Health Health


Valero Doval/Ikon Images/Corbis

Patients Want To Price-Shop For Care, But Online Tools Unreliable

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Claudia Anton, with her father, Roger Bessey, and sister, Diana Keough, at their home in 1978. After being diagnosed with AIDS in 1988, Bessey died in 1990. Courtesy of Diana Keough hide caption

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Courtesy of Diana Keough

Caught Between Their Dying Parents, Daughters Find Comfort In A Lie

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A view from the starting line of the sixth annual Krispy Kreme Challenge in Raleigh, N.C., in 2010. The local children's health clinic takes its name from this annual charity race, which draws about 8,000 participants each year. Courtesy of Dustin Bates hide caption

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Courtesy of Dustin Bates

Naming Kids' Clinic For Doughnuts Irks Nutritionists

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This year's flu vaccine protects against a few different virus strains, including the H1N1 seen here. The fuzzy outer layer is made of proteins that allow the virus to attach to human cells. NIAID/Flickr hide caption

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Inside Each Flu Shot, Months Of Virus Tracking And Predictions

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In this November 2015 photo, A 17-year-old mother sits with her baby in the Inhassune village, in southern Mozambique. In Mozambique there are no laws preventing child marriages and existing child protection laws offer loopholes. If a community decides that a girl is to be married in a traditional ceremony, with or without her consent, lawmakers are powerless to intervene. Shiraaz Mohamed/AP hide caption

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Shiraaz Mohamed/AP

Rick and Letha Heitman, of Centennial, Colo., bought their health plan in 2015 through Colorado HealthOP, an insurance cooperative that will close at the end of the year. HealthOp's CEO says the co-op was "blindsided" when some promised federal subsidies failed to materialize. John Daley/CPR News hide caption

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John Daley/CPR News

Many Health Co-Ops Fold, Others Survive Startup Struggles

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The Alto Yellowjackets take the field on Nov. 13, a month after Matthews died. Lauren Silverman/NPR hide caption

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Lauren Silverman/NPR

Deaths Persist In Youth And Student Football Despite Safety Efforts

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