Contact Us

Building Services
Permits, inspections, and property research

Code Compliance
Building & grading violations, abandoned vehicles, noise complaints, illegal businesses

Land Development
Covenants, grading, right-of-way, utility access

Zoning Information
Discretionary permits, setbacks & easements

(858) 565-5920
(888) 336-7553 Toll Free

(858) 694-2705
(855) 732-6332 Toll Free


(858) 694-2055


(858) 694-8985
Zoning Information Request


Office Location and Hours

5510 Overland Ave., San Diego, CA 92123  
  County Permit Center  
  1st Floor (Suite 110)  
    Building, Zoning, and Land Development Counters  
  2nd Floor (Suite 210)  
  Director's Office, Administrative Services, Human Resources, Sustainability Planning, Long Range Planning, Code Compliance, Land Development Teams, Project Planning

Monday through Friday (Except County Holidays)
8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.