Former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani speaks to Jan. 6th committee for 9 HOURS, after his lawyer demanded he be able to record sessions

  • Giuiliani did his interview remotely 
  • An earlier interview got postponed after he insisted on right to record it
  • He spoke at 'Stop the Steal' rally where he called for 'trial by combat' 
  • He was key driver of Trump's election overturn effort
  • Mentioned in text between Marjorie Taylor Greene and Mark Meadows 

Former Donald Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani got grilled by the Jan. 6th Committee for nine hours, as the panel continues to probe Trump's election overturn effort by reaching out to Republican lawmakers and other figures.

The panel had long wanted to bring in Giuliani, who spoke at the Jan. 6th 'Stop the Steal' rally in a speech where he called for 'trial by combat.' He said at the time he would stake his reputation on being able to find 'criminality' in the election.

He also maintained close contacts with Trump and his circle amid the president's push to try to turn back Joe Biden's election win.

Giuliani appeared at an infamous press conference at the Republican National Committee along with 'Kraken' lawyer Sidney Powell.

Former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani (r) met with the House Jan. 6th Committee on Friday. He is pictured at the 'Stop the Steal' rally on January 6, 2021

Former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani (r) met with the House Jan. 6th Committee Friday

But Giuliani and his team had insisted in being able to record the interview, prompting an earlier scheduled interview to be cancelled.

Unlike some other top figures in Trump's circle, including former White House chief of staff and former chief White House strategist Steve Bannon, who are both fighting their subpoenas in court, Giuliani elected to speak to the panel.

His interview, conducted remotely, lasted all of nine hours, CNN reported. reached out for Giuliani Bob Costello seeking comment. He said previously Giuliani was willing to speak about anything that wasn't privileged information.

The Committee statement accompanying Giuliani's January subpoena said he and other individuals 'advanced unsupported theories about election fraud, pushed efforts to overturn the election results, or were in direct contact with the former President about attempts to stop the counting of electoral votes.' 

Giuliani appeared at an infamous press conference at the Republican National Committee along with 'Kraken' lawyer Sidney Powell days after the November election

Giuliani appeared at an infamous press conference at the Republican National Committee along with 'Kraken' lawyer Sidney Powell days after the November election

The panel has called people in Trump's close circle along with family members, but not the former president

The panel has called people in Trump's close circle along with family members, but not the former president

After finally being exposed as the masked singer, Rudy Giuliani heads to his office in New York City alongside his girlfriend Dr Maria Ryan. Giuliani looked very dapper as they both headed to his office getting into their Uber

After finally being exposed as the masked singer, Rudy Giuliani heads to his office in New York City alongside his girlfriend Dr Maria Ryan. Giuliani looked very dapper as they both headed to his office getting into their Uber

Giuliani was a key driver of Trump's election overturn effort. His name turned up in text messages provided by Meadows. One came in a message to him from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.).

'Good morning Mark, I'm here in DC. We have to get organized for the 6th,' she wrote. 'I would like to meet with Rudy Giuliani again. We didn't get to speak with him long. Also anyone who can help. We are getting a lot of members on board. And we need to lay out the best case for each state,' she wrote Meadows Dec. 31, 2020.  

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