' only means a new and wide-spreading disease - it does Not mean a dangerous disease). Let's say its mortality rate was fifty times what it really has been, and that it significantly affected the young and healthy. 

Let's also pretend (because it is false) that lockdowns, masks and social distancing really were known to be effective in reducing the mortality rates of this disease (rather than, as IRL, at first doing nothing then making things much worse). 

Would this imaginary scenario be a reason for the Roman Catholic Church to close and deny the sacraments of baptism, Mass and last rites to its flock for months or a year? 

Well, certainly not - if these sacraments really had the significance that Catholics assert for them. 

Would it be a reason to deny spiritual healing (by laying on of hands), or exorcism, or to close shrines and pilgrimage sites such as Lourdes? 

Certainly not, if these had the efficacy that the Roman Catholic faith asserted for them. 

The list could be continued. 

This is a stark discernment here, things have already come to a point. The Roman Catholic Church has behaved in a way that - with extreme comprehensiveness and clarity - denies its own most sacred and fundamental assumptions regarding its own authority and spiritual power. 

Note: I think this situation is clearest with the RCC, not least because the RCC has for centuries striven to be clear and explicit about its own beliefs and assertion. But the same basic situation prevails with all other large Christian denominations and churches. Churches have beliefs and assertions that both explain and justify their own existence - and these have been starkly contradicted by their response to the birdemic - by their willing alignment wit the Big Evil Lie. This crisis includes all of Christendom - and indeed (I would guess) all other religions - but I shall leave that to them.

Saturday 19 June 2021

What has changed about discernment since the birdemic?

Francis Berger has taken the idea of Litmus Tests (used to determine sides in the spiritual war) further in a recent post; in particular clarifying the effect that the birdemic has had on his own discernment. I recommend that you read the whole thing - including comments, where FB brings out this point explicitly.

I have noticed that one way of Not learning from the birdemic is to say that nothing has really changed as a result...  

Of course, this has an element of truth; in that there had been decades (or generations) of apostasy and corruption leading up to the global totalitarian coup of early 2020 - rationalized and disguised (as it was) as a necessary response to a novel plague of unprecedented scale and deadliness. In other words, the claim is that 2020 was merely a quantitative continuation of long-term trends. 

But rapid, global and un-reversed quantitative change - such as happened over a space of weeks with the international birdemic fake-response - counts as qualitative when the nature and basis of life is transformed. 

As so often, intellectual over-think operates as a failure of discernment, and an excuse for cowardice and expediency. Mostly - in our hyper-complex virtual world of Matrix lies - what is obvious to common sense and personal experience is also what is true: In 2020 - the world changed. 

Francis B describes how, since the birdemic, and reflecting on the Litmus Test idea he has realized that there are only two sides in the spiritual war of the world (God or Satan, good or evil) - and that people and institutions who had before seemed to be 'intermediate', or forces of partial good, were actually on the side of evil. 

In other words; that to be 'partially' leftist was actually to be fully leftist. To embrace even one of the Big Lies of the left-agenda, to fail even one Litmus Test - was de facto (in the world as is) to have chosen the side of Satan.

This was demonstrated clearly (and, I would have thought, unambiguously) by the way that the birdemic Big Lie was accepted and embraced by all nations, all powerful social institutions, all large churches. None rejected it as an evil-motivated falsehood. 

And this is another aspect of the birdemic revelations; that one must either reject the birdemic Big Lie completely*; recognizing it as dishonest and deliberately misleading top-to-bottom, by intent, from conception to execution -- or else one will have accepted it. 

A partial/ nuanced response to the birdemic is de facto accepting/ embracing the lie: choosing the demonic side.

In sum; what has changed since the birdemic is precisely this simplification - whereby the fact that there are only two sides, and the clear division between these sides, has become apparent. 

From the spiritual perspective - this simplification and clarification is, indeed, the main benefit of the birdemic. 

So; when we fail to recognize the qualitative transformation of the birdemic; we have failed as Christians to learn from the biggest disaster to befall the churches since the time of Jesus; and failed, furthermore, to equip ourselves with the most powerful weapon against evil rampant: which is our own power of spiritual discernment (backed by the infinite power of repentance). 

*To endorse a complete rejection of the Big Lie of the birdemic and its response is not Of Course to believe that every single fact and aspect of it is untrue; any more than completely to reject Soviet Communism, German National Socialism or Chinese Maoism entails that every single thing about them was evil. Effective evil is always and necessarily seeded with some true facts and some good impulses, or else it can have no traction and no rationale. It is the overall intent and motivation (to oppose God, to reject divine creation) that is completely evil and a Big Lie; and the embedded truths and virtues merely serve to make the Big Evil Lie more persuasive and effective. 

Wednesday 26 May 2021

"Because it is an Evil Lie."

Over the years I have developed this phrase and concept of an Evil Lie as a concise expression of my understanding of the specific aspects of our situation. 

It seems to be a correct and appropriate response to many "why not?" questions asked us - questions on the lines of: What have you got against the trans-agenda? Why don't you want a birdemic peck? What have you got against MLB antiracism? Why are you not in favour of recycling/ bicycle lanes/ wind turbines?...

At a micro-level, the managerialist and materialistic take-over of my working life in medicine, academia, science (but also everybody's life) - preparatory to the 2020 Global unification into a single world bureaucracy - was pursued by multiple incremental Evil Lies. 

These ELs were all known/ felt/ experienced as wrong, intuitively; yet were often small and could be presented as 'too trivial' to make a fuss about. 

Managerialism proceeds through Evil Lying steps, each step apparently too trivial to oppose - yet simultaneously each step was important enough to make mandatory! 

And thus we were led into the single, totalitarian, global bureaucracy. Yet at each step we could have known that what we were being asked to do was an Evil Lie.

Why Not? 

Because it is an Evil Lie.

Evil because that is the motivation - this particular thing is an aspect of the overall strategy of damnation. It is part of the plans by evil Beings to induce Men into Evil rather than Good; to prefer Hell to Heaven; to choose damnation and to reject resurrected Heavenly life eternal. 

'Lie' because all of these are deliberate untruths. 

What species of untruth varies. Whether the untruth is based on legalistic/ linguistic intent to mislead, exaggeration and manipulation, misrepresentation, selection, inappropriate and non-sequitur statistics... or simply a Big Lie invented in whole - does not matter, because the ruling intent is to lie.  

All lies are sins, all lies are evil - so it might be said that the phrase Evil Lie is a pleonasm - yet I am sure that the phrase including both words does some extra work compared with either component word alone. 

The lie is a particular kind of evil - perhaps the single most prevalent evil of the modern world. 

To call a lie intrinsically evil is correct - but 'Evil Lie' takes the particular and assigns it to a general category - when what is required is some response to that particular. 

Our damnation in modernity is, it seems, being accomplished mainly by lies. So, from 2020 there are no gratuitous lies; all lies are purposive. 

Every lie proposed and accepted adds to the apparatus of evil.  

Just to say some-thing is a lie, without also mentioning evil; is inadequate. Indeed, it can be counter-productive for a Christian. 

For instance the birdemic peck is a lie, built upon lies - everything about the birdemic is a lie (its identity, nature, origin, significance); everything about the birdemic response is a lie (that it is necessary, or useful, or the value of its components, and failure of cost-benefit consideration) - and the peck is a lie at every level from its necessity on down to embrace every substantive assertion and statement about it.

But to the modern mind, failure to go-along-with a web-of-lies itself requires justification; because, after all, the mainstream dominant political ideology of the world is leftism; which is itself a web-of-lies. To the modern mind, a web-of-lies is a 'good thing' whenever it is deployed to assist a leftist agenda (e.g. socialism, feminism, antiracism...). 

So, it is in practice necessary to say Evil Lies to 'explain' to people why we oppose this particular lie from all the other lies which rule us. 

Furthermore, we do not want to get the habit of opposing lies from expediency - even to our-selves. The fact that the birdemic peck is dangerous is an expedient reason to avoid it; but of itself expediency just sustains the narrative of fear: the idea that our responses are and should be fear-driven

To avoid the peck because it is harmful (merely) is to sustain the evil ideology of 'healthism'. 

So; we should not want to avoid the peck primarily because it is dangerous, but because it is an Evil Lie. 

If we avoid it (only) because it is dangerous; then all that the Authorities would need to do to make the peck 'right', would be to ensure that it is more dangerous not to have the peck than to take it. A simple matter. 

Sufficiently intense persecution of the non-pecked would then (apparently) make the peck 'right'; and expediency would make pecking the preferred option; and therefore the 'right' option. So much for principle...

The problem is therefore not primarily to avoid the peck, but to know that the peck is evil. And it is evil because it is a lie

And knowing that it is evil; the problem is not primarily to avoid having the peck (after all, we might be overpowered and compelled to have it) - but to repent evil. 

Man cannot always, or even usually, avoid evil; but Man can always repent evil

And to be clear in the mind that X is an Evil Lie is a solid set-up for repentance. 

Tuesday 17 January 2023

CO2 Global Warming - surely By Far the biggest, most destructive, lie the world has ever known

The Global-Warming-due-to-CO2 lie has now become so colossal in its scale that its effects (and costs) are beyond calculation. 

The lie has become so extensive and pervasive as directly to affect - in multiple and increasing ways - the lives of every human being; and to stress the entirety of world civilization. 

The lie works through soaring missions and strategies, down to an incremental accumulation of tiny details, and at every level in-between. 

The Global Totalitarian System (which conducted a successful and 'invisible' coup in 2020) has itself grown substantially on the back of the global warming lie; and the global warming lie has been one of the major tools by which global totalitarianism has extended its evil influence wider among nations, and deeper into the lives of Men. 

A neglected aspect of the GW-lie, is the way that it has channeled and destroyed the vague but strong spiritual aspirations which lay behind the concerns about animals and plants, nature, or 'the environment'. 

As recently as the early 1980s, these has a distinctly 'mystical' quality - for instance the adoption of Gaia as the concept of regarding earth as a genuinely living being - perhaps a real goddess...

For a while; 'Gaia' hovered ambiguously on the border between the materialist hypothesis of a homeostatically self-regulating planet; and the spirituality of an actual living entity with some degree of consciousness and intent - with whom Men might have some relationship. 

But very swiftly and decisively; the spiritual Gaia was reduced to either joke status or regarded as the preserve of benign but ineffectual hippies. 

The materialist Gaia won-out Big Time, and was sucked-up into a burgeoning globalist agenda operated by multiple national heads of state, multinational corporations, Big Finance and Big Media. 

The richest and most powerful people on the planet kidnapped Gaia, stripped her of divinity, clothed her in nothing but Carbon Dioxide, and enslaved her to do their dirty work of brainwashing and controlling the world!

The world is now ruled by a single, linked bureaucracy; and bureaucracy is intrinsically evil, as well as being the prime tool for literally-demonic policy; and CO2 Global Warming has been an important engine of this takeover.

The System operates by means of materialist assumptions; by the reductionism of all that is spiritual down to the material. This is done because 'the material' can be monitored, measured and controlled

Therefore; if men can be induced to live wholly-materially, Men can be wholly-controlled.  

CO2-Warmism is a grinding ideological vortex that has taken all our love-for, and feelings-about, nature and this world and our life upon it; has pulverized and discarded all beauty and the chance of true relationships of Men and the natural world...

And has made of this a fake-scientific discourse about the measurement and effect of concentrations of a chemical, and lies about how to control it and the climate. 

I find it hard to express the sheer vileness of what has become normal and compulsory in public policy and discourse... 

Every club or committee that is tasked with protecting The Environment; every book or magazine article about plants, animals or pollution; every classroom lecture or TV documentary on mountains, rivers, trees, wildlife; every farmer and horticulturalist in his daily work and annual planning...

All such are compelled to do obeisance to the God of CO2 and to obey his tyrannical dictates. 

Indeed, every formal group of every kind - arts, science, education, manufacture, services, churches... All must worship and submit-to the Global Warming lie.

(And even if they don't; all individual persons must still pay for the lie with their money, time and effort.)  

Unless they consciously dissociate from the Climate Lie; participants are ritually acknowledging the moral authority of the Global System...

A System whose motives are evil and whose operations are evil...

A System whose intent is to corrupt and destroy nature and 'the environment' - along with everything else that is true, virtuous and beautiful.   

Wednesday 29 September 2021

When silence is Not complicity; but indirectly eloquent of Christian faith

We have all, by now, taken sides in the spiritual war; and nowadays it is usually obvious which side. 

Of course, most people can change sides before their decision (i.e. their choice of their post-mortal disposition) is final. 

Sides can be changed - and we have seen a lot of this is the past 18 months - in both directions, although apparently mainly towards evil. It is never too late in mortal life to change sides. 

But the choice has a tendency to harden - especially when there has been a conscious and deliberate choice. 

Thus, to take the side against God can in practice become so deeply ingrained, buttressed by multiple lies and sustained by value-inversions, as to be very difficult to repent. 

Such buttressing of chosen-damnation seems to be the main demonic strategy over the past several decades; and belief The Lie - especially The Big Lie - has become probably the dominant form of evil - especially in the developed world.  

In a society in which Big Lies are not just highly prevalent - widespread and deeply rooted - but also mandatory and enforced; silence is usually complicity. It means that someone has chosen Not to notice evil. When someone lives in lies and says nothing; when someone has been through the past 18 months; and yet says nothing about the gigantic, world-historical, evil-motivated fraud of what happened... This is nearly-always because he believes the lies - has chosen to take the side of the worldly-victorious evil Establishment. 

On the other hand; there are situations in which silence is eloquent against evil and on the side of God. When in the midst of an evil-compliant and evil-endorsing discourse (e.g. about the birdemic-peck, antiracism, climate change etc). 

One pointedly remains silent, and does not (by word, expression or deed) provide the sought-for endorsement of the Big Lie; but instead remains alert, quiet, and still... 

Well, such refusal can potentially be as powerful and appropriate a profession of faith in God as is possible in that particular kind of situation (i.e. a mainstream modern situation; where the other party is absolutely unwilling and unable to expose and examine his assumptions, or to think consecutively and coherently).  

In theory; some well-chosen phrase might be more effective; but most people, for most of the time, will never be capable of a 'well-chosen phrase'; and for them silence may be as eloquent a witness of their faith as may be - and with the negative-advantage of not providing the enemy with ammunition for his manipulations. 

This is confirmed by the fact that the enemy (in these, and other, situations) hates silence; and tries to provoke or compel a response; which if honest will provide ammunition for his side in the spiritual war, and if dishonest (including deliberate misleading - which is a particularly insidious thus damning form of dishonesty) will recruit you to his side. 

This is perhaps why Christ sometimes remained silent under interrogation. 

We therefore need to discern when our silence is complicity; and when it would be faithful witness. 

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Swallowing the Big Lie: 'Climate Change' is a litmus test of the professional skeptic/ cynic

The professional skeptic/ cynic is a notable internet phenomenon - posting blogs, wikis, vlogs, videos and other social media that purport to debunk commonly held fallacies.

But while they may be rightly skeptical about small things, they all have a world view based on the incoherent built-in assumptions of materialist utilitarian sexual revolutionary Leftism; and nearly all of them swallow the One Big Lie of modernity which is the climate change scam.

My litmus test says that when somebody cannot see the biggest fraud of all time, which is all around and everywhere; very obviously engineered to justify and facilitate a tyrannical global bureaucracy of total surveillance, monitoring and control...

Well, if that can't see the Biggest Lie, then they can't see the little lies either - not really: they're just spouting a very minor, Establishment-friendly micro-frisson variant of the usual mainstream mass media garbage.

Thursday 29 October 2020

Repenting our compelled obedience to Caesar (with reference to the church closures)

In this Global Totalitarian society; Caesar is becoming more powerful - and less escapable - by the day. 

Given that most people are not heroes (and never will be), it is reasonable to assume first that Caesar can, and will, compel our obedience to his dictates; and second that many of these dictates will be evil in both motivation and effect. 

What then should a (serious) Christian do, in this world where he stands alone against a vast monopoly of coercion - when, almost certainly, his church has sumitted enthusiastically to Caesar's yoke, and now lumbers towards hell? 

The answer is that we must repent; but in repenting we must be clear about the spiritual nature of repentance. We must distinguish between our actions - which can be, and are, compelled; and our spiritual discernment - which always chooses.

We may be, we actually are, compelled to obey evil laws; but we can choose to know their evil, can choose to repent our obedience to them - even as we know this state of sinning will continue. 


Most Christians leaders will, if pressed, advocate 'rendering unto Caesar that which is Caesar's'; but they are, in truth, advocating rendering unto Caesar that which is God's - with the excuse that they have No Alternative but to comply. 

What this actually means is that the (threatened) cost of non-compliance is too high for them to bear, or else they think the cost of disobedience is too high, and not worth paying. 

In sum - they are not heroes of faith. But then again - who is? But few ever, and fewer than ever now. The question is how to live in accordance with God's creation when one is Not a hero of faith.

What Christian leaders should (but do not) acknowledge, is that they have-been and are-being compelled to sin; and that sin requires repentance (and, I would add, the public sin of public figures requires public repentance). 

What they typically fail to acknowledge is that Caesar is - nowadays - on the side of Satan. That is  something they (and we) should be clear about from the start. However it may have been in Roman times; here and now, Caesar is in the business of propaganda for, and enforcement of, inverted values. Caesar serves Satan, not God.


Take the example of church closures during the birdemic. Any serious Christian should know by now (and indeed long since) that the birdemic is a Big Lie; and that this Big Lie is being used as a fake rationale for blocking, closing, and (ultimately) destroying all Chrstian churches. 

At this stage, anyone who cannot perceive this has de facto made a choice to join-with the Lie, and affiliate with the side of Satan and his agents. 

But let us say that a Christian leader is also a serious Christian. Unless he is a rare hero, he cannot (and most importantly he will not) resist the evil government regulations enforced upon him. This means that he has been compelled to sin. 

Very well, but this is not of itself a problem for the Christian: Jesus explicitly came to save sinners - those who sin. But this entails that the Pastor or Priest must acknowledge that by obeying Caesar - e.g by closing his church, ceasing to offer the sacraments, and ceasing his personal ministry - he is In Fact sinning. 


Sin must be repented - that is uncontroversial. Yet at the same time, Caesar will (in practice) nearly always be obeyed - because very few are heroes of faith. 

So this Christian pastor/ priest is in the position - common enough, indeed universal - and indeed a frequent complaint of the Apostle Paul - that he recognises sin, wants Not to sin, but continues to sin. Indeed, by collaborating with Caesar, he is actively enforcing sin.

That is, the priest/ pastor knows his church should be allowed to remain fully open and fully operative, and should prioritise the spirit above (actually fake) health issues; but in practice he obeys Caesar's rules - and closes the church and ceases to fulfil his pastoral duties. 

He knows sin, repents sin, continues to sin...

Yet surely this is just the human condition? And this is exactly what Jesus takes-account of. Jesus recognises that perfection is impossible, that we will sin, that we will continue to sin; but if we recognise our sin and continue to love and follow* Jesus - then salvation will be ours. 

In this world of 2020, we need to be much clearer about the fact that we will all, in many ways, be compelled to obey Caesar, and by this obedience we will be compelled to sin. We should not even pretend that we 'will do better in future' and will strive to 'cease sinning' because this is not true

We will not do better, nor will we strive to do better; instead we will carry on sinning just as we do now. However, we acknowledge and repent this.


What then? Well first we must repent. And a public sin - such as closing a church - ought publicly to be repented; the sin needs to be named, acknowledged, specified - else the flock are being taught a false doctrine; are being taught that sin is good. 

And this needs to be done with full recognition that the recognised sin will continue to be done. There should be no false consolation that 'in future' we are going to become heroes of faith. We aren't.


For instance. The priest or pastor stands up to address the congregation and informs them that he is closing the church next week; ceasing to offer Holy Communion, baptism and funeral rites; and he will not visit is flock**. 

Or, he says that - for the church to remain open; congregants must stand far apart and avoid each other, cover their faces, and refrain from human contact of all kinds. 

(We will all treat each other as the Pharisees treated lepers, and ourselves behave as lepers were required to: in future we will regard each other primarily as disease vectors; only secondarily as human persons with human needs.) 

Then the priest/ pastor must state clearly that these are evil changes, which he knows as evil and rejects; that he repents his continuing and future compliance with these evil policies - and he asks God's forgiveness for these sins. 

(He may go on to clarify that these measures are intended to drive men apart and to destroy the churches. He may advise his flock how best to cope alone, and essentially abandoned by the churches.)

But in the end the priest or pastor must be clear that he personally is sinning by his compliance with regulations, yet that he intends to continue compliance; and must repent this sinning. 

This kind of repentance ought to be almost a routine matter for all serious Christians, because this kind of sinning is routine. (Maybe that 'routine' is the trouble?) But modern secular leftist pseudo-ethics has ensured that any explicit failure to live by one's explicit belief will almost certainly be termed 'hypocrisy' (when it is, in reality, almost the opposite). 

Such behaviour may also be called cowardice, and in a sense that is a just accusation; but confessed and repented cowardice is alright. Probably nearly everybody is 'a coward', to a significant degree; especially when alone and confronted by the overwhelming powers of the Global Caesar of 2020. 

(Like all sins, cowardice is only lethal to salvation when denied. A confessed coward, one who fully acknowledges that cowardice is indeed a sin, is acceptable to God.) 


A priest or pastor who closes his church in obedience to Caesar's latest diktat, and for fear of the consequences of disobedience, needs to make all of this clear; needs (in some public way - whether at the pulpit, in the parish magazine, or face to face with individuals) to make clear that he is sinning; that he repents his sin, but nonetheless will continue to obey Caesar.

And we are all in exactly the same situation - to a greater or lesser extent. We all do obey unjust and evil-motivated regulations; therefore we all need to repent our continued wrong-doing, and acknowledge that we will continue to do wrong. 

(Just because an evil is universal and a matter of routine, does not prevent it being a sin. We all choose to comply with a routine - we have all chosen to sin.)


When we are compelled to live by lies, we must confess these lies. We must Not propagandise for these lies, must not excuse the lies, must not pretend that the lies are motivated by love of God. 

Why is it so difficult to say this? So difficult to say that we have bent the knee to Caesar, and we will in fact continue to do so; but that we know we do wrong, and we do repent and affirm our affiliation to God, and to the Good? 

Only thus can we render to God what is God's.   

*Note: 'Following' Jesus does not mean being like him - because that would be impossible, it would entail never sinning; and we do sin and cannot stop sinning. Following Jesus means something much more literal - as described in the Good Shepherd parable, and reinforced throughout the Fourth Gospel. Following Jesus is to love and trust the Good Shepherd to lead us through the portal of death to the joy of resurrected life eternal. We must follow where he leads. 

**Note added later: In general, the repentance should occur wherever and whenever the information about closures etc. is provided: whether 'live' in a service, or whether on church noticeboards, web pages, social media etc. An announcement of compliance with Caesar's evil rules is therefore accompanied by a statement that these are evil, and a statement of repentance for complying. The specific reasons for complying are not really significant, in a public forum at any rate.  


Thursday 16 February 2023

Establishment Systematic Big Lies - such as apparently-delusional victory optimism - have a covert meaning

There is far too much 'gotcha!' smugness in the anti-totalitarian commentariat, about noticing and exposing the gross and monolithic lies of the global totalitarian Establishment. 

Yes, of course They lie grossly, and of course They have constructed an entire system of lies - a fake-virtual-reality, or virtuality as I've termed it. 

But They have reasons for doing this - in particular, each major theme of the virtuality is strategic

People are much too ready to accuse Them of being stupid, or of engaging in random PSYOPS - as if any lie would suffice for their purposes. 

Yes, They are stupid; and yes They are engaging in PSYOPS by getting people to believe and affirm incoherent falsehoods - but that is not the whole explanation; and we need to look behind the specific lies that They have chosen to make the long-term and coordinated focus of their plans. 

Because each of these Establishment Systematic Big Lies has a covert reason, that contributes to progression of the agenda of evil. 

Topically; there us a system of lies relating to the Fire Nation conflict, whereby a fake narrative of imminent victory for the West is being pushed and pushed - regardless of realities. This has now reached such an extremity of ludicrousness that it is vital we try to understand what is its function. 

I think I know its function; and if I am correct it is very evil indeed. 

First of all; although you and I realize that this imminent victory narrative is a Big Lie - the passive and ignorant masses (broadly) swallow it; and the intellectual class functionaries whole-heartedly believe its truth. 

Consequently, I think the function of the imminent victory virtuality is to depict the FN as desperate cornered beasts, who will do anything to escape their fate; and this is intended to provide cover for covert staging of a "fake-pennant" incident -- which will actually be performed by the West, on the West - and will probably use what might be called "Armaments of Large-Scale Wrecking" of one sort or another (probably the obvious kind). 

Given that the realities of the situation are opposite from the virtuality, and the imminence of defeat is the opposite of what Western officialdom and media say - the real-life "cornered beasts" are apparently urgently desperate to escalate their efforts; and (given the natural reluctance of most people when it comes to rapid annihilation) 

...They need a plausible excuse for instant, all-out, and no-holds-barred conflict.   

Therefore I am expecting, imminently, exactly such a "fake-pennant" ALSW on one or more of the Western (so-called-) allies; blamed (by the monolithic media-bureaucracy) on the FN. 

I cannot help hoping this does not happen - even though it would be (as some say) karmic; yet, I think it probably will happen - unless a powerful counter-group arises to expel and discredit the currently most-powerful world leadership class. 

Which seems very unlikely - albeit not impossible. 

But even if the fake-pennant plan does get stopped; this will not do Mankind overall and eventual Good unless the stoppers are well-motivated. 

If the stoppers are just the omni-surveillance/ total-control 'Reset' totalitarians - who want to avoid world war only so as to impose a global slave state and controlled-extermination System; then what eventuates will be merely a frying-pan to fire swap.  

Good outcomes absolutely need Good motivations dominantly driving the actions. And nowadays, Good motivations need to be upfront and explicit...

We should keep that in mind.

Saturday 29 May 2021

The new birdemic narrative

As you know, I never write about current affairs...

The 'official' birdemic narrative is currently becoming one which acknowledges what was established (by several independent groups) at the beginning of 2020 - that the birdemic Just Is a lab-modified germ. 

Why now? Why acknowledge this obvious truth after denying it for so long and suppressing the discourse? 

We need to go back to the basic modus operandi of the modern mass media as described in my 2014 Addicted to Distraction book - that 'Good' - in this case Truth - is only ever given mass media Big Story coverage for a bad reason

So, what is the Bad Reason for speaking this factual truth? We will soon find out... 

Maybe it is to provide a second wave of birdemic-phobia by presenting the germ as a biowep? And 'therefore' Very Dangerous.

Yet in 'fact' (Ha! - Facts!) the birdemic is not and never has been Very Dangerous. 

The data is in (confirmed by personal  experience). No doubt remains. We now know For Sure that the birdemic is/was not any more dangerous than a moderately bad flu year. 

However, if people are now going to be told that it was engineered as a biowep (which is likely true) then perhaps the global state of blinding-terror can be sustained and amplified?

Engineering an intended biowep is very difficult and usually fails - as with the birdemic

One should judge engineering by results, not by intentions. 

Because if one germ function is successfully increased (difficult in itself) this is almost-always at the cost of reducing another function. Increasing a germ's spread-ability therefore comes at the price of reducing its dangerousness - and vice versa.  

Combining high lethality and high infectivity is a trick that remains unsolved.       

...Except with vector infections, like Falciparum Malaria - which is probably the worst chronic scourge of humanity, so far; because it is both highly lethal in naïve populations and very transmissible (without modern technology). 

Malaria is spread by mosquitos, and the germ does not depend on humans to survive. Such a vector infection might in principle make humans extinct before resistance could be evolved, yet not itself become extinct.

But for a human to human germ - it is a case of Either/ Or. Either an incredibly infectious but non-lethal disease like Noravirus. Or very lethal but not very infectious diseases - like first-contact Syphilis. Or very lethal and pretty infectious diseases like Lassa fever that make themselves extinct before spreading. 

But  none of these apply for the birdemic which is, in its medical effect; just a 'variant of normal, moderate, respiratory viral 'flu'. 

It Just Is... Intended biowep, or not. 

Note: My feeling is that the birdemic has begun seriously to run out of steam; despite that a large proportion of the population have been permanently mentally-damaged by the Big Lie and fake response (as well as becoming firmly committed to the service of Satan). Too many people seem to expect that 2019 'normality' will be returning soon... They need to find a another Big Lie if They are to continue to roll-forward their totalitarian Matrix world. Maybe the idea is to continue mutating the birdemic threat so that it becomes perceived as permanently growing? Or maybe the biowep concept, once established, will pave way for the next birdemic about-which They are continually warning us... coming soon to a theatre near you?  

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Why must political correctness inevitably fail?


Political correctness has absolutely no chance of success, it must inevitably fail.


There are many reasons for this - some contingent but highly probable: such that the means will corrupt the end - so the endemic lying, dependence-creation and bribery of practical populist leftist politics will surely corrupt the ideals of PC.

And the fact of the failure of PC is blazingly obvious. As England has become more politically correct it has become more pervasively corrupt.

British political discourse is now barefaced lying, science is not even trying to be honest, law is not even trying to be just, art is ugly and disdains beauty, morals are inverted.

Even the crudest cheating, bribery and embezzlement are massively increased, tolerated, soon forgotten - and even if punished, punished only mildly.


The equation for modernizing societies is simple: increasing official bureaucracy/ objectivity/ impersonality = increasing actual corruption/ favoritism/ inefficiency.

The actuality is exactly the opposite of what is supposed to happen in theory; yet this actuality does not stop it happening.

The rationale for ever-more bureaucracy is unaffected by the actuality of bureaucracy.

This means bureaucracy is operating at a level of pure ideals.

But there is a fundamental and very obvious reason why PC must fail; which is as follows:

If humanity is fundamentally corrupt and selfish such that human agency must be subordinated to impartial abstract system; then selfish and corrupt human agency can neither design nor implement impartial abstract systems.

So the actual systems of PC (being designed and imposed by selfish corrupt humans) will never be abstract and impartial but will on the contrary always bear exactly those marks of selfishness and corruption which they are supposed to suppress.

If you cannot trust humans to make their own choices, you cannot trust humans to make choices for other people.


This point is neither complex nor difficult to grasp - yet in order for PC to gain traction and currency it must blind itself to precisely this simple and obviously fatal flaw.


Political correctness merely substitutes one vast centralized selfish-corruption for the multitude of individual selfishnesses and corruptions of past societies.

Apparently it is easier for intellectuals to believe one big lie than many small ones - at any rate, the intrinsic flaws of bureaucracy are invisible to PC intellectuals.


It is not that PC intellectuals believe that abstract bureaucracies are perfect, rather that they will not believe in their intrinsic and gross imperfection. It is this blind spot which constitutes the big lie of PC.

And it is this blind spot which prevents PC from evaluating and comparing their proposed panacea of large totalitarian bureaucracies with the alternative of individual human agency.


All this is very obvious - but really, how do PC intellectuals fail to see it?

The answers are many: among them are micro-specialization, dishonesty and a short attention span.


Micro-specialization means that questions are framed so narrowly that they can only yield a narrow range of pre-defined answers (and never decisive and destructive refutations); dishonesty means that questions do not need to be answered at all but can be dismissed by ignoring, by crushing, or with ad hominem attacks; and a short attention span means that two step logic is beyond the capability of modern systems - PC can see one step ahead, to perceive that abstract bureaucratic system would prevent individual corruption; but cannot concentrate long enough to project two steps ahead, and to perceive that bureaucracies are not abstract but that their systems are merely a variant of individual corruption.


So the link between the increase in scope and strength of political correctness, and the increase in scope and strength of corruption is intrinsic and inevitable.

We need not therefore fear (because we will not get) an inhumanly efficient bureaucracy run by passionless impartial idealists; but we should fear and are getting a Brezhnev bureaucracy of seedy covert bribery and embezzlement among the intellectual elite - shielded by escalating propaganda of soaring Utopian idealism.


(The reality is that humans are indeed selfish and corrupt, and this is inescapable within the human condition on earth; but that our standards of behaviour are not human but divine and our reference should be heavenly not earthly. Read Pascal's Pensees for further elucidation...)


Wednesday 24 March 2021

How does a Big Lie work So Well?

A superb (and, for me, very valuable) account is given by JM Smith over at the Orthosphere. It begins...

Big lies are designed to hoodwink little liars. Big lies work because little liars wrongly suppose that all lies are like their own picayune fibs, and because little liars lack the imagination to conceive of falsehood on a grand scale. Big lies work equally well on most honest men and women, since the lies these honest men and women pride themselves on not telling are, in most cases, picayune little lies.

But - Read The Whole Thing.

Saturday 10 April 2021

The birdemic-peck-plan: is it a strategy for managed giga-death?

There is a fluctuating awareness that the global governments (or its spokesmen) often express-a-desire/ state-a-need for the world population to become some billions fewer than its present level of seven-billion-plus (and growing). 

Since 'giga' is the term meaning 'billions' - we could term this the giga-death-plan (although I previously casually misnamed it 'mega'-death'). 

The most usual current rationale is that giga-death is both necessary and overall A Good Thing because... the Big Lie of CO2-climate-emergency-extinction etc. 

Yet, setting aside such evil nonsense; I believe that giga-death is inevitable because of the collapse of the global System, which is itself inevitable for many reasons - including the large decline in average (and peak) human intelligence, and the genetic degradation of the human species; both of which have already happened, and the effects are working-through.  

On top of this is the Western cultural combination of self-hatred and despair; which is leading to a the long-term, mostly-unconscious, civilizational suicide of Leftism

Since early 2020; this ideology is now globally-dominant through a totalitarian (covert) government; and is pursuing civilization suicide with unprecedented single-mindedness of motivation. 

I assume that there is probably a synergy at the high level of world governance between the fools who believe that population giga-death is a good thing because 'Global Warming' - and the realists who know that it is going to happen anyway

The death of billions over a medium timescale (months and years) is unprecedented - because there have never before been billions alive to die

Given the beings involved; I suppose They see their role (as evil psychopathic parasites and careerist bureaucrats) being to 'manage' this process of giga-death. 

(Indeed, few things could give such excitement, lust and glee to such beings; as organizing mass death in a 'controlled' fashion - especially when they are not going to be held responsible and can just sit-back and 'enjoy the show'.) 

From their Ahrimanic perspective; the major problem is to have mass deaths but in such a fashion that the System does not break down.

Probably this is best achieved if the Establishment are 'seen' to be 'trying' to prevent and to stop mass death... 

In other words - billions dying, but deniablyYes, planned giga-death but sufficiently distanced from the decisions of those who make it happen that the link is non-obvious ( least to the modern mind). 

These, I think, is where the mandatory birdemic peck of genetic engineering comes-in; with its multiple boosters to follow. 

The mass birdemic peck is, of course, not needed in the first place - and serves mainly as part of a sequence of cumulative fake-responses to the global non-problem of the virus. A this level it is designed simply to sustain Big Lies and wrong assumptions fuelling the fake-response to the fake-danger of the disease.

But there is more to it than this. Medically speaking, mass deployment of the genetic pecks goes beyond justification from mere panic or recklessness by such a margin as to qualify as a deliberate, colossal, intentional and open-ended program for killing

As such, it is capable of being used to attain a wide range as possible of lethal mechanisms; these spread across a sequence of the many/ lifelong follow-up, compulsory pecks that are being envisaged...

(After all, it is trivially easy to harm and kill people with pharmaceuticals; compared with the extreme difficulty of improving overall health and/or delaying death.) 

The birdemic-peck giga-death-plan is not the only plan to contribute to the desired goal of giga-death. But compared with the main alternatives - such as mass-starvation, -poisoning and -lethal-violence - medically-induced death may be the most likely to escape detection, and be accepted with minimal disruption.

The birdemic peck plan for giga-death - if it works, which it may not (and They are increasingly incompetent; for much the same reasons that seven billions of people cannot be sustained) - is thus the least likely Big Killer to arouse suspicion of malign intent. 

Mass-pecking seems the least likely 'hit' to trigger resistance, and the most likely to maintain mass support for the continued viability of The System and Establishment. 

After all, somebody will be needed to 'manage' the 'human tragedy' of billions of sick, dying and dead. W.H.O. better than those that planned and organized it? 

And finally - what of the spiritual dimension that is driving this whole thing? How does this particular mode of planned giga-death fit with the over-arching motive of mass human damnation? 

I think it fits well. It is continuous with the very successful strategy of the past year - where the world has been put under and evil-orientated system without objection and with considerable support. 

It is the spiritual goal of evil that people must want evil. To be damned; they must ultimately agree to, and in a sense invite, their own torment - and regard their suffering as necessary and 'good'. 

We have a global System of value-inversion and denial of God and creation. That System is a boat, blithely sailing to Hell, which the powers of evil do not wish to rock, or to risk having-capsized...

If giga-death is coming, and if it was violent and chaotic and acute; this might trigger a spiritual awakening. 

People might cry to God de Profundis - 'from the depths' of their existential despair they may look-up and perceive light and hope...

That is what the demons most fear. If that happens, on any scale, all their successes of 2021 would be turned against them.   

Note: Am I sure about the above? No. How could I be? But it does explain the facts as we know them; and I do think it is probable - given what we now (for sure) regarding the motivations of those with most power. 

Monday 26 July 2021

How deep do the birdemic lies reach?

I have always tried to emphasize that the Big Lie of the birdemic may go all the way down; in the sense that there may be literally no single-causal infective agent. 

Reading the relevant chapters of David Icke's most recent (and very worthwhile) book "Perceptions of a Renegade Mind" - which focuses on the birdemic - reminds me that it is quite possible (scientifically speaking) that there may not be any new and specific agent which causes the medical conditions which are supposed to justify the totalitarian response. 

The whole thing may be nothing-but an exercise in relabeling - that is an absolutely credible scenario.

In this world of dominant, endemic lies and core incompetence - I do not believe that we can know exactly what is and is not the truth behind the scam; a wide range of possibilities are plausible. 

There may be no single agent, there may be some influence from a new (and, if so, engineered) agent, which may have emerged from a range of accidents or been deliberate spread; and (if so) has been deliberately-amplified by the addition of a large, but various, proportion of fake attributions (especially influenza)...

Many things are possible and plausible because the definition of the birdemic agent is so vague and loose; and because 'the test' is so grossly inappropriate and inaccurate that its false positives may range from high to total.

That is; there may be 'a lot' of FPs - where 'a lot' covers a wide range of percentage FPs - or all test-positives may be false. These situations will surely vary in different circumstances and places, and across time.  

And 'the peck' is not a 'the' since that term officially encompasses several very different types of agent, and unofficially (in different times and places and persons) may contain... well nobody knows. 

Nobody knows. In a global discourse of liars who neither seek nor speak the truth - nobody knows. 

Luckily, it does not matter what is the exact reality wrt. the birdemic - so long as we do not fall into the trap of believing that the 'material' reality is determinative. 

This is a spiritual war; and we need to keep reminding ourselves that it is the spiritual reality which we need to discern

Even if (which is certainly Not the case; because we know it is permeated with multiple deliberate lies*) the official story of the material birdemic were 100% true; this fact would not affect the spiritual reality that the birdemic is a tool of the powers of evil; strategically aimed against God, creation and The Good. 

That's what we must know; and all the rest are shades of opinion. 

*Note: 'Multiple deliberate lies' means that those responsible have chosen to take the side of 'the father of lies' - i.e. the devil. John 8:44 "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." This means that all who lie have already chosen damnation - unless they repent and follow Jesus.