Showing posts sorted by relevance for query PSYOPS. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query PSYOPS. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday 27 January 2022

Changing names is PSYOPS (with reference to the word 'Mormon') - and the possibility of verbal counter-measures

WmJas Tychonievich has written several posts concerning the recent decision by leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to 'ban' the term Mormon being used to refer to the church and its members. 

This has created angst and uncertainty among the church membership (as was inevitable) because 'Mormon' has been used for more than a century and a half by innumerable official church organizations, missionaries, books, documents, and in personal discourse between church members - as well as among outsiders.

The name change came along-with several other changes marking a delayed (compared with other large Christian denominations) but swiftly-accelerating convergence of the CJCLDS with mainstream Establishment Leftism - especially in relation to the birdemic-peck and antiracism-diversity agendas. 


Name changing is - like 'reorganizations' - a typical, compulsive, and careerist behaviour of managers in bureaucracies; so much so, that many people seem to assume it is normal and 'natural' for human institutions to be in an almost continual churning of re-naming and re-organizing. 

Because this is self-interested behaviour by bureaucrats, there is a temptation to assume that is the whole story. But there is a much more deeply sinister, and indeed demonic, aspect to re-naming. 

The proper and natural reason for re-naming is that a name is wrong in some significant way: ie. that using the name does harm.   

Re-naming intrinsically therefore includes the assumption that the previous, now abolished, name was indeed wrong - and therefore that the people who used that name were also wrong. 

Re-naming is intrinsically an act of aggression against ancestors: a type of 'year zero' radicalism. 

Furthermore, name change entails that those who continue to use the prohibited word are also wrong. 

Consider the way that political correctness continually introduces and then demonizes words for its chosen victim groups. 

Anyone who uses old/ obsolete/ prohibited terminology is immediately disparaged (or worse) - because by using the older word, they are regarded as having demonstrated their affiliation to what was wrong; they have done a wrong thing in using that name. 

Such people are often, indeed, regarded as if they had performed an aggressive act. 

Therefore, name change introduces an element of anxiety and trepidation about the use of language. To use the new word is regarded as 'a good thing' - an act of obedience and compliance to those who claim moral power; while not to use that word is either a revelation of ignorance/ incompetence; or an act of dissent. 

And when a new name is introduced by a religious leader, use of the old name is tainted with defiance of authority; with heresy, apostasy...

But there is even more to this matter or renaming; because such feelings of angst may be an actual purpose of name change.

In other words, name change can be a type of PSYOPS - or Psychological Warfare; intended (by at least some of those behind the name change) to create psychological distress, uncertainty, demoralization, confusion.. and even a kind of insanity. 

Name changing may, in other words, be a subversive, destructive or value-inversional attempt at psychological manipulation. 

The Mormon name change has this aspect - since the word has been abolished without any possibility of substitution. 

It is not just that "Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" is a grossly clumsy and time-wasting alternative to Mormon; but that there are grammatical uses derived from Mormon that have no other substitute short of a sentence-long paraphrase. As one of many examples: Mormon theology.  

Therefore, forbidding the use of Mormon to the obedient faithful church members will inevitably create a continual and ineradicable sense of exactly that kind of sanity-threatening psychological distress, uncertainty, demoralization, confusion - which is the objective of PSYOPS. 

We have all experienced multiple example in the field of sex, sexuality and race - but the phenomenon is pervasive; and while commoner now, goes back several decades.

For example, back in 1974 (and under a 'conservative' government) there was a reorganization of the counties of Britain - which not only changed administrative boundaries, but abolished ancient names to replace them with invented or repurposed ones.

My county of Somerset (going back to Anglo-Saxon times) was re-named Avon. Ancient and small counties like Rutland and Westmorland were abolished. More egregiously; the old Gaelic named Scottish county of Clackmannanshire was made part of... Central Region. 

This was experienced by many people as an attack on local patriotism and their sense of belonging; and I have no doubt that that was exactly what it was - at root and by genuine intent. 

Of course, most of those who voted and implemented this scheme were shallow materialistic functionaries merely - but behind that was a malicious intelligence that was engaged in psychological warfare against the traditional and local patriotisms within Britain. 

And recognized as part of a centralizing and depersonalizing agenda leading towards the deletion of local autonomy with takeover by central national government; then assimilation into the European Union superstate; and eventually subordination to the (at present covert) world government that arrived in 2020. 

Back in 1974, evil intent was more widely discerned than now; and many of these 1974 name changes were undone and reversed over subsequent years; and indeed led to an increased awareness of the importance of such things; such that unconscious and unconsidered, taken-for-granted tradition became a conscious choice - which was all to the good.

That is how those on the side of Good, who wish to resist evil-motivated PSYOPS, should regard such aggressions: as an opportunity for increased self-awareness and a chance to fight back. 

Names matter, words matter - which is why the Satanically-motivated Global Establishment and its national branches and mass media are continually manipulating language. 

But by engaging in linguistic PSYOPS; the Authorities also create opportunities for verbal counter-measures and tactics. 

These may be negative and defensive: a refusal to comply. 

But verbal counter-measures could also - if they were made component elements of an overall strategy of Romantic Christianity - become positive and creative interventions in the spiritual war: interventions on the side of divine providence.

Tuesday 28 February 2023

The PSYOPS are to make people Lie: because this is a spiritual war, and they want us self-damned, not merely killed

Just an observation that seems often to be missed...

For Christians, lying is a sin; yet great swathes of people in many walks of life (especially the ruling and middling classes) are required to lie for their living. 

Yet hardly any Christians even remember that lying is a sin; and even-fewer emphasize it -- much preferring to focus on the spectacular stuff like torture, murder, rape, arson and theft (i.e. sins of which, non-coincidentally, most Christians themselves are innocent). 

Therefore lying is surely (it must be!) by-far the commonest and least repented of all sins

This explains the massive PSYOPS of recent years, which are based on Big Lies; which require systematic dishonesty; and which require more-and-more people to believe, and speak, and act-upon, and defend untruth

Most of the PSYOPS are attempts (apparently successful) to normalize and render invisible untruthfulness - including getting 'everybody' to ignore or deny The Obvious; and to 'forget' the deliberate sins and horrors of Mainstream-approved and -implemented policies. 

In an ultimate sense - thanks to Jesus Christ - sinning 'does not matter' to salvation: so long as it is repented. 

It is because we do not recognize untruthfulness, deliberate misleading, and dishonesty as sins; that they are not repented - and therefore become a form of chosen self-damnation

This is a major reason why, and how, They are winning the spiritual war. 

Saturday 15 October 2022

2020-2022 - from plausible deniability to PSYOPS

Looking back across the gulf between now and 2020, we can see how carefully the birdemic scam was planned so that its fundamental dishonesty was plausibly deniable. 

Key definitions had been changed, fake science of the necessary kind had been seeded into the literature, the peck had been pre-manufactured etc.

This was an instance of how They intended running the world: as a closed system of superficially rational bureaucracy. All policies came with a manufactured veneer of plausibility.

In 2022 and the West-engineered invasion by the Fire Nation, such efforts at manufacturing consent among the administrative class were simply discarded.

Despite that war had been caculatedly provoked over many years, the economic and financial policies that were stated to be able to destroy the Fire Nation were invented and imposed off-the-cuff, by diktat and without mobilizing consent. 

These policies are so obviously SELF-destructive, that significant portions of The Establishment have broken away from the unity of policy that characterized 2020. Indeed, the FN war is itself a massive scaling back of System ambitions from the whole world to about half of it.

Thus 2022 has been a year of disintegration, destruction, and loss of control.

The public justification has gone from carefully crafted systems of plausible dishonesty; to unconsidered, wild, incoherent and childish lies. From rational propaganda to de facto PSYOPS.

For the credulous Western masses, this marks a shift from docile obedience to a chronic state of stunned bewilderment consequent upon psychological damage.

The PSYOPS is not planned, but a result of the arrogant indifference and laziness of the imposed ruling class, combined with a desire to immiserate, harm and kill.

The world of 2020 was en route to tyranny and slow-mo degradation; but the world of 2022 is falling apart, faster and faster; into selfish, cruel warring factions - and is situated on the cusp of collapse.

Monday 20 March 2023

Not Even Wrong... the mainstream modern Leftist Establishment ideology is essentially just a series of PSYOPS

We anti-leftists - including serious Christians - are prone to criticize mainstream modern Leftist Establishment ideology for being wrong: for propounding Fake New based on Big Lies. 

But the problem is much deeper, and much worse, than this suggests. The problem is that mainstream ideology is incoherent such that reality and truth have merely temporary and expedient meanings; so that (from the inside) 'reality' makes no sense, and 'truth' is grossly inconsistent. 

So, the root problem is incoherence not wrongness; and the incoherence is so extreme that a categorization of 'wrong' is merely an option, just an opinion in a world where the only opinions that matter are those backed by power, wealth or status. 

Therefore, the deep problem is - for examples - Global Warming, the transagenda or the birdemic-peck strategies; is that they are Not Even Wrong - that they do not even rise to the level of wrongness. 

If they are Not Even Wrong, what are they? The answer is that they function primarily as PSYOPS - intentionally harmful mass psychological manipulations. 

Therefore - since these Litmus Test issues are at the heart of modern Western (and, largely, global) governance; we can infer that the major thrust of leadership is implicitly encouraging/ compelling billions of people align their thinking and feelings to incoherent nonsense.  

If we can then understand PSYOPS as the basic motivation of mainstream ideology; the distinctive nature of evil in the modern world may become clearer. 

Monday 1 May 2023

PSYOPS damage thinking, so as to occlude the fact that thinking is damaged

An incredibly eerie thought came to me just now after reading over a typed page in which I describe the Black Iron Prison occluding us in such a way that we can't (even) tell we are occluded. 

Philip K Dick, Exegesis - Sept-Oct 1978: Folder 19


As I have often said; there is never just one thing wrong when there are chronic and adverse trends, but always also a second thing - which overcomes corrective feedback and makes possible the sustaining of the first fault. 

This is the case with those pervasive, unremitting and accelerating PSYOPS practiced upon Western populations (and - even more so - on the managerial/ intellectual classes of these populations) by officialdom, corporations and the mass media. I means the multiple false and arbitrary claims, and gross self-contradictory incoherences; which, nonetheless, 'must' be believed and supported as objective facts. 

What is at work here is a two-fold strategy of occluding, blocking, human thinking. The actual processes of thinking are being damaged, and also this damage prevents people from recognizing that their thinking is being-damaged. 

We find that Modern Man cannot, apparently, apply universal common sense to social situations; fails to recognize and learn-from repeated personal experiences; is unable/ unwilling to infer evil intention from many-fold evil actions; and gets 'blocked' by panic and incomprehension when confronted by even a two-step logical chain ("because of A and B, then C") . 

This is what happens - here-and-now; but why is it possible for the masses to be thus manipulated? And why did it not happen in the past and in all other societies?

Again the answer is twofold (at least twofold): One factor is the presence of the Mass Media and its innate addictive nature and addictive properties. 

The second, which permits this and prevents feedback - is the mass 'apostasy' of Western Man: that vast tidal trend of the abandonment of Christianity, the soul, life-after-death, the world of spirit etc; and adoption of the ideology of materialism/ positivism/ scientism/ leftism with its pseudo-morality of hedonic utilitarianism

Thus, on the one hand, we have unprecedented powers of mind-control; while on the other we have the unprecedented vulnerability of self-maimed minds that deny their own purpose, meaning and significance.  

In the end; we have a world of Men who have rendered themselves helplessly confused and blocked from basic understanding; actively embracing further interventions that increase their own mental helplessness and occlusion; all to the point of destroying Mens' capacity to recognize their own situation. 

The System is the Black Iron Prison - so it will not help its encaged mass victims; and the B.I.P. extends to include the churches, academia, education, arts... and all other potential mainstream sources of spiritual guidance.  

The answer is clear, simple, and within the grasp of a child; but for exactly that reason it is unacceptable to Modern Man. 

The bad news is that each Man can only help himself because no external help is to be had; the good news is that any and every Man is capable of helping himself: of initiating a sequence of events leading to his own escape from the mental toils of the BIP.

It's all a matter of what he most wants. 

Thursday 20 July 2023

Control of our thinking is the totalitarian objective - the ultimate PSYOPS

Just as the mass media is ultimately "about" itself rather than any specific content; so the vast, global, totalitarian apparatus (media, bureaucracy, all major institutions) is to control thinking as such, rather than to inculcate any specific content to thinking. 

Thus totalitarianism seeks to direct thinking, and to link that thinking to a continuous infusion of external stimulus

What results is thinking of a certain character. The characteristic is that people think about subject matter that is being fed to them, using concepts and interpretations that are fed to them; and that this thinking forms the dominant subject matter of human interactions. 

And, sometimes, control of thinking is a PSYOPS; a form of psychological torment that is enjoyed by the Beings who control our social systems. 

The masses are fed with stuff that induces terror and despair; perspectives that make one group resent and hate another; creates enormous edifices of pseudo-knowledge that people then take seriously; or the stuff is simply incoherent, illogical, self-contradicting - and induces bewilderment and numbed passivity. 

The global totalitarian thought-control System can therefore serve many purposes; and satisfy many desires of those who control it.  

Social media amplify, rather then counteract, the mass media; because people mostly talk about what they think about; and what they mostly think about comes from the mass media - usually in terms of subject matter, but also in terms of the categories and assumptions by which discussion proceeds. Thus not just the topic but the scope of social media discourse is totalitarian-controlled. 

Because people are always-absorbing that which they think-about; this sets up habits of thinking that crowd-out other possible ways of thinking - other subject matter, yes; but more importantly other modes of thinking altogether. 

A modern person therefore finds himself enmeshed in toils of bad thinking habits of a mundane/ worldly content, and passive in form; with priorities, interests, assumptions etc. that are chosen by the dominant totalitarians on the one side, and reinforced by most social interactions on the other.

Where can something different and better be sought? 

Until the past few decades, there were realms of groupish human discourse and action that was somewhat or almost-completely autonomous - the realms of entertainment, the arts, hobbies, social activities, the church... 

But, of course All of these have long-since been infiltrated and subverted, and they are now dominated by exactly the same totalitarianism as described above - the phenomena variously termed leftism, political correctness, or wokeness. 

As of 2023; there is no safe place to escape from totalitarianism - at least not into any large grouping or large social activity. 

Even families are being destroyed by anti-family laws and practices and by subversion of individual members. 

2020 and its sequelae demonstrated that only the most loving family relationships and strongest friendships can survive a participant expressing significant dissent from the confines of totalitarian-approved discourse - when the totalitarian System is making a massive push on any particular theme.

As usual nowadays, each individual is thrown back onto his own powers of discernment, analysis, understanding. 

If we do not want to think just whatever They want us to think-about; and in only the ways that They want us to think it - then we must embark upon some kind of personal quest to discover the real and better alternative. 

As of 2023; any easily available or obvious source of external guidance is almost certain to be corrupted; and will (sooner or later) channel us back to the totalitarian-approved main stream. 

So it is up to each of us to seek the answer; made more difficult that the answer will be - to some significant extent - unique to each individual; since our needs and destiny are distinctive. 

The reward, however, is great if we can escape the gravitational tractor-beams of the totalitarian thought-control System: to discover what we ought to be thinking about, and how we ought to be thinking. 

Because the right kind of thinking is one of the very few positively-transformative events that can happen in this world - and because such thinking leads-on to other, and similarly good, outcomes.

Thursday 16 February 2023

Establishment Systematic Big Lies - such as apparently-delusional victory optimism - have a covert meaning

There is far too much 'gotcha!' smugness in the anti-totalitarian commentariat, about noticing and exposing the gross and monolithic lies of the global totalitarian Establishment. 

Yes, of course They lie grossly, and of course They have constructed an entire system of lies - a fake-virtual-reality, or virtuality as I've termed it. 

But They have reasons for doing this - in particular, each major theme of the virtuality is strategic

People are much too ready to accuse Them of being stupid, or of engaging in random PSYOPS - as if any lie would suffice for their purposes. 

Yes, They are stupid; and yes They are engaging in PSYOPS by getting people to believe and affirm incoherent falsehoods - but that is not the whole explanation; and we need to look behind the specific lies that They have chosen to make the long-term and coordinated focus of their plans. 

Because each of these Establishment Systematic Big Lies has a covert reason, that contributes to progression of the agenda of evil. 

Topically; there us a system of lies relating to the Fire Nation conflict, whereby a fake narrative of imminent victory for the West is being pushed and pushed - regardless of realities. This has now reached such an extremity of ludicrousness that it is vital we try to understand what is its function. 

I think I know its function; and if I am correct it is very evil indeed. 

First of all; although you and I realize that this imminent victory narrative is a Big Lie - the passive and ignorant masses (broadly) swallow it; and the intellectual class functionaries whole-heartedly believe its truth. 

Consequently, I think the function of the imminent victory virtuality is to depict the FN as desperate cornered beasts, who will do anything to escape their fate; and this is intended to provide cover for covert staging of a "fake-pennant" incident -- which will actually be performed by the West, on the West - and will probably use what might be called "Armaments of Large-Scale Wrecking" of one sort or another (probably the obvious kind). 

Given that the realities of the situation are opposite from the virtuality, and the imminence of defeat is the opposite of what Western officialdom and media say - the real-life "cornered beasts" are apparently urgently desperate to escalate their efforts; and (given the natural reluctance of most people when it comes to rapid annihilation) 

...They need a plausible excuse for instant, all-out, and no-holds-barred conflict.   

Therefore I am expecting, imminently, exactly such a "fake-pennant" ALSW on one or more of the Western (so-called-) allies; blamed (by the monolithic media-bureaucracy) on the FN. 

I cannot help hoping this does not happen - even though it would be (as some say) karmic; yet, I think it probably will happen - unless a powerful counter-group arises to expel and discredit the currently most-powerful world leadership class. 

Which seems very unlikely - albeit not impossible. 

But even if the fake-pennant plan does get stopped; this will not do Mankind overall and eventual Good unless the stoppers are well-motivated. 

If the stoppers are just the omni-surveillance/ total-control 'Reset' totalitarians - who want to avoid world war only so as to impose a global slave state and controlled-extermination System; then what eventuates will be merely a frying-pan to fire swap.  

Good outcomes absolutely need Good motivations dominantly driving the actions. And nowadays, Good motivations need to be upfront and explicit...

We should keep that in mind.

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Social distancing PSYOPS

Social distancing (SD) has surely been the most effective deployment of PSYOPS in human history. In the space of a few months, this recent, controversial, empirically un-tested hypothetical model about how best to manage influenza epidemics; has been universally propagated and imposed by the governments of the world.

The two metre separation has redefined, and begun the annihilation of, all human social functions and interactions.

To varying degrees, in varying ways, the way we relate to other people has been transformed.

People now treat each other as potential threats; walking down your own street has become regarded (internally) as a high risk activity.

When we approach a stranger (if indeed we dare to venture outdoors or into a supermarket, and if there is anybody else outside at all - since many places now resemble towns of the dead: ghost towns, with human beings deleted from the scene), there is a new social evaluation and negotiation.

Some people are friendly, others (like me) apologetic - and only really concerned not to offend; others are looking-out to take personal offence, and engage in self-righteous indignation and condemnation, or signal their own virtue and concern.

Some people radiate terror, others glare with baleful hostility.

(I suspect that there are significant numbers of people who - from the way they avoid these activities - believe the birdemic plague can be caught by making eye-contact, or by saying 'hello'.)

My point is this: all over the world, billions of people have suddenly had their basic human relationships transformed for the worse by a theory!

This is a solid fact. It is necessary to grasp and consider it - without inserting more theories about 'why'. 

No doubt the legislation, surveillance and fines were a trigger; the unrepented and uncontextualised fear was a strong contributor; and the almost eager agreement and embrace of these restrictions by the masses has surely been a vital element.

But whatever the cause (and asserted necessity), thanks to this hypothetical epidemiological theory (presented as a known fact) the whole world is now a worse place.

If you could rewind the clock six months or a couple of years and point to a handful of obscure research articles modelling influenza outbreaks - arguing over whether SD made outbreaks better or worse; it would not have been possible to believe that this single idea could have been propagated to cover the world and change everything.

Yet it has happened.

Here we are.


Friday 20 November 2020

The difficulty of Heaven, the easiness of Hell

The difficulty of Heaven is that it requires mutual love, mutual harmony, mutuality of purpose. Whereas Hell is potentially a solo venture - we can 'go it alone'. Hell does not need other people, and tends-towards solitude.

It is typical of the value-inversion of an atheist-communist that Sartre got things exactly wrong; when he said that Hell is other people." 

Rather: Hell is what you get from having Sartre's conviction that Hell is other people. Hell is a consequence of souls who regard other people merely as instruments or obstacles to the assertion of one's own Self; who regard 'other people' as objects to be manipulated or eliminated as required to attain one's own goals; and this attitude is itself a product of the rejection of Love.


Heaven is essentially a family; and for a family to work - all of its members must be loving of each other. Any one can opt-out of family, reject family, unilaterally; but sustaining family requires mutuality. 

This shows, in microcosm, the sense in which Heaven is difficult, and Hell is easy. 

But when Heaven does happen (which it can, since the work of Jesus Christ has - by resurrection - made possible a permanent and eternal commitment to Heaven); then the possibilities are open-endedly expanding. 

Heaven will spontaneously increase, will develop, will create - without limit; because in Heaven creation is mutually-reinforcing and cumulative - because Love feeds on itself, nourishes itself. 


However, in Hell the opposite is true: Pride feeds upon itself; Pride increases at the expense of everything-except My Self. 

The long-term tendency in Hell is towards rejection of cooperation, towards solitude; thus towards diminution.


In The Great Divorce, CS Lewis depicts Hell as a place where everybody tries to get-away-from everybody else; by spreading-out, locking themselves in and others out; by socially-distancing. 

Lewis's Hell spreads-out even as all human interaction breaks-down. Men contract and repel, thus Hell spreads.*

This contraction of Hell to self-isolated and mutually-hostile souls happens as a natural consequence of increasing Pride: Self-assertion, self-ish-ness, and ever-more immediate short-termism... all these ensure that life trends-toward a continually-escalating conflict of each against all. 


*However, in a Hell ruled by Satan; the population who crave self-isolation would be prevented from spreading-out; and would instead be forced-into close proximity in over-populated cities; in order to torment them further. And this is indeed the Global Establishment's plan for planet earth. 

Note: By no coincidence; we can perceive an earthly approximation towards Hell in the global developments of 2020: towards a world of self-asserting, resentment-driven, mutually-hostile individuals - each of whom increasingly regards himself as a victim of the prejudice and selfishness of others. A world that regards other people as threats and obstacles. A world of physically-distanced and identity-obscured solo-individuals; fighting (hopelessly) against overwheling impersonal tyranny by asserted entitlements and 'rights'. A world demanding to 'use' others and their lives to extend my personal survival. Here in the UK millions of people are currently legally consigned to the literally-Hellish state of 'self-isolation'; characteristically (fiend-ishly) presented (by our inverted morality) as a public duty, for the 'protection' of others. PSYOPS...    

Sunday 9 May 2021

"Freedom" and "Protest" here-and-now = criminalization of Christianity

From my book Addicted to Distraction (2014) - In the global totalitarian world from 2020; what applies to the Mass Media applies equally to government, corporations, and all bureaucratic institutions (including the main Christian Churches); and all large-scale public campaigns and demonstrations (including those that self-present as oppositional and dissenting): 

The modern Mass Media only unleashes hype for bad things – for things destructive of traditional values (of truth, beauty or – especially – virtue). 

From the Mass Media perspective, therefore, that which is traditionally Good is re-presented as bad; and vice versa. 

People and events presented by the media as Good are always in reality bad; and people or events presented by the media as bad are usually (but not always) Good* – and when bad people or events are not presented as Good, then they are condemned as bad for the wrong reasons. 

Also, if genuinely Good things happen to be presented as Good by the Mass Media; then it will invariably be the case that they also are said to be Good for the wrong reasons. 

Thus, the major output of the modern international Mass Media consists of only four categories: 
1. Good presented as bad 
2. Bad presented as Good (That is to say simple inversion) 
3. Good presented as Good for a bad reason 
4. Bad presented as bad for a bad reason (That is to say explanatory inversion) 

These four categories, which can be summarized as either simple or explanatory inversion, account for all sustained and high impact modern major Mass Media stories without any exceptions.

The one I wish to draw attention to is: 3. Good presented as Good for a bad reason 

This I would apply to any movement advocating Freedom, Free Speech and Free Expression; and to any and all groupings with a negative agenda of 'anti', 'protest' and 'resistance'. 

The simple reason is that there is no neutrality in the modern world; so there is no freedom - and in The West there is only the choice to follow, or to oppose, Jesus Christ. 

Any-thing which says it just opposes 'evil'; which presents itself as a neutral Good - any-thing which presents itself as merely-permissive (asking for generic freedom, human rights, for universal allowing) - any-thing which is supposedly just common sense, or pragmatism, or 'decent'...

Any and all such will in practice, for sure, (whether immediately or soon) be differentially interpreted and differentially enforced against Christians; and Christians-only.   

So, unless a group or movement or any-thing is explicitly really-Christian and also explicitly repents and rejects all Leftist projects - including all the litmus tests of birdemic/peck, antiracism, climate-environmentalism, social/femin-ism and the sexual revolution...

Unless this, we can be sure that the institution, group, movement, demonstration, protest is actually serving the Enemy agenda, the demonic agenda - and is actually opposed to God, the creation and The Good. 

(It was not always thus, but as of 2021 it is thus.) 

*Note added: I have changed my view on this since 2014; because I now believe there are no Good people in public life (indeed there seem to be extremely few people allied with God and creation at all anywhere; nearly-everybody is on the other side whether explicitly or passively. The totality of public life is secular, leftist and demonically-motivated - variations are just a matter of degree). In other words, things have either become a lot worse in the past 7 years, and/or the evilness of public people has become more obvious. Yet 'public people' are often attacked in the media and elsewhere. Good/ God-aligned people may well be attacked - but statistically nearly-all of the people attacked are themselves evil - merely a different type of evil than the attackers. This reality needs to be understood as just one aspect of the evil plan; with concepts such as 'office politics' inside the one ruling party-bureaucracy, controlled-opposition, distraction, PSYOPS etc. Things nowadays are Very Simple.  

Saturday 27 May 2023

Since we all already co-create our reality; which reality should we choose to co-create?

Things in the modern world, especially 'The West', are much-more wrong than most people (most Christians) realize - and wrong for fundamental (metaphysical) reasons. 

Modern Men already (and increasingly) participate in 'making' the realities they inhabit - they co-create reality

This has always been the case - but whereas it used to be unconscious, spontaneous, automatic - and therefore it seemed like reality was 'out there'; now our participation is increasingly conscious - that is, we choose the reality we inhabit. 

(This was shown, to my satisfaction, by Rudolf Steiner and Owen Barfield - and a similar perspective is well expounded by Stanley Messenger in the first 25 minutes of this lecture presentation: Virtual reality and the paranormal.) 

The evil consequences can be seen all around - but are mistakenly usually put-down to people rejecting 'reality' - in favour of believing subjective (or collective) delusions, illusions, wishful-thinking or whatever. 

But this analysis is (ultimately, at depth) a mistake - which is probably why it has no traction as a critique - because there is no objective reality that is 'free' from participation by consciousness, because all realities are (in a strong sense) chosen. 

Instead of asserting an objective versus subjective distinction of real versus false-virtual; we ought to replace 'reality' with 'divine creation' - and then evaluate our multiple, subjective realities as to whether or not our personal realities are harmonious-with, and seek the same goals as, divine creation. 

In other words; do we want to choose to become a committed member of divine creation; or to reject it and 'do' something else instead. 

1. We all co-create reality, and 

2. We all exert considerable conscious choice concerning the reality we co-create. 

3. Most people choose to participate in the mainstream reality propagated in a totalitarian fashion by government, mass media, major corporations and the major social systems (law, churches, health services, education, policing etc.). 

4. But this mainstream totalitarian system (which so many people choose to co-create and inhabit) is incoherent and unstable; and offers no meaning, no purpose, and no hope. 

5. Therefore, the apparently-'easy' option of joining yourself to the mainstream System; in practice (and increasingly) turns-out to be a PSYOPS: a continuously-destructive psychological manipulation that makes no sense, violates our instincts and intuitions alike, and results in a continually-dysphoric and increasingly-despairing mind-state. 

6. Yet all public discourse is, by-now, converged-onto the mainstream System - all sub-systems lead to the One Global System; all public groupings are densely interconnected-with, substantially controlled-by, The System -- Therefore the only alternatives to The System lie out-with The System - and are ignored, suppressed, denied, and attacked-by The System. 

How then can we discover alternatives... How discover the truth of divine creation?  

So, this is our situation - what confronts us. On the one hand, there is all the mainstream stuff, fed us by the mainstream (including churches); and on the other hand, the mainstream is evil, ineffective, misery-making, despair-inducing rubbish

Yet, if we want anything different-and-better; something which sustains (for instance) any or all of meaning purpose, life, consciousness, creativity, hope and love - then we will need to find-out about it for ourselves, using our own best judgment. 

And because we need to do this job in the face of almost universal opposition; therefore, our personal understanding of divine creation will need to be something we are really motivated to believe, some-thing we really believe! - something that we regard as really true, and also something we want to be true!

Only something as solid as this; will suffice in the face of such vast and pervasive opposition.  

The task therefore, should we choose to accept it, is to find-out each for our-selves about divine creation - from our experience, from sources we trust, from that kind of reasoning we regard as solid; confirmed by our deepest, strongest and most-enduring intuitions.

We need each to find-out about divine creation, and how we can live in harmony with it, and how - in our actual personal lives - we can seek its goals.  

And we need to find-out primarily with respect to our-own tough, enduring and inspiring satisfaction. 

Because anything less we will not be able to develop and grow; anything less will not suffice to resist, and to overcome in our hearts and minds the vast power and propaganda of the evil that is the mainstream, totalitarian, global System. 


Sunday 4 October 2020

Same payment for (much) less goods or services - the New Normal economics

This is my best guess for how things are currently working. We still pay people just the same or almost as much, but we get less or nothing for that money. Almost the same amount of virtual-money is circulating, but people are getting much less for it*. 

The cost is experienced in the fact of a massively reduced standard of living: people are still 'buying' (whether directly in fees, or through subscriptions, or via taxes) almost as much as they used to; but people simply can't do much. Often they are locked-in, to a greater or lesser degree; but even if they are not (not yet); still almost everything is either closed or very restricted; and everything that is not closed or restricted is much lower in quality.

While people are paying the same, they are getting much less. 

People continue to pay-out; but don't get-back. 


The function of the birdemic scam (and the climate change scam) is to reduce expectations, make people feel 'grateful' for any little thing they get-back (more accurately, for anything they are allowed) - and thereby to 'bridge the gap' between same output, but reduced input.

(Fear of being-allowed nothing-at-all, makes people grateful to pay more for... something - anything...)


Can it go-on? I don't know. Maybe. Probably - given the cowardly materialism of the masses, and the Satanic affiliations of all our ruling Establishment. 

It's a PSYOPS strategy, essentially; and enforcement success feeds-upon itself. 

When people are compulsorily confined to their rooms and unable to meet other humans (for obviously fake reasons, imposed arbitrarily and without appeal) - there is (or soon will be) no 'Real Life'. 

The virtuality becomes the only available option. 

Then people can be fed the necessary data and interpretations to sustain the New Normal via the (censored and controlled) social and mass media that are their only means of survival.   

*Note: What I find needs explaining is that previous significant economic depressions have been associated either with inflation - money rapidly losing value, unpredictably, with rising prices and wages; or else the opposite of de-flation - with mass unemployment, dropping wages and falling prices. Here we have not very much of either and (de facto) negative interest rates - which have been enforced by the near abolition of cash (so that - for the first time - people are compelled to pay banks for holding their money).

Monday 14 March 2022

Christians who are primarily loyal to their churches are being assimilated into The (Satanic) System

A Christian cannot for long stay a Christian nowadays; if he regards loyalty/ obedience to his church as primary. 

In a world where The System is evil in motivation and net-activity, anyone whose primary loyalty is to any institution will be vulnerable to being drawn to support The System - whenever their institution is threatened. 

And anyone who is drawn to support The System cannot for long be Christian; because The System serves Satan. 


And this conflict between Christ and Church will happen, is happening, as often as the powers of evil can contrive it. 

For instance; it seems apparent than many devout traditionalists Christians have chosen to support The System over the past few weeks; apparently because they perceive an existential threat to their church. 

But the fact is that The System can contrive events such that any church can be acutely threatened at almost any time; and indeed all churches, because they are institutions, are dependent on The System for their survival and sustaining. 

Churches are linked by many ties with The System bureaucracies and mass media - economics, finance, laws (employment law, workplace regulation, laws to do with buildings and utilities etc), with educational provision and may other links. 

Any church can therefore (in principle - if 'necessary) be subjected to a coordinated international official-media destructive hate-fest of lies, misinformation, fake news, hostile propaganda and PSYOPS such as we have seen for the birdemic-peck, antiracism, climate and the current Oceana-Eurasia frenzy. 

Whether at this extreme, or by a more attritional process; sooner or later, every serious Christian church has-been or will-be faced by an immediate threat to its survival - unless it complies with one or another (eventually all) of the priorities of The System. 

The church will then either orientate to The System, or acutely be destroyed as an institution

In other words; all that is worldly about churches will be assimilated or destroyed, along with those adherents who are loyal to it; and only that which is 'not of this world' will remain Christian. 

The adherents of that church will then face the choice between God and Church, Jesus Christ and Church, being a Christian and Church. 

Indeed, this has already happened, and is in the past for many Christians in many churches. Those who remain in these churches, and remain primarily loyal to the church, are in The System - and being led ever deeper. 

Some traditionalist Christians who survived the birdemic-peck have succumbed to System assimilation in the past few weeks - as they decide to support their church's here-and-now survival as first priority. 

All will come to this crux sooner or later, and the pace increases; as something that we personally love - yet which depends upon The System - is threatened. 

But church survival - the survival of any institution we love, is only acute and short-term. 

In the end, everything of this world depends on The System; can be destroyed by The System - and The System is destroying itself - and with increasing rapidity.

So survival of any institutional church is in fact only a stay of execution, a delay from destruction.  

Which means that those who accepted The System into their hearts in order that their church would survive; will see their churches be destroyed - and be left with nothing but The System.  

This we should expect; should regard as eventually inevitable. Christ's kingdom is not of this world, because this world is mortal, and resurrection comes after death. 

The kingdom of this world is Satan's - more and more obviously so; and insofar as any church is of this world, that church will be part of the Satanic System.

Thus, Christians cannot primarily be loyal to any church. Faith must be rooted in the next world, or perish. 

Saturday 27 June 2020

Cover your face! (The transition from face mask to face covering)

Here you can see the rise of "face covering" and the decline of the "face mask"... As usual, as with "social distancing", we are being told the underlying purpose of the measures. As usual, this reality is ignored/ denied.

(In other words, there has been a transition from the hygeine theatre of masks as a fake prophylaxis; to the blatant PSYOPS of covering; presumably with the usual motivation of divide/ rule, and fear/ resent/ despair.)