Showing posts with label Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biden. Show all posts

Lyin' Josh Shapiro's PA "Audit" Lies

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro is petrified of what will be exposed when Senator Doug Mastriano conducts a forensic audit of the 2020 General Election.  Not only will it expose that Biden lost bigly, but that he (Shapiro) did too.

Out of fear, Lyin' Josh went on Twitter and spun up four falsehoods in a single tweet about the Pennsylvania 2020 election and Mastriano's audit.

First, let's address his "two audits" falsehood. 

There were not two "audits" in Pennsylvania if you understand the definition of an audit. 

Most audit definitions come from the world of finance and accounting.  The common thread among audit definitions is that audits "confirm the authenticity" of the records.  In this case, it's ballots and/or votes.

Nothing of the sort happened in Pennsylvania after the November 2020 election that confirmed the authenticity of the ballots.

What happened in Pennsylvania was nothing more than recounts based on a sample of ballots.  Whether those were legal ballots or illegal ballots remains in question.

That's why Democrats all over the US (and their media mouthpieces) are decrying post-election audits in the battleground states. 

Here are the details behind Lyin' Josh's "audits."

The first so-called "audit"was nothing more than a recount of a random sample of ballots.  However, that recount was FATALLY FLAWED because at least four counties had incomplete records of the number of voters (a total of 205,000 more votes were cast than voters).

Wanda Murren, a spokesperson for the Pennsylvania Secretary of State readily admitted the records were incomplete.

It is improper to draw a sample without first resolving the discrepancy between the number of voters and votes cast.  Was this issue duplicate ballots being counted?  Or was it a record keeping issue as alleged by Murren?  Or was it a combination of the two?

No one knows for sure. Only a forensic audit can resolve the questions.

Obviously, Pennsylvania should not have certified its election until the discrepancy was resolved.   To otherwise do so was illegal.

Millions of WIMP Votes Shifted Nationwide

Did shifted WIMP (Write-In & Minor Party) votes make Biden more "popular" than Clinton?

Back in 2016, then candidate Hillary Clinton got almost 3 million more popular votes than the Electoral College winner, Donald Trump.   

In 2020, Trump gained more popular votes as a sitting president than any of his predecessors.  Trump also received the highest percentage of non-white votes than any GOP candidate since Richard Nixon in 1960.  

Despite those statistics, Trump (allegedly) still lost to Biden by a little over 7 million votes.   

Or did he? 

Mail-In Ballot Math Doesn't Add Up for Biden

According to Pennsylvania's certified election results, Joe Biden received 1,995,691 mail-in votes in the 2020 election.  Those votes erased President Trump's Election Day lead and eventually won him the Keystone State by 80,555 votes.   

While the votes were counted that way, it is unlikely they were cast that way.  

PA & AZ Cover-Up Write In Vote Totals

In November 2020, protesters and politicians - including PA AG Josh Shapiro -- demanded that every vote be counted.

Do they know that Governor Tom Wolf and Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar didn't follow through?

I've not heard Shapiro question the results that show Pennsylvania didn't count a single write-in ballot.

You can go to these official Pennsylvania state sources here and here and not find a single write-in vote counted for the presidential race.   You can check Ballotpedia too -- nothing there for 2020, but plenty of write-ins for 2016

Unlike most other states, Pennsylvania didn't post anything official regarding the number of votes for write-in candidates in 2020.  Arizona posted a write-in count for 2020, however it doesn't match with the county totals.  

Based on analysis of PA's election returns, it is almost certain that a large number votes for write-in candidates -- between 30,000 and 75,000 --  were reassigned as Biden votes.  Based on the evidence, the number is closer to the latter than the former.

This was made possible, in part, by the PA Supreme Court's decision to keep the Green Party Presidential candidate, Howie Hawkins, off the ballot.  The Green Party was likely robbed of 30,000 to 75,000 votes -- meanwhile the voters who didn't prefer any of the candidates on the ballot - and wrote their choices in, weren't recognized in the official vote count.  

PA's Pump and Dump for Biden...In Graphic Form

I previously reported on the Pump and Dump software algorithm that gave Joe Biden the victory in Pennsylvania

The following charts depict the algorithm's activity from 76 percent of the vote and forward until December 4, 2020 (based on Edison Research vote tallies as reported to the New York Times). 

At 76% of the vote, Trump had 54.7% of the vote while Biden had 43.9%.  The vote totals stood at Trump 2,976,329 to Biden's 2,388,681 -- a lead of 587,648 votes.

That all changed when the algorithm stole over 190,000 votes from Trump moved them to Biden.  

Note that the result of the algorithm is "double," meaning that the Biden gain is in addition to the Trump loss.   Therefore, the vote swing (by the algorithm) over this time period was 380,000 votes.

Algorithm Tweak Swung PA to Biden

The chart above depicts the Pennsylvania Presidential election count from 8PM EST on November 3rd to 11:30 AM EST on November 18th.

Overall, you see a hiccup (OOPS!) shortly after the start with Biden's numbers jumping up dramatically, then leveling, then declining at 16, then another spike at 18 and another decline at 19.  Trump's numbers also rocket up early, then climb with Biden's, then Trump's votes go on the same roller coaster with Biden. 

After the hiccup, Trump roars past Biden and built a substantial lead up until the vote count got to about 80%.   Trump built the lead despite an intervention that stole 17,000 votes and with a software algorithm routinely stealing .001% of his votes and moving them to Biden at routine intervals.

After the 80% mark, Trump went essentially flat while Biden caught  up and then passed him.  At that stage the algorithm was modified to move votes directly from Trump to Biden, while continuing the original "pump and dump" method of laundering votes through the Third Party to Biden. 

Trump Won Pennsylvania: Trump votes stolen & given to Biden.

Rudy Guiliani can quit arguing about Pennsylvania not counting some 600,000 unlawful votes cast in Pennsylvania and start arguing that nearly 290,000 voters need to have their votes restored.

It's a 14th Amendment, equal protection clause issue to be sure, as their right to vote for the candidate of their choice was DENIED. 

No evidence of fraud...say those who haven't looked


Krebs:  Deservedly fired for unsupported remarks about security of 2020 election

Fired former head of the DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Chris Krebs, claimed in a statement:

"There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."

You can read the November 12, 2020 statement here.

What is missing from the statement is any evidence whatsoever to back up Krebs' claim or any real attempt to explain the data that shows votes that over 200,000 votes were switched from Trump to Biden in Pennsylvania.

While the statement dismisses the voter fraud claims as  "misinformation about the process of our elections," there has yet to be a state government official or local government official to address the discrepancies in the DATA.

Were 220K votes swapped in PA? It appears so!

President Trump's tweet claiming serious monkey business in the election return data was likely based on information from web-site, excerpted below:


Dominion Voting Systems :

Pennsylvania : Switched : 220,883 Lost Votes : 941,248


Based on the following analysis, the switch of 220,833 mail-in votes is highly probable.