Swipe Up Your Life! Mel C reveals she is looking for love on Hinge as she swerves celeb dating apps following split from producer Joe Marshall

Mel C has revealed she has joined dating app Hinge following her split from her producer ex-boyfriend Joe Marshall.

The Spice Girl, 48, has swerved celebrity dating apps such as Raya in favour of signing up for the more humble Hinge.

Mel was previously in a seven-year relationship with Joe, but the former couple called it quits over the summer. 

If you wanna be my lover...: Mel C has revealed she has joined dating app Hinge following her split from her producer ex-boyfriend Joe Marshall

If you wanna be my lover...: Mel C has revealed she has joined dating app Hinge following her split from her producer ex-boyfriend Joe Marshall

Speaking on the Not My Bagg with Joe & George Baggs podcast, Mel revealed although she has joined, she isn't having much luck.

She told the hosts: ''What is it about Hinge? I'm single, and I'm having a little look around, it's slim pickings.

'There seem to be loads of hot girls but all the hot guys are gay.'

Elsewhere during the chat, Mel weighed in on pal David Beckham's deal with Qatar ahead of the World Cup later this year.

Moving on: Mel recently revealed she signed up for dating app Hinge following her split from her producer boyfriend Joe Marshall (pictured with Joe in 2014)

Moving on: The Spice Girl, 48, has swerved celebrity dating apps such as Raya in favour of signing up for the more humble Hinge (pictured with Joe in 2014)

Mel, who recently won the Honorary Gay gong at the Attitude Awards, admitted the decision didn't sit right because it is illegal to be homosexual in Qatar.

Mel's bandmate Victoria's husband has signed a seven-figure deal to be an ambassador for the event. 

She said: 'I'm an ally to the LGBTQ+ community so I'd feel very uncomfortable showing support for it.

'I under-stand people want to talk about sport being able to change culture, but when there's so much money involved, it's tricky.'

Awkward: Mel, who recently won the Honorary Gay gong at the Attitude Awards, admitted the decision didn't sit right because it is illegal to be homosexual in Qatar

Awkward: Mel, who recently won the Honorary Gay gong at the Attitude Awards, admitted the decision didn't sit right because it is illegal to be homosexual in Qatar

'It's difficult. David is a friend, and every-body has to make their own choices.'

Mel began dating Joe in 2015 - with the pair even living together in North London.

Following the split, it was claimed that the star is 'not afraid to be single', as busy schedules got in the way of her romance.

According to The Sun, a source explained that her free time is limited, with Mel hoping to spend any she does have with daughter Scarlet, who she shares with her property developer ex Thomas Starr. 

The source detailed: 'Mel has an incredibly busy career between her book deal, DJ-ing and other plans.

Long-term: Mel began dating the music producer in 2015 - with the pair even living together in North London

Long-term: Mel began dating the music producer in 2015 - with the pair even living together in North London

'The little free time she does have is devoted to her daughter Scarlett, and that doesn't leave much time for a relationship.'

They said the split was an amicable one, but added: 'Mel is not afraid to be single if she thinks it's for the best.'

MailOnline contacted representatives of Mel C for comment at the time.

Mel and Joe are known for keeping their relationship under the radar, despite living together - with the singer acting as a step-mum to his two daughters.

The songstress began dating the music executive in December 2015, and after their romance went from strength-to-strength she also made him her manager.

The brunette said of Joe in a 2016 interview with Closer: 'He challenges me but respects and loves me. I don't think I've ever been in a relationship where someone has got my back.'

Previously referencing her breakup with ex Thomas in 2012, Mel admitted that it was her daughter who provided the push to do it.

Talking on Radio 4's Desert Island Discs, the Wannabe hitmaker said: 'I make big decisions. Leaving her dad was hard but I wasn't happy and she wasn't happy, and it wasn't the environment I wanted my child to grow up in.' 

Busy: A source explained to The Sun: 'Mel has an incredibly busy career between her book deal, DJ-ing and other plans'

Busy: A source explained to The Sun: 'Mel has an incredibly busy career between her book deal, DJ-ing and other plans'

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