Health Health


For women who carry certain genes, getting a double mastectomy before anything shows up on a mammogram may reduce breast and ovarian cancer risk. Damian Dovarganes/AP hide caption

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Damian Dovarganes/AP

Slightly Premature Babies At Risk For Cerebral Palsy

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Eggs themselves are remarkably resistant to germs like salmonella. The shell and proteins in the egg white normally do a good job of fending off pathogens. But eggs laid by a bird infected with salmonella will likely be infected, too. Courtesy of John Ingraham hide caption

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Courtesy of John Ingraham

With Salmonella, It's A Chicken-Or-Egg Conundrum

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Food safety experts traced the salmonella outbreak to Wright County Egg, near Galt, Iowa, which is one of two companies whose eggs are believed to have been contaminated. More than 500 million eggs have been recalled. Nirmalendu Majumdar/AP hide caption

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Nirmalendu Majumdar/AP

When The Levees Broke: The rate of suicide in 2008 and 2009 in Orleans Parish was about twice as high as it was the two years before the levees broke.  Above, the 17th Street Canal Levee. Mario Tama/Getty Images hide caption

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Mario Tama/Getty Images

Traces Of Katrina: New Orleans Suicide Rate Still Up

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MIT researchers wore the Age Gain Now Empathy System -- a body suit and helmet -- to a grocery store to understand what struggles seniors might have while shopping. Courtesy of MIT's AgeLab hide caption

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Courtesy of MIT's AgeLab


In the future, physician assistants like Jim Love could could be playing a bigger role in primary care. Julie Rovner/NPR hide caption

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Julie Rovner/NPR