Showing posts with label rigged. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rigged. Show all posts

PA & AZ Cover-Up Write In Vote Totals

In November 2020, protesters and politicians - including PA AG Josh Shapiro -- demanded that every vote be counted.

Do they know that Governor Tom Wolf and Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar didn't follow through?

I've not heard Shapiro question the results that show Pennsylvania didn't count a single write-in ballot.

You can go to these official Pennsylvania state sources here and here and not find a single write-in vote counted for the presidential race.   You can check Ballotpedia too -- nothing there for 2020, but plenty of write-ins for 2016

Unlike most other states, Pennsylvania didn't post anything official regarding the number of votes for write-in candidates in 2020.  Arizona posted a write-in count for 2020, however it doesn't match with the county totals.  

Based on analysis of PA's election returns, it is almost certain that a large number votes for write-in candidates -- between 30,000 and 75,000 --  were reassigned as Biden votes.  Based on the evidence, the number is closer to the latter than the former.

This was made possible, in part, by the PA Supreme Court's decision to keep the Green Party Presidential candidate, Howie Hawkins, off the ballot.  The Green Party was likely robbed of 30,000 to 75,000 votes -- meanwhile the voters who didn't prefer any of the candidates on the ballot - and wrote their choices in, weren't recognized in the official vote count.  

Trump Won Pennsylvania: Trump votes stolen & given to Biden.

Rudy Guiliani can quit arguing about Pennsylvania not counting some 600,000 unlawful votes cast in Pennsylvania and start arguing that nearly 290,000 voters need to have their votes restored.

It's a 14th Amendment, equal protection clause issue to be sure, as their right to vote for the candidate of their choice was DENIED.