Autumn Statement



'I just hope people can find it in their hearts': Rishi Sunak begs voters for forgiveness over his D-Day blunder

11/06/24 02:04

10/06/24 20:03

Rishi Sunak declared he will 'keep cutting people's taxes' if he stays in power, with rumours of bold moves on national insurance and stamp duty.

25/05/24 01:12

The Labour leader doubled down on his plans to add VAT to independent school fees despite fears of an exodus of pupils into the state sector.

20/04/24 01:36

Mr Hunt has previously hinted there could be a further 'fiscal event' before voters go to the polls in an effort to underline the Conservatives ' tax-cutting credentials.

07/03/24 10:53

They squared off as Mr Rajan, who is also the presenter of University Challenge, pointed to evidence that the tax burden on Brits is still rising.

07/03/24 10:29

The grim picture on departmental spending was revealed in the OBR watchdog's report accompanying Jeremy Hunt 's pre-election package.

07/03/24 08:11

Jeremy Hunt slashed 2p off the headline rate for the second time in four months - a combined tax cut worth an average £900 a year to those in work.

06/03/24 17:16

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt condemned the post-war levy as 'double-taxation of work' as he pushed through another 2p cut to the rate in the Budget.

06/03/24 16:59

Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt announced this afternoon that the tax on beer, wine and spirits would not rise with inflation.

06/03/24 12:42

The Chancellor had already frozen tax on a pint until the summer as he moved to help hard-pressed pubs and drinkers in last year's Autumn Statement.

06/03/24 12:33

Laying out the Tory pitch to voters, the Chancellor insisted that he believes lower taxes are the way to boost growth.

21/02/24 22:12

In a blow to Tory MPs campaigning on the issue, the Chancellor has concluded tight public finances leave him unable to make meaningful changes to the tax.

21/02/24 07:52

The public sector was £16.7billion in the black in January, more than double a year ago and the largest surplus since comparable records began in 1993.

20/02/24 12:55

Andrew Bailey batted away concerns raised by Threadneedle Street's former chief economist Andy Haldane about delays in bringing rates down.

02/02/24 09:17

Rishi Sunak cited the surprise victory in the first test against India as he treated around 100 of his troops to dinner at a luxury hotel in Leicester Square.

01/02/24 17:17

Research by Redfield & Wilton Strategies suggested the Nigel Farage-founded party is picking up significant support in the crucial election battleground.

01/02/24 09:34

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt insisted he is determined to 'lighten' the burden ahead of the crucial package in March.

31/01/24 10:18

'We are not likely to have as much room for tax cuts as we had in the autumn,' the Chancellor told yesterday's Cabinet meeting.

25/01/24 21:00

Greencore says the imminent £1 rise to the Government-mandated wage for those aged 21 and over to £11.44 is a 'material' additional cost that will 'seep' into its prices.

22/01/24 08:14

Rishi Sunak conceded there are difficulties but played down mounting concerns that the planned expansion of free childcare faces delays.

21/01/24 22:51

Jeremy Hunt has pledged further tax cuts as it emerged that he is likely to have up to £10billion of headroom to fund them.

19/01/24 22:58

Rishi Sunak said there is 'more to come' in terms of tax cuts as he prepares to start drawing up their Budget next week he wants to slash taxes 'when we can responsibly do so.'

18/01/24 21:57

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Jeremy Hunt said tax cuts would be the 'direction of travel' as he sought to boost the economy.

07/01/24 12:38

The Prime Minister pledged both welfare reforms and 'discipline' on public spending as he looks to reward hardworking Britons with lower taxes.

07/01/24 02:05

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said it was his 'priority' to 'keep cutting people's taxes' as he drew a dividing line with Labour, but warned further cuts were not possible without 'restraint'.

05/01/24 13:46

A November 14 election date would mean a potentially awkward clash with the Commonwealth Heads of Government summit - CHOGM.

05/01/24 08:53

Rishi Sunak dramatically moved to kill speculation about a May election yesterday, saying his plan was to trigger a ballot in the 'second half of the year'.

04/01/24 10:55

The respected IFS think-tank has poured cold water on signals from both main parties that they will ease the burden on Brits.

28/12/23 01:39

The study by industry group UKinbound found the sum could be a conservative estimate as it does not include spending at hotels or other tourism-reliant businesses, such as taxi firms.

27/12/23 23:06

Slashing the death tax is among the leading options on the Chancellor's agenda as he puts together a March budget - which Rishi Sunak has said will signal a 'gear shift'.

19/12/23 00:00

You can tell the day of the Scottish Budget is looming by the ratcheting-up of SNP propaganda aimed at ducking the blame for financial turmoil. The spin isn't the smooth-running engine it once was.

15/12/23 10:53

Labour-run Bradford City and Cheshire East councils have become the latest to give notice they risk filing Section 114 notices - effectively going bankrupt - without financial help.

11/12/23 22:24

Jeremy Hunt could have more than £20billion extra headroom for tax cuts at next year's Budget as borrowing costs fall and wage growth boosts Treasury coffers.

07/12/23 12:46

The Scottish First Minister is due to meet with his top team for a second time this week in a rare move.

06/12/23 08:35

Research by More in Common has detected a four-point dip in Keir Starmer's advantage in a week - although the gap is still a commanding 12 points.

06/12/23 00:35

Nearly one in five council bosses fear that the local authorities they run will declare themselves bankrupt next year, following Nottingham (HQ pictured) and Birmingham councils.

05/12/23 21:43

In his first backbench intervention since resigning as defence secretary in August, Ben Wallace said 'now is the time to double down on our support'.

04/12/23 07:13

Nottingham City Council has become the seventh local authority to declare bankruptcy since 2018, but insiders tell MailOnline up to 30 more councils could follow suit over the next few years.

04/12/23 00:27

both the Prime Minister and the Labour leader declined to guarantee the triple lock's future when asked whether it would be included in their manifestos for the next election, due next year.

01/12/23 17:36

Brighton and Hove City Council leader Bella Sankey said the authority has a £31 million budget gap to meet for next year after the government's autumn statement fell 'disastrously short'.

01/12/23 01:34

Kevin Hollinrake said Cabinet colleagues would 'make our views known very strongly' to the Treasury as it reviews whether to reinstate tax-free shopping for overseas visitors.

30/11/23 08:35

Andrew Bailey was heavily criticised for comments earlier this week where he warned the economic outlook was among the worst he had ever seen.

29/11/23 00:14

With a couple of weeks to go until the SNP unveils a brutal Budget for Scotland's public services, Finance Secretary Shona Robison has been out with her roller - by getting her excuses in early.

28/11/23 11:31

Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey used an interview yesterday to bemoan potential growth being 'lower than it has been in much of my working life'.

27/11/23 16:59

Sir Keir Starmer's opposition has a 20-point lead, up from 19 a week ago, according to a survey at the weekend by Redfield & Wilton Strategy.

27/11/23 11:04

Rishi Sunak underlined the scale of the perks included in the Autumn Statement as he kicked off a major conference at Hampton Court.

27/11/23 10:20

The Chancellor recently revived Margaret Thatcher's 'tell Sid' campaign as he revealed plans to sell off state-owned shares in the bank to the public.

27/11/23 09:31

He used a TV interview to hit back at warnings from economists that his fiscal plans will result in painful and 'implausible' savings for already-squeezed departments and public services.

27/11/23 01:43

The Prime Minister is alleged to have agreed a four-point plan to deal tackle migration with Mrs Braverman, according to documents seen by the Telegraph.

25/11/23 17:04

MAIL ON SUNDAY EXCLUSIVE: Speaking to the Mail on Sunday, PM Rishi Sunak said: 'A vote for everyone who is not a Conservate is a vote to put Keir Starmer into office.'

25/11/23 00:30

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Despite the 2p cut to National Insurance, forecasts warn the tax millstone will still get heavier for several years.

24/11/23 22:56

Former Tory leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith (pictured) said: 'After this year we should tell Brussels 'that's your lot, we're not paying a penny more'.

24/11/23 08:36

YouGov research shows Conservative support bouncing by four points as voters digested the package laid out by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt.

24/11/23 00:48

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt chose not to restore VAT-free shopping for foreigners in Wednesday's Autumn Statement despite tourism bosses stating it would provide a boost for British firms.

24/11/23 00:40

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: In his Autumn Statement, Jeremy Hunt extolled the virtue of training home-grown workers to fill Britain's labour shortages.

23/11/23 23:05

IFS economists claimed Mr Hunt had 'pencilled in numbers that suggest he wants to try to wrestle the size of the state back down towards where it was in 2019' before the pandemic.

23/11/23 16:58

Figures from the Office for National Statistics show how just 11 per cent of the British population aged 16 and over smoked last year - compared to 45 per cent in 1974.

23/11/23 16:22

The ONS drastically increased its figure for the year to December 2022 up from 606,000 to 745,000. The rise of 139,000 is almost equivalent to the population of Cambridge .

23/11/23 15:50

The report by the Treasury's OBR watchdog accompanying the Autumn Statement laid bare quite how hemmed in the government has become.

23/11/23 15:39

A new online calculator can show you how much your energy bill will go up - as Ofgem announced that the average household energy bill will rise by £94 a year to £1,931 from January. 

23/11/23 13:07

The respected Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) highlighted the eye-watering squeeze in prospect in its verdict on the package.

23/11/23 10:20

The Chancellor cut National Insurance and made changes to tax and pensions in moves that will affect millions - and you can use our calculator to find out if you will really be better off.

23/11/23 09:37

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt sparked laughter in the Commons yesterday when he kicked off his crucial fiscal package with a tribute to Lucia.

23/11/23 09:34

The ONS drastically increased its figure for the year to December up from 606,000 to 745,000, a rise of 139,000, almost the same as the population of Cambridge .

23/11/23 07:48

Touring broadcast studios in the wake of his dramatic package, the Chancellor said he is ready to wield the axe again if it can be done 'responsibly'.

23/11/23 07:07

Ofgem's energy price cap will increase by 5% from the current £1,834 to £1,928 from January 1 for a typical dual fuel household in England, Wales and Scotland.

23/11/23 00:27

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Jeremy Hunt has unleashed an Autumn Statement crammed with practical measures to help the strivers and businesses the Tories have traditionally championed

23/11/23 00:04

Ofgem will announce its latest price cap today with experts predicting it will jump from the current £1,834 for a typical dual fuel household to £1,931 to take effect from January 1.

22/11/23 17:15

The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) also said that prices would fall by 4.7 per cent next year, after a modest increase of 0.9 per cent this year.

22/11/23 16:21

The Office for Budget Responsibility gave the estimate in its report alongside the Chancellor's Autumn Statement.

22/11/23 16:17

The Chancellor used his Autumn Statement to announce he would 'explore options' for a retail offer as the Government looks to fully offload its stake in the bank by 2026.

22/11/23 15:59

The Office for Budget Responsibility highlighted the scale of the squeeze in documents accompanying the Autumn Statement.

22/11/23 15:57

Millions of Brits have been affected by today's Autumn Statement - and now you can use our online calculator to find out how your finances will change as a result.

22/11/23 15:34

The Labour shadow chancellor, responding to Mr Hunt's Autumn Statement , said taxes would be higher at the next general election than they were at the last one.

22/11/23 15:01

In a crucial Autumn Statement, Jeremy Hunt drew battle lines for a long election struggle by starting to reduce the eye-watering burden on businesses and families.

22/11/23 14:08

Despite inflation falling to 4.6 per cent last week, Britons across the UK are still struggling with high energy bills and soaring costs in many areas of their finances.

22/11/23 13:48

Jeremy Hunt said that people still unemployed after 18 months despite help will have to do 'a mandatory work placement to increase their 'employability' in Autumn Statement.

22/11/23 13:36

Announcing his latest financial package to the House of Commons, the Chancellor told MPs he would massively increase the duty on hand-rolling tobacco.

22/11/23 12:49

Jeremy Hunt today froze tax on a pint until next summer as he moved to help hrd-pressed pubs and drinkers.

22/11/23 12:36

In a crucial Autumn Statement, Jeremy Hunt is drawing battle lines for a long election struggle by starting to reduce the eye-watering burden on businesses and families.


