This is the moment a 'predatory' maths teacher 'groomed' a 15-year-old boy by buying him a £345 Gucci belt before taking him back to her luxury apartment for sex.

The 'crystal clear' footage – revealed today for the first time after she was jailed for six and a half years – shows Rebecca Joynes smirking as she uses her bank card to pay for the designer accessory at Selfridges in the Trafford Centre.

She then drove the schoolboy back to her one-bed apartment in Salford Quays in her Audi where they had sex twice.  

Arrested days later, Joynes initially answered 'no comment' to questions. But detectives later uncovered the footage of her buying the belt, as well as CCTV of the pair arriving at her flat.

It gave Joynes no choice but to accept he had spent the night at her flat, although she denied sexual activity took place.

Rebecca Joynes is seen buying the boy a £345 Gucci belt in Selfridges at the Trafford Centre

Rebecca Joynes is seen buying the boy a £345 Gucci belt in Selfridges at the Trafford Centre

The CCTV clip shows the boy pulling out various belts at the Gucci concession in Selfridges

The CCTV clip shows the boy pulling out various belts at the Gucci concession in Selfridges

Joynes is seen smirking while she buys the accessory at Selfridges for the boy

Joynes is seen smirking while she buys the accessory at Selfridges for the boy

The victim, referred to as Boy A, said during a maths lesson at his Greater Manchester school in October 2021 that she set him a challenge to guess her mobile phone number, giving him ten of the 11 digits.

Jurors at Joynes's trial in May were told this was 'obviously a game designed for him to guess her number'.

They began swapping messages and arranged that the 15-year-old would come to her flat after school that Friday night, Manchester Crown Court heard.

'At first he thought she was joking,' prosecutor Joe Allman said.

But after lessons that day she picked him up in her car before collecting her dog from a doggy day care centre, dropping the pet off at her parents before taking him to the Trafford Centre.

The jury were shown what Mr Allman said was 'crystal clear' CCTV footage of Boy A pulling out various belts at the Gucci concession Selfridges.

Joynes – wearing a turquoise jacket – watches with a self-satisfied smirk before placing her bank card down on the counter before Boy A put on the belt, then paying for it herself. 

Mr Allman told jurors she had been 'grooming' the boy. 

Giving his account to police, Boy A said when Joynes first suggested meeting up, he replied 'you're deffo like joking'.

However he said Joynes – who the pupils had dubbed 'Bunda Becky', a slang reference to her bottom - replied that she 'literally wasn't' joking.

Asked what he had expected to happen after she picked him up that Friday after lessons, Boy A replied: 'To be honest, I wasn't expecting that to happen, what happened.

'I didn't expect that to happen, but it did.

'I feel like anyone in my position when we arranged to meet would – if you're my age and in my year. She is good-looking.'

He said after school on the Friday he packed 'my stuff to stay over – shorts, T-shirt, sliders, clean underwear' before she collected him from a row of shops in her white Audi.

Describing the purchase of the £345 designer belt, he told police: 'It's a lot of money. I didn't really understand the reason why she did it.'

The footage has been revealed today for the first time after it was shown to a jury at court

The footage has been revealed today for the first time after it was shown to a jury at court

Rebecca Joynes can be seen using her bank card to pay for the belt at the Trafford Centre

Rebecca Joynes can be seen using her bank card to pay for the belt at the Trafford Centre

The video of Joynes and the boy was filmed on a CCTV camera on October 15, 2021

The video of Joynes and the boy was filmed on a CCTV camera on October 15, 2021

Joynes bought the belt for the boy before taking him back to her luxury flat for sex

Joynes bought the belt for the boy before taking him back to her luxury flat for sex

She then drove him to her one-bed apartment, he said, recalling thinking it felt 'a bit weird' as they climbed the stairs.

Initially Joynes dealt with a load of washing while he looked at views of Old Trafford football stadium from the window, he said.

Both then sat using their mobile phones before going into her darkened bedroom after he asked: 'Are we going in there or staying in here?'

They started kissing before both stripped naked and he had sex with a 'moaning' Joynes on the bed.

Boy A said having sex with his teacher seemed 'weird' and 'just crazy'.

It lasted about five minutes before he went and showered, he told police.

However after lying in bed together talking about 'random stuff' they had sex again, he said.

Boy A said it was 'probably' him who suggested having sex for a second time, saying Joynes replied: 'I don't mind, whatever you want.'

They did not discuss protection or contraception, he said, but afterwards he told Joynes: 'I hope to God you don't get pregnant.'

He said Joynes left early the next morning to spend the day with her parents, and that he awoke at about 11.30am to a missed call from his mother.

Boy A said he told Joynes over Snapchat that his mother might become suspicious about where he had spent the night.

He said the teacher replied: 'She'd better not find out that it was me.'

Her account was that while browsing the Trafford Centre together, she became 'wary' that 'literally anybody' could have seen them together.

Joynes said she told Boy A they needed to leave, but he replied: 'We can't have come here for nothing.'

She said he picked up a belt as they were passing a Gucci shop and she agreed to buy it for him.

'I didn't know the price,' she said. 'I just agreed and bought it.'

She said she drove to her flat where it began to 'hit me' that she was 'completely in the wrong' and instructed him to sleep on the couch.

Further footage showed the pair arriving at her apartment.

But despite her telling him 'No-one better find out', he messaged a friend over Snapchat to tell him he had 'just had sex with Ms Joynes', jurors were told. 

Police bodycam footage shows the moment  Joynes was arrested at home in 2021

Police bodycam footage shows the moment  Joynes was arrested at home in 2021

Joynes was initially sent home from school before police arrested her at her flat later that day

Joynes was released on bail and ordered not to contact any child under 18 following her arrest

Joynes was suspended from her job after being arrested by police on October 18, 2021

Police bodycam footage shows Joynes in the back of a police van after being arrested

Police bodycam footage shows Joynes in the back of a police van after being arrested

And when the friend refused to believe him, he secretly took a photograph of her and sent it to him, prosecutors alleged.

The following morning Joynes left first, telling him to give her the keys to the flat when she saw him in class on the Monday as she was spending the weekend with her parents.

He had left his phone charger and Airpods behind so they arranged to swap the items when they were back at school.

After rumours of the encounters circulated, a call was made to Childline, and on the Monday morning police spoke to Boy A at school.

He was found to have her keys and the Gucci belt. Joynes was initially sent home before police arrested her at her flat later that day.

She was released on bail, ordered not to contact any child under 18 and suspended from her job.

But while she was awaiting trial, Joynes 'quite brazenly' embarked on a long-term sexual relationship with a second boy.

The affair with the second boy – during which he claimed they had sex around 30 times - was exposed after she told him she was expecting his child, Mr Allman said.

This came as 'a shock' to the schoolboy as she had told him she couldn't get pregnant.

On May 17, Joynes was convicted of six counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child, including two while being a person in a position of trust.

Further video shows Joynes and the boy arriving at her apartment before allegedly having sex

Further video shows Joynes and the boy arriving at her apartment before allegedly having sex

The video of Joynes and the boy outside her flat in Salford Quays was filmed in October 2021

The video of Joynes and the boy outside her flat in Salford Quays was filmed in October 2021

Footage shows the pair arriving at Joynes's apartment in 2021 before going through a gate

Footage shows the pair arriving at Joynes's apartment in 2021 before going through a gate

Joynes groomed the youngsters from the age of 15, the court heard, and was on bail for sexual activity with the first child, boy A, when she began having sex with the second, boy B, who she went on to become pregnant by.

Neither teenager can be identified.

Petite, softly spoken and described by the teenagers as 'really pretty', Joynes closed her eyes and grimaced before she began shaking as she stood in the dock as the guilty verdicts were returned by the jury foreman after a two-week trial.

Her mother and father, sitting in the public gallery, made no reaction but yards away the parents of the boys stifled cheers as Joynes was convicted.

Joynes joined the school in 2018 as part of the Teach First recruitment scheme after studying for a sports and exercise science degree.

She said she was 28, had undergone a messy break-up after the end of a nine-year relationship, struggled during the Covid pandemic, and was lonely when she became 'flattered' by the attention of teenage schoolboys.

Joynes spent her last day of freedom shopping at a retail park in Chester

Joynes spent her last day of freedom shopping at a retail park in Chester 

A mugshot of Joynes, who was convicted of six counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child, including two while being a person in a position of trust

A mugshot of Joynes, who was convicted of six counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child, including two while being a person in a position of trust

Joynes laughed their behaviour off instead of shutting it down.

She said boy A got her mobile number after she gave him all but one of the digits, and as a problem-solving exercise he had to work out the final digit. 

They connected on Snapchat and he sent her flirty texts with the pair agreeing to meet in secret.

Boy A told his mother his teacher was 'well fit' and all the boys fancied her, which she dismissed as a 'typical teenage' boy's comment.

Two weeks later the youngster lied to her that he was staying at a friend's house to play computer games after school finished on Friday.

Instead Joynes picked him up near his home in her Audi A1, took him to the Trafford Centre and bought him a £350 Gucci belt.

On the way Joynes laughed and said, 'Oh shut up!' when boy A, referring to driving, said, 'I'm not old enough'.

Joynes with her parents Stuart and Mel outside Manchester Crown Court on May 7

Joynes with her parents Stuart and Mel outside Manchester Crown Court on May 7

At her flat they kissed then had sex twice, with Joynes telling the boy 'No one had better find out'.

The next day the boy's mother noticed a love-bite on her son's neck which he dismissed as 'nothing'.

However, boy A had taken a photo on his Snapchat and rumours began to circulate as police received a tip-off.

On Monday morning, officers were at the school with boy A's 'distraught' mother who stormed into reception after being told her son had spent the night with a teacher.

Boy A initially told police it was just 'banter' between the boys that got out of hand, as Joynes was suspended and a police investigation began.

His semen was later recovered from bed sheets seized at the teacher's flat.

She was bailed on condition she have no unsupervised contact with anyone under 18.

Joynes leaves Manchester Crown Court with her father Stuart after being convicted on May 17

Joynes leaves Manchester Crown Court with her father Stuart after being convicted on May 17

Joynes said she then had a 'breakdown' and moved back to her parents on the Wirral.

She was at a low point when boy B messaged her on Snapchat asking how she was. 'I genuinely thought he cared,' Joynes said.

Soon boy B messaged her 'Get your t**s out', and Joynes replied 'Not tonight'.

She moved to Salford Quays and boy B visited, with Joynes straddling him and they kissed, but she suggested waiting until he was 16 before going any further.

After his birthday boy B lied to his parents, telling them he was going to watch a Manchester United match, but instead again went to Joynes' apartment.

He told jurors he was 'nervous' when he lost his virginity to Joynes, warning her: 'Don't expect anything big, I'm only 16.'

As he stripped Joynes said: 'Oh! You lied to me.'

Joynes joined the school in 2018 as part of the Teach First recruitment scheme

Joynes joined the school in 2018 as part of the Teach First recruitment scheme

He later told police he regarded the relationship as 'friends with benefits' and said they regularly had sex while he was still at school.

He said Joynes had told him she could not have a baby and they had unprotected sex, but she later discovered she was pregnant.

The relationship soured, with frequent rows as Joynes became jealous and controlling, he claimed.

In a bid to save the relationship – a day before Joynes was arrested for a second time – she invited boy B round for a 'date night' involving an Ann Summers scratchcard of sexual activities, rose petals and hidden notes around her flat, leading to 'surprises' which he played along with and followed.

At the end was a babygrow saying Best Dad on the front. 'I was like, 'What the f***!',' boy B told police.

In a letter to boy B, Joynes wrote: 'Every inch of you is perfect. You are all I ever dream about.'

Joynes arrives at Manchester Crown Court with her father Stuart on May 16. Joynes wore baby clothes tucked into her trousers while coming into court, wiping tears away as she told how her baby was taken away from her 24 hours after giving birth

Joynes arrives at Manchester Crown Court with her father Stuart on May 16. Joynes wore baby clothes tucked into her trousers while coming into court, wiping tears away as she told how her baby was taken away from her 24 hours after giving birth

She was arrested the next day for breaking her bail conditions and spent five months in custody until she was bailed in November last year, giving birth in early 2024.

Joynes wore baby clothes tucked into her trousers while coming into court, wiping tears away as she told how the baby was taken away from her 24 hours after giving birth.

The bonnet was a 'naked attempt to garner sympathy', prosecutor Joe Allman said.

Joynes denied any sexual activity with boy A took place and said that when he stayed at her flat he slept on the sofa.

She said sexual activity with boy B only began after he had left school and she had been dismissed from her job, so no offence had been committed as she was no longer in a position of authority.

She said she felt lonely, let her guard down and 'caved in' to the attention she was getting, making 'stupid mistakes' by meeting youngsters out of school, but denied wrongdoing.


Some of the messages Joynes sent to Boy A which showed them talking about meeting up

Some of the messages Joynes sent to Boy A which showed them talking about meeting up