Tuesday 11 June 2024


Right and left are largely meaningless terms nowadays but they are still used because it suits the establishment to perpetuate its power with this charade. The two sides give the illusion of choice but are just variations on the same theme. Most people know this but go along with it anyway as there seems no alternative. 

Now there is the bogey man of the far right used to terrorise the sheep back into the fold. Quite soon a person will be described as far right who

  • Loves his country
  • Respects the laws of nature
  • Thinks men and women are different 
  • Honours beauty
  • Believes in God and behaves accordingly
  • Is a Christian

This last point shows the way forward. There is no political solution to the downward spiral in which we find ourselves. The only solution is spiritual. It always has been but the peculiar nature of our time is that this will become ever more apparent and eventually reach a point at which it cannot be ignored without a conscious effort of denial. If you feel like lamenting the loss of your country remember that your true home is not here.  Use the destruction of your earthly home positively, as a stimulus to focus your thoughts on where you really need to go. "My Kingdom is not of this world."

1 comment:

Bruce Charlton said...

@William - You have listed just some of the Litmus Tests of the political mainstream - espousing even one of these is enough to strike you off the list of acceptable people - and lose your job, be subjected to a witch hunt or whatever.

(At least, this applies if you are a British native - migrants and immigrants can and often do espouse any or all of these!)

"The only solution is spiritual." - and is Not on offer from any public source, including not from the major churches.

" the peculiar nature of our time is that this will become ever more apparent and eventually reach a point at which it cannot be ignored without a conscious effort of denial."

Important to recognise this. These times are conducive to learning some vital life lessons, for at least some people.