One man's supportive brothers are determined to help him find the perfect woman within 30 days, lest he make good on his promise to move 'off the grid' and 'renounce' love forever.

Although he has no idea, the Denver bachelor, Chris, 34, is at the center of an all-out campaign to find his 'soulmate' as masterminded by his twin, Henry, and their younger brother, Jamie, 31. 

The brothers, who kicked off their efforts in mid-June, have been busy creating Chris a dating profile on The League, launching a 'Find Chris Love' website, taking to the streets with 'Find Chris Love' flyers, and even renting out a billboard in the locale - all the while keeping things a secret from Chris.  

Henry and James claimed that the matter has become an urgent one, since Chris pledged to give up on love and move 'off the grid' if he strikes out in his efforts to find someone to settle down with now that he's living Denver, where he moved to from Florida this past spring. 

Chris, 34, is a Denver-based bachelor who has no clue that his two brothers, twin Henry and Jamie, 31, have launched an all-out campaign to help him 'find love'

Chris, 34, is a Denver-based bachelor who has no clue that his two brothers, twin Henry and Jamie, 31, have launched an all-out campaign to help him 'find love'

Making matters even more challenging, women in Colorado are among the pickiest in the country, according to a study from

Chris, Henry and Jamie grew up together in Long Island before attending different boarding schools. 

Both the twins went to college in Colorado, though at different universities.

Right after graduating, Henry moved to the Denver area, where he's been ever since. Meanwhile, Jamie went on to live post-college in both Philadelphia and Arizona before Henry convinced him to move to Denver a few years ago. 

Finally, earlier this year, both brothers were able to persuade Chris, who'd worked in NYC for a time before relocating to Florida, to join them in Denver, gushing about the city's many strengths, especially the 'great' people' who live there.

Now, there's rarely a week that goes by where they don't all hang out, with Henry describing his brothers as his 'best friends.' 

The three have even agreed on a 'triangular arrangement' for who gets to be best man at each other's weddings: Chris was Henry's best man at his wedding in August of last year, Henry will be the best man Jamie's at his upcoming wedding, and Jamie will be the best man at Chris' wedding... whenever that may be.

After all, Chris hasn't been as lucky as his brothers in finding The One  - despite his being tall (6ft4in) and athletic, running marathons and not even skipping workouts on vacation, plus gainfully employed in tech, as a senior analyst.

Henry, Jamie, and Chris (pictured from left to right) grew up together on Long Island, New York

Henry, Jamie, and Chris (pictured from left to right) grew up together on Long Island, New York

Only this year have all three gone back to living in the same city, with Chris' move to Denver in spring, joining Henry and Jamie in the Colorado capital

Only this year have all three gone back to living in the same city, with Chris' move to Denver in spring, joining Henry and Jamie in the Colorado capital

The brothers (pictured with their mom at Henry's August 2023 wedding) are 'best friends,' and even have a 'triangular arrangement' in place for who will be whose best man

The brothers (pictured with their mom at Henry's August 2023 wedding) are 'best friends,' and even have a 'triangular arrangement' in place for who will be whose best man

So what gives? His brothers insist he's an 'absolute' romantic who 'wears his heart on his sleeve.'

'He really does believe in love,' Henry emphasized.

And yet, for Chris, those endearing, open-hearted tendencies have sometimes been a double-edged sword, leading him to fall hard for those who haven't necessarily had his best interests at heart, his brothers describe.

'I think he tends to go from zero to 60 pretty quickly,' Jamie described of Chris' attitude toward fledging relationships.

There's also been countless instances of 'right person, wrong time,' said Jamie.

'I think love is a game of luck at the end of the day. And I think you just have to get lucky to find your soulmate… For him, I really believe that it's right around the corner,' Jamie added in earnest.

This recent urgency came about given Chris' high hopes for finding love in Denver after living for years in Florida - on top of 'a couple of less-than-stellar dating choices in the last couple of years,' said Henry.

In convincing Chris to join them in the Colorado capital, Henry and Jamie 'always talked all about how great the the people are here... It's just a really amazing pool of people here in Denver.'

Consequently, since his move, Chris' outlook has changed more to the tune of: '"Well, if I can't find [love] in Denver, then I'm just going to move to the wilderness and just live off the land"-type thing,' Henry described, adding that his twin is truly 'tired' of the dating game and really just wants to find the 'right person.' 

As for the brothers' motivation, Chris' questionable dating choices as of late ultimately spurred them to take things into their own hands.

'For us, it was, "Okay, if you're not doing a good job of deciding who you should be with, and maybe we can help kind of get you some better options,"' explained Henry.

In an email to, Jamie and Henry cheekily insisted of Chris' pledge to start anew 'off the grid, alone in nature' should he fail to find love: 'We can't let that happen! He's not even that good at camping.'

On June 19, Henry and Jamie - along with guidance from Henry's wife, who has a professional background in social media and TV production - made their first TikTok post under the handle @findchrislove.

'He's a really great guy,' Henry describes of Chris in voiceover. 'But, despite his best efforts, he's been particularly unlucky in the love department.'

They've launched a website dedicated to the cause:, through which interested dating prospects are invited to 'apply,' submitting their basic info alongside a little bit about themselves plus a selfie.

Henry described Chris as a 'great guy' who has been 'unlucky in the love department'

Henry described Chris as a 'great guy' who has been 'unlucky in the love department'

A website,, includes an application for interested romantic prospects

A website,, includes an application for interested romantic prospects

They brothers have even taken to the streets to distribute flyers advertising their cause

They brothers have even taken to the streets to distribute flyers advertising their cause

They went so far as to rent out a billboard emblazoned with images of their bachelor brother

They went so far as to rent out a billboard emblazoned with images of their bachelor brother

They've also created a profile for him on dating app The League (on which both of them found their current partners) - and even gotten the company on board to help in their efforts. 

And, as documented on TikTok, they've been diligently taking to the streets to pass out flyers and crowd-source feedback on his dating profile.

Their efforts have been paying off because, over the past few weeks, they've heard from close to 100 people.

Once they've culled down their top picks for Chris, the brothers plan to finally tell him what they've been up to - and ask him if he'd like to try out a date with the women they think could be a good match.

For his part, Chris is extremely extraverted, sociable, and really smart - not to mention 'really charming,' his brothers described. 

He loves EDM and going to music festivals. His favorite cuisine? Italian. And, without exception, his go-to order at an Italian restaurant is the chicken parm.

'At the end of the day, we genuinely really, really, really want to have like that triple date set up with a really good partner,' said Henry.

'And I really want to make sure that he finds the right person for himself, but also someone who brings out the best in him and someone who we really like,' he continued.

'I think that Chris is a total catch. So I don't think that's really an issue for us. It's more about just making sure that he gets in front of the right people.

'I mean, I'm biased, but I think Chris is an awesome guy.'

Once Henry and Jamie find him that perfect person for him, they'll let him 'take things from there.'