Showing posts with label stolen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stolen. Show all posts

The reasons why WIMP votes get stolen

The 2020 steal of Write-In and Minor Party (WIMP) votes reminds me of kids who steal money from a change jar.  Typically, the kids screw up by taking all the quarters and leaving behind just nickels, dimes, and pennies.  The parent or change jar owner is oblivious of the theft until they pick up the jar and notice that it is too light.  After which,  they dump the jar and see all the quarters are missing -- and the theft is confirmed.

In the 2020 election, the (unspecified) vote thieves made the same mistake.  

All that was left in the in the WIMP vote jar was nickels, dimes, and pennies (i.e., an incredibly low number of votes).

So, why are WIMP votes targeted for theft?

PA's Pump and Dump for Biden...In Graphic Form

I previously reported on the Pump and Dump software algorithm that gave Joe Biden the victory in Pennsylvania

The following charts depict the algorithm's activity from 76 percent of the vote and forward until December 4, 2020 (based on Edison Research vote tallies as reported to the New York Times). 

At 76% of the vote, Trump had 54.7% of the vote while Biden had 43.9%.  The vote totals stood at Trump 2,976,329 to Biden's 2,388,681 -- a lead of 587,648 votes.

That all changed when the algorithm stole over 190,000 votes from Trump moved them to Biden.  

Note that the result of the algorithm is "double," meaning that the Biden gain is in addition to the Trump loss.   Therefore, the vote swing (by the algorithm) over this time period was 380,000 votes.

Trump Won Pennsylvania: Trump votes stolen & given to Biden.

Rudy Guiliani can quit arguing about Pennsylvania not counting some 600,000 unlawful votes cast in Pennsylvania and start arguing that nearly 290,000 voters need to have their votes restored.

It's a 14th Amendment, equal protection clause issue to be sure, as their right to vote for the candidate of their choice was DENIED.