Wednesday 26 June 2024

Spurious Spirituality

Any form of spirituality which doesn't recognise the powerful presence of evil in the world today is a false path. Any approach to God which ignores the pronounced spiritual evil of the present time is not just deficient but ignorant and not just ignorant but very possibly part of the evil itself, either directly or through a kind of coercive absorption. If you don't recognise this it may be that you too are on the side of evil, even if that is only passively so, and that is because of a spiritual lack within you.

What an 'unspiritual' and unloving thing to say! We should tolerate many different approaches and no one of them is better than another if they all seek the same end. So it is said. But this is the problem. People have been so disarmed by the thought of love and kindness that they forget that God's mercy must always be accompanied by his justice or it is just sentimentality. Love needs truth or it is not real love.

So many people who think of themselves as spiritual, and who may indeed practise some kind of spiritual discipline, have no awareness of modern evil, and even consider some of its aspects positive goods. This is because instead of submitting the self to God, they try to make that self emotionally and psychologically comfortable or enlightened without repentance. For repentance you need to be able to see yourself as the fallen sinner you are. These are emotive words but the fact is there is no spirituality without repentance, and repentance requires a ruthless honesty with oneself. You are not seeking to gain something (the true motive of many spiritual seekers), but to redirect the will.

Are the teachings that promote unity, love and doing good to one's neighbour part of a grand spiritual deception now in the 21st century? That may seem an absurd idea but half-truths are often worse than outright lies because they use the sweetness of the apple to smuggle in the putrefaction of the worm. They use the legitimacy of truth to veil a hidden corruption and the corruption here is that we can separate goodness, light and love from their source which is God or Christ. We cannot.

There is no genuine spiritual awareness without the acknowledgement that we of ourselves are nothing. All is from God and God is not an impersonal cosmic energy that we can tap into and exploit if we look deeply within ourselves, but the living, breathing God (yes, God has breath, what do you think spirit is?) who is our Creator. We are not the source of any love we might feel. That derives from God and if its source is not recognised then, guess what, it is not real love but a cheap facsimile of it.

When I was a worldly adult I thought like a worldly adult. I spoke like one and I reasoned like one. But now is the time to put away the grown-up things of this world and become as a child. What are we looking for? Peace, love, happiness or God? We will only have the gifts of God in the full and real sense when we have God himself and to have God you must want him more than his gifts. Motivation is key. 


Ron Tomlinson said...

Yes it seems crazy but in order to defend against evil we have to take the harder step of acknowledging its existence as such. We are terrified to do so because we would by that act also have to acknowledge and come into the presence of the one Power capable of helping us. A double bind! Yet the 'pronounced spiritual evil of the present time' will force many to make that decision I hope.

"What an 'unspiritual' and unloving thing to say!"

You've hit the nail on the head, this is the typical rejoinder today. I've heard variants of it myself delivered in a sugary and manipulative manner.

In addition to your point about justice perhaps a further antidote is the idea that love is always specific and from one being to another ('dyadic'). It isn't an emotion or general attitude so there can't be such a thing as being 'loving' or 'unloving'. One of the many ideas I got from Dr Bruce Charlton.

William Wildblood said...

Yes, love isn't an abstract universal egalitarian thing but fully personal. God loves us all but doesn't love us all equally, horrifying as that thought may be to some. He loves those more who manifest more of his truth and goodness. Not because he is a narcissist but because truth, goodness and beauty are the only loveable things. They are what love is directed towards.