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70 Men Ages 5-75: What Are You Saving Money For?

We talked to 70 men at every age from 5 -75 years old about what their savings are really meant for.

Released on 12/20/2020


[Interviewer] What are you saving money for?

I don't want to talk about it.


I'm saving my money for dental school.

So there's this game that I really want.

I wanna buy Pokemon sword for Nintendo switch.

A guitar.

New Nerf gun.



For an Xbox.


A Supreme hoodie.

A trip to China.

To build a successful career.

My mom, for her to move into a big house for herself.

Just my future in general.

To further invest in my business.

School. [laughs]

In case of a healthcare emergency.

I want to have my own house.

Spring break.

A car.


I'm saving money to move.

Buying a house.

Honestly, to have money set aside for a rainy day.

Buying a home, starting family,


My first home.


Making a move, a big move.


A vacation.

A house.

A trip to the Caribbean.

A trip to Paris.

To buy a house. [laughs]

A Ferrari.

Private school. [laughs]

To take care of my family.

For my wife and I to start a family and have children.

Pay for my nephew's college tuition.


Saving money for my retirement

so that I don't have to work the rest of my life. [laughs]

Cruise to Alaska.

I'm not saving money, unfortunately.


To rebuild the engine in my classic FJ80 Land Cruiser.

Oh, a little to buy a house.

My children.


Nothing gets saved, I'm living check to check.

I, one day want to take a ride on the Orient Express.

My financial independence.

For a trip, with my family to go to Greece.

Pay off my mortgage.

Life. [laughs]

Anything from Williams-Sonoma.

Weddings, for my daughters.

Climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

I really don't save.

Fix my kitchen.

A good life.

To go to Dubai.

At 70 years old, I have everything I want.

Just good times.

For medical bills in the future.

So my family will enjoy it.

So my kids won't have the burden of burying me. [laughs]

Just to live and enjoy life.

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