How Jews “Love” Christians

How Jews “Love” Christians

“They sustain the State like an executioner’s rope… Fatherland, religion and faith are words void of meaning for those that close within their chest a shield instead of a heart… They have as a profession usury, as a privilege impunity for theft or rather the right to bankruptcy.” Here, some will say to us, is the reason for the antipathy to which the Jews provoke all, here is the origin of antisemitism, the latent volcano that threatens to erupt in open and general revolt against their auspicious dominion.

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The Failed Quest for American Identity

The Failed Quest for  American Identity

This Anglo-Protestant culture has been “central to American identity for three centuries,”[i] and Huntington sees no reason why it should not serve as the template for another three centuries, as long as Americans “recommit themselves to the Anglo-Protestant culture, traditions, and values that for three and a half centuries have been embraced by Americans of all races, ethnicities, and religions and that have been the source of their liberty, unity, power, prosperity, and moral leadership as a force for good in the world.”

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The God of the Cubicles: Why Sola Scriptura is not Scriptural

The God of the Cubicles: Why Sola Scriptura is not Scriptural

Every Christian soul would benefit from subduing independent declarations of biblical interpretations. If you so believe in “biblical perspicuity”: the clarity of Sacred Scripture regarding essential matters of salvation (faith and morals), then, to be consistent, you should accept the heretical “right of private judgement”: the individual’s right to privately interpret Sacred Scripture…

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The Ethnic Cleansing of German Minorities after the War

The Ethnic Cleansing of German Minorities after the War

The change from semitic vengeance to social engineering as the basis for America’s policy during the immediate post war period got imposed on the German people by John J. McCloy, who would also impose social engineering in the form of ethnic cleansing on Catholic ethnic neighborhoods in the United States during the period immediately following his tenure as High Commissioner in Germany. As head of the Ford Foundation in the 1960s, McCloy would employ Black ministers like Leon Sullivan to recruit Black sharecroppers from North and South Carolina to drive Catholics out of ethnic neighborhoods in Philadelphia…

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The Triumph of Walter Lüftl

The Triumph of Walter Lüftl

In November of 1992, he was advised by telephone that the charges had been dropped, since it was established that he was scientifically correct. Lüftl’s telephone message from the bureaucrat is a notable exception. In the written notification of dismissal, the grounds were not named. In official documents the authorities would always avoid writing down a statement that could have serious consequences, like admitting that revisionists are right after all.

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The Ethnic Cleansing of German Minorities after the War

The Ethnic Cleansing of German Minorities after the War

Thinking that his interrogation had ended, Fittkau stood up to leave when the “interpreter suddenly wheeled and pounced on me like an animal catching his prey by surprise. ‘We know you were a member of the Nazi Party. We know you had connections all the time with the SS. They sent you out of Germany with special orders to spy for the Nazi government.’” Thrusting his clenched fist into the air in the Communist salute, Fittkau’s interrogator shouted, “The great Red Army has destroyed Hitler’s swine! Now it will go on to wipe out all priests and all other pigs!”

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Confessions of an Ivy League Shiksa

Confessions of an Ivy League Shiksa

Thus, at Yale I was getting a Jewish education, whether or not I was aware of it. At some point, however, I noticed how many Jewish course offerings there were in the Religious Studies department, and it struck me that they might outnumber the Christian ones. I counted up the courses offered by the department, and found that indeed, Jewish courses outnumbered Christian ones, not including courses like Sarna’s or Metlizki’s, which I had wrongly assumed would be Christian. How odd, I thought, for a school founded by Christian clergymen, in a country where there were reportedly 40 times more Christians than Jews. One of the Christian-themed classes I took in the Religious Studies major was a seminar on Christian monasticism. We took one field trip as part of that class, to the Benedictine Abbey of Regina Laudis in Bethlehem, Connecticut, where we met an elderly nun named Mother Jerome, whom I still remember vividly. She had been born into an aristocratic German family and was living in Munich during World War Two when the city was bombed by British and American planes. Tens of thousands of civilians were killed and wounded, but what she described to us was the aftermath of their bombing the library. Walking out by the river afterwards, she saw thousands of pages of paper flying in the air, caught in tree branches, and falling into the river. I bought a book of her poems, Things That Surround Us.

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Voris Falls for the Second Time

Voris Falls for the Second Time

Saying that Voris “brought so many people to the Church by his fidelity” is only slightly less preposterous than saying that his S & M leather bar Church of Nasty expressed “the truths of the faith in a vigorous beautiful way.” Weston’s statement was so out of touch with reality that it demanded an explication of the hidden grammar of his true intentions in making it, but that became clear in light of Weston’s closing statement:

“Let’s pray, and let’s not be taken in. There’s going to be a lot of accusations. There’s going to be an attempt to paint Life Site and Taylor Marshall and Michael Matt with a kind of brush that say’s “Look, look, let’s not go there.”

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The Sins of Prophets: Was Calvin a Homosexual?

The Sins of Prophets: Was Calvin a Homosexual?

But Calvin was hardly an anomaly in this regard. Martin Luther, the founder of the Reformation, repeatedly called himself a prophet. In 1539 he confided to a friend that, “I don’t like prophesying, and I also don’t want to prophesy, because what I prophesy—especially the evil—occurs more than I like… Because I speak God’s word, it has to happen.” In spite of his professed dislike for prophesying, inspired predictions were not at all out of place in Luther’s daily life. In January 1532, Luther “foretold that he would be sick, that in March he would be overtaken by a grave illness.”

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My Library Problem – and Ours

My Library Problem – and Ours

On June 27, a local branch of the Proud Boys showed up at what was supposed to be a Drag Queen Story Hour at the Virginia M. Tutt branch of the St. Joseph County Public Library. WVPE, the local NPR affiliate, gave a tendentious account of the incident which incorporated all of the usual epithets about “the growth of hateful right-wing rhetoric against LGBTQ people” at the hands of the Proud Boys “and other far-right groups” which “have turned up at Pride parades and events like drag queen story hours.”

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The Jew Taboo

The Jew Taboo

The Jews rejected the fundamental basis of the universe when they rejected the Messiah because as St. John writes about the Son of God at the beginning of the fourth Gospel, “In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God.” In rejecting the Second Person of the Trinity, the Jews reject order and redemption. The Jews reject their Messiah and turn instead to anti-Christian revolutionary movements. If Logos is indeed the fundamental basis of the universe, then the logos of practical reason known as morality should determine human behavior. This truth was lost on the Jews who ran the Manhattan Project, because the Jewish revolutionary spirit, manifested as Communism at the time, was in fundamental rebellion against the order of the universe that Werner Heisenberg discovered by reading Greek to determine whether to create an atomic bomb.

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Oppenheimer: Applied Jewish Science

Oppenheimer: Applied Jewish Science

The main vehicle for the Oppenheimers’ assimilation into American culture was the Ethical Culture Society, a “non-religion” which was founded in 1876 by Felix Adler as an outgrowth of American Reform Judaism. Adler’s “non-religion,” according to Bird, would “have a powerful influence in the molding of Robert Oppenheimer’s psyche, both emotionally and intellectually.”

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Why Hawthorne was Melancholy: The “Lost Clew” Explained, Part II

Why Hawthorne was Melancholy: The “Lost Clew” Explained, Part II

Henry James felt that Hawthorne never stopped being “an intense American,” who viewed Europe “from the standpoint of that little clod of Western earth which he carried about with him as the good Mohammedan carries the strip of carpet on which he kneels down to face towards Mecca.” James describes the last years of Hawthorne’s life as “a period of dejection” which differed dramatically from “seven years of the happiest opportunities he was to have known” which corresponded to the years preceding his return.  Hawthorne’s son-in-law George Lathrop claimed that “When he found himself once more on the old ground, with the old struggle for subsistence staring him in the face again, it is not difficult to conceive how a certain degree of depression would follow.”

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The Life and Times of Jerry Springer

The Life and Times of Jerry Springer

Jerry Springer’s sole sibling (Evelyn) and parents emigrated to the U.S. in 1949. As Springer often remarks, “I left England at age five when I found out I couldn’t be king.” And therein lies a more revealing truth about Springer’s character than of Bob Hope’s, from whose repertoire he borrowed. With the assistance of a New York-based Jewish refugee foundation the family settled in a tightly-knit Jewish neighborhood in Queens, New York, where Springer’s aunt resided. Richard Springer made stuffed animals and peddled them on street corners, with Jerry often in tow. Margot worked as a bank clerk. Jerry’s mother laid down firm rules governing the household. ”It was always work before play,” she recalls. “‘I guess it’s the German in us.’”

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Why Hawthorne was Melancholy: The “Lost Clew” Explained

Why Hawthorne was Melancholy: The “Lost Clew” Explained

In the remoter past, the name Rose Hawthorne conjured up an unwritten chapter in The Angel and the Machine, the book that grew out of the doctoral dissertation I wrote on Nathaniel Hawthorne’s rational psychology during the winter and spring of 1978. Hawthorne was an acute observer and a man of exquisite sensibility whose life was dedicated to the pursuit of beauty in what he observed and what he created. I had to wait almost 50 years to finish the book I started in the 1970s because I didn’t know then that the artist could often portray what the philosopher cannot explain and could not know how that category of thought explicated Hawthorne’s life until I had written The Dangers of Beauty.

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Iranian Responses to Restoring Iran’s Vision

Iranian Responses to Restoring Iran’s Vision

Jews invented Islam. That’s why it calls for Tasleem, meaning surrender, and penalizes anyone who leaves the religion. Islam was designed as a devotional army serving the ultimate Jewish goal of invading the great Persian empire. Much later the Jews also invented the myth of king Cyrus saving them or the myth of Purim in order to self-aggrandize and back date themselves as an ancient people, which they are not…

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Restoring Iran’s Vision: Sexuality, Women, and the Logos Incarnate

Restoring Iran’s Vision: Sexuality, Women, and the Logos Incarnate

When the spring rains melt the winter snows in South Bend, Indiana the St. Joseph River overflows its banks and becomes dangerous enough to kill you. On one of those spring days, I was walking across the LaSalle Street bridge when a black woman approached me from the west bank and asked if had had a cell phone. When I told her I didn’t, she replied by saying, “I need to call my momma because I’m gonna kill myself.” At that point, she hopped over the railing and stood on the ledge over the raging St. Joe River 40 feet below preparing to jump…

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#TransTerrorism and Notre Dame

#TransTerrorism and Notre Dame

During her monologue, Williams stated more than once that “abortion is birth” without being questioned, much less contradicted, by her equally sexually ambiguous interlocutor. Before long, it became clear that the connection between abortion and transgenderism existed in her mind alone, which is why she was so essential to this discussion. Crippled by guilt after killing two of her children, Williams became obsessed with exonerating herself by becoming an avid promoter of abortion. Then, as if to make the further commission of that sin impossible, Ms. Williams decided to become a man, as the moustache on her otherwise feminine face testifies.…

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Michigan for Dummies: How Rainbow Farm Inaugurated Dope Culture in the Wolverine State

Michigan for Dummies: How Rainbow Farm Inaugurated Dope Culture in the Wolverine State

Beset with a moment of cognitive dissonance when confronted with a crowd of sexually liberated potheads of the sort he had ridiculed in 1969, Haggard opined that his “antihippie anthem,” to use Kuiper’s phrase, “don’t mean what it used to”4 and sang it anyway.

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Catholic Teaching on Jews and Judaism

Catholic Teaching on Jews and Judaism

…No they are not brothers and sisters in the faith. The Jews, at large, rejected and still reject Jesus Christ as God and Savior. The whole religion of the Jews, whether Reformed, Hasidic or otherwise, is based on a rejection of Jesus Christ, as their core belief. So how can the Jews be “our brothers and sisters in faith” if they reject the very essence of the Christian faith? The only Jews today who are our brothers and sisters in faith are the Messianic Jews who have accepted Christ, but even then, most Messianic Jews are Protestant…

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