
Updated: 02:30 EDT

Look to Europe for some star performers on the investment front

France should be in a state of high excitement ahead of the start of the Paris Olympics later this month. Instead, the nation is in a state of turmoil following a deadlocked election. So what does this mean for Europe's pharmaceutical, software and other companies, which are seen as the nearest thing to America's 'Magnificent Seven' tech stocks? If you want to take a European flutter this Olympic summer, here's what you need to know.

Fears that populist policies in Europe could reduce defence budgets - on the basis that far-right politicians tend to be pro-Putin.

Burberry is facing flak from angry investors over its fashion ranges and the vertiginous decline in its share price which some fear could make it vulnerable to a takeover.

One in four younger investors now get investment ideas from Reddit

Social media platforms such as Reddit are awash with investing ideas and advice, but investors are warned that much of this can be misleading - with some good examples too.

Labour will boost UK shares, says BlackRock - and these funds could profit

US investment giant BlackRock's proprietary research business has backed UK stocks to outperform, with foreign investors pulled in by 'relative political stability'. The BlackRock Investment Institute this week moved to an 'overweight' position on London-listed stocks on the basis that a new government with a sizeable majority will encourage investors to recognise 'attractive valuations'.

FreeTrade launched the flexible feature to allow investors to withdraw and replace money without impacting their annual Isa allowance.

The chief executive of Liontrust has said a new government with a sizeable majority could help drive a revival in the UK's lacklustre stock market.

I'm inheriting £10m - can I set up an investment trust to manage it for my family and cut

I am being left £10million, could I create an investment trust to manage it? I would like to manage my family's wealth and enable members of the family to have a stake in it. We speak to investment experts to find out how a reader inheriting a large sum can manage it.

Terry Smith defended his decision not to add Nvidia to the Fundsmith Equity portfolio, despite the fund lagging the benchmark since January.

Ozempic made investors huge profits - MIDAS SHARE TIPS unearths companies working on

Shareholders in the makers of weight-loss drug Ozempic have made huge profits. Now our award-winning Midas stock picking expert, Joanne Hart, unearths the companies working on potential blockbuster treatments of the future.

My grandfather was no financial whizzkid. A family man with little interest in worldly goods, he bought one share in his entire life - Tesco.

ANGLE is the inventor of Parsortix, a liquid biopsy technology that has received FDA approval for use in breast cancer-the first and only such device to achieve this for its intended use.

Best stocks & shares Isas: Pick the right investment account

Choosing the right investing account is crucial to keep costs down and get the service you need, but a wealth of choice and a variety of charges can leave investors scratching their heads. We pick some of the best and highlight why investing in an Isa makes sense to protect your investments from tax.


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What could Labour mean for investment returns? How Prime Ministers fared since 1970

A delve back into historical data shows that Labour has largely had positive returns when it's in office. In the past, Labour governments have delivered market returns of more than double that of the Conservatives, according to analysis by InvestEngine.

The FTSE 250 firm began a partnership in November 2019 to develop the Japanese retail giant's online grocery operations using its Ocado Smart Platform.

How the rich are shielding their money from Labour: Tax advisers reveal six ways you can

Britain's wealthiest households rushed to make swift but sweeping changes to their finances before the General Election, fearing the spectre of a Labour tax raid, from hikes to capital gains tax and the end of generous pension allowances to an attack on families' precious inheritances. Tax advisers and wealth managers who work with some of the richest households tell Mail+ exactly what those in the know have been doing behind the scenes, from maximising the amount in their pensions to paying their grandchildren's school fees early.

If you are ready for a gamble and prepared for nasty surprises, here's how to exploit the opportunities of this new climate.

What does Labour's election win mean for your money? From tax, to pensions and homes, what

The manifesto was notably light on detail, but now the votes are in we will finally find out what Labour intends to do on regaining power after 14 years of Tory government. New Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has pledged to prioritise economic growth. Here are the proposals we know about so far and the things that have been left unsaid and what Labour in power could mean for your finances.

How to increase your wealth under Labour: The stocks experts tip to invest in

For better or for worse, we have five years of a Labour government ahead of us. Although there is little doubt that life for prudent savers and investors will become increasingly difficult as Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves hits them with extra taxes, despair should not be the order of the day. Far from it. While the ability to shield personal wealth from tax will become trickier under Labour, the case for investing in stock markets remains robust. Investment opportunities, not just here in the UK but overseas, abound. It is a view held by many financial experts Wealth & Personal Finance spoke to in the wake of Labour's crushing victory at the polls yesterday.

I bought a designer 1990s Fendi bag from a charity shop for £200 on a hunch it's worth far

I bought a designer bag from a second hand shop for £200. I thought it was quite expensive but loved it - and had a hunch it might be worth far more. Also, I decided that even if my hunch was wrong, I'd be left with a bag I absolutely adore. Did I get a bargain or did I overpay?

Bitcoin had a strong start to the year after the launch of exchange-traded funds in the US, propelling it to a record $73,803.25 in mid-March. However, it has since struggled.

It is possible to acquire a stake in Nvidia and the other Silicon Valley names through investment trusts whose shares are at a discount to their net asset values.

​The 'kill switch' that would cripple the global economy if China invades Taiwan - and how

Taiwan dominates production of the computer chips powering the AI revolution that has driven tech shares to stunning heights. But what would happen to YOUR investments and pension if the Chinese invade? Global stock markets would tumble as disruption to global supply chains led to shortages of key components like microchips. This would mean higher prices for cars, computers and other consumer goods. As inflation takes hold, interest rates would rise, potentially plunging the global economy into recession.

It is a beneficiary of massive inward investment as big international companies shift their manufacturing bases southwards out of China and into North Vietnam.

Alliance and Witan, which each date back more than a century, said they were likely to be eligible for admission to the FTSE 100 after they join forces.

I collect 50p coins - do I really have one worth £30,000? DAN HATFIELD replies

I've collected 50p coins for quite some time and would love to know the value of what I have accumulated over time. I've seen some coins like the ones I have listed on various sites for £30,000 and other high values. Dan Hatfield delves into the world of coins.

Athletes are vying for glory this summer, and firms are spending a fortune to make sure that, no matter who wins, they will also be celebrating. So where should investors going for gold put their money?

Whoever wins will do so in the shadow of Liz Truss' disastrous mini Budget. Can Britain revitalise its economic fortunes while avoiding another market meltdown?

What will the election aftermath mean for investors? Three experts give their verdict

The election campaign is almost over, so what should investors make of the likely outcome - a Labour majority if the polls are right. Susannah Streeter of Hargreaves Lansdown (left), says Labour seems intent on avoiding 'mini-Budget'-style turmoil. Stephen Yiu of the Blue Whale Growth fund (centre) says alaise is already baked into the UK market. And James Norton of Vanguard (right) explores the impact of elections on a 60% shares/40% bonds portfolio over the past 40 years.

Can these high-flyers help your profits soar?

Investors excited at the opportunities on offer must be prepared for global shocks that cause havoc in the airline industry, as Covid illustrated. Also, even before the announcement of the general election, Johan Lundgren of easyJet and Michael O'Leary of Ryanair sensed that some customers were becoming more resistant to high ticket prices. The suspicions surrounding the Labour government's true plans for tax rises may make more households wary about splashing out. Meanwhile, in the longer term, there is the possibility of further legislation to limit the environmental impact of flying. As a consequence of these factors, there is no guarantee of up-up-and-away performance, but there are bargains on offer.

Unilever's CEO Hein Schumacher says that the matter is 'not straightforward' since, if Unilever quits Russia, its assets could be seized by allies of President Putin.

The extraordinary surge in the share price of Nvidia, making it for a few hours the most valuable company in the world, is both a symbol and a warning.

Eight bargain investment trusts that could bring YOU returns of up to 90% over five years

Investing some of your hard-earned money in a portfolio of stock market-listed investment trusts makes sense on so many levels. Although investing is never without risk, we (the western world) are on the cusp of better economic times. Inflation is coming down (2 per cent in the UK) and while the Bank of England held off cutting interest rates on Thursday, lower interest rates - like Labour - are coming. When they arrive here, right across Europe and in the United States, they will provide the ideal backdrop for economic growth to prosper. Stock markets feed off such conditions.

What is pension lifestyling? Bond crash reveals de-risking dangers

The bond market crash in recent months has drawn attention to a little-known or understood investment strategy that many workers are 'defaulted' into in the run-up to retirement. Some older workers have discovered to their horror that they are sitting on huge losses right on the brink of retirement , which they might be forced to delay as a result. Here's what you need to know about pension lifestyling...

Hard-earned pension savings: what happens to them when you retire?

What actually happens to your pension when you retire, and how can you make the most of what you've got?

Many people could benefit from one-time help over some aspect of their finances, and this need not tie you into a long-term relationship with an adviser.

How do government bonds work?

Global government bond markets are vast and affect everyone who pays tax, saves or invests. But it's often hard to tell what's going on when there's a surge in bond buying or a sell-off because the jargon used by industry insiders can be pretty impenetrable. We unscramble it here to help everyone else fathom what's going on.

What is capital gains tax and how much will I pay?

Capital gains tax is levied on assets ranging from shares to second homes, buy-to-lets and personal possessions. Your main home that you live in, known as your Principal Private Residence, is exempt from CGT. That, plus an annual tax-free allowance of £12,300, has meant CGT is typically levied on wealthier taxpayers. However, radical future cuts to the CGT allowance announced in Chancellor Jeremy Hunt's cash grabbing Autumn Statement make it inevitable that many more people will have to pay it in future.

Anyone wanting to save a deposit to buy their first home should consider putting money into a Lifetime Isa - and earn a 25 per cent bonus on contributions.

Dividends can bring great returns, particularly if you keep reinvesting them - but the Government inevitably wants its share of this wealth.

Should I overpay my mortgage or invest?

Homeowners with a mortgage face an ongoing financial dilemma - use any excess cash to pay down the debt or invest instead? It's a simple question, but the answer really depends on personal circumstances - and, very importantly, whether you are a risk taker or more risk averse, says Rob Morgan of Charles Stanley.

Followers of FIRE live frugally and invest aggressively in their 20s and 30s in pursuit of early retirement. We ask money experts how easy it is is to stick to, and when plans might get derailed.

All I get from my adviser is an annual review where they tell me not to do anything with the pension. Can I manage it myself? Veteran money expert Henry Tapper replies.

Six maths lessons everyone can learn to get richer

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak recently announced his intention for school pupils to learn maths to age 18. So what would a real-world curriculum most useful to understanding personal finance look like? Becky O'Connor of PensionBee explains compound growth, pound-cost averaging, inflation and percentages, in a way anyone can grasp and apply to their own finances.

There's no getting around it, you need do some homework and maths if you're thinking of buying shares. But which sums are the most useful to investors?

If you are interested in buying shares or know more about unearthing good companies and valuing them, read our guide to share investing.

How to read a balance sheet and find out if a company is financially sound

Tom Stevenson, investment director at Fidelity International, explains what you can learn from a balance sheet using drinks giant Britvic as his test case. Making sense of a balance sheet is important when you're deciding whether or not to buy shares, because you want to be sure a company you're investing in is financially sound.

Investment trusts have interesting quirks and features that mean careful research is important in order to fully understand what you are buying, says Ryan Hughes of AJ Bell.

Deciding which fund to invest in can be a challenge when managing your own portfolio. Expert Tom Stevenson explains what information to look for and where when selecting investments.

How many shares do you need to diversify a portfolio?

We put this question to three top investing experts and their answers were six, 12, and a few dozen... However, they did all add essentially the same rider, 'it depends'. What it depends on is the level of diversification you manage to achieve with the shares you own, the amount of conviction you have in them, and whether you have the time and dedication to stay on top of your portfolio. Our experts offer plenty of practical advice on making a success of all the above, which should come in useful however many shares you hold.

Pension freedoms mean retirees can now invest their savings how they like rather than buy a stingy annuity. But what do you need to consider and plan ahead for when funding retirement this way?

Many are at risk of hasty blunders like selling and putting money in a current or savings account, missing out on tax breaks - or even holding onto old share certificates for sentimental reasons.

What do cryptic investment fund names mean?

Investment fund names are often a baffling mixture of impressive but vague words, which mean little to people who aren't already clued up on financial jargon. People hoping to boost their savings by buying a fund or trust face a steep learning curve, unless they're lucky enough to have a friend in the know or are willing to fork out fees to a financial adviser. We offer a short cut, and explain what all the fancy terms really mean.

A well-run company is likely to perform better and avoid errors and scandal, but judging this can be a tough task for individual investors. We explain how to sift the evidence.


Investing: don't miss

The investment industry's world of abbreviations...

Acc: Accumulation - any income generated by the fund like dividends or interest is automatically reinvested.
Inc: Income - any income generated is distributed by the fund instead of being reinvested.
Dis: Distribution - any income generated is distributed by the fund instead of being reinvested.
R: Retail - the fund is aimed at ordinary investors.
I/Inst: Institutional - the fund is aimed at corporate investors like pension funds.
A, B, M, X etc: Different fund houses use letters for different things. Check with them what they stand for.
NT/No trail: Some fund houses use this name on clean funds which carry no commissions for financial advisers, supermarkets or brokers, just the fee levied by the fund manager. But other fund houses use different letters - I, D or Y, for example - so you need to find out for yourself which are clean funds.
Gr: Stands for gross.
GBP/£: Fund denominated in pounds.
EUR: Fund denominated in euros.
USD/$: Fund denominated in US dollars.

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