Live Well San Diego

In 2010, the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors adopted the Live Well San Diego vision of a region that is Building Better Health, Living Safely and Thriving. It aligns the efforts of individuals, organizations and government to help all 3.3 million San Diego County residents live well.

The vision includes three components which have been incorporated into the County of San Diego Strategic Plan:

Building Better Health

Improving the health of residents and supporting healthy choices

Living Safely

Ensuring residents are protected from crime and abuse, neighborhoods are safe, and communities are resilient to disasters and emergencies


Cultivating opportunities for all people and communities to grow, connect, and enjoy the highest quality of life

Progress Through Partnerships

The Live Well San Diego vision involves everyone. Only through a collective effort — in which all of us work together toward a shared purpose — can meaningful change be achieved in a region as large and diverse as San Diego County. Partners include cities and governments; diverse businesses, including healthcare and technology; military and veterans organizations; schools; and community and faith-based organizations. Most importantly, the Live Well San Diego vision is about empowering residents to take positive actions for their own health, safety and well-being.

2018-2019 Annual Report

Year 9 Live Well San Diego Annual Impact Report

Community partners and County departments are working together to make the biggest impact. The Year 9 Annual Report highlights success stories submitted by Recognized Partners who are making positive changes in the lives of residents.

This community-based Live Well San Diego website includes resources for residents to get involved, best practice tools for organizations and recognized partners in every sector, and information about the Live Well San Diego Indicators, which measure the region’s collective progress.

Regional Leadership Teams

Teams of community leaders and stakeholders are active in each of the Health and Human Services Agency service regions. These teams have been involved in community improvement planning and are working to address priority needs over the next few years to support healthy, safe and thriving communities. They serve as a central point for planning and prioritizing collaborative action at the local level.

Live Well San Diego Regional Map





North County Regions       760-967-4633
North Central 619-521-7460
East 619-668-3990
Central 619-521-7460
South 619-521-7460

Measuring Progress

How will progress be measured? The Live Well San Diego Indicators have been identified to capture the overall well-being of residents in San Diego County. These Indicators are part of a framework that allows the County to connect a wide array of programs and activities to measureable improvements in the health, safety and well-being of every resident.

Live Well San Diego Indicators
Live Well San Diego Resources
Watch the Live Well San Diego Video