Heartbreaking moment woman, 32, breaks down SOBBING as she details humiliating dating experience - and candidly reveals fears she is going to end up ALONE: 'There are people who just don't find their person'

  • Anya Haas, 32, from Austin, Texas, shared her horror over the incident on TikTok
  • She said she attended a comedy show in the hopes of finding a boyfriend
  • But she was made fun in front of a large crowd for being by herself

A woman broke down in tears as she revealed that she was publicly humiliated for attending a comedy show alone in the hopes of meeting someone - and shared her fears that she may end up alone.

Anya Haas, 32, from Austin, Texas, explained in a recent TikTok video that she decided she wanted to try to find a boyfriend in person rather than on a dating app.

She said she started attending various social functions in the hopes of crossing paths with a potential suitor - but a recent night out ended in horror after she was made fun in front of a large crowd for being by herself.

Anya broke down in tears as she detailed the embarrassment that she felt - and confessed that she's starting to wonder if she'll ever find her soulmate.

'I'm not someone who cries on the internet so this is a new one for me,' the 32-year-old said in the TikTok between sobs. 

A woman broke down in tears as she revealed that she was publicly humiliated for attending a comedy show alone in the hopes of meeting someone

A woman broke down in tears as she revealed that she was publicly humiliated for attending a comedy show alone in the hopes of meeting someone

Anya Haas, 32, from Austin, Texas , explained in a recent TikTok video that she decided she wanted to try to find a boyfriend in person rather than on a dating app

Anya Haas, 32, from Austin, Texas , explained in a recent TikTok video that she decided she wanted to try to find a boyfriend in person rather than on a dating app 

'I guess I need girls to rally around me and lift me up because I feel so defeated right now.'

In the video, which has now been viewed more than 329,000 times, Anya explained that she used dating apps for 'years' but had no luck. So recently, she's 'been trying to meet people in public' instead.

'I don't need to explain to you how awful dating apps are, so I've been trying to meet people in public,' she dished.

'[Most are] still trash when I meet them in public. But tonight takes the cake.'

Anya explained that she bought a ticket to a comedy show in the hopes of meeting a guy or making friends.

She arrived 20 minutes early and 'happened to be the first person there,' so she was instructed to sit in the first row.

At first she didn't think anything was up, but when showtime came and she realized that no one else had sat in the front section, she began to panic. 

'Everyone else has filled in the back, every row [behind me] was filled, with couples of course, and then it's just me alone in the front,' she shared. 

'The host of the show comes up to me quickly and mouths, "Thank you for sitting in the front row."

'She proceeds to go up onto the stage and she had everyone clap for me for being brave enough to sit in the front row.'

Once the show started, Anya said multiple comedians 'pointed' her out for being alone in the front row, leaving her totally 'mortified.'

One even asked her, 'Are you waiting on people? What's going on here?'

'I had to admit, no I'm trying to meet people,' she explained. 'It was mortifying.' 

At the end of the show, the host even felt so bad for her that she decided to give her a prize.

'The [host] said they normally do a raffle but instead, she's going to give the [prize] to the "brave young woman who came first and sat alone in the front row,"' recalled Anya.

'She then had my introduce myself and say my name in the mic while everyone clapped. It just felt like such a slap in the face.'

Afterwards, Anya said she took an Uber home that her driver was a 75-year-old woman who couldn't 'stop talking about her dogs.' 

'All I could think about is, "Is this gonna be me?"' confessed the TikToker. 'I just can't help but feel like I'm gonna turn into her because I'm never gonna meet someone.'

The brunette beauty sobbed as she continued, 'At this point in my life it just feels like, Jesus, I don't want to go out again. 

Anya's video resonated with thousands of people, who flocked to the comment section to share their thoughts

Anya's video resonated with thousands of people, who flocked to the comment section to share their thoughts

'I'm tired of it. I'm over it. I'm sick of it. When I try, s**t like this happens. And for everyone who's gonna tell me, "He'll come along when you least expect it," I've been hearing that for the last seven years. 

'I'm so sick of hearing that. There's such a thing as people who just don't find their person and don't get married. 

'I'm a realist. The realist in me is starting to think that's gonna be me. And I'm depressed now over it. As pathetic as that sounds.' 

Anya's video resonated with thousands of people, who flocked to the comment section to share their thoughts.

'There’s nothing worse than isolation in the midst of of a crowd. I feel for you,' one person wrote. 

'I have never related to something more,' revealed someone else. 'Heavy on the "you’ll meet them when you least expect it," like, I’ve been waiting 8 years???'

'You were so brave going out there and you should be proud of yourself,' added another user.

'Girl, my takeaway from this is you are brave and fabulous and beautiful and fun and so real,' read a fourth comment. 

'You had a bad day, but you'll rally and try again because you're awesome. I hope all your dreams come true.'

'Flip your mindset - you pushed yourself out of your comfort zone,' agreed a different viewer. 

'You should be proud. A whole room recognized that and clapped for you. Flip it into a newfound independent confidence.'

'Loneliness is brutal, good for you for putting yourself out there. It sucks until it doesn't,' said someone else.